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3, MARCH 2023 3981

Adaptive Control Strategy for Frequency

Support From MTDC Connected
Offshore Wind Power Plants
Muhammad M. Kabsha , Senior Member, IEEE, and Zakir Hussain Rather , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Grid integration of large-scale power electronic in- a major real-life example of remote OWFs integration into the
terfaced renewable energy sources leads to a low inertia system, mainland grids in Europe [1]. However, displacement of conven-
thus resulting in a high rate of change of frequency (RoCoF) tional generation due to large-scale wind integration results in
and frequency deviations in the power system following a credible
contingency. In this article, a realistic adaptive communication- diminishing system inertia. System operators/regulators, there-
independent control strategy for effective inertial and primary fore, mandate frequency support capability from wind farms
frequency support from multiterminal HVDC (MTDC) connected through grid code regulations (GCRs) for stable and secure
offshore wind farms (OWFs) has been proposed. The proposed power system operation. For example, GCRs require inertial
strategy can identify and distinguish the grid under disturbance and primary frequency support capability from OWFs during a
among the other healthy grids in the MTDC system by an adaptive
droop frequency support (ADFS) scheme at each receiving end con- frequency disturbance [2], [3], [4]. However, HVDC-connected
verter (REC). On the OWF side, the control system of wind turbine OWFs cannot inherently sense the onshore grid frequency de-
generators has been designed to coordinate with the ADFS scheme viations because of the HVDC link and wind turbine generator
to comply with the grid code regulations (GCRs) for inertial and (WTG) converters that interface WTGs in the offshore grid and
primary frequency support. The proposed ADFS control scheme the main grid. Therefore, due to such a nonsynchronous link
ensures that while providing frequency support to the grid under
disturbance, frequency deviation limits of the healthy neighboring (HVDC and WTG converters), WTGs in the OWF cannot inher-
grids are not breached. Moreover, the proposed strategy complies ently support the main grid in frequency recovery. To address
adequately with the maximum permissible limits of HVDC voltage this issue, several strategies have been proposed in the literature
deviation. Furthermore, the proposed strategy is dependent on that require frequency signals measured at the onshore site to be
only local measurements and can be easily customized to comply communicated to the offshore site through a physical medium of
with any applicable GCR. The reliability and effectiveness of the
proposed robust control strategy have been demonstrated on three communication. The main limitations of such communication-
power systems interconnected through the MTDC system to two dependent strategies are low reliability and communication la-
OWFs. tency. Therefore, to address the limitations of communication-
Index Terms—Adaptive droop frequency support (ADFS), grid
dependent strategies, several strategies that are communication-
code regulations (GCRS), multiterminal HVDC (MTDC), offshore independent have been reported in the literature [5], [6], [7], [8],
wind farms (OWFs). [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18].
In addition to the challenges in point-to-point HVDC
I. INTRODUCTION (PP-HVDC) connected OWFs, the additional issues in
FFSHORE wind farms (OWFs) are considered one of the multiterminal HVDC (MTDC) connected OWFs are to
O promising sources of wind energy, primarily due to high
wind speed in the offshore site and saturation of the available
identify and distinguish the grid with disturbance from the
other healthy interconnected ac areas and coordinate frequency
mainland. The planned offshore supergrid in the Nordic Seas is support from OWFs to the target grid through the MTDC system
interconnecting multiple ac areas. Zhu et al. [5] proposed an
inertial emulation control strategy to support the onshore grid
Manuscript received 9 May 2022; revised 20 August 2022; accepted 20
October 2022. Date of publication 27 October 2022; date of current version 26 frequency from the energy stored in the capacitor banks of
December 2022. This work was supported by the India-EU collaborative project the PP-HVDC system. Zhu et al. [6] extended the inertial
SUSTENANCE funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) on emulation control strategy for PP-HVDC topology in [5] to
the Indian side and the European Commission on the EU side. Recommended for
publication by Associate Editor Z. Chen. (Corresponding author: Muhammad the MTDC topology. However, the two main limitations of
M. Kabsha.) the control strategies reported in [5] and [6] are the need for
Muhammad M. Kabsha is with the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, large capacitor banks connected at the receiving end converters
Mumbai 400076, India, and also with the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura Uni-
versity, Mansoura 35516, Egypt (e-mail: (RECs) and large voltage deviations in the MTDC system. The
Zakir Hussain Rather is with the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, OWFs can, however, support onshore grid frequency through
Mumbai 400076, India (e-mail: emulated inertial and primary frequency response from WTGs.
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at For example, the study in [7] proposed frequency droop control
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3217712 implemented at the RECs, sending end converters (SECs) and

0885-8993 © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DURGAPUR. Downloaded on August 13,2023 at 06:52:01 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

