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"Efficacy and Safety: An Analysis on the Side Effects of

Taking Dietary Supplements."

A Research Presented to the Faculty

of Exact Colleges of Asia Inc.

Arayat, Pampanga

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirement of the

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Strand


Gatchalian, Luisa Mae Y.

Ocampo, Andrea Jane P.

Daquiz, Carl Kevin M.

Pescadera, Jovelyn T.

Guese, Michaela P.

Balatbat, Carlo S.

Diaz, Jonabea M.

Lalu, Jelaica M.

Turla, Alwyn P.
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This research is entitled, “Efficacy and Safety: An Analysis on the Side Effects of

Taking Dietary Supplements”, prepared and submitted by Gatchalian, Luisa Mae

Y., Ocampo, Andrea Jane P., Pescadera, Jovelyn T., Daquiz, Carl Kevin M., Balatbat,

Carlo S., Guese, Michaela P., Diaz, Jonabea M., Lalu, Jelaica M., Turla, Alwyn P. . In

partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Science, Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics Strand is hereby recommended for acceptance and approval.

Date Signed
Date Signed


Member Member
____________________________ _________________________
Date Signed Date Signed

Approved and accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Strand.
Passed the final defense with a grade of ____ on January ____, 2023.


Vice President for Academic Affairs
Date Signed
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Nowadays, having a healthy body is a must, it is well recognize that having a

healthy body can prevent different kind of diseases. But a lot of people nowadays are

struggling to get the nutrients that their body needs. That's the main reason why the

use of dietary supplements have increased exponentially. Dietary supplements are

preparations intended to supplement the diet and provide nutrients, these supplements

will ensure to fill the nutrition gap of a body and improve the overall health and

wellness.The purpose of this study was to determine the safety and effectiveness of

dietary supplement and to identify the possible side effects of the said supplements

that will benefit the different sectors including the consumers, health professionals

and the future researchers. The data for this study will be gathered through interviews

with open-ended questions conducted by the researchers. The researchers used 15

selected students of Exact Colleges of Asia as the participants of the study.

Researchers politely asked them for permission to answer all the questions and assure

the participants that all the responses coming from them will be kept strictly

confidential and protected under the Republic Act 10173 or the data privacy act of

2012, the duration of each interview was approximately 2 to 3 minutes. The data was

analyzed using Content Analysis, emergent themes were Possible Side Effects,

Effectuality and Safeness, and Proper Taking of Supplement. Suggestions are made

for the consumers, health professionals and future researchers. Recommendations

include the need for deeper study about the side effects of dietary supplements and

further research should focus on one type of dietary supplement in order for the

findings to be more concise and accurate.

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This chapter includes the introduction, conceptual framework, conceptual

paradigm, statement of the problem, hypothesis, significance of the study, scope and

delimitation, and the definition of terms used.


Having a healthy body is a must. It is well recognize that having this can

prevent one's body from having different kind of diseases, such as heart disease,

diabetes, and cancer. One of the major factors to have a healthy body is completing

your meals with go, grow, and glow foods in order to acquire the needed nutrients of

your body. Nutrients are the substances that we obtain from consuming food that our

bodies need to nourish and nurture. Furthermore, nutrients are the fuel that allows the

body to break down food and use it to repair and grow cells and tissue, which is what

our metabolism is all about.(Health and Well-being Northward, 2018)

Each and everyone of us has different problems in getting the enough nutrients

that our bodies need. A lot of people nowadays are maintaining a fit and sexy body,

thus they are regulating the food they intake. Some people, particularly the children,

are picky about what they eat. There are also several people who are cautious about

their health. These are the underlying factors why an individual decided to take a

dietary supplement, also known as food supplements. To elaborate, dietary

supplements are preparations intended to supplement the diet and provide nutrients.

They include vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, or amino acids, that may be
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missing or may not be consumed in sufficient quantities in a person's diet (Aina &

Ojedokun, 2014). In addition to that, these supplements will ensure to fill the nutrition

gap of a body and improve the overall health and wellness.

