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Fine Needle Aspiration

Acta Cytologica 2021;65:463–477 Received: January 22, 2021

Accepted: July 7, 2021
DOI: 10.1159/000518375 Published online: August 27, 2021

Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy Cytopathology of

Breast Lesions Using the International Academy
of Cytology Yokohama System and Rapid On-Site
Evaluation: A Single-Institute Experience

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Neha Agrawal a Kanchan Kothari a Santosh Tummidi b Prashant Sood c
Mona Agnihotri a Vyoma Shah d
aDepartment of Cytopathology, Seth GSMC & KEMH, Parel, Mumbai, India; bDepartment of Pathology,
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Mangalagiri, India; cDepartment of Microbiology, All India Institute of
Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Bilaspur, India; dSir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital, Mumbai, India

Keywords the curve were computed. Results: A total of 1,147 FNABs

Breast cytopathology · International Academy of Cytology were evaluated, of which 442 (38.5%) underwent ROSE and
Yokohama System for Reporting Breast Fine-Needle 624 (54.4%) histopathology. Reported using IAC categories,
Aspiration Biopsy Cytopathology · Rapid on-site evaluation · our cohort recorded 4.9% inadequate, 65.3% benign, 7.8%
Histopathology atypical, 3.3% suspicious for malignancy, and 18.7% malig-
nant lesions. The overall sensitivity and specificity for iden-
tifying in situ and malignant lesions were 99.1% and 99.3%,
Abstract respectively, and were substantially improved by ROSE.
Introduction: Breast cancer is rapidly emerging as the lead- ROSE improved the concordance between cytopathology
ing cause of cancer in Indian women. Robust cytopathology and histopathology from 76.9% to 90.2%, by reducing inad-
and histopathology services are required to tackle this equate (p < 0.001) cases. The ROM increased along a gradi-
growing burden. The use of rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE) ent from inadequate to malignant categories, with the gra-
and the International Academy of Cytology (IAC) Yokohama dient being sharpened by ROSE. The false negativity rate
System for Reporting Breast Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy was 0.7% and false positivity rate 0%. Conclusion: Incorpo-
(FNAB) Cytopathology, which offers structured protocols, rating ROSE and the IAC Yokohama System for breast cyto-
are expected to improve breast cytopathology reporting. pathology reporting improves accurate diagnosis of breast
Methods: We retrieved the cytopathology slides, catego- lesions, prevents missed diagnoses, and provides reliable
rized them by the IAC Yokohama System and histopathol- estimates of ROM. These protocols also aid in standardizing
ogy data of all the patients who had been investigated for a reproducible system for monitoring and auditing of breast
breast lesions from September 2016 to December 2018, and pathology services, identify areas that need strengthening,
compared the cytopathology and histopathology. Risk of and improve training at pathology centers.
malignancy (ROM) and performance metrics, like sensitivi- © 2021 S. Karger AG, Basel
ty, specificity, predictive values, accuracy, and area under © 2021 S. Karger AG, Basel Correspondence to: Santosh Tummidi, born_vss @

Clinical examination, radiological imaging, and

breast cytopathology with or without core needle bi-
opsy (CNB) comprise the 3 key modalities employed
for diagnosing breast lumps. These modalities aim to
maximize the preoperative identification of malignancy
so that early, definitive, one-stage surgery or appropri-
ate treatment can be offered to the patient [1, 2]. As a
corollary, these diagnostic procedures also aim to ac-
curately recognize benign breast lesions and avoid un-
Fig. 1. Distribution of breast lesions observed in this study. All fig-
necessary invasive investigations and anxiety to the ures in percentages.
patient [2]. For breast biopsy, fine-needle aspiration
biopsy (FNAB) and CNB offer complementary advan-
tages, and both can be utilized gainfully in different set- Methods