the offshore WTGs to enable the OWF to sense the onshore TABLE I
disturbance events, and hence provide frequency support to the
main grid from the PP-HVDC connected OWF.
Silva et al. [8] extended the fixed droop frequency sup-
port (FDFS) control strategy in [7] for the MTDC-connected
OWFs. However, the FDFS strategy in [8] ignored the GCRs
requirements. In addition, the local frequency deviation limits
of the different ac areas interconnected through the MTDC
system were not considered, whereas the MTDC permissible
voltage deviation limits have been ignored. Moreover, under the
conventional FDFS strategy, the HVDC voltage deviations are
mapped to offshore grid frequency variations, which actually
result in a high rate of change of frequency (RoCoF) and large
frequency deviations in the offshore grid. Rafferty et al. [9]
proposed a frequency support strategy for MTDC-connected very high RoCoF values in the offshore grid would be required
OWFs using HVDC voltage variation. However, this approach to provide an adequate inertial response from WTGs.
has ignored the GCRs, and the local frequency deviation limits Kumar et al. [17] proposed a hybrid frequency droop scheme
were ignored, whereas the MTDC permissible voltage devi- implemented at the bipolar RECs to improve power sharing
ation limits were not considered. Moreover, the study in [9] and frequency stability at the onshore grids following ac and
has tested the proposed strategy on a simple MTDC grid with dc disturbance events. However, the main limitation of the
oversimplified models of onshore ac grids while ignoring power strategy in [17] is using the master–slave control philosophy
system dynamics. Sakamari et al. [10] proposed a frequency while modeling one of the onshore grids as a strong grid, thereby
support strategy similar to the strategies reported in [8] and ignoring the real grid dynamics.
[9] while considering the second frequency nadir in the main All the communication-independent frequency support strate-
grid. However, the strategy in [10] did not consider the GCRs gies for the MTDC-connected OWFs did not consider the HVDC
at the onshore grids and ignored the maximum dc permissible voltage deviation limits in the MTDC grid and the GCRs com-
voltage deviation limits at the MTDC grid. Adeuyi et al. [11] pliance in the main ac areas connected to the MTDC system
proposed a frequency support strategy by modifying the strategy [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17].
in [8], where f–P supplementary droop control (instead of f–V In addition, all the above-reported communication-independent
droop) has been used at RECs to provide enhanced primary strategies translate the HVDC voltage deviations to offshore grid
frequency support while using V–f droop control at the SECs frequency variations, which actually result in a high RoCoF and
similar to that in [8]. However, the strategy reported in [11] large frequency deviations in the offshore grid. To provide iner-
has ignored the GCRs and the real power system dynamics tial and primary frequency support from PP-HVDC-connected
while modeling one of the onshore grids as an infinite bus OWF. Kabsha and Rather [18] proposed an offshore ac voltage
(strong grid). Jose et al. [12] modified the control strategy regulation based frequency support strategy. However, the focus
developed in [11] by using logic control based supplementary of the study was only on PP-HVDC-connected OWF. A com-
control schemes at RECs to enhance the frequency support from parison table of the above-discussed strategies is presented in
MTDC-connected OWFs. However, the main limitation of the Table I.
strategy reported in [12] is that the authors modeled one of Therefore, in this backdrop, a new realistic communication-
the onshore grids as an infinite bus (strong grid), thus ignoring independent strategy is proposed in this article for effective
the system dynamics and its influence on the proposed control frequency support provision from MTDC-connected OWFs. The
strategy. Wang et al. [13], [14] proposed control strategies for proposed strategy consists of two control stages, the first one is
frequency support to the disturbed onshore grid from the other at the WTGs, where all the OWFs can comply with GCRs for
onshore grids connected through the MTDC grid, however, the frequency support based on offshore voltage regulation. The
GCRs have been ignored, and the frequency support provision second stage at the RECs considers the GCRs at the onshore
from the OWFs was not considered in these strategies. Yang grids and the permissible limits of voltage at the MTDC grid
et al. [15] proposed a control scheme for the MTDC RECs to by using only one adaptive coefficient at the droop control
provide frequency support without using a phase-locked loop of each REC. Moreover, the proposed strategy can be easily
(PLL). However, for the strategy reported in [15], the frequency customized to fit any applicable GCRs by providing the flex-
support provision from the healthy grids to the disturbed grid ibility of parameters setting to the different grid operators at
is not adequate. The strategy in [15] has the primary advantage the different onshore ac areas. So, every grid operator can set
of the PLL-free feature. Zhong et al. [16] proposed a virtual the parameters setting which is not feasible with conventional
capacitor control scheme implemented at SECs to enhance the communication-independent strategies.
inertial frequency support from the MTDC-connected OWFs, This article is structured as follows: In Section II, frequency
where the inertial control function shifted from the offshore support regulations imposed on OWFs are summarized. In Sec-
WTGs to SECs. However, for the strategy reported in [16], the tion III, offshore wind power plant modeling including the test
inertial frequency support to the disturbed grid is not effective as system and modeling of OWFs and associated control system is

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Fig. 1. ENTSO-E active power frequency response requirements [2].

Fig. 2. PMSG WTG conventional control system [7], [8].

described. In Section IV, the FDFS and the proposed adaptive
droop frequency support (ADFS) strategies are discussed. In
Section V, different test cases were conducted to evaluate the
performance of FDFS and ADFS strategies under different
frequency disturbances. Section VI concludes this article.