The usage of these supplements have increased exponentially in the recent

years. As a matter of fact, based to the foreign survey conducted at Washington in the

year 2019 by Ipsos of CRN reveals that 77 percent of the Americans reporting are

consuming dietary supplements. This survey also found out that vitamins and

minerals continue to be the most commonly consumed supplement category. While in

the recent local survey conducted by Rakuten Insight in 2020, 61 percent of the

respondents aged 55 years or older stated taking dietary supplements. The findings

also revealed that 61 percent of respondents age 16 to 24 are not taking this


In view of the fact that the consumer of these supplements continue to rise, an

organization called American Cancer Society conducted a study about the safeness of

dietary supplements in the year 2021. According to their findings most people can

use dietary supplements safely as long as they do not take too much. But dietary

supplements are not totally safe, and taking them can have risks, especially for people

who are getting cancer treatment. Many supplements contain active ingredients that

can have strong effects in the body. Consumers must be aware to the possibility of a

bad reaction, especially when taking a new product. (National Institutes of Health,


As the usage of this supplement increases locally, the researchers are highly

advocate to conduct a study where dietary supplements and the users are examined.
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The study will take place in Exact Colleges of Asia where all of the researchers


While most of the users utilize these supplements on a daily basis, therefore

they should understand everything about this supplements. Thus, this study was

intended to test the efficiency and safeness of these supplements and to determine all

of the possible side effects that have impact on a body.

Since the utilization of these supplements have expanded both globally and

locally, thus each and everyone of us are highly encourage to be aware and open to

the knowledge of this supplements, especially the consumers. Consequently, this

study will fill the knowledge gap and will serve as brochure in order to use the dietary

supplements properly.
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Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify all the possible side effects of taking dietary

supplements of the students of Exact Colleges Of Asia in the year 2022-2023. It also

serve as a basis for intervention program for the proper use of dietary supplements.

Specifically, this study was intended to seek for the answer to the following

questions ;

1. What are the side effects of taking dietary supplements?

2. How effective and how safe to use these supplements?

3. What are the implication of the findings?

Conceptual Paradigm

In the concept below is the systematic paradigm of the conceptual framework

of the study, it will describe how the study will be perform. The diagram follows an

IPO format namely input, process and output. The first box which is the input

includes the side effects of dietary supplement use and the efficacy and safety of these

supplements. The second box shows the process of data gathering through the method

of interview and research. As for the third box, the output analyzes all the possible

side effects of taking dietary supplements same as its effectiveness and safeness.
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Conceptual Framework


- Identified all the

possible side
-Side Effects of -Data gathering effects of taking
dietary supplement through interview dietary
use and efficacy and research. supplements and
and safety of these
-Data analysis. assessed the
effectiveness of
these supplements.


The Scope and Delimitation

The specific intent of this study was only to focus on identifying the side

effects of dietary supplements use and to determine the effectiveness and safeness of

the said supplements. The study will take place at Exact Colleges Of Asia in the year

2022-2023. The participants of the study were the students of the said institution. The

major task of this study was to determine the effectiveness and safeness of the dietary

supplements and to identify the side effects of taking this supplements.

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Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial and important in the field of Health. It will show the

side effects of dietary supplements use and the safeness and effectiveness of taking

these supplements. The findings of the study could be significant to the following :


This study shall serve as a guide and knowledge regarding the possible results

of dietary supplements intake, to further understand the potential consequences and

side effects.

Health Professionals

Statistical records and other reliable data of this study may serve as a shred of

evidence that shall guide these professionals through their journey. Pieces of

information stated in this research may serve as reading material and a basis for a

deeper understanding of the effect of dietary supplements, hence, may give an idea to

formulate better ingredients for the supplementation in the near future.

Future Researchers

This research may be used as a reference in future studies, which will be greatly

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Definition of Terms

Dietary Supplements - a product taken orally that contains one or more ingredients

(such as vitamins or amino acids) that are intended to supplement one's diet and are

not considered food.

Efficacy - the power to produce an effect.

Glow Foods - contain the Vegetables and the Fruits Group foods that supply the body

with vitamins and minerals to keep the body healthy and functioning properly.

Go Foods - the type of food that provide fuel and help us 'go' and be active.

Grow Foods - help our body grow bigger and stronger.

Metabolism - the sum of the processes by which a particular substance is handled in

the living body.

Nourish - to furnish or sustain with nutriment : FEED / to promote the growth of.

Nurture - something that nourishes: FOOD.

Nutrition - the act or process of nourishing or being nourished.

Wellness - the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.
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This chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, generalizations or conclusions

and methodologies conducted and published by foreign and local research in order to

have a comprehensive background for the study that will be conducted.

Related Literature

Local Literature

According to Cruz, Tanchoco and Orense in their study in 2011 proves that

concerns about nutritional adequacy among the general public, combined with the

recent wellness movement, have fueled the rapid growth of health supplement use.

People are looking for new ways to improve their health, and natural cures are

becoming more popular than prescription drugs. The usage of dietary supplements is

becoming more popular among the general population of the United States. These

supplements account for a significant fraction of total vitamin and mineral intake in

most of the groups that have been surveyed.

