Micfil For Power Plant

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Providing substantial cost savings as the fuel

become super clean and the oil stay clean:

1. Prolonged injector and fuel pump lifetime.
2. Significantly prolonged lube oil engine
3. Save 3%-5% spesicfic fuel consumption
Important information, must read !
MICFIL vs Standard Filter vs Separator/Purifier/Centrifugal
Standard Filter
No Comparison Micfil Separator/Purifer
Technical Aspect
1. Type In Depth Filter Surface Filtration Disc Stack Centrifugal

2. Material Cellulose Fiber Polyester Fiber Metal

3. Hook on material to capture particles Billions hooks None None

4. Size Filtration 0.5 micron 10-30 Micron Not Avaiable

Yes, absorb water (material
5. Water Separation No Yes, removal
Yes, it is only offline
6. Offline Filtration (not effect existing system) Yes, it can use for offline No
Same element, easy for
7. Spares for fuel and oil Different element Different parts
8. Possibility Loss of Oil No No Possible

9. Possibility Loss of Fuel No No Possible

up to millions liter per hour
10. Filtering Volume Limited Limited
Performance and quality Aspect
1. Operationcal Cost (scale 1-100) 20 100 100
Cleanliness Output, Fuel or Oil (scale 1-
2. 100 5 5
Cleanliness match to equipment
3. 100 10 5
requirement, Fuel or Oil (scale 1-100)
100, after Micfil it will 100% 3, can not blended 2, can not blended
4. Biodiesel Blending Capability (scale 1-100)
blended the biodiesel the biodiesel
5. Bacteria Capturing Capability (scale 1-100) 100 5 5

6. Injector and fuel pump lifetime at least 3x from normal Normal Normal
at least 3-5% lower from
7. Specific Fuel Consumption Normal Normal
Oil lifetime (engine oil, hydraulic, gear box at least 4x longer from
8. Normal Normal
oil) normal
Emission Particulate at exhaust (scale 1-
9. 20 100 100

MICFIL vs Standard Filter vs Separator/Purifier/Centrifugal
Standard Filter
No Comparison Micfil Separator/Purifer
Taken +/- 50cm Taken +/- 50cm
Taken from lowest point of
above lowest point, a above lowest point, a
the tank, no more sludge
lot of sludge in the lot of sludge in the
10. Filtering Point (water and bacteria) forever.
tank and must tank and must
No need to clean the tank, it
perform cleaning perform cleaning
self cleaning system.
periodically periodically
11. Power Consumption (scale 1-100) 10 10 100
Yes, customer can ask for
12. Cleanliness as per requested by customer Not possible, as it is Not possible, as it is
cleanliness target
13. Quality standard Made in German ONLY Many OEM Many OEM

Operational Aspect
1. Operation Easy Easy Need special skill

2. Maintenance Easy Easy Need special skill

3. Waste Handling Easy Easy Need special handling

Construction Aspect
1. Construction Cost Cheap Cheap Expensive

2. Space needed Small Small Large

3. Installation (mechanical and electrical) Simple Simple More complex

4. Expansion for future Easy Easy Very not easy

5. Relocation Easy Easy Very not easy

6. Weight for same filtration size (scale 1-100) 10 10 100

Number of
reduction in
Biodiesel B30 per
Micfil for GENSET – PLTD or PLTMG

Max Capacity: 230.400 Liters/Hour

Biodiesel problem when use the Separator.
The specific gravity (SG) of FAME Biodiesel is
greater than that of Diesel (B0).

FAME is mostly wasted by the Separator as waste.

This increases the specific fuel consumption for the


Engine performance will decrease due to too

much contamination in the combustion chamber.
Biodiesel is taken from the lowest point of the storage tank,
then to Micfil, then recirculated back to the tank so that the
remaining water and bacteria are recaptured.

Usually the circulation is 2 hours per day, depending on fuel


The tank will stay clean forever, as long as Micfil operates

regularly. No more spending money on cleaning the tank.
Micfil for Diesel or Dual Fuel Power Plant, PLTD or PLTMG
Micfil for Diesel or Dual Fuel Power Plant, PLTD or PLTMG
Super clean fuel result by MICFIL:
1. Increase engine performance
2. Save fuel consumption by 3-5%
3. Save filter cost by at least 50%
4. Save injector and fuel pump cost by at
least 50%
The same Micfil can be use for Engine Oil !

Jenbacher Gas

Before: every 2000

hours must replace
After using Micfil :
more than 8000
hours oil still in good

Cost oil and filter

for 8000 hours:

Before = Rp

After Micfil = Rp

Cost reduction
82.5%, include cost
for Micfil
Save your oil cost significantly by maintain
the cleanliness that cause by the fuel !
Existing oil filters are usually 10-30 Micron. This filter cannot
capture fine contaminants resulting from combustion.

These contaminants will stay in the oil. Oil additives will try to
neutralize them to maintain oil quality.

Because the volume of oil in the engine remains constant,

the amount of additives remains constant, while
contamination comes at any time during engine operation.

After some time, the additives get 'tired' and eventually the
oil loses its lubricating ability, this is harmful to the engine.

Micfil can capture all the fine contaminants in the oil, at any
time during engine operation, so almost no contaminants will
remain in the oil for long.

The oil additives will remain 'healthy' because there is

nothing to fight against and eventually the oil life will last
longer than usual.

It can be 4x, 10x or in some cases no need for a new oil


This is how Micfil works to save you money!

Menghemat biaya oli Anda secara signifikan
dengan menjaga kebersihan oli !

Filter oli yang ada biasanya 10-30 Micron. Filter ini tidak
dapat menangkap kontaminan halus yang dihasilkan dari

Kontaminan ini akan tinggal lama di dalam oli. Aditif oli akan
mencoba menetralkannya untuk menjaga kualitas oli tetap

Karena volume oli di mesin adalah tetap, maka jumlah

aditifnya pun tetap, sementara kontaminasi datang setiap
saat selama mesin beroperasi.

Setelah beberapa waktu, aditif akan 'lelah' dan akhirnya oli

kehilangan kemampuan pelumasannya, ini berbahaya bagi

Micfil dapat menangkap semua kontaminan halus dalam

oli, setiap saat selama mesin beroperasi, sehingga hampir
tidak ada kontaminan yang akan tinggal lama di oli.

Aditif oli akan tetap 'sehat' karena tidak ada yang perlu
dilawan dan akhirnya umur oli akan bertahan lebih lama
dari biasanya.

Oli yang sama dapat lebih lama umurnya, 4x atau 10x atau
dalam beberapa kasus malah tidak perlu ganti oli baru.

Beginilah cara Micfil bekerja untuk menghemat uang Anda!

The same Micfil can be use for Turbine Oil !

Micfil keep turbine oil

free from varnish.

Varnish flakes is 0.8

Micron, standard filter
usually 10 Micron.

Micfil is 0.5 Micron

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