Some countries have special GCRs for OWFs, such as Ger-
many and Great Britain [3], [4], whereas European Network
of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E) has developed
harmonized GCR requirements for OWFs connection in the Eu-
ropean Union countries [2]. Fig. 1 shows the frequency support
requirements imposed on OWFs under ENTSO-E GCR. In this
article, ENTSO-E GCR requirements are followed in the MTDC
grid connected OWFs test system.
It is noteworthy that in the modern restructured power sys-
tems, the electricity industry markets are being designed to
provide competitive participation for different ancillary services
Fig. 3. SECs and RECs conventional control system [8].
[19], [20]. Therefore, primary frequency support services can
be economically beneficial to wind power plant operators [21],
[22], [23]. On the other hand, by providing primary frequency
support by renewable energy sources, the required spinning areas (IEEE 39 bus, IEEE 118 bus, and IEEE 9 bus system)
reserve of the conventional thermal units and hence the CO2 through the MTDC grid.
emissions can be reduced. Furthermore, the studies [24], [25]
suggest that the overall system operations costs can be reduced
by employing wind power plants for primary frequency support. A. Full Converter Based WTG and MTDC Converters Control
OWFs can provide primary frequency support during under- The schematic diagram of a full converter permanent magnet
frequency events by maintaining a specific reserve from the synchronous generator (PMSG) wind turbine is shown in Fig. 2.
available wind power during normal operation [21], [22], [23]. The machine side converter is used to control dc-link voltage,
However, during overfrequency events, the OWFs should reduce whereas the grid side converter (GSC) maintains maximum
their active power output to comply with GCR. The OWFs in this power point tracking (MPPT) and control active power injection
study maintain 10% active power reserve by operating OWFs at a to the onshore during grid frequency events. The WTG used
suboptimal (nonmaximum power point) state. OWFs should also in this study is GE type-4 PMSG-based model [27], whereas
be able to provide inertial frequency response during dynamic methodology proposed in [28] has been used to develop an
grid frequency disturbance [26]. aggregate equivalent model of OWF.
Fig. 3 shows the MTDC grid and its control blocks, where the
frequency and voltage of the offshore grids are maintained by
III. OFFSHORE WIND POWER PLANT AND MTDC SYSTEM SECs operated as offshore grids forming converters. The droop
control is used at RECs to control MTDC link voltage and its
The MTDC offshore wind power system has been modeled active power exchange among the ac areas. The CIGRE (DCS-3)
in DIgSILENT PowerFactory platform, which consists of two MTDC grid is used in this study as a standard benchmark model
aggregated OWFs connected to three multimachine onshore ac for the MTDC topology [29].
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support if active power reserve is made available through the

deloaded operation of WTGs [18], [26], [31]. The conventional
FDFS and the proposed ADFS strategies are discussed in Section
IV-A and Section IV-B, respectively.

A. Fixed Droop Frequency Support (FDFS) Strategy

The common voltage-droop control is used at MTDC RECs
to control the MTDC voltage and active power sharing among
the different onshore grids during normal operation as
 ∗   ∗ 
Kpv,i . Pon,i − Pon,i + Vdcon,i − Vdcon,i = 0 (1)

where Kpv,i is the power droop coefficient at the ith REC, Pon,i
is the reference active power, Pon,i is the measured active power

at the ith REC, Vdcon,i is the reference dc voltage, and Vdcon,i is
the measured dc voltage at the ith REC.
Silva et al. [8] initially proposed an FDFS strategy imple-
mented at MTDC RECs to detect onshore grid frequency dis-
turbance, and through coordination with SECs and WTGs GSC,
Fig. 4. Modified CIGRE MTDC (DCS-3) test system [29], [30]. the OWFs can provide inertial and primary frequency support
to the disturbed onshore grid. The study in [8] proposed a
TABLE II control strategy based on a fixed droop frequency control loop
WIND FARMS AND AC AREAS DETAILS for mapping the onshore grid frequency deviations to HVDC
link voltage variation, as shown in Fig. 3.
For onshore frequency deviation exceeding the frequency
dead band Δfdb , the frequency droop control loop at RECs
is activated thus switching RECs control scheme as shown in
Fig. 3, and given by [8]
 ∗   ∗ 
Kf v,i . fon,i − fon,i + Vdcon,i − Vdcon,i = 0 (2)
where Kfv,i is the fixed frequency droop coefficient at the ith
B. MTDC System and Onshore AC Areas ∗
REC, and fon,i and fon,i are, respectively, the onshore grid
The performance of the conventional and the proposed strate- reference and measured frequency at the ith REC.
gies for inertial and primary frequency support from MTDC- The strategies in [9], [10], [11], [12], and [15], [16], [17] are
connected OWFs has been evaluated on a multi-ac areas based on offshore frequency regulation schemes in [7] and [8],
MTDC interconnected offshore wind power system, developed where the SECs map the HVDC voltage deviations to offshore
in DIgSILENT PowerFactory, as shown in Fig. 4 [29], [30]. grid frequency deviations as shown in Fig. 3, and as given by
The MTDC CIGRE (DCS-3) system has been modified to ∗
foff,i = foff0,i + Kfoff,i (Vdcoff,i − Vdc0,i ) (3)
interconnect two OWFs with three onshore ac areas, which
include IEEE 39 bus, IEEE 118 bus, and IEEE 9 bus system. ∗
where foff,i and foff0,i are, respectively, reference and nominal
These three ac systems have been adapted for 50 Hz frequency offshore grid frequencies at the ith SEC, Vdcoff,i and Vdc0,i are,
[30]. The three ac areas are locally integrated with various wind respectively, the measured and the nominal HVDC voltages
farms connected at different buses to realize different wind at the ith SEC, and Kfoff,i is the offshore frequency droop
penetration levels, with more details of the connected wind farms coefficient at the ith SEC.
provided in Table II. The offshore WTGs under the conventional strategies in [7]
and [8] are equipped with a supplementary control scheme
IV. PROPOSED FREQUENCY SUPPORT STRATEGY FOR implemented at each WTG GSC, as shown in Fig. 2, to provide
MTDC-CONNECTED OWFS inertial and primary frequency support from OWF.
Due to nonsynchronous interface between OWFs and the
B. Proposed Adaptive Droop Frequency Support (ADFS)
onshore ac areas, the WTGs in OWFs cannot inherently detect
onshore frequency disturbance, and hence cannot inherently pro- Strategy
vide inertial and primary frequency support to MTDC-connected The conventional FDFS strategy does not only ignore the
ac areas. However, through supplementary frequency control at MTDC permissible voltage deviation limits, but it also does not
RECs, SECs, and WTGs, The WTGs in the OWFs can release in- consider the GCRs and the local frequency deviation limits of
ertial power (from rotational energy behind the WTG converter) the different ac areas interconnected through the MTDC system.
through a local supplementary control scheme implemented at Therefore, the fixed droop based conventional approach cannot
each WTG GSC. The OWFs can also provide primary frequency comply with the GCRs and potentially lead to breaching the