Since dietary supplements are being used for improving the health, consumer

must determine whether they are utilizing dietary supplement either Drug-based or

dietary supplement. Based on FDA Philippines Officer Order No. 22 s. 1991, your

vitamin or mineral product will be classified as drug-based if it meets the following

conditions; Has clinical therapeutic claim/s with regards to a specific vitamin

deficiency or disease; Has a concentration per dosage form of greater than 150
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percent of the Philippine Dietary Reference Index (PDRI) for water-soluble vitamins

and/or greater than 105 percent of the PDRI for fat-soluble vitamins; Takes the form

of a pharmaceutical dosage or injectable; and Has additional pharmacologically-active

ingredients present. On the other hand, the product will be categorized as a food

supplement (more specifically a “processed food”) if: Its indication is that of “Dietary

or Health Supplement; Its concentration per dosage form is less than 105% of the

PDRI for fat- soluble vitamins and/or less than 150 percent for water-soluble

vitamins; It may be available in both non-pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical dosage

form except parenterals; It is available as either a purified or a natural product; and It

contains no additional pharmacologically-active ingredients. (Masacupan 2020)

Because of the pandemic, Masacupan conducted a study in 2020 where dietary

supplements became weapon to resist covid-19. The saying "health is wealth" has

never been more true than now, as the possibility of a COVID-19 pandemic looms.

People are beginning to place a greater emphasis on their loved ones' physical well-

being. With specialists estimating that a vaccine will take at least a year, if not longer,

to develop, prevention is taking precedence. Individuals can use supplements to help

them meet their daily energy and nutrient requirements. This makes people less

susceptible to common infections like the COVID-19 virus. (Masacupan, 2020)

Foreign Literature

According to Binns, Lee, and Lee (2018), dietary supplements may be found

in many forms such as tablets, capsules, soft gels, gel caps, liquids, or powders. The

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) questions on dietary

supplements include the following description: Supplements could be a capsule,

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tablet, pill, softgel, chew or gum, or other product containing one or more

supplements. They can also be manufactured into other forms, such as a snack bar or

toothpaste to provide vitamin B12 to vegans.

While on the other hand based on Rovira and others (2013), supplements can

also be distinguished depending on their origin (natural or synthetic). They are

classified comparably to their texture or form in which they are available as follows:

Vitamin and mineral supplements, whether they are combined in the form of

multivitamins or multi-minerals or not, Protein supplements in the form of liquid or

tablet in combination or not with carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals, Amino

acids of every form and composition, Supplements for gaining weight, Meal

surrogates in the form of powder, wafers or biscuits, Carbohydrate supplements with

or without electrolytes and vitamins, Supplements which have natural anabolic effect,

and which are not included in the “banned substances list”, “Activator” supplements

of growth hormone and other hormones, Supplements of basic fatty acids, Foodstuffs

or food ingredients such as yeast, garlic, kelp, royal jelly and herbs. Thousands of

supplements are available on the market. Many are excellent, while others are

average, and a few are ineffective. Their manufacturing method and the source of

their basic components are the primary causes of their low efficiency.

Dietary supplements can be useful to human health in certain circumstances,

but they should not be used to substitute comprehensive and balanced daily meals of

food substances, according to scientists and health specialists. The market for dietary

supplements used to improve a customer's health or well-being is massive. These

products, however, are not necessarily safe for everyone. Supplements having active

substances that have a physiological or pharmacological effect, like ordinary

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medications, are prone to induce side effects in vulnerable people. To avoid

catastrophic medical consequences, more attention to adverse effects and probable

interactions is required. Before initiating or suggesting a regimen incorporating these

substances, users and physicians should study current literature. (Hassan et al. 2020)

According to Thomas (2001), the advantages that nutritional supplements

generally offer includes high content of nutrients in small volumes; special nutrient

compositions; lack of undesirable accompanying substances such as fats, cholesterol

and purines; and complete cover-age of specialized sporting needs. Nevertheless,

these formulations should be treated as a supplement of basic healthy diet and not as a

replacement. Users of dietary supplements often increase the dosage or frequency. As

a result, doses become less and less effective. Thus, the human organism is forced to

work harder to eliminate the extra amounts of supplements taken in. All these factors

lead to the appearance of side effects due to toxicity of dietary supplements, which

depends on the factors including. The dosage, because exceeding the recommended

dosage may cause side effects; The duration of intake which is related to the fact that

human organism is overloaded , owing to specific substances that the supplement

contains, till the substance is eliminated; The special chemical properties of some

substances and their interactions with other foods and substances; The person’s

weight who takes those supplements; Age, because 33 lots of supplements are not

recommended for underaged persons or the elderly; and The individual capacity,

because each person reacts differently in the face of various substances (Oikonomou


Based on Troesch and others (2012), no supplement is without a risk.

Hypervitaminosis, for example, is caused by an excess of fat-soluble vitamins.

