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Laboratory Exercise

Memory Management
Lleno, Brian Noel S.
BSIT- A301
Part I (30 points)

Instructions: Read the description of the memory configuration and analyze the given diagram. Then,
answer the following questions.

1. If you are to add a new 10MB process in the memory, where could it possibly be added and
why? (5 points)
- Since the memory will be originally partitioned into a single continuous free black,
this setup makes use of virtual memory. A record is made in memory each time a
request is received by the process. Because it will be made up of a single continuous
block, it will be virtual memory. Furthermore, if the smaller process persists, the
larger partition will divide into smaller partitions.
2. What could be the size of the free block just before it was partitioned by X? Rationalize
your answer. (5 points)
- Combining 2MB,5MB and 1MB results in 8MB because the X mark has size of 2MB
and the free block size before it was partitioned by X was 8MB.
3. Would you suggest the provisioning of virtual memory in this configuration? Why or why
not? (5 points)
- A computer can compensate for physical memory constraints by temporarily
transferring data from random access memory (RAM) to disk storage via virtual
memory. Because virtual memory is an abstraction of main memory, it is
recommended because under the variable partition method, the main memory
would initially consist of a single continuous free block.
4. Is it possible to add a new 7MB process using the first-fit placement algorithm without
swapping out any process? Why or why not? (5 points)
- A new 7MB process may be introduced using the first-fit placement approach
without having to replace any already deployed processes. First-fit allocates the
process from left to right in a first-sufficient partition. Consequently, the 8MB box
can hold an additional 7MB.
5. A new process is requesting a 3MB allocation. Illustrate the possible memory configuration
using a horizontal segmented memory strip (like the diagram above), where a partition will
be created for the new process under the following placement algorithms: best-fit and first
fit. Label your illustration clearly. (2 items x 5 points)
First- fit x Best-fit

Part II (40 points) Instructions:

1. Explain the operation and management of the following virtual memory. Search for relevant
studies and literatures that would support your answer. Properly cite your references. (10 points
x 2 items)

• Linux Virtual Memory

Linux offers virtual memory, which extends RAM by using a disk. This increases the effective
capacity of useable memory. The kernel will transfer the data from an occupied block of memory to
the hard drive in order to reduce memory utilization.
• Windows Virtual Memory
Virtual memory, also known as a page file, is simply a block space on your hard drive that your
operating system assigns to function as RAM when your physical RAM is no longer adequate to hold
all of the active programs that are now running on your computer..

2. Then, answer the following items based on your research. (4 items x 5 points)

a. Between the operation and management of Linux and Windows virtual memory, which do
think is less complex and why?

Despite the fact that Linux’s memory management is simpler and easier to maintain that
Windows’, Windows’ memory is favors performance, and with Linux operating system being
open sourced, it still need improvement through research by programmers.

b. Were you able to find similarities between Linux and Windows virtual memory?

o If your answer is yes, explain each similarity.

Some similarities of Linux and Windows virtual memory:

- Have anti-virus software (more anti-virus programs for Windows while almost nothing
for Linux).
- Both can run several different types of web services such as e-mails, and websites, etc.

o If your answer is no, explain the possible reason why there is no similarity.

c. What are the possible drawbacks of not implementing virtual memory?

- If there’s no such thing as virtual memory, once you filled up the available RAM your
computer would have this statement. “Sorry, you cannot load any more applications”.

d. If you are to design a memory management system, would you incorporate virtual memory
into your design? Why or why not?

- Yes, as it may double the primary memory capacity, which makes it easier to operate
many programs at once. Additionally, it can free up applications from having to
manage shared memory and remove the requirement for users to install modules
when RAM becomes low.

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