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tings. The recent advances in breast cytopathology with
the implementation of rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE) This study was carried out at the Seth GSMC & KEM Hospital,
Mumbai, India, which is a tertiary care center catering to a large
and the development of the International Academy of population in western India. In order to evaluate the impact of
Cytology (IAC) Yokohama System for Reporting Breast ROSE and the IAC System on our breast pathology reporting, we
FNAB Cytopathology have structured the reporting of retrieved the cytopathology data of all consecutive patients inves-
breast cytopathology with the aim of improving cytopa- tigated for breast lesions between September 2016 and December
thology procedures, training, interpretation, and diag- 2018. Ethics clearance was obtained from the Institute’s Ethics
Committee for retrieving and analyzing this data [EC/OA-
nosis [3, 4]. 150/2019]. The data was anonymized before undertaking analyses.
In recent years, breast cancer has become the most All the samples had been collected from the patients for routine
common malignancy in Indian women, surpassing cer- clinical investigation, after informed consent. An attempt was
vical cancer. An incidence of 2,05,424 new cases of made to obtain follow-up and any, histopathology report of a bi-
breast cancer annually is projected in India, comprising opsy or excision (if performed) in all cases; however, histopathol-
∼29.9% of all malignancies reported in women, with
ogy was available only in 624 cases.
87,000 annual deaths [5, 6]. FNAB and CNB are crucial Cytopathology Protocols
preoperative tests for diagnosing these cases. However, Guided and nonguided FNAB samples were collected from en-
the accuracy of FNAB depends on several factors, in- rolled patients using standard procedures. ROSE was carried out
cluding the skill and experience of the operator, the lo- using 1% aqueous toluidine blue staining. After provisional assess-
ment by ROSE, the slides were subjected to Papanicolaou staining
calization method used, the skill of the pathologist, and for standard cytopathology reporting [8]. Air-dried slides were
the proportion of symptomatic and nonpalpable lesions stained using Giemsa. Special stains like Ziehl-Neelsen, Periodic
being examined [7, 8]. Since numerous sources of error acid Schiff’s, Gomori’s methanamine silver stain, and immunocy-
can confound these procedures, it is important that the tochemistry were employed on the cytology slides wherever need-
performance of breast cytopathology is regularly moni- ed and feasible.
Breast cytopathology reporting with and without ROSE, we
tored at a center using a standardized and reproducible used the diagnostic categories recommended by the IAC Yoko-
system [3, 4, 7]. We undertook this study to incorporate hama System for Reporting Breast FNAB Cytopathology [1, 3]:
ROSE and the IAC Yokohama System into our breast insufficient, benign, atypical, and suspicious for malignancy and
cytopathology protocols, evaluating their impact on the malignant. The histopathology diagnoses were broadly catego-
performance of breast cytopathology versus histopa- rized under nonrepresentative, benign, indeterminate, in situ, and
malignant, as has been reported previously [9]. Nonrepresentative
thology in accurately identifying breast malignancies histopathology included cases where there was insufficient mate-
and providing a patient’s risk of malignancy (ROM) un- rial to reliably diagnose the lesions. Benign histopathology includ-
der various IAC categories. This afforded us the oppor- ed breast abscess, fibroadenoma, fibrocystic changes, intraductal
tunity to upgrade our breast reporting, create a repro- papilloma, scar tissue, etc. The indeterminate group included atyp-
ducible monitoring and auditing system, and better ical fibroepithelial lesions, including phyllodes tumor, atypical
ductal hyperplasia, etc. The in situ group included cases where at
identify the areas that need attention for further im- least one focuses of in situ pathology in the form of ductal carci-
provement of our services. noma in situ or lobular carcinoma in situ was observed. Finally, the
malignant histopathology group included cases of invasive carci-

464 Acta Cytologica 2021;65:463–477 Agrawal/Kothari/Tummidi/Sood/

DOI: 10.1159/000518375 Agnihotri/Shah
a b

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c d

Fig. 2. a, b Granulomatous mastitis (IAC II): epithelioid cell granuloma with necrosis and nuclear debris (Tolu-
idine blue, ×200; Papanicolaou, ×400). c Galactocele (IAC II): bluish granular proteinaceous background with
scattered histiocytes (Giemsa, ×100). d Fat necrosis (IAC II):granular necrotic fat fragments and multi nucleated
histiocytes (Papanicolaou, ×400). IAC, International Academy of Cytology.