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Overdosing on protein can harm the kidneys and liver. A high carbohydrate

consumption in the form of powder might lead to weight gain. A high fatty acid intake

may impair the body's ability to manufacture certain muscle proteins. Finally,

performance-enhancing medications have been linked to endocrine diseases.

Related Study

Local Study

In the Philippines, dietary risk is the top risk factor for diseases and is estimated

to account for 10.6% of total disability-adjusted life-years. One out of 10 adults

suffers from chronic energy deficiency and a high proportion (70–80%) of adults is

not meeting dietary requirements for many key micro-nutrients. The prevalence of

anemia among older adults is 24%. The Philippines is also experiencing double

burden of malnutrition. Three out of 10 adults are overweight or obese, and the

number of mortality and disability caused by ischemic heart disease, stroke, diabetes

and chronic kidney disease has increased by more than 25% in the past decade

(Angeles-Agdeppa et al. 2019). This is one of the major factors why Filipinos

decided to used dietary supplement i in order to prevent this concerns.

On the other hand, Sacdalan and Angles conducted a local survey in 2018

where 380 patients with cancer on follow-up at the Philippine General Hospital

Medical Oncology outpatient clinic were surveyed regarding their status and patterns

of herbal product and dietary supplements (HDS) intake. 88.95 percent of the 380

respondents said they had ever used HDS, with 178 (46.84 percent) saying they had

used it in the previous month. The demographic features of HDS users and non-users
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were not significantly different. The majority of 338 ever users (63.02 percent) began

HDS only after a cancer diagnosis, with 62.72 percent reporting virtually daily use.

Users were mostly unmonitored (76.29 percent), and 42.31 percent said they used

HDS while taking systemic medication. Eighty-five patients (25.15%) said they had

previously postponed traditional treatment in favor of HDS. Only 30.53 percent of

patients had HDS discussions in the clinic, and only 24 (20.69 percent) of those

conversations were initiated by the doctor. As a result, HDS use is common among

Filipinos with cancer, which might cause delays and interfere with systemic

treatment. The outpatient consultation is a golden opportunity to adequately educate

patients on the use of HDS.

Since the use of herbal and dietary supplement (HDS) in cancer patients has

been increasing over the past years while the risk of its adverse effects and

undesirable reactions with conventional cancer treatment has also been accumulating.

Here enters the study conducted by Enriquez and Esplana in 2021 where an initial

survey was conducted among adult cancer patients undergoing treatment at the

Zamboanga City Medical Center Cancer Institute. More than half of the participants

(65.4%) had utilized HDS, and the majority (54.5%) were breast cancer patients with

stage II-III illness. The main motivations for using HDS were to treat cancer, cope

with chemotherapy, and relieve cancer symptoms. Most patients believe that HDS and

chemotherapy play an equal part in cancer treatment. The media/internet influenced

the majority of patients (36.36 percent), and the majority (50 percent) did not reveal

information to their primary health care providers. Eight respondents with incomes

below the minimum wage spent more than 25% of their earnings on HDS, with
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several spending more than 50%. This could put a strain on finances and lead to

treatment failure.

In addition, Enriquez and Esplana concludes that in order to prevent

disinformation, health education must be prioritized. Screening and limiting HDS use

among cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy may also be achieved through

hospital policies and regulations. Larger future research on the impact of HDS use

during cancer treatment, as well as studies on the impacts of HDS on financial burden,

should be investigated.

Foreign Study

Dietary supplement marketing has exploded in recent decades. Thousands of

items claim to be useful to health, disease prevention, or even mental or physical

performance enhancement. The rising popularity of dietary supplements raises public

health concerns about their efficacy and long-term safety. Because many supplements

contain many substances, alter composition over time, or are used infrequently at

difficult-to-measure amounts, monitoring and evaluating them is difficult. Current

systems of voluntary adverse event reporting may take a long time to uncover public

health issues linked with supplement misuse. (Binns, Lee, Lee 2018).

Since the usage of dietary supplements rapidly increases Deran and Burku

conducted a research in 2021 saying that dietary supplements should not be

considered as drugs. It is known that such supplements affect the health of the

individual positively only when recommended by experts and consumed correctly.

Nutritional problems are now caused by insufficient and unbalanced diet. Efforts to
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achieve optimal nutrition boost people's willingness to try new foods (vitamins,

minerals, etc.). The functional qualities of foods (antioxidant, dietary fiber, amino

acid, and so on) are now leading to the development of novel dietary supplement

items that can help people who require them. Dietary supplements can have a variety

of negative effects in addition to their beneficial and supporting benefits. These side

effects can be quite dangerous. It's important to remember that dietary supplements

taken to help with metabolism can interact with medicines taken at the same time,

causing undesirable side effects.