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permissible limits of MTDC voltage and ac area frequency

deviations. Moreover, the conventional strategies can result in
false tripping of frequency and RoCoF protection relays due to
high RoCoF and frequency deviations in the offshore ac grid.
In the proposed ADFS strategy, an adaptive frequency droop
coefficient proposed for each REC controller of the MTDC
system has been used in this study, as given by
∗ α − |ΔV |
Kf v,i = KGC,i . Si .
βi − Δf on,i 

where Kf∗ v,i is the adaptive frequency droop coefficient at the

ith REC, KGC,i is the scheduled frequency droop coefficient Fig. 5. Proposed adaptive frequency droop coefficient Kf∗ v .
at the ith REC, Si is a tuning factor required to comply with
GCR for frequency support, αi is the maximum allowed MTDC
voltage deviation on the dc side of the ith REC, ΔVdcon,i is
the measured MTDC voltage deviation at the ith REC, β i is
the maximum allowed frequency deviation in the onshore grid
connected to the ith REC, and Δfon,i is the measured onshore
frequency deviation at the ith REC.
In this study, Si is tuned to follow the primary frequency
support requirements imposed by ENTSO-E GCRs, and the
corresponding additional active power for primary frequency
support is calculated as given by
αi − |ΔV dcGC,i |  
ΔP GC,i = KGC,i . Si .   . Δf GC,i  (5)

βi − Δf GC,i 

where ΔPGC,i is the additional active power imposed by GCR

at the ith REC during predefined onshore frequency deviation
ΔfGC,i , ΔVdcGC,i is the measured HVDC voltage deviation
at the ith REC during ΔfGC,i . αi are the values settled by the
Fig. 6. Proposed control strategy. (a) Inertial and primary frequency control
HVDC grid operators, and βi are ΔPGC,i values settled by the at WTGs. (b) Adaptive frequency droop control at RECs.
onshore grid operators. Values of the parameters used in (5)
are known based on the applicable GCR requirements in each REC
onshore grid and the MTDC grid. Therefore, Si can be tuned to KO,i
fit the desired response.    dfon,i
KGC,i Δfdb ≥ Δfon,i ≥ Δf GC,i and <0
In the proposed real-time ADFS strategy, the measured = dt
MTDC voltage and the onshore grid frequency at each REC Kf∗ v,i else
are used to update the frequency droop coefficient Kf∗ v,i . The (7)
proposed strategy with an adaptive approach can comply with
GCR without violating MTDC voltage and onshore frequency where KU,i and KO,i are, respectively, the adaptive frequency
deviation limits. Variation of the proposed adaptive frequency droop coefficients for the ith REC during underfrequency and
droop coefficient Kf∗ v as a function of MTDC voltage and overfrequency events, and Δfon,i is the onshore frequency de-
onshore frequency deviations is plotted in Fig. 5. viation measured at the ith REC.
The RECs frequency droop coefficients follow an adaptive In the proposed control strategy, MTDC-connected OWFs
droop coefficient Kf∗ v from the onset of the frequency distur- provide primary and inertial frequency support to the disturbed
bance till frequency nadir/zenith is reached, thereafter during onshore grid through coordinated control schemes implemented
frequency recovery the RECs frequency droop coefficients fol- at RECs and supplementary frequency support control scheme at
low the contractual frequency droop coefficient imposed by the each WTG within the OWFs as shown in Fig. 6. Furthermore, in
GCR “KGC ,” as given in the following equations for underfre- the proposed strategy, the MTDC voltage deviation introduced
quency and overfrequency events respectively: by RECs during onshore frequency disturbance is translated to
ac voltage deviation in the offshore grids using ac voltage regu-
KU,i lation schemes at each SEC. Therefore, through the coordinated
   control schemes, onshore frequency excursion is emulated as ac
KGC,i Δfdb ≤ Δfon,i ≤ Δf GC,i and >0 voltage deviation in each offshore grid as given by
= dt
Kf∗ v,i else

(6) Voff,i = Voff0,i − Kv,i (Vdcoff,i − Vdc0,i ) (8)

