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Libon, Albay

FS 2-Participation and Assistantship

Learning Episode 9- Creating my Classroom /
Remote learning Management Plan

John Paul S. Satuito


Arlenzita G. Talisaysay
To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in the FS episode, be sure
to read through the whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2
Resource Teacher’s class. Note all the information you will need and tasks you will need
to do before working on the episode.

Target Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:
 explain the importance of my classroom management plan.
 enumerate the components of my classroom management plan.
 write my classroom management plan.
 use professional reflections and learning to improve practice.

Clarify Your Task

Creating My Classroom / Remote Learning Management Plan

A classroom management plan is a plan that a teacher design that sets the
expectations for every student accountable for their actions. Effective classroom
management increases students’ success, enhance students’ academic skills and
competencies and promotes social and emotional development.

The teaching-learning process may be implemented in various modalities.

Teachers must bear in mind that alternatives and other options may be considered in
designing the classroom / remote management plan.

A good learning environment procedures highly engaged students who learn

more, do more and work more. Teachers likewise become more creative and productive
in their work.

Key Elements for Effective Classroom Management:

1. Classroom Design: This refers to seating arrangement, bulletin boards, display,
storage, area, equipment, supplies etc.
2. Rules: These are the expectations set at the beginning of the class to foster
love, care, respect and sense of community in the class.
3. Discipline: Classroom rules must define the consequences of every
action/misdemeanor in class. This will ensure fairness and consistency in dealing
with the students. This also includes the rewards given for good behavior.
4. Scheduling: This includes times allotment given for each period and activity in
class. This will make the students to stay on time and on task.
5. Organization: This refers to the systematic arrangement of files and records
and keeping them organized always and ready for use.
6. Instructional Techniques: These are ways by which you implement your
learning content. Tailoring your techniques to the subject, grade levels and
nature of the learner is really important.
7. Communication: Consistent open lines of communication to all stakeholders of
the school community will lead to better teacher-student teacher relationship.

In order to implement these elements effectively, a classroom management plan

must be designed. Each teacher has its own unique style of management to meet
class needs, although the same elements are found consistently. In order for a
classroom management plan to be successful, the students must have a complete
understanding of each of the guidelines. At the same time, teachers must follow
their plan to ensure that the learning environment is safe, friendly, secured and non-
threatening whether in the classroom or in remote learning.

Components of Classroom /
Remote Learning Management Guide Questions
Philosophical Statement What is your set of ideals, values,
beliefs and goals on classroom/ remote
learning management?

What set of criteria and/ or standards

will you set to judge the quality of your
classroom/ remote learning
Classroom Rules and Procedures What classroom rules and procedures
will you formulate to ensure discipline
and order in your class.
Teacher-Students Relationships How will you treat every student in your
How will you interact with them?
How will you ensure good interaction
between and among students and
Schedules and Timeframes How will you organize your class
How will you keep your students to stay
focused and on task?
Classroom Structure, Design and How will you design your classroom to
Arrangement create an appropriate learning
Classroom Safety Rules and How will you ensure the safety and
Procedures security of your students?
What rules will you formulate to
safeguard their protection?
Strategies for Rewards and What strategies will you employ for
Consequences rewards and Consequences?

Revisit the Infographic/s

These are the steps in creating your Classroom / Remote Learning Management

Steps in Designing Classroom Management Plan

the Plan

Improving Implementing
the Plan the Plan

the Plan

Participate and Assist

After realizing the different elements and steps of a classroom/ remote
management plan, you are now ready to make your own plan which can you implement
in your classroom/remote learning. You may request a copy of the Classroom/ Remote
Learning Management Plan of your Resource Teacher or you may surf the internet for
more samples/ exemplars to guide you in creating your plan.
Be guided with the guide questions for each of the elements. Follow these
reminders in writing your plan.
 State your plan positively.
 Use simple specific terms.
 Use measurable and observable behaviors.
 Convey expected behaviors.

My Classroom Management Plan

Philosophical Statement
 Set goals that will fulfil both your standards as a teacher and your students'
 Assign goals to each student. This will assist them in becoming more
 Students will be taught good manners and proper conduct.

Classroom Rules and Procedures

 Respect and listen to your classmates
 Raise your hand to speak
 Be quiet when the teacher is talking
 Keep the classroom neat and clean.
 Have a good attitude
 Respect others’ property
 Have fun while learning.

Teacher – Student Relationship

 Establish a time when I will interact with my students. For example, we can
use the remaining time to communicate with them by asking questions about
them or their suggestions for your classroom, rather than questions about
your subject.
 Pay attention to your students. Students expect you to pay attention to their
ideas, evaluate them carefully, and respond thoughtfully.
 Avoid favouritism by treating my students fairly and kindly.

Schedules and Timeframes

 Begin by writing out all of the details about your schedule that you have. This
covers your class days, times, and locations, as well as your employment
schedule, extracurricular activities, crucial college dates (class drop/add
deadlines, holidays, and so on), and due dates for all of your assignments.
 A responsible monitor has been assigned to assist you with your class
 During a group activity, give your pupils tips on how to be productive
members of a group.

Classroom Structures, Design and Arrangements

 Create a learning environment in your classroom based on what you believe

will benefit them.
 Having the right sitting arrangement will help.
 Ensure that your room has adequate ventilation and lighting.
 Provide your students with as many learning materials as possible, such as
 Maintaining a clean environment in your room is essential.

