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Healing T’s Guide to Creating Personal Calm

There are various ways to ground yourself. In this guide, you will be
introduced to ways to ground yourself mentally, physically and
sensually, with examples. But first…
Grounding is a set of simple strategies that can help you
detach from physical, emotional, or mental pain, distress,
worry, or anxiety, to restore a state of stability or peace.
Grounding, aka. Centering, is often a
visualization and meditation practice, used to bring
you into the present momemt, to feel more whole,
more aware. The image of a tree, generally evokes
feelings of stability and connectedness. This
imagery brings us into the present moment. It allows us
to surrender excessive energy into the earth to feel rooted
instead of rootless and scattered. Grounding anchors us to the core of
the earth, giving the chance to calm down, connect inwardly and allows to eventually return and address the
problem that is triggering the unpleasant emotions to begin with. It can be done anytime, anywhere, and no
one even has to know you are doing it. You may also think of grounding as centering, creating a safe place, or
healthy detachment.
VISUALISATION. Using a simple visualization we can strengthen our connection to the earth. Take a moment to get
quiet and get comfortable. Bring awareness to your first chakra, at the very base of your spine. At the same time, lift
your head, elongating your spine, and imagine a cord of light, or roots of a tree dropping down from your tailbone
and your feet, deep into the centre of the earth. Now consciously anchor it there. Take a few breaths, confirming
your secure connection to the earth. Feel a sense of groundedness as a result.
BREATH. Noticing each inhalation and exhalation, repeat the following grounding phrase to
yourself with each breath, “I Am Safe. I Am Secure. I Am Earth.” Until you feel calm.
EARTHING. Walk barefoot, lay or sit on the ground to connect to the earth for 20 minutes.
AFFIRMATION. Consider the words to an inspiring song, quotation, or poem that makes
you feel calm (e.g., serenity prayer… Yah, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I
cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the
DRAWING/COLOURING. Express yourself on paper, draw or doodle whatever flows from you
through the pencils or pens on the clean piece of paper or create and colour mandalas or
use a colouring book.
SWEEP. Get a broom and sweep the ground. It’s just that simple!
MEDITATION. Listen to a guided grounding meditations or root chakra meditations. There are many on YouTube!
Practice! Practice! Practice! Like any other skill, grounding takes practice. The more you practice grounding, the more
automatic it becomes. If you take even a few minutes a day to practice, you’ll not only have better energy in your daily life, you’ll
be able to ground quickly and instantly when you’re in a tense situation So practice as often as possible and, before you actually
need it. Then, when you need to call upon this skill you will have it, know it, and use it well.
Choose Life Well!
Your Divine Life Coach
Tekhiyah 

© Tekhiyah | Rebirth!You | | Instagram healing.tea| FB: healing tea (tekhiyah ammi)

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