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where Voff,i and Voff0,i are, respectively, the reference and the
nominal ac voltage for offshore grid connected to the ith SEC,
Kv,i is ac voltage droop coefficient at the ith SEC, and Vdcoff,i
and Vdc0,i are, respectively, the measured and the nominal dc
voltage at the ith SEC.
The WTGs in each OWF can provide an inertial response
based on the rate of change of voltage (RoCoV) of offshore grid
as given by
ΔPin = Kin (9)
where Kin is the voltage inertial gain, and Vmeas is the measured
WTG terminal voltage.
It is important to mention that by using a voltage regulation-
based approach in the offshore ac grid, high RoCoF and fre-
quency nadir in the offshore grid are avoided, as WTGs provide
an inertial response based on RoCoV instead of RoCoF used in
the conventional strategies as shown in Fig. 6.
In the proposed strategy, the WTGs follow the primary fre-
quency support requirements imposed by ENTSO-E GCR as
defined in the following equation:
ΔPprim = (Vref − Vmeas ) ∗ Kprim ∗ PMPPT (10) Fig. 7. Dominate eigenvalues locus with variation in adaptive frequency droop
coefficient from 0 to 7.5.
where ΔPprim is the scheduled active power for primary fre-
quency support, Vref and Vmeas are, respectively, the reference A. Modal Analysis
and the measured ac voltage at the WTG terminal, Kprim is the The modal/eigenvalue analysis has been performed to com-
voltage droop gain, and PMPPT is the maximum WTG active pute the eigenvalues for small signal stability analysis of the test
power at the available wind speed. system, with eigenvalues plotted in Fig 7.
The active power command fed to each WTG GSC control The adaptive frequency droop coefficient Kf∗ v,i is the critical
system is given by parameter in the proposed control strategy. Therefore, the modal
Pref = ΔPin + ΔPprim + PMPPT ∗ del (11) analysis has been conducted to evaluate the impact of Kf∗ v,i on
the system stability. The value of Kf∗ v,i is changed from 0 to 7.5,
where ΔPin and ΔPprim are, respectively, the inertial and pri- and the dominant eigenvalues movements with the variations of
mary active power of the proposed strategy, and del is the active Kf∗ v,i are shown in Fig. 7.
power deloading factor. The blue color arrows point to the dominant eigenvalue trace
In this study, the de-loaded operation of WTGs has been as Kf∗ v,i varies from 0 to 7.5. When Kf∗ v,i increases, some
adapted to maintain active power reserve for primary frequency eigenvalues (λ5 , λ6 , λ11 λ12 , λ48 , λ49 , λ59 , λ60 ) move to the left
support from OWFs. In accordance with ENTSO-E GCR, the half of the s-plane and the damping ratio increases. However,
reserve active power in each WTG is controlled such that 10% there are two modes (λ68, λ69) that moved toward the left and
active power reserve is released for 0.5 Hz frequency deviation reached an inflection point at Kf∗ v,i equal to 0.95, following
at the disturbed onshore grid [2]. which the two oscillating modes move toward the right half
of the s-plane. There are some oscillations modes (λ3, λ4), and
V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS (λ108, λ109) that have complex movements as shown in Fig. 7(e)
To evaluate the superiority of the proposed ADFS strategy, and (g). For higher values of Kf∗ v,i > 0.55, the eigenvalues (λ3,
both the conventional FDFS and the proposed ADFS strategies λ4) start moving to the right half of the s-plane before reaching
have been implemented on the MTDC system interconnecting the first inflection point and start moving to the left and reach
two OWFs and three main ac grids as shown in Fig. 4, with more again to the second inflection point at Kf∗ v,i value of 1.6 for (λ3,
details provided in Section III. The proposed ADFS and the λ4). On the other hand, the oscillating modes (λ106, λ107) are
conventional FDFS strategies have been tested under different the most critical and move to the right half of the s-plane, and
scenarios, such as overfrequency and underfrequency events, an the damping ratio decreases, however, the two modes’ values
SEC outage, a REC outage, and multiple frequency events at the saturated at high values of Kf∗ v,i as shown in Fig. 7(d). In this
onshore ac areas to evaluate their frequency support performance study, the values of Kf∗ v,i are limited at 7.5 to ensure system
while considering permissible limits of the MTDC voltage and stability, however, the actual value of Kf∗ v,i did not exceed 0.5
compliance with the GCRs in all the MTDC interconnected in all the test cases considered for this study. It can be concluded
ac areas. While case studies with underfrequency events are that, the test system under the proposed strategy has enough
discussed in Section V-B and Section V-C, the other case studies, stability margin. This conclusion is verified by the simulation
such as overfrequency, SEC, or REC station outage, have shown results in Section V-B and Section V-C with the proposed control
a similar trend as that of the presented case studies. strategy under different disturbances events.
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Fig. 8. Case study A. (a) Onshore grid 1 frequency. (b) Onshore grid 2 Fig. 9. Case study A. (a) REC-1 active power. (b) REC-2 active power.
frequency. (c) Onshore grid 3 frequency. (d) RoCoF of onshore grid 1. (e) RoCoF (c) REC-3 active power. (d) Variation of the adaptive droop coefficient at REC-1.
of onshore grid 2. (f) RoCoF of onshore grid 3. (e) OWF-1 active power. (f) OWF-2 active power.

