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Ch-1(His), Nationalism in Europe

TIME- LINE. (G.S Classes)

1789 The French Revolution occurred

1804" Nepolean became King of


Napoleonic Civil Code was


1821 Greek struggle for independence


1832* Treaty of Constantinople (recognise

Greece as independent nation from
Ottoman Empire)

1848* Revolutions in Europe

1859-1870" Unification of Italy

1866- 1871* Unification of Germany

1905 Slav Nationalism gathers force in

the Habsburg and Ottoman

1914* First World War begin

* More Important

Important Personalities:
Fredric Sorrieu - Portrayer of Eutopia.

Napoleon - King of France.

Giuseppe Mazzini - Founder of Young Italy movement.

Meetternich - chancellor of Austria. (G.S Classes)

Johannn Gotfrried Herder - German philosopher who encouraged

Romantics to create nation feeling.

Grimm brothers - Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, collected the folk tales and
published it.

Otto van Bismark - the chief minister of Prussia, known as architect of Italy

William I - King of Prussia, become emperor of unified Germany

Cavour-Chief minister of Italy, who led the movement to unify the Italy

Victor Emmanuel - King of unified Italy

Points to know

ABSOLUTIST: A form of the government centralised monarchial

government had not any limit to exercise its power.

UTOPIA: A imaginary state with universal brotherhood that is never going

to be true.

PLEBISCITE: A public related important issue is directly voted by its citizen.

ALLEGORY: It's a illustration or expression of ideas, generally manifests by

the things or person. Zollverein To remove trade barrier in Prussia, it is
formed in 1034.

DAS VOLK: Common People in Germany

CARBONARI: A secret society of Italy. (G.S Classes)

Young Italy: A secret society founded by Mazzini at Marselles for
organize revolutionary activities.

Nation-state: A state having a common and contiguous boundary with

inhabitants/people sharing common language, race and religion. Majority
of its citizens develop a sense of common identity and share a common
history ruled by a strong government.

Liberalism: Derived from the Latin word 'liber' meaning free. The idea of
liberalism stands for freedom of individual and equality of all before law.
Politically it refers to representative government.

Conservatism: A spirit or philosophy which believes in maintaining and

preserving traditional values and institutions. It prefers gradual change to
quick and drastic change.

Romanticism: A cultural movement which aimed at developing a

particular form of national sentiment and promote a feeling of collective
heritage as the basis of nation.

Ch-2(His), Nationalism in India

Pandit Motilal Nehru - A very famous layer of India who drafted the constitution of
India in 1928 which was known as Nehru Report. He also played an important role in the
formation of Swaraj Party in 1922.

Ravindra Nath Tagore - He wrote the national anthem of India (Jan - Gan - Man) and
collected the folklores, myths and ballads of India to revive Indian Culture.

Baba Ramchandra - He was the leader of the peasant movement in Owadh.

GD Birla - An eminent industrialist who along with Purushottam Das Thakurdas

founded FICCI.

Avanindra Nath Tagore - One of the greatest painters of India who painted Bharat
Mata for the first time. (G.S Classes)
Bankim Chnadra Chatterji - The author of Anandmath who wrote Vande Matram
and used the word Bharat Mata for the first time.

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar - The founder of Distressed Class Association, a prominent

lawyer who later on drafted Indian Constitution.

Alluri Sitaram Raju - A tribal leader who led the militant guerrilla movment in the
Gudem Hills of Andhra Pradesh.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah - prominent leader of Muslim League, demanded separate

Nation for Muslims or Partition of India in two countries.

Abdul Gaffar Khan - Popularly known as Frontier Gandhi and a great companion of
Mahatma Gandhi in the Civil Disobedience Movement.

Mahatma Gandhi - was an Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist and political ethicist
who employed nonviolent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India's
independence from British rule; wrote "Hindi Swaraj(Indian Home Rule)" in 1909

Points to know

Nationalism: Notion towards nation; the desire of a group of people who

share the same race, culture, language, etc. to form an independent country;
a feeling of love or pride for your own country; a feeling that your country is
better than any other

Forced recruitment: people were forced to join Army and fight war on
behalf of colonial rule(British Govt.).