Furthermore, according to Binns, Lee, and Lee in the study they conducted in

the year 2018 the risks of using dietary supplements include organ damage from

inherent toxicity, interactions, or product contamination. Supplement users may also

be more likely to postpone potentially beneficial therapy for life-threatening

conditions. Some people mistakenly believe that supplements are as beneficial as a

healthy diet and life style.

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This chapter deals with the methodological procedures by which the data

relative to the research problem is collected. It presents the research design, locale and

respondents of the study, sample and sampling procedure, research instrument and the

data collection. The details are as described below.

Research Design

The design used in this study was descriptive research design. Wherein this

type of research design characterizes the population, circumstances or phenomena

being studied. Furthermore, it focuses on answering who, what, when, where and how

questions that are related to a specific research problem. Therefore, describing the

possible side effects of taking dietary supplements is most relevant for a descriptive

research design.

Locale of the Study

The study was conducted at Exact Colleges Of Asia where all of the

researchers studied. Where in researches are highly advocate to conduct a study where

dietary supplements and the users are examined.

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Respondents of the Study

The proponent selected the students of Exact Colleges of Asia to be the

respondents of the study, definitely those who take Dietary Supplements. The

researchers had come up with 15 selected consumers of Dietary Supplements. Chosen

respondents who has been consuming dietary supplements will be included.

Sample and Sampling Procedure

As with this qualitative research, non-probability sampling was chosen for

selecting the respondents. Under this, purposive sampling technique will be used. A

purposive sampling is a non-probability sample that is selected based on

characteristics of a population and the objective of the study. Purposive sampling is

also known as judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling. The researchers have

chosen respondents who judge as people with great enthusiasm about the study. This

type of sampling was chosen by the researchers to ensure that the selected

respondents will offer the most insight and information to the study. The researchers

chose 15 participants who take dietary supplements that are students of Exact

Colleges Of Asia.

Research Instrument

Semi-structured interviews will be used to get essential information for this

study, which will aid the researchers in determining the impacts of taking dietary

supplements of students of Exact Colleges Of Asia. The researchers created a series of

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questions to be answered by selected participants. The researcher will use both open

and close-ended questions.

Data Collection

The interview method will be used in this study, the researcher used a

purposive sample strategy to pick participants for an interview. The researchers use

the free time they have to ask the students in every classroom of Exact Colleges of

Asia (Senior High Department) if they are eligible for the study. The researchers

scheduled the morning shift interviewee to have the interview in the afternoon at

exactly 12:30pm to 1:00pm, while for the afternoon shift around 11:00am to 11:30am,

in order to prevent the interviewees from interrupting their classes. The researchers

used voice recording and interview transcript method for gathering the opinion and

experience of the interviewees. The researchers created written questionnaires about

the experiences of the consumers in taking dietary supplements. Furthermore, the

questions are well-structured, prepared, and ordered in accordance with the study’s

goal. The participants will be encouraged to give as accurate and honest feedback as

possible during the procedure.

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This chapter presents the relevant findings gathered from the selected 15

students of Exact Colleges of Asia Inc. Who served as respondents of this research.

The researchers gathered data through an in-depth interview. Content analysis is the

method used for analyzing the following qualitative data, due to its purpose that is to

determine the presence of certain words, themes, or concepts within some given

qualitative data. Using the said type of analysis, researchers can quantify and analyze

the presence, meanings, and relationships of such certain words, themes, or concepts (

Columbia Public Health, 2022).

Feeling of
tiredness Weight gain

Possible Side

Prone to
sleepiness Loss of appetite

Theme 1 : Possible Side Effects

In line with qualitative research done on the topic, possible side effects

appeared as a theme present across numerous responses of the participants. They

shared experiences that happened to be the side effects of the dietary supplements.
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These students experienced different side effects such as weight gain, loss of appetite,

prone to sleepiness and feeling of tiredness.

Participant 1 : "I felt like I am always sleepy."

Participant 2 : "Yes I do, I always feel like I am sleepy, and it feels like I am always

Participant 3 : "I always sleep."

Participant 4 : "... becoming more greedy of sleep."

Participant 5 : "I feel tired though I am not and I always want to sleep."

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are known to cause fatigue, so it is natural to

expect taking vitamin supplements will boost your energy and improve your overall

wellbeing. But this isn't always the case. When taken in high doses, some vitamins

and minerals can make you feel tired (Coleman, 2022).

Participant 6 : "Yes I gain a little amount of weight."

Participant 7 : "Gaining weight."

Participant 8 : "Yes, weight gain."

Participant 9 : "Of course, my metabolism became slow, which was resolved by

gaining weight and becoming more greedy for sleep."