B. Case Study A
OWFs contribute both the inertial and the primary frequency
In this case study, a load step change of 17% at all the response.
load buses of the IEEE 39 bus system is applied to simulate The active power import by three ac areas at their respective
an underfrequency event. Onshore ac grids performance under RECs, and the OWFs active power output at SECs side in all the
the proposed ADFS strategy in all four studied cases (case I: four cases are shown in Fig. 9. It can be observed that the OWFs
no frequency support from OWFs; case II: primary frequency follow the ENTSO-E GCR for primary frequency support, as
assistance from OWFs; case III: inertial response from OWFs; the entire WTGs active power reserve of 10% is exhausted
and case IV: both primary and inertial frequency response from for onshore frequency deviation of −0.5 Hz. The OWFs active
OWFs) is shown in Fig. 8. power output increased from 1284 MW to 1427 MW under case
The onshore grid frequencies of the IEEE 39 bus system II (primary frequency support) as shown in Fig. 9(e) and (f).
(grid 1), 118 bus system (grid 2), and 9 bus system (grid 3) The active power exported to grid 2 and grid 3 under all the
without OWFs frequency provision are shown as a solid red four cases decreased to provide frequency support to grid 1 as
line in Fig. 8(a)–(c), respectively. It can be observed that the shown in Fig. 9(a)–(c). It is important to note that in this study,
corresponding frequency nadirs of the three ac areas under case it is assumed that the other neighboring ac areas (grid 2 and
I are 48.88 Hz, 49.05 Hz, and 49.03 Hz, whereas their respective grid 3) are expected to provide frequency support to the grid
values of maximum RoCoF are −0.544 Hz/s, −0.582 Hz/s, and experiencing frequency disturbance (grid 1), either through prior
−0.673 Hz/s as shown Fig. 8(d)–(f). In case II (with only OWFs agreed contract or through ancillary service market. However,
primary frequency provision), the respective frequency of the the frequency support from neighboring ac areas (grid 2 and
three onshore ac areas are shown as the dashed green line in grid 3) is limited by their local limits of frequency deviation.
Fig. 8(a)–(c). Therefore, the proposed adaptive control strategy is designed
It is realized that with primary frequency support from OWFs such that while supporting the grid with frequency disturbance
(case II), frequency nadir and maximum RoCoF in all three (grid 1), local frequency limits in the neighboring ac areas (grid
ac areas have enhanced with their respective values of 49.29 2 and grid 3) are not breached. It can be observed from Fig. 8(b)
Hz, 49.33 Hz, 49.31 Hz, and −0.512 Hz/s, −0.453 Hz/s, and (c), frequency of grid 2 and grid 3 do not breach the lower
−0.524 Hz/s. Results for case III (with only inertia support) frequency limit (49 Hz). The proposed controller can be easily
shown in Fig. 8(a)–(c) suggest that while frequency nadir of the customized to block any frequency support from neighboring
three ac areas (49.022 Hz, 49.071 Hz, 49.04 Hz) are better than grids if required so, and the results in such cases will show
those under case I, case II shows better performance than that similar trend in terms of frequency response in the disturbed
of case III in terms of frequency nadir. This can be attributed to grid, however, without affecting frequency of the neighboring
the absence of primary frequency response from OWFs in case grids. It has been observed from Fig. 9(d) that under ADFS
III. However, the maximum RoCoF in the three grids under case strategy, the maximum value of the adaptive droop coefficient
III (−0.477 Hz/s, −0.355 Hz/s, −0.42 Hz/s) have been further REC
KU,i at the RECs did not exceed 0.35. Therefore, the system is
improved compared to case II, which is due to inertial response stable with the proposed strategy under the different frequency
provided by OWFs in case III. support from the OWFs.
Results for case IV (OWFs provide both primary and inertial Fig. 10(a) and (b) shows that under the proposed strategy, the
frequency response), which include frequency nadir (49.414 Hz MTDC voltage deviation is translated to ac voltage deviations
in grid 1, 49.446 Hz in grid 2, 49.43 Hz in grid 3) and respective in OWF-1 offshore grid for all four cases. At the onset of
maximum RoCoF (−0.472 Hz/s, −0.306 Hz/s, −0.352 Hz/s) the frequency event, offshore ac voltage increases suddenly to
observed in all the three ac areas are the best among all the four activate inertial frequency support from WTGs, however, during
cases, as shown in Fig. 8. This is primarily because in case IV, the inertial support, offshore ac voltage does not breach the set
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Fig. 10. Case study A. (a) REC-1 DC voltage. (b) Offshore grid 1 AC voltage. Fig. 11. Comparative study 1. (a) Onshore grid 1 frequency. (b) Onshore
(c) OWF-1 WTGs rotational speed. (d) REC-2 DC voltage. (e) Offshore grid 2 grid 2 frequency. (c) Onshore grid 3 frequency. (d) RoCoF of onshore grid 1.
AC voltage. (f) OWF-2 WTGs rotational speed. (e) RoCoF of onshore grid 2. (f) RoCoF of onshore grid 3.

limit of 1.05 p.u. (which corresponds to 49.5 Hz frequency in

the onshore grids). During onshore frequency recovery beyond
49.5 Hz, the offshore ac voltage decreases to comply with
ENTSO-E GCR. It can be observed from Fig. 10(a), that in
case I and case III, even though MTDC voltage hits the lower
limit (0.85 p.u.) the adaptive droop controllers at the RECs do
not allow breaching of voltage deviation limit thus limiting it
at 0.85 p.u. The WTG rotational speed in OWF-1 under all the
cases is shown in Fig. 10(c), where WTG speed decreases during
inertial support, which is subsequently recovered during onshore
frequency recovery. The performance of OWF-2 is shown in
Fig. 10(d)–(f), which shows the same trend as that of OWF-1.

Fig. 12. Comparative study 1. (a) REC-1 active power. (b) REC-2 active power.
C. Comparative Analysis of the Proposed Strategy and (c) REC-3 active power. (d) Variation of the adaptive droop coefficients at RECs.
Conventional Strategies (e) OWF-1 active power. (f) OWF-2 active power.