Begar: forced labour from people to work free without any payment.

Satyagraha: Request for truth; a non-violence method for agitation.

Gandhiji used it as a weapon against British empire.

Picketing: Blockage of the door to preventing the use of shop or factories

by workers or peoples. (G.S Classes)
Gudem Rebel: A Guerrilla warfare took place in Andhra Pradesh against
British empire to achieve swaraj.

Separate Electorates: It is a system in which the members of a

particular social group will elect its own separate representative to the
legislature. The other people of the area will elect another representative.

Swaraj: It is a system in which the real political powers are in the hands of
the elected representatives of the people. At the same time, India will
continue to be a part of the British Empire. It is similar to the Dominion

Poorna Swaraj: It means complete freedom. India will cut all relations with
the British and become a sovereign democratic republic.

1915 Gandhiji returnd to India , from South
1917 Champaran Satyagraha(in support of
plantation workers of Champaran,

Kheda Satyagraha (in support of

peasant of Kheda district, Gujarat)

1918 Ahmedabad Satyagraha (in support of cotton

mill workers)

April, 1919 The Rowalatt Act ;

Jalianwla Bagh Massacre, Amritsar

January, 1921 The Non-Cooperation movement


Khilafat movement launched

1922 Chauri-Chaura incident

Withdrawal of Non-Cooperation
(G.S Classes) movement by Gandhi

1928 Simon Commission came to India

December, 1929 Lahore Congress Session (Congress adopts

the demand for 'Purna Swaraj' in this session)

1930 Ambedkar establishes the Depressed Classes


March 1930 Civil Disobedience Movement started (by

Gandhiji by breaking of Salt law at Dandi)

March 1931 Gandhiji ends the Civil Disobedience


Dec. 1931 2nd round table conference

1932 Civil Disobedience relaunched

Print Culture and The Modern World

Terminology :
Protestant Reformation movement - A movement of protest
against the corrupt practices of the Catholic Church. The
movement was led by Martin Luther, a German monk

Manuscripts: Book or document written by hand; authors original

copy hand written or typed, not printed.

Calligraphy: Decorative writing; Art of writing beautifully using fine

pen ink, etc.

Anthology: Collection of passages from literature, especially

poetry and song. (G.S Classes)
Chapbooks- Cheap pocket size books available at roadside shops
of books.

Vellium: A parchment(lather paper) made form the skin of


Ballad: A historical account of folk tale in verse usually sung or


Almanac: An annual publication giving astronomical data,

information about the movements of the sun and moon, timing of
full tides and eclipses, and much else that was of importance in
the everyday life of the people.
Galley: Metal frame in which types are laid and the text composed.

Vernacular Language-Language or dialect of the country;

language spoken by a particular clan or group of people

Satiety: The state of being fulfilled much beyond the point of

satisfaction. (G.S Classes)
Seditious: Action, speech of writing that is seen as opposing the

Biliotheque Bleue: These are low priced small books printed in

France. These were printed on poor quality paper and bound in
cheap blue covers.

Despotism - A system of governance in which absolute power is

exercised by an individual, there is no legal and constitutional
regulations on its power.

Ulemas: Legal scholars of Islam.

Fatwa: A legal pronouncement on Islamic law usually given by a

mufti (legal scholar) to clarify issues on which the law is uncertain

Important Personalities:
Marcopolo- traveller of Italy, brought print technology.

Jotiba phule- social reformer or thinker, who raised voiced

against caste system.
James augustus hickey- edited Bengal Gazzete, critised the east
India company. (G.S Classes)
Guntenberg-invented printing press in Germany, printed bible

Bal gangadhar Tilak - prominent nationalist, published Maratha,


Important Dates.
594 - Books in china were printed by rubber paper.

868 - Buddhist Diamond Sutra was printed

1436- First printing machine invented by Johannes Gutenberg.

1448 -Gutenberg published "Bible".

1556 - The first printing press was setup by Portuguese in India at


1780 -James Augustus Hickey began to edit the "Bengal Gazette".

1821- "Sambad Kaumudi".was published by Raja Ram Mohan

1878 - "Varnacular Press Act" was passed.

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