Participant 10 : "Yes, I always sleep, so it resolved for weight gain."

Supplements can be effective for weight gain because they provide a

concentrated source of calories and nutrients. However, they should be used only to

supplement your diet — not as a replacement for whole, nutrient-rich foods. Also
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keep in mind that while some supplements may more directly help you gain weight by

providing a boost of calories, others may have a more indirect effect by supporting

muscle gain (Knott, 2022).

Participant 11 : "Constipated and it is hard to excrete the contents of the bowel."

Participant 12 : " You lose your appetite every time you eat."

Clearly, based on the responses of the participants, they experienced side

effects when taking dietary supplements. The side effects vary according to the type

of supplement and the number of supplement they consume per day.

by Desired
Professionals effect

Effectuality and

Experiences Improvement of
based health and

Theme 2 : Effectuality and Safeness

This theme highlights the concern with how effective and how safe it is to use

the dietary supplements.

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Participant 1 : "My experience on taking vitamins is great, especially because it

really benefits my body to be tough unlike before that I am vulnerable to diseases like

Participant 2 : " It is fine, I think my immune system got stronger and I am not having
menstrual cramps too much and the amount of blood coming out in my private part
when I am in my period is lessened."

Participant 3 : “Yes, because lately I have noticed that I don't get cold as often as

Participant 4 : "Yes, because it feels the nutrition gap in my body."

Participant 5 : "I do believe yes because it helps my immunity to be strengthened, as

I said earlier it lessens the possibility of having a cough and cold."

Participant 6 : "Yes, because I became really healthy."

Participant 7 : "Yes, because I now have a stronger immune system."

Some dietary supplements can help you get adequate amounts of essential

nutrients if you don’t eat a nutritious variety of foods. However, supplements can’t

take the place of the variety of foods that are important to a healthy eating routine.

Majority of the dietary supplements can improve overall health and help manage

some health conditions (National Institute of Health, 2023)

Participant 8 : "Make sure to consult your doctor first, whether the vitamins are okay
for you, and also if you have an allergy to the ingredients."

Participant 9 : "You should limit the consumption of your supplements because it is

bad when it is too much."

Participant 10 : "Ask professionals like doctors first because sometimes there are
supplements that are not allowed in our body."
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Participant 11 : " No, because my aunts and sisters said that it is really good for iron
deficiency when you have a menstrual period.”

Participant 12 : "No, I saw it on Facebook, and based on the experiences of the

netizens, it shows that it is safe and effective."

Many supplements contain active ingredients that can have strong effects in

the body. Always be alert to the possibility of a bad reaction, especially when taking a

new product. Consumers who take dietary supplements at high doses are most likely

to have side effects or instead of prescribed medicines, or if you take many different

supplements (National Institute of Health, 2023)

It is clear that according to the responses of all participants the effectiveness of

the supplement is beneficial to their health. According also to their responses they

believe that dietary supplements are safe to take because it is prescribed by a

professional and based on the experiences of the others.

Limiting the

Proper Taking Maintaining the

of Supplement

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Theme 3 : Proper Taking of Supplement

The final theme refers to the proper ways on how to consume dietary

supplements in order to prevent the alarming side effects that may have a negative

impact on our body.

Participant 1 : " Make sure you are not taking your supplement too much."

Participant 2 : " You should have a limit because it is bad when it is too much."

There's no consensus on whether or not vitamin supplements offer any benefit

for your health. But one thing experts can agree on is that taking too much of certain

nutrients can be risky. Taking high doses of vitamins without your doctor's

recommendation puts you at risk of side effects that can be not only uncomfortable

but also life-threatening (Braverman, 2019).

Participant 3 : "Make it a maintenance especially when it is prescribed by a doctor

and also you should be knowledgeable about your chosen supplement."

Participant 4 : "Just maintain taking multivitamins for a better outcome."

Nutritients have a vital role in our body. Vitamins and minerals are essential to

helping your body develop and function as it should. While most people get all of

what's recommended by eating healthy, others need a little extra nutrient boost. That's

their reason why it is a must to maintain taking a supplement.

Participant 5 : "Have healthy habits, and if you want to achieve the purpose of the
supplement maintain it."
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Participant 6 : "Avoid unhealthy habits because you will not really achieve the effect
of your supplement if you have unhealthy habits."

Having an unhealthy habit can really affect ones health just like poor eating

habits. According to Langford and Kelly (2022), children with poor eating habits do

not consume the adequate amount of nutrients needed for growth and development.

These children may consume too few or too many nutrients, which may result in the

child being underweight or overweight.