To evaluate the superiority of the proposed ADFS strategy

over the conventional communication-independent frequency ac areas (grid 2 and grid 3) did not breach the local frequency
support strategies, several comparative studies have been carried limit of 49 Hz under the proposed ADFS strategy.
out in this study. The conventional strategies used for compari- The frequency nadir in the grid with disturbance (grid 1) in
son are as follows. the ADFS strategy is slightly lower than that under the FDFS
Conv-1 (the conventional strategy proposed in [8]), which is strategy, which can be attributed to relatively higher frequency
based on an FDFS control scheme implemented at the RECs as support from the neighboring ac areas (grid 2 and grid 3) under
discussed in Section IV-A and shown in Fig. 3. FDFS that comes at the cost of breaching local frequency limits
Conv-2 (the conventional strategy proposed in [15]), which is in grid 2 and grid 3. Moreover, inertial frequency support from
based on a PLL-free control scheme implemented at each REC OWFs under the proposed ADFS is higher compared to that in
connected to the MTDC grid. FDFS, as shown in Fig. 12(e) and (f), which is due to adaptive
Conv-3 (the conventional strategy proposed in [16]), which is droop control implemented at each REC in the ADFS. The
based on a virtual-inertial control scheme implemented at SECs RoCoF in the grid with the disturbance (grid 1) is improved
of the MTDC grid. with the proposed ADFS strategy as shown in Fig. 11(d), with
1) Comparative Study 1: In comparative study 1, the pro- maximum values of −0.633 Hz/s and −0.731 Hz/s under ADFS
posed ADFS strategy is compared with the conventional FDFS and FDFS respectively. RoCoF of neighboring ac areas (grid 2
strategy (Conv-1). A test case of a severe underfrequency event and grid 3) are relatively better in the ADFS strategy compared
is initiated by a load step increase of 23% at all the load buses to the FDFS strategy, as shown in Fig. 11(e) and (f).
of grid 1 is applied. In both strategies, OWFs are providing The active power import by the three ac areas from OWFs
inertial and primary frequency support. It can be observed through the MTDC grid and the OWF active power injected to
from Fig. 11(a)–(c), that under conventional FDFS strategy, the the MTDC grid is shown in Fig. 12. The active power exported
frequency in all three ac areas breaches the lower limit of 49 to grid 2 and grid 3 decreased to provide frequency support to
Hz. On the other hand, the frequency of neighboring (healthy) grid 1 as shown in Fig. 12(a)–(c), however, the frequency support

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Fig. 14. Comparative study 2. (a) Onshore grid 1 frequency. (b) Onshore grid
Fig. 13. Comparative study 1. (a) REC-1 HVDC voltage. (b) Offshore grid
2 frequency. (c) Onshore grid 3 frequency. (d) REC-1 active power. (e) REC-2
1 AC voltage. (c) OWF-1 WTGs rotational speed. (d) REC-2 HVDC voltage.
active power. (f) REC-3 active power.
(e) Offshore grid 2 AC voltage. (f) OWF-2 WTGs rotational speed.

from the healthy grids (grid 2 and grid 3) is limited by their local
limits of frequency deviation (1 Hz). It can also be concluded
from Fig. 12(d) that the maximum value of the adaptive droop
coefficient KU,i at the different RECs did not exceed 0.35.
At the onset of frequency deviation detected by RECs, the
MTDC voltage is suddenly reduced, thus translating onshore
frequency deviation to MTDC voltage deviation, which in turn is
translated by SEC-1 to ac voltage deviation in the offshore grid,
as shown in Fig. 13(a) and (b) for OWF-1. It can be realized
from Fig. 13(a), that under the conventional FDFS strategy,
MTDC voltage deviation exceeds the maximum permissible
limit (±0.15 p.u.) considered in this study. On the other hand,
under the proposed ADFS strategy, the adaptive controller does Fig. 15. Comparative study 2. (a) SEC-1 HVDC voltage. (b) Offshore grid 1
not allow MTDC voltage to breach the voltage deviation limit, AC voltage. (c) OWF-1 WTGs rotational speed. (d) Variations of the adaptive
hence limiting it to 0.85 p.u., as shown in Fig. 13(a). It has been droop coefficients at RECs. (e) OWF-1 active power. (f) OWF-2 active power.
observed that under the ADFS strategy, the HVDC voltage drop
and the offshore ac voltage rise rates are slightly higher than It can be observed from Fig. 14(a)–(c) that under the conven-
that in the FDFS strategy, hence the WTGs inertial response tional strategy (Conv-2), the frequency deviation in the disturbed
is also slightly fast in ADFS, as can be observed from the grid (grid 1) breached the lower limit of 1 Hz. On the other
WTGs rotational speed shown in Fig. 13(c). The performance hand, the neighboring (healthy) ac areas (grid 2 and grid 3)
of OWF-2, which is similar to that of OWF-1 is shown in cannot provide sufficient frequency support to the disturbed
Fig. 13(d)–(f). grid, even though the frequency deviation at grid 2 and grid
2) Comparative Study 2: In the comparative study 2, the 3 has a sufficient margin from the frequency deviation limit
proposed ADFS strategy is compared with the PLL-free control- of 1 Hz in the respective grids. On the other hand, under the
based conventional strategy (Conv-2). Under the PLL-free con- proposed ADFS strategy, the frequency nadir in the grid with
trol strategy, a new control scheme is implemented at the RECs, disturbance (grid 1) is effectively improved, which is attributed
which is similar to the control scheme implemented at SECs to the relatively higher frequency support from the healthy ac
shown in Fig. 3. However, the control scheme at the RECs is areas (grid 2 and grid 3) under the proposed strategy, however,
working in the P-Q mode. The main advantage of this strategy without breaching the local frequency limits in their respective
is that the RECs can provide frequency support to the disturbed grids (grid 2 and grid 3). It is important to note that in the
onshore grid without using PLL at RECs. However, in this proposed strategy, the local frequency deviation limit setpoint
strategy, the frequency support provision from the healthy grids can be easily customized. Therefore, the primary frequency
to the disturbed grid is not adequate. Moreover, the strategy support from the healthy grids is under full control, which is
(Conv-2) considered only the inertial response from OWFs, not feasible in the conventional strategy (Conv-2).
whereas the primary frequency support from OWFs was ignored. Under the proposed strategy (ADFS), the HVDC voltage
An underfrequency event is realized by a load step increase deviation at the MTDC grid during the onshore frequency devi-
of 15% at all the load buses of grid 1. For a fair comparison with ation is induced by the RECs to emulate the onshore frequency
the conventional strategy (Conv-2), only the inertial frequency deviation. This results in a fast inertial response at the offshore
support is considered at OWFs under the proposed strategy. WTGs as shown in Fig. 15(e) and (f). On the other hand,

