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Airline Reservation System

Introduction to Software Development

Airline Reservation System

Project Advisor

<Prof. Awais Shaukat>

Submitted by:
Group ID:0008

Student Reg#: L1S22BSCS0070 Student Name: Ahmed Mustafa

Faculty of Information Technology

University of Central Punjab

Airline Reservation System

Version <Phase#1 Documentation>

<Airline Reservation System>

Advisor: <Prof. Awais Shaukaht>

Group <0008>

Member Primary Contribution RollNo Serial # Sign

Name Responsibility %
Ahmed 20% L1S22BSCS007 0070 Ahmed
Mustafa 0
Muhammad 20% L1S22BSCS006 0061 Abdullah
Abdullah 1
Khawaja 20% L1S22BSCS007 0076 Aman
Aman Ali 6
Abdullah 20% L1S22BSCS018 0188 Abdullah
Manzoor 8
Muhammad 20% L1S22BSCS0 0148 Reyan

Faculty of Information Technology

University of Central Punjab

Airline Reservation System

Table of Contents (Phase-1)

Table of Contents..........................................................................................................................iii

1. Introduction and Background................................................................................................1

1.1 Product (Problem Statement)...........................................................................................1

1.2 Background......................................................................................................................1

1.3 Scope................................................................................................................................1

1.4 Objective(s)/Aim(s)/Target(s)..........................................................................................1

1.5 Challenges........................................................................................................................1

1.6 Learning Outcomes..........................................................................................................1

1.7 Nature of End Product.....................................................................................................1

1.8 Completeness Criteria......................................................................................................1

1.9 Business Goals.................................................................................................................1

1.10 Related Work/ Literature Survey/ Literature Review......................................................1

1.11 Document Conventions....................................................................................................1

2. Overall Description..................................................................................................................2

2.1 Product Features...............................................................................................................2

2.2 User Classes and Characteristics.....................................................................................2

Faculty of Information Technology

University of Central Punjab

Airline Reservation System

2.3 Operating Environment....................................................................................................2

2.4 Design and Implementation Constraints..........................................................................2

2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies......................................................................................2

3. Project Management................................................................................................................3

3.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).................................................................................3

3.2 Develop an Activity Graph..............................................................................................3

3.3 Find the Critical Path.......................................................................................................3

3.4 Create a Gantt chart.........................................................................................................3

Faculty of Information Technology

University of Central Punjab

Airline Reservation System

1. Introduction and Background

1.1 Product (Problem Statement)
The Airline Reservation System is designed to automate the process of
booking airline tickets, managing flight schedules, and tracking passenger
information. The system aims to streamline operations for both customers
and airline staff, ensuring efficient and accurate reservation management.

1.2 Background
The traditional method of booking airline tickets involves manual processes
that are time-consuming and prone to errors. With the advent of digital
systems, there is a need for a robust and user-friendly platform that can
handle large volumes of transactions and provide real-time updates to users.

1.3 Scope
The system will cover functionalities such as flight search, ticket booking,
cancellation, passenger information management, and payment processing.
It will be accessible via web and mobile platforms, catering to both
individual travelers and travel agencies.

1.4 Objective(s)/Aim(s)/Target(s)
To develop an intuitive and reliable system for booking airline tickets.

To reduce the time and effort required for managing flight


To enhance the customer experience by providing seamless and real-

time services.

To ensure data accuracy and security in all transactions.

1.5 Challenges
Integrating with multiple airlines and their respective databases.

Faculty of Information Technology

University of Central Punjab

Airline Reservation System

Ensuring real-time updates and synchronization across platforms.

Handling high traffic volumes during peak booking periods.

Maintaining data security and protecting user privacy.

1.6 Learning Outcomes

Understanding the architecture and design of a complex reservation

Gaining experience in integrating third-party APIs and services.

Enhancing skills in database management and user interface design.

Learning to manage and mitigate challenges related to data security

and system scalability.

1.7 Nature of End Product

The end product will be a fully functional Airline Reservation System that
allows users to search for flights, book tickets, manage bookings, make
payments and, earn bonus miles. It will provide an administrative interface
for airline staff to manage flight schedules, upgradation and passenger

1.8 Completeness Criteria

The system will be considered complete when it successfully passes all
functional and non-functional requirements, including user acceptance
testing, and is deployed for use by customers and airline staff.
Criterion Weightage
Requirement Analysis 15%
System Architecture 20%
Implementation 15%
User Acceptance Testing (UAT) 15%
Integration with Existing 15%
Deployment 10%
Documentation 10%

Faculty of Information Technology

University of Central Punjab

Airline Reservation System

1.9 Business Goals

Increase ticket sales through a user-friendly and accessible booking

Improve operational efficiency and reduce manual workload for

airline staff.

Enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty through a seamless booking


Expand market reach by offering services on multiple platforms.

Design a system that can scale with airline growth.

Increase revenue through efficient booking processes and customer


` 1.10 Related Work/ Literature Survey/ Literature Review

Existing research on airline reservation systems highlights the importance of
integration and customer-centric design. Studies emphasize the need for
secure, efficient, and user-friendly systems to enhance operational efficiency
and customer satisfaction. Our proposed system aims to address these
challenges, incorporating best practices and innovative solutions.