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The main objectives of this research study were to determine how safe and how

effective the dietary supplements are and to identify what are the side effects of the

said supplement. This chapter presents the summary of the study undertaken, the

conclusions drawn and the recommendations made as an outgrowth of this research.

Summary of the Findings

Theme 1 : Shows the possible side effects of taking dietary supplements in which the

participants experienced the consequences of improper taking of dietary supplement.

The researchers discovered that taking dietary supplements can cause side

effects such as weight gain, loss of appetite, feeling of tiredness and prone to

sleepiness. According to Nania(2022), improper taking of dietary supplements just

like taking too much can cause side effects.

Theme 2 : As a theme, Effectuality and Safeness was identified. It depicts the

participants' confidence that the supplements they take are safe and effective.

After analyzing their responses, it is clear that they are confident that the

supplement they consume is safe because it is prescribed by a professional or it is

based on the experiences of others. It is also clear that the supplement they consume is
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effective because their overall health and wellness was improved and the desired

effect of different types of supplement was achieved.

Theme 3 : Outlines the proper way of dietary supplement use in order to prevent the

side effects. The theme also highlights the do's and don'ts in order to achieve the

efficacy of the said supplement.

Based on the responses of the participants, the researchers discovered that in

order to prevent side effects the consumer must limit the supplement he/she intake.

The researchers also found that in order to achieve the full potential of the

supplement, the consumer must avoid unhealthy habits and maintain the consumption

of the supplement.


The study attempts to determine the efficacy and safety of dietary supplements

and to identify the side effects of the said supplement.

Specifically, this study was intended to seek for the answer to the following

questions ;

1. What are the side effects of taking dietary supplements?

2. How effective and how safe to use these supplements?

3. What are the implication of the findings?

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The aim of this study is to determine the side effects of dietary supplements and

to identify the safety and efficacy of the said supplement. After a thorough analysis of

data, further conclusions were drawn:

1. The participants experienced different types of side effects such as weight gain,

loss of appetite, feeling of tiredness and being prone to sleepiness depending on the

consumption of the supplement.

2. The participants believe that dietary supplements are safe to use especially when it

is prescribed by a professional, just make sure to limit the consumption of the

supplement. The participants achieve the purpose of their supplement, meaning the

level of the effectiveness of the supplement is great.

3. Proper taking of dietary supplement is found to be the best way to avoid the side

effects. Limiting the consumption intake of the supplement, avoidance of side effects

is found to be possible. While maintaining the intake of the supplement and avoiding

unhealthy habits can make the supplement effective.


The following suggestions are offered for future research undertakings and for

possible actions :

1. The consumers must limit the consumption intake to prevent experiencing side

effects, and maintain the supplement consumption and avoid unhealthy habits to

achieve the function of the supplement.

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2. For the assurance of the safety of the consumers, health professionals must detailed

and carefully instruct the consumers on how to take the dietary supplement properly

to avoid side effects and to achieve the effectiveness of the supplement.

3. The future researchers should publish further research in order to identify the other

side effects of dietary supplement.

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Name: Luisa Mae Y. Gatchalian

Birthday: April 25, 2004

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Birthplace: Camba, Arayat, Pampanga

Email :

Home Address: Purok 3, Camba, Aryat, Pampanga, 2012

Civil Status: Single

Religious Affiliation: Roman Catholic

Height: 5'1

Weight: 40 kg


Father: Felino T. Gatchalian

Occupation: Welder

Mother: Evelyn Y. Gatchalian

Occupation: Caregiver

Elementary School Graduated(2017) from: Camba Elementary School

Award/s: First Honorable Mention

Junior High School Graduated(2021) from: Camba High School

Award/s: with Honors

Skills and Interest : Writing

E \*


Name: Andrea Jane P. Ocampo

Birthday: June 04, 2005

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Birthplace: San Carlos, Cabiao, Nueva Ecija

Email :

Home Address: Purok 6, San Carlos, Cabiao, Nueva Ecija

Civil Status: Single

Religious Affiliation: Roman Catholic

Height: 5'1

Weight: 43 kg


Father: Adrian M. Ocampo

Occupation: Farmer

Mother: Josielyn P. Ocampo

Occupation: Housewife

Elementary School Graduated(2017) from: San Carlos Elementary School

Award/s: None

Junior High School Graduated(2021) from: Sta. Rita National High School

Award/s: with Honors

Skills and Interest : Cooking and Writing

E \*


Name: Jovelyn T. Pescadera

Birthday: July 16, 2005

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Birthplace: San Fernando Sur, Cabiao, Nueva Ecija

Email :

