Theology Handouts

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AlaDanE Htlls vtilage Alabang, Muntinlupa City F{$ffi $fr r4ffi t ffiffip&ffi?

ffi ffirsT ffi H


-Thtrt irxqll thlrlss Sod rfieu b frlclpifisd*

Theaioqy iIi
F{-}t.lN $.\' il 1ff N ztt- f}i* f N {--[ f'{. Ei *?#Fq 5 gf{N{i #Fi [,i gifl cAT*i#l,tr{_l'f'riAc: F ' i r sP r l r r c i p i q t

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{-;OD' S I)0 h'11tr *\ flN r\ fi D Li ( IhdA i\ Sl-t..t Rt.)Sf.t I i'} \&/,,\ (lod is the{.lreiltcr 3 anclhr-rrtrirn trh*ircrealir:n {-lrtl tri !}*ison!{'}\\rfl n Iiurnanlit-eis a y,i{i,a siicreri irr:ill. tr l-lunian persi)ns h:lr,e riptrttr tlt* tt.ttri1'th*gitt o1'']iit,i:Lt!a rightt* doiriinionrrverlif"e a f n }:hrnran re,sporr:iibility liit is *ric:oi'stcwarclsl:11,-, tirr noto\vnership. Seco11_c!Jl:itrsrpIe

T'{-lti AN{.r'f t'IY 0{i' t,i}rL: s

ffi pers{-}rl rvorth ar:d rJignitv heciilrgerhe irr he is niacjein the inrage of-{-ioii har ffi |he va.lrre iincldignitv,.rf hun;arrlif'eregu]ts* i cl v liom Gcrci' cleal i ng ;iild sirsl.a ng s ini ii-ve Trvc cilrligittions l'lqlr,r' trour rhe $ant-tit1' ol'l,iti: pr rit*irlr":. '1'he ffi obligation to*ancirLil;1rr:rt 1ii't: ffi The obtigation not lii liaml or ticsrrLrv lifi:

q. -l hii-rl.Fiiri.p-r,lt
'f I'iL pt{Oi :l[I] lT'I til\ Aft A i ir.b'1' I l .l, i i.i{,i K ffi [{rintan hrvr iri lilb nrif it i}orsr]i1s an cl:li;:aiitln ilr{ittrct aririan ot:iigir.ticn to clestto.n "f w The i.lorlrlnncirnetrf iiu sh;:tlnrt iiill" rloeg Fr"chibit i;illing bu1only tillor,i,'s tbr *---t all it the iri'<ttectiorr *f"tlte 1:cis*n irndiir* s:cim]-nilnit), 'I'ire(lommanriln*iti w tile bv arbitrarv iaking tririlkjcts i;onds,ilfi1ccintlntLlnitt' pr*hibiting il-re of lil'ebv an irtrJii'idual


W Killing is tlitv ittientioniil flcli{,xr trmissi*nbringingftb*utthe deathc{"auother. or ffi ,{lltlwing1odic rs u'itlih*l<iinq rvititc{lirr,",ing or or,,er*buldensrlme iir tirtile trcatmelrt

lVe are rril nlartein the int;rH*nu*i ii}<*ness ilqr*t. +f tlrl the iastdarv creaticxt, of "1,-*t fi*cl saici" (Genesis lrs,mirk* rrran cur"imlg*.'iu {rur}i}ceness" in 1 26J "T'h* {iatlrolio{:irr.lrch alw,iil's has ci:ncii:n-rned"ficn fi qr*ve evii. " as

the lirst lltr1lll$fito1'his existerce., lrrirnaul 'ing mustbe rec.ognized havirrg lightsof a a as the ." person {1ltotl$ tvhishit the irrrrir:labl* i'irt, ,i ev*r-yi11111;11rt tt iif"e. treing 'l {w"e i t'ttpttt'tttn { i cd',v Snttytrne rr u.:r.t I .fi
1 Stewardship

c,tt:727A lluman must i'especterj pr*terte(i lijb be a:rci absr:lutelv ftarnthelmourent o{'conception. Freinr


7 . {.ommarrdments 'T'he gre;,itest i':om ;rndm enl.s m a. LOVF. Gill) h. L0vE$NI Ai!CI] Htiti

/.,ht'rnosiirnport,utlt'thfrt'httt.y0,t'tt'.:|.|1?*{tsi.ykshe'ctllltt:s;e'rsonallyinvtllvecI't/nless ,/ ruttlringu,ill chcurye. * Ry resp*r:tingall huinanliiir fi'orn corrception n;ituraldeatli. to * Write lettersto governnrenr ofhcials * Be a resporrsible. faithlui c,itizelr. + Vote r,r.'hen areol'ageaticivote a.ocorcliug the teachings vou to o1'oLu'{i,rithl {' Prily as if everythingt y(turprayers. it.iLrst depends upein lbr mieht be so Lnpoftanl T'ernrs reriembcr to Abortiom-'l'hedeliberate ejectiofiol'ilorr-'.,iable fetus fi'oni t.heinother'swomh. It is strictlyprahibited b1'tire5'r'corrrmanclrrrent killing of theinntlcenf asthe hurnarr being. 7. Euthanasia- Tlie principl* that dircrci killing oi'th* innocent alu,ays is wrorlg, this act is llandicappecl the terurinall_v . doingawayrvith and ill

Suicicle- it is tlte ter:rible, una.lterable *{-taking o{'one'sorvn Iif-e. expresses totai act It a t iossof ra'iiIto sunite ttrrat rcrsult trorn estrern*depression clerspair. and

-'l C a p i t a;ru n i rh me n { 'i r*pr"iictice e:<ecuting l trf' thosecorivictedespecial sericiis ot'iffis Iy is cornmittecJ.
5 . 5'I' cornrnandnrent {You shtll nct hill) - ftrrbids ciirect attacks on liurrran lifb and

6, Genocide tr is the deliberate *tysreiliatic spii externlinafir:n nati*nal, lacial, poiitical, of'a grgup. or c:ulttlral 7 . ILape- It the unlarvtirlcampt-'lling E:ilawon:anthreir-rgh physical{brce or duress }rave to interociurse. sexual 8 . Drug nddicl.iom "l'his is a patholngicaior abnorrnalconditi<.rn which arisesdr:e to f}equentdrug use.
,, i\ c) Self elefensc Tire act of rielbncling t;ne'sp;erson when physicaliyafiacked.anby

countering blorvsor overcoming assailant. an

l 0 War - lt is the conflict carrictJ hy lbrce of'arr']s. betweenni,'ionsc-rbetween on palties as

within a nation:i.varfare. by' land.sea_ air. as <ll

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