Related Systems:

Sabre: Comprehensive airline reservation system with global reach.


Amadeus: Integrated platform for airline reservations, ticketing, and

customer management.


Travelport: Advanced technology solutions for airline bookings and

customer engagement.
Faculty of Information Technology

University of Central Punjab

Airline Reservation System


1.11 Document Conventions

Headings and Titles: Important headings and titles are presented in
bold for clarity.

Italics: Italics are used for emphasis and technical terms.

Hyperlinks: Hyperlinks are embedded for direct access to external

sources and references.

Bullet Points: Bulleted lists are used for concise and organized
presentation of information.

2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Features
The following are the main characteristics of the Airline Management
Flying management includes planning, modifying, and terminating flights.
Booking management:
Making reservations, changing, and canceling traveler tickets.
Customer management includes keeping track of and overseeing traveler
profiles and information.
Boarding and Check-In:
Boarding passes are generated online.
Tracking and organizing passenger baggage is known as baggage handling.
Processing payments:
Taking care of payments, giving refunds, and producing invoices.
Analytics and Reporting:
Producing a range of financial and operational reports.
Notification System:
Notifying employees and passengers of impending events.
2.2 User Classes and Characteristics

Faculty of Information Technology

University of Central Punjab

Airline Reservation System

Frequency of Use:
Occasionally, typically when booking or managing a flight.
Technical Expertise:
General public; varying levels of computer literacy.
Security Level:
Low; limited to personal booking and check-in.
Airline Staff:
Frequency of Use: Daily.
Technical Expertise:
Moderate to high; trained to use airline systems.
Security Level:
High; access to flight schedules, passenger information, and payment
Frequency of Use: Daily.
Technical Expertise:
High; responsible for system maintenance and updates.
Security Level:
Very high; access to all system functions and data.
Regulatory Authorities:
Frequency of Use: Occasionally.
Technical Expertise:
Moderate; may require data for audits and compliance checks.
Security Level:
High; access to regulatory compliance data.
2.3 Operating Environment
Hardware Platform:
Conventional workstation and server hardware.
Operating systems:
Linux distributions (Ubuntu, CentOS), Windows Server.
Software components include an application server, a database (PostgreSQL
or MySQL), and a web server (Apache, Nginx).

Additional Applications:

Faculty of Information Technology

University of Central Punjab

Airline Reservation System

Email server, SMS gateway, and payment gateway integration.

2.4 Design and Implementation Constraints
Rules and Regulations:
Must abide with rules pertaining to data privacy and aviation (e.g., GDPR).
Hardware Restrictions:
Assure maximum efficiency within designated hardware parameters.
Interfaces to Other Applications:
Easily integrated with outside notification and payment providers.
Particular Technologies:
Utilization of particular programming languages (Python, Java), secure
communication protocols (HTTPS, SSL/TLS).
Security considerations:
Putting strong authorization and authentication systems in place.
Design conventions:
Adhere to industry standards for UI design and software development.
2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies
Dependency on outside payment gateways and SMS/email services are examples
of third-party components.
Operating Environment:
Requires a hardware/software environment that is compatible and a steady
internet connection.
Regulatory Compliance:
Throughout the project lifecycle, it is assumed that there won't be any
material modifications to data protection and aviation laws.
Reusable Components:
When appropriate, make use of pre-existing frameworks and libraries.
Project Requirements:
Relies on the prompt delivery of hardware and outside services.
This ought to offer a thorough and understandable synopsis of the Airline
Management System for the SRS document.

Faculty of Information Technology

University of Central Punjab

Airline Reservation System

3. Project management:
1.Airline Reservation System (C# and MS SQL Server):

o The Airline Reservation System is an online application built using

Windows Forms, C#, and MS SQL Server. It allows users to book
airline tickets and manage reservations.
2. Flight Management System (MERN Stack):
o The Flight Management System is a project using the MERN
(MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) stack. It includes an admin
panel with specified permissions for database access and a customer
panel for booking tickets and managing reservations.
3. Airline Management System (Java and MySQL):
o An Airline Management System built using Java and MySQL. It
facilitates ticket booking, flight management, and other related
4. Development of Airline Management Software Using RAD Model:
o A case study focusing on the development of an Airline
Management System (AMS) using the Rapid Application
Development (RAD) model. RAD emphasizes iterative development,
prototyping, and user feedback to quickly deliver a functional system.
5. Project Management for Aviation Managers:
o This guide applies to airline start-ups, air taxi start-ups, and
existing aviation companies. Project management skills are essential
for all aviation managers.

Work Breakdown Structure:

Airline Management

Faculty of Information Technology

University of Central Punjab

Airline Reservation System

Flying Booking Boarding and Notification

Management: Payment
Management: Check-In System

Planning reservations, Generating N upcoming events
generating invoices
modifying canceling traveler boarding passes

changing bookings managing financial communication
terminating flights baggage handling

Activity Diagram

Faculty of Information Technology

University of Central Punjab

Airline Reservation System

Faculty of Information Technology

University of Central Punjab

Airline Reservation System

Faculty of Information Technology

University of Central Punjab

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