Sync1 U5 ST

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Unit Test 5

A Grammar
Choose the correct option to complete the dialogues.
1 Sam Do you have ___ biscuits?
Lucy Yes, we do. Do you want chocolate or orange?
A ☐some B ☐
any C ☐ much
2 Hamza What do we need from the shop?
Amira We need ___ tomatoes.
A ☐some B ☐
any C ☐ much
3 Ruby There isn’t ___ rice left.
Luke OK, do you want me to put it on the shopping list?
A ☐some B ☐
many C ☐ much
4 Ava We need four eggs for dinner.
Peter There are ___ eggs in the fridge.
A ☐any B ☐
much C ☐ a lot of
5 Max There aren’t ___ apples.
Lena Look in the fruit bowl.
A ☐some B ☐
many C ☐ much
6 Alex What do we need from the shops?
Martina There isn’t ___ milk left. Can you buy some?
A ☐much B ☐
many C ☐ some

B Grammar
Complete the sentences with can, must, can’t or mustn’t.
1 You ____________ run in the canteen.
2 I ____________ phone my mum. I don’t know where my phone is.
3 ____________ I go out with my friends?
4 My sister ____________ sing very well.
5 He ____________ do his homework before he goes out!
6 There’s the bell. ____________ we leave now?

C Vocabulary
Match the words in the box to the correct food type.
bananas beef apples bread carrots chicken coffee grapes
lemonade lettuce milk oranges
1 Fruit _______________________________________________________________________________
2 Vegetable ___________________________________________________________________________
3 Meat _______________________________________________________________________________
4 Drink _______________________________________________________________________________
5 Carbohydrate ________________________________________________________________________

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1 Synchronize 1 • Unit Test 5 • Standard

D Vocabulary
Complete the dialogues with the words in the box.
bitter crunchy healthy spicy sweet unhealthy
1 Jane I don’t like coffee, it’s too ____________. Do you like it?
Ahmed I do, I always have a cup with my breakfast.
2 Sophie Do you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables?
Leroy Yes, we do. Mum says they’re very ____________.
3 Jacob This curry is really ____________. How many chillies did you put in?
Dad I only used four. Do you want a glass of water?
4 Santos What are you drinking?
Evie It’s a cup of hot chocolate. It’s really ____________.
5 Louis Can I put some salt on my dinner, Dad?
Dad I don’t think you should. Too much salt is really ____________.
6 Mum Do you want an apple?
Fatima Yes, please. I love apples because they are nice and ____________.

E Reading
Jamie Oliver is a British celebrity chef. His TV programmes are fun and interesting, and they are popular all over the
world. Jamie’s School Dinners, Jamie at Home, Jamie Cooks Summer and Jamie’s Quick & Easy Food are just
some of his TV programmes. He also writes lots of great cookbooks. Jamie travels all over the world to get new and
exciting ideas for his cooking. He loves Italy and Italian food. Jamie’s meals are simple, creative and easy-to-cook.
He is very interested in cooking tasty, healthy food. He loves salads, vegetables and fresh fish or meat. He also
makes some vegetarian recipes. He is very popular with young people and children because he makes healthy food
like fruit and vegetables tasty and fun. In the UK, he started a project to have healthier food in schools – not just fast
food like pizza and chips. Jamie is also interested in helping young people. He does lots of projects with young
people who are in difficult situations. He teaches 16–19-year-olds to cook so they can become chefs like him.

Read the text. Write the five adjectives used to describe Jamie’s cooking.

Read the text again. Complete the sentences with one, two or three words.
1 Jamie is famous because he makes TV programmes and he also _________________.
2 Jamie _________________ to lots of different countries to get new ideas for his cooking.
3 One of Jamie’s favourite countries is _________________.
4 Jamie thinks it’s important to have _________________ food in school canteens.
5 Jamie does a lot to help _________________ find work as a chef.

2 Synchronize 1 • Unit Test 5 • Standard

F Listening
Listen to a woman giving a review of a restaurant. Choose the correct option.
1 What is the name of the restaurant?
A ☐ The Spice Kitchen
B ☐ Ajay’s Kitchen
C ☐ Main Avenue
2 Who takes you to your table?
A ☐ Ajay
B ☐ Aisha
C ☐ Aisha’s son
3 What does the speaker say is healthy?
A ☐ fish dishes
B ☐ vegetarian dishes
C ☐ meat dishes
4 What does the speaker say about ordering the food?
A ☐ You wait a long time for your food.
B ☐ You don’t get help to order your food.
C ☐ You get a lot of food.
5 The speaker says the drinks …
A ☐ are quite expensive.
B ☐ are very cheap.
C ☐ are all homemade by Ajay.
6 The speaker says the restaurant …
A ☐ serves curry and other food.
B ☐ only serves curry.
C ☐ is quite relaxing.

3 Synchronize 1 • Unit Test 5 • Standard

G Use of English
Complete the dialogue with the phrases in the box. There are two extra phrases you do not need to use.
Server Hello. 1___ you?
Customer Yes, please. Do you sell salads?
Server We do, yes. Here’s our menu.
Customer Thanks. 2___ the Mexican chicken salad, please?
Server Yes, of course. Medium or 3___?
Customer Medium, please.
Server No problem. 4___ to drink? Tea, coffee, a cold drink?
Customer A large cola, please
Server Great. Anything 5___?
Customer No, thanks. That’s everything.
Server OK, that’s £7.50, please.
Customer 6___ you are. Thank you very much.

Server You’re welcome. Have a nice day.

A Can I have
B Here
C large
D Is there any
E else
F please
G Can I help
H What would you like

4 Synchronize 1 • Unit Test 5 • Standard

H Writing
Write a flyer to advertise a food stall at your school. Explain what type of foods are available from the
food stall. Describe some of the dishes people can buy and include information about ingredients and
taste as well as prices. Give information about the location and opening hours of your food stall, how
to contact your stall and include information for customers with special diets. Include a special offer to
help persuade customers to visit your stall. Use adjectives to make your food descriptions more
interesting and remember to use lists to present the information clearly. Write about 130 words.

Paragraph 1: Give the name of your food stall and explain what type of foods are available.
Paragraph 2: Describe some of the dishes people can buy and how much they cost. Include information about
ingredients and use adjectives to describe the taste. Give examples.
Paragraph 3: Give information about the location and opening hours of your food stall, how to contact your stall and
include information for customers with special diets.
Paragraph 4: Include details of a special offer to help persuade customers to try your food stall.
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5 Synchronize 1 • Unit Test 5 • Standard

6 Synchronize 1 • Unit Test 5 • Standard

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