Home Address: Purok 1, San Fernando Sur, Cabiao, Nueva Ecija

Civil Status: Single

Religious Affiliation: Born Again

Height: 5'2

Weight: 43 kg


Father: Jobeth M. Pescadera

Occupation: Factory Worker

Mother: Rosalie T. Pescadera

Occupation: Sewer

Elementary School Graduated(2017) from: San Fernando Sur Elementary School

Award/s: Top 5

Junior High School Graduated(2021) from: Cabiao National High School

Award/s: with Honors

Skills and Interest : Dancing and Singing

E \*


Name: Carl Kevin M. Daquiz

Birthday: August 06, 2005

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Birthplace: San Vicente, Cabiao, Nueva Ecija

Email :

Home Address: Purok 13, San Vicente, Cabiao, Nueva Ecija

Civil Status: Single

Religious Affiliation: Roman Catholic

Height: 5'8

Weight: 55 kg


Father: Enrico S. Daquiz

Occupation: Bus Conductor

Mother: Catherine M. Daquiz

Occupation: Housewife

Elementary School Graduated(2017) from: San Vicente Elementary School

Award/s: First Honorable Mention

Junior High School Graduated(2021) from: Camba National High School

Award/s: with High Honors

Skills and Interest : Arts and Science

E \*


Name: Carlo S. Balatbat

Birthday: October 28, 2004

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Birthplace: Mount Caramel, San Fernando, Pampanga

Email :

Home Address: 336 Dalan Hari street, Sta Ana, Pampanga

Civil Status: Single

Religious Affiliation: Roman Catholic

Height: 5'10

Weight: 74 kg


Father: Allan M. Balatbat

Occupation: Tricycle Driver

Mother: Jackielou S. Balatbat

Occupation: Overseas Filipino Worker

Elementary School Graduated(2017) from: Sta. Maria Elementary School

Award/s: None

Junior High School Graduated(2021) from: Telesforo and Natividad Alfonso High


Award/s: With Honors

Skills and Interest : Cooking and Drawing

E \*


Name: Michaela P. Guese

Birthday: July 29, 2005

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Birthplace: Sto. Niño, Tabuan, Arayat, Pampanga

Email :

Home Address: Purok 1, Sto. Niño, Tabuan, Arayat, Pampanga

Civil Status: Single

Religious Affiliation: Roman Catholic

Height: 5'0

Weight: 45 kg


Father: Rowell T. Guese

Occupation: Farmer

Mother: Rosalie P. Guese

Occupation: Housewife

Elementary School Graduated(2017) from: Tabuan Elementary School

Award/s: Second Honorable Mention

Junior High School Graduated(2021) from: Camba National High School

Award/s: With High Honors

Skills and Interest : Cooking and Sports

E \*


Name: Jonabea M. Diaz

Birthday: September 05, 2004

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Birthplace: Balanga, Bataan

Email :

Home Address: #170 Manapat street, Poblacion, Arayat, Pampanga

Civil Status: Single

Religious Affiliation: Roman Catholic

Height: 5'6

Weight: 58 kg


Father: Jose R. Diaz Jr.

Occupation: Overseas Filipino Worker

Mother: Gina M. Diaz

Occupation: Overseas Filipino Worker

Elementary School Graduated(2017) from: Blessed Regina Protmann Catholic

School Inc.

Award/s: Consistent Honor Student

Junior High School Graduated(2021) from: Justino Sevilla High School

Award/s: With High Honors

Skills and Interest : Computer Literacy and Communication

E \*


Name: Jelaica M. Lalu

Birthday: September 19, 2005

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Birthplace: Sto. Niño, Tabuan, Arayat, Pampanga

Email :

Home Address: Purok 3, Sto. Niño, Tabuan, Arayat, Pampanga

Civil Status: Single

Religious Affiliation: Born Again

Height: 5'6

Weight: 54 kg


Father: Marlon B. Lalu

Occupation: Overseas Filipino Worker

Mother: Geraldine M. Lalu

Occupation: Housewife

Elementary School Graduated(2017) from: Tabuan Elementary School

Award/s: None

Junior High School Graduated(2021) from: Camba National High School

Award/s: With Honors

Skills and Interest : Cooking and Mathematics

E \*


Name: Alwyn P. Turla

Birthday: November 28, 2002

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Birthplace: San Mateo, Arayat, Pampanga

Email :

Home Address: Purok 4, San Mateo, Arayat, Pampanga

Civil Status: Single

Religious Affiliation: Roman Catholic

Height: 5'8

Weight: 54 kg


Father: Edwin N. Turla

Occupation: \Farmer

Mother: Arlene P. Turla

Occupation: Housewife

Elementary School Graduated(2017) from: San Mateo Elementary School

Award/s: None

Junior High School Graduated(2021) from: Camba National High School

Award/s: With High Honors

Skills and Interest : Singing, Dancing and Playing

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