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Fig. 16. Comparative study 3. (a) Onshore grid 1 frequency. (b) Onshore grid
2 frequency. (c) Onshore grid 3 frequency. (d) REC-1 active power. (e) REC-2
active power. (f) REC-3 active power.

under conventional strategy (Conv-2), the fast inertial response

from offshore WTGs is not feasible, where the HVDC voltage
deviation at the MTDC is induced due to power imbalance at the
MTDC grid terminals during the onshore frequency deviation.
This leads to a slow inertial response at the offshore WTGs as
shown in Fig. 15(e) and (f) in the conventional (Conv-2) strategy,
Fig. 17. Comparative study 3. (a) SEC-1 HVDC voltage. (b) Offshore grid
and the same conclusion can be drawn from the WTGs rotational 1 AC voltage. (c), Offshore grid 1 frequency. (d) RoCoF of offshore grid 1.
speed shown in Fig. 15(c). (e) Variations of the adaptive droop coefficients at RECs. (f) OWF-1 active
3) Comparative Study 3: In comparative study 3, the pro- power. (g) OWF-2 active power. (h) OWF-1 WTGs rotational speed.
posed ADFS strategy is compared with the conventional strategy
(Conv-3), which is based on a virtual-inertial control scheme
limit (0.85 p.u.), as shown in Fig 17(a). It is also evident from
implemented at the SECs connected to the MTDC grid. The
Fig. 17(c) and (d) that the conventional strategy (Conv-3) leads to
virtual-inertial control scheme is used to improve the inertial
large frequency deviations and very high RoCoF at the offshore
response of the MTDC-connected OWFs. The main idea rests
grids. This can trigger the frequency-sensitive infrastructure in
on implementing a supplementary control scheme at each SEC,
the offshore grid (such as local load connected to the offshore
in which the inertial response is emulated by using a differential
grid and WTGs). On the other hand, under the proposed ADFS
function that is limited by an arctan-function limiter to provide a
strategy, the maximum ac voltage deviation at the offshore grids
fast inertial response at the onset of the disturbance while saturat-
is limited at 1.05 p.u., thus avoiding any voltage stress or voltage
ing the inertial support during the disturbance event. However,
based protection triggering in the offshore grid while providing
fast inertial support can be possible only at very high RoCoF
an effective inertial support from the offshore WTGs, as shown
at the offshore grid which can trigger the frequency-sensitive
in Fig. 17(f)–(h). It can be observed from Fig. 17(e) that the
infrastructure in the offshore grids. REC
maximum value of the adaptive droop coefficient KU,i at the
It can be realized from Fig. 16(a) –(c) that under the con-
RECs did not exceed 0.35. Therefore, the proposed strategy is
ventional strategy (Conv-3), the frequency in all three ac areas
stable under all different disturbance events.
breaches the lower limit of 49 Hz. On the other hand, under the
proposed ADFS strategy, the frequency of neighboring (healthy)
ac areas (grid 2 and grid 3) did not breach the local frequency
limit of 49 Hz. The frequency nadir in the grid under disturbance An adaptive communication-less control strategy for fast in-
(grid 1) in the proposed ADFS strategy is slightly lower than ertial and primary frequency provision from MTDC-connected
that under the conventional strategy. However, the improved fre- OWFs has been proposed in this article. Under the conventional
quency nadir in grid 1 under the conventional strategy (Conv-3) strategies, the MTDC-connected OWFs can provide inertial
is achieved at the cost of breaching local frequency limits in and primary frequency support to the onshore grid undergoing
grid 2 and grid 3. Moreover, the inertial frequency support from a frequency disturbance, however, the GCRs compliance was
OWFs under the proposed ADFS is higher than that under the not considered in the neighboring MTDC-connected grids, and
conventional strategy (Conv-3), as shown in Fig. 17(f) and (g), the MTDC maximum voltage deviations exceed the maximum
which is due to the adaptive droop control implemented at each permissible limits. On the other hand, in the proposed ADFS
REC. strategy, the OWFs can successfully comply with GCRs for
On the offshore side, the performance of OWF-1 and OWF-2 frequency regulation, without breaching the maximum voltage
is shown in Fig. 17(a)–(h). Under the proposed ADFS strategy, deviation limits at the MTDC grid while considering the onshore
the MTDC voltage is limited at a maximum voltage deviation grids’ frequency deviation limits. In addition, in the proposed

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