Classroom Safety Rules and Procedures

 Create a secure and healthy learning environment.
 Proper student separation.
 Cleanliness, disinfection, and hygiene.
 Take immediate action if someone in your class becomes ill.
 Keep an emergency kit in your room at all times.
 Keep those dangerous substances out of reach.
 Teach your students about safety precautions.

Strategies for Rewards and Consequences

 Reward them for their efforts.
 During the exercise, you can award prizes to the top students. This will
encourage people to participate in your activity.
 Acknowledge students who put up an effort in your class.


After reading and reviewing the classroom/remote learning environment plan

from different sources and creating your own plan, answer the following questions.
1. What salient components have you noted?
These are the key elements I've identified:
 A classroom management plan is a strategy devised by a teacher to
establish expectations for all students.
 The goal is for pupils to be held accountable for their behaviour.
 Effective classroom management increases student achievement,
improves academic abilities and competences, and promotes social and
emotional growth.
 For effective classroom management, there are seven key elements: (1)
classroom designs, (2) rules, (3) discipline, (4) scheduling, (5)
organization, (6) instructional techniques, and (7) communication.
 Each teacher has their own approach to planning and implementing a
classroom management strategy.

2. Why is there a need to utilize the information to create your classroom

management plan?
To ensure that kids are learning, the information should be used to
create a classroom management plan. This will also aid in the
development of positive teacher-student connections. It will also foster
positive relationships between students and teachers.

3. What were the significant things that you noticed when you were implementing
your plan?
When I'm putting my strategy into action, I've seen that there are
positive exchanges between me and my students. They were enthusiastic
about my strategy. There is also a constant flow of information and ideas.
We're all open to fresh ideas on how to make our classroom more
attractive, unique, and favourable to learning.

4. Were there times in your classroom/ remote learning management plan which
were not tailored to the needs of your students? How will you improve on these?
Schedules/Time frames are a source of contention in my classroom
management strategy. Some kids, particularly during group activities,
struggle to understand the task and collaborate well with their peers. To
improve these, we'll concentrate on one job at a time, giving them more
time to grasp it.


1. What elements in your classroom/remote learning management plan were

mostly followed / complied with?
Classroom Design and Arrangements, as well as Classroom Rules
and Procedures, are two parts of my classroom learning management plan
that are mostly followed.

2. What elements in your plan were the most difficult to implement

? Why?
The philosophical declaration is the most difficult to implement.
Because some pupils do not have a clear aim in mind when they study.
They don't understand why and how important it is to learn topics like
algebra. "How are we going to use this formula in our everyday lives? It
doesn't make any sense!" they often question. As their instructor, I will
help them understand the importance of having a goal to attain.


What were your realizations after creating and implementing your

classroom/remote learning management plan?
After establishing and implementing my classroom learning management plan, I
understood that the goal of applying classroom management tactics is to boost student
academic engagement and prosaically conduct. By putting my strategy into action, I will
be able to establish a learning atmosphere for them. It helped me realize that this
approach isn't just about keeping our classroom safe and clean; it's also about
strengthening our students' bonds.

Write Action Research Prompts

Using any one example of problems in this activity, answer the AR prompts that follow:


1. The problems / challenges I encountered in writing my classroom Management

The issues I ran into while writing my classroom management plan are as
• Expectations aren't communicated clearly.
• Some regulations may or may not be followed.

2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by
By effectively developing those plans, I hope to be able to address these issues.
I'll make certain that my classroom learning management strategy is followed to
the letter. With my plan, I'll ensure that my kids learn while having fun.

3. Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve these situations /
Here are some ways that can assist me in improving my problem-solving
• Create an easy-to-understand plan for the pupils.
• Establish ground rules that everyone will adhere to.

To further enrich my knowledge on designing my classroom/ remote

management plan, whether in the classroom or in remote learning, these are some of
the online resources which will help me in these activities. (include books, websites, you
tube videos and the like and share these to your peers.)

Here are some online resources that help me in these activities:

 Google
 Pinterest
 YouTube
 FS 2 book

Check for Mastery

Direction: Read the questions then choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Why is a classroom management plan important?

A. To assist the teacher in instruction
B. To ensure that the students obey the classroom rules
C. To develop the sneeze of belongingness in class
D. To make the students responsible and accountable for their actions

2. Why is there a need to make the classroom management plan clear and simple?
A. For students to understand and follow easily
B. To make it doable for the teacher
C. To prevent chaos in class
D. To ensure compliance of superiors

3. Why is there a need to have a classroom structure / lay out?

A. For aesthetic purposes
B. For compliance with school rules
C. To be at par with others
D. For the safety and security of students

4. When is the best time to make the classroom management/ remote plan?
A. At the beginning of the school year
B. At the beginning of each class
C. At the middle of the year
D. At the end of the year

5. Which of the elements in the classroom management / remote plan must be

given more emphasis?
A. Classroom Rules and Procedures
B. Schedule and Time Frame
C. Strategies for Rewards and Consequences
D. Classroom Design, Structure and Arrangement

Work on my Artifacts
Lucas,Maria Rita D. PhD et al, FieldStudy 2-Participation and Teaching Assistantship

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