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Xavier's Public School

Class-10th Lotus
Holidays’ Homework
1. Do Unseen Passages factual (1-5) in
BBC module
2. Do Unseen passages (1-5) Case-based in BBC module
3. Do Extracts of Poems (Dust of Snow, Fire & Ice) in BBC module
4. Do tenses and Rearrange in BBC Grammar module.
5. Do (1-7) letters to Editor in BBC Module.
6. Complete your FNB of literature as well as of Spoken English.
7. Questionnaire Making
How to do: Prepare 15 multiple choice questions from a) A letter to God
b) A triumph of Surgery (NCERT Book)
Where to do: A-4 size sheet
Parameters: Accuracy, Content, Authentication
8. Script Writing
How to do: Write a script on any SOCIAL ISSUE. It should be divided into IV scenes. Name of the characters should be
written on a different page.
Where to do: A-4 size sheet
9. Write a dialogue/Conversation between teacher and student about exam preparation.
Where to do: Write on A4 size sheet
Parameters: Accuracy, Authentication, Content
10. Write all the Figures of Speech used in Poems ‘Dust of Snow’ and “Fire and Ice” with examples from the poem
itself .
Where to do : A4 Size sheet
Parameters:Accuracy, content, Authentication
Note: 1.Handwriting should be neat and clean.
2. Revise the complete syllabus done in classroom.
11. Prepare project file atleast of 20 pages which would be submitted for ASL part. It should include
acknowledgment,certificate,Introduction,content, conclusion,bibliography
Word limit: 800-1000words
Marks Allotted for ASL Project (10marks=5 file+5 viva on the same topic)
You can choose anyone topic given below:-
1. Value of Education
2. Importance of Sports
3. Social Media & its impact
4. Digitalization
5. Artificial Intelligence
6. Importance of Extra Curricular Activities
7. Pros and Cons of Online Learning
8. Importance of Reading

( )
2 भ
( )

इ भ औ उ उ FNB औ ।

भ 10 -10
भ उ ।

औ ।
औ भ ई इ ।
(current news) औ ए ।
ए 2 ।
2भ ए भ
3 भ
4भ औ
5 भ भ
6 -
practise chapter 1 Real Number and chapter 14 Probability from R S Aggarwal book with
complete example
Physics: Electric charge and field
Electric potential and capacitor
Current electricity
All ncert questions and dpps
1. Write the chemical formula of the following compounds.
(i) Lime (ii) Nitric Acid (iii) Plaster of Paris
(iv) Sodium acetate (v) Baking soda (vi) Washing soda
(vii) Bleaching powder (viii) King of chemical (ix) Lime stone
(x) Common Salt
2. Prepare 30 MCQs from the Chapter Chemical reaction and equation
3. Write NCERT QUESTION from the chapter Chemical reaction and equation
4. Do the practice manual questions of 3 marks and 5 marks of Chapter- 1 (Chemical
reaction and equation)
5. Do the assignment of chemistry
Biology: 1.make notes of all the topics done in the class on FNB
2. Purchase practical notebooks for final exams and complete it during vacations under the guidance of subject
3. Solve the exercises of topics done in the class given at the end of chapter (S .Chand)
4. Draw following diagrams on separate A4 sheets (art integration)
-chloroplast and stomata
-human digestive system
-human respiratory system
-human heart
-human brain
-diagram to show the parts of flower
-human excretory system
1. During your summer vacations we expect you to do the following tasks:-
Complete notes and question answers of the chapters done in class.
1. Geography chapter 1,2,3
2. .Civics chapter 1 [Power Sharing].
3. India and the contemporary world -||
Chapter-2 Nationalism in India
4. Understanding economic of development
.chapter 1st development
Read by yourself 50 question answers from each chapter and write them in your notebook.
➤ The project report should be handwritten and credit will be awarded to original drawings, illustrations and
creative use of eco-friendly material.
Publisher and if a website the name of the website with the specific website link which has been u
Submit a project on ECONOMICS which will be…

*All projects are made on A4 sheets in a neat and clean manner.
*Work must be in a proper format.
Q1. Discuss the following terms and write in your notebooks:
i. Differentiate between SMS and MMS
ii. Role of Telnet
iii. Server and Web Server
iv. Font tag and Base font tag
v. Container and Empty tag
Q2. Create a webpage using following tags:
i. Heading level 2
ii. Horizontal rule.
iii. Paragraph tag
iv. Nested list
v. background color-cyan
vi. Font tag
Submit these codes on A4 Colored sheet
* ਗਏ
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* ' ' 31 60 ਗ / 16-35 ।

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