The Probhlem of My Area

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Assignment Name: A social problem in my area.

Submitted To:
Name: Samiha Khan
Designation: Lecturer in Bangladesh Studies
Dept.: General Educational Development
University: Daffodil International University

Submitted by:
Student's Name: MD. Sahriar Ibna Rishad
DIU ID: 212-15-4089
Section: PC-B
A social problem of my area

Urbanization is a big problem in my area. As a result of this

urbanization, our playgrounds are declining. Even 5-6 years ago, in
most parts of Bangladesh, the playgrounds used to be crowded in
the afternoon, the atmosphere at that time was different. Everyone
got along well with everyone. But with the advent of technology,
the children of the present generation do not go to the field and
spend all day on social sites (Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube) and
games on their mobile, PC/Laptops. As a result, their physical
health, as well as mental health, is being harmed. And there is
human degradation. They are aware of many illegal activities at an
early age and many of them are once stepping into the world of
crime. Even their social relationships are deteriorating, they can't
get along well with anyone. They are like themselves, which at one
time caused them mental problems.
In this age of urbanization, there is no place for sports in most
places. Many parents can't send their children to play even if they
want to. Meanwhile, there are several playgrounds in our area.
Every day many teenagers and children come to play in these
fields. There are many kinds of sports, cricket, football, badminton
and so on.
But recently there are plans to build big buildings in these fields. In
the opinion of those who are doing building construction, "What is
the benefit of leaving so much space alone? Let there be a better
building than this, people can live there, rent is also available."
But they never thought that if the playgrounds were filled with
buildings, many children in the area not be able to play in the
Because of which once they being forced to stay at home and will
become addicted to mobile, Facebook, games. When we play
sports, Our body and mind stay healthy. Physical ability increases.
The mind is also fresh as a result of sports. Sports help in
socialization. On the other hand, if we do Facebook or watch a
movie or play a game sitting at home without playing on the field, it
has a negative effect on the brain. The mood becomes irritable.
Different physical problems can also occur.
So, this shows how important sports are in human life. But that
opportunity is being taken away from us. Many children and
teenagers are not getting the field for sports. Meanwhile, those
who have some opportunities that are also being taken away. With
so much urbanization, people's livelihood or other amenities may
be increased a bit, but who will take the responsibility for the
extreme damage being done to the future, the birth of a sick
Only our government can solve this problem. If there is an official
rule, that the building cannot be erected at any place. And no
more than a certain number of buildings can be erected in a certain
Although I do not know how accurate this solution is, an awareness
meeting could be organized in the area about the damage being
done to the people as a result of over-urbanization.

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