noma of no special type, medullary carcinoma, mucinous carci- to estimate the ROM of each category. A p value of <0.05 was
noma, lobular carcinoma, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. taken as significant. All statistical analyses were performed in R
v3.6.3 and SPSS v23.0.
Statistical Methods
Descriptive statistics were used to describe the patient cohort.
Confusion matrices and heatmaps were computed to compare
how well cytopathology (with and without ROSE) predicted the
diagnostic categories of breast lesions against those assigned by Results
histopathology. χ2 test was used to compare the performance of
cytopathology with and without ROSE, across different IAC cat- A total of 1,147 breasts FNAB were examined in this
egories. Performance metrics, including sensitivity, specificity, study. A majority of these specimens were received from
positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), female patients (96.8%, median age: 34.5 years, interquar-
accuracy, and area under the receiver operating characteristic
curve (AUC) were computed to compare the performance of cy- tile range [IQR]: 23–45 years), with remainder of male
topathology against histopathology. The PPV of various IAC cat- patients (3.2%, median age: 45.0 years, interquartile
egories for diagnosing in situ or frank malignancy was computed range: 28–59 years). Breast lesions were equitably distrib-

Breast Cytopathology Performance: Acta Cytologica 2021;65:463–477 465

A Single Institute Experience DOI: 10.1159/000518375
a b

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Fig. 3. a, b Filariasis breast (IAC II): numerous unfertilised eggs of filariasis along with wet mount preparation
showing the adult filaria (Papanicolaou, ×200; Wet mount, ×200). IAC, International Academy of Cytology.

uted with 45.2% arising in the right breast, 51.2% in the benign (443, 62.8%), atypical (53, 7.5%), suspicious for
left, and 3.5% were bilateral. Precise quadrant-wise infor- malignancy (31, 4.4%), and malignant (130, 18.4%). Of
mation was available in 59.6% of cases and their distribu- these cases without ROSE, histopathology follow-up was
tion is depicted in Figure 1. Of the total 1,147 cases, 442 undertaken in 390 (55.3%) cases. Among these, 22 cases
(38.5%) underwent ROSE. Of the total 1,147 cases, 624 inadequate on cytopathology, were found on histopathol-
(54.4%) had histopathology follow-up. ogy to be suspicious/malignant in 5 cases and benign (fi-
Overall, the 1,147 cases were subclassified as 4.9% inad- broadenoma, galactocele, lipoma, keratinous cyst, etc.) in
equate, 65.3% benign, 7.8% atypical, 3.3% suspicious for the remaining 17 cases. A total of 173 benign cases (39.1%)
malignancy, and 18.7% malignant. The most common had histopathology and only 3 cases showed a discrep-
breast lesion under the benign category was fibroadenoma ancy in classification. Among the atypical, 44 (83.0%) un-
(309, 41.3%). Other entities included inflammatory lesions derwent histopathology follow-up and were found to be
(47, 6.3%), granulomatous mastitis (26, 3.5%) (Fig. 2a, b), indeterminate, in situ or malignant lesions. Of the suspi-
gynecomastia (23, 3.1%), galactocele (8, 1.1%) (Fig. 2c), cious of malignancy, 30 (96.8%) cases were followed up
and miscellaneous entities, like keratinous cyst, fat necrosis with histopathology and 28 (93.3%) of these revealed in
(Fig. 2d), and filariasis (Fig. 3a, b). The atypical category situ or invasive malignancy. One case of suspected papil-
included lesions with atypical cells (44, 48.9%) and fibro- lary carcinoma reported on cytopathology was later cat-
epithelial lesions (e.g., fibroadenoma vs. low-grade phyl- egorized to be indeterminate as the CNB was reported as
lodes) (46, 51.1%). The suspicious for malignancy category a papillary neoplasm with atypia. Similarly, the malignant
included lesions suspicious for invasive carcinoma no spe- cytopathology group had histopathology follow-up in
cial type (30, 79%) and suspicious for papillary carcinoma 121 (93.1%) cases, with malignancy confirmed in 98.3%,
(9, 23.6%), and low-grade lymphoma (1, 2.6%). Ductal car- and in 2 cases (1.7%) the CNB yielded a nondiagnostic
cinoma was the most common lesion in the malignant cat- sample. The corresponding figures for samples that were
egory accounting for 203 (94.9%) cases followed by muci- subjected to ROSE are described in detail in the following
nous carcinoma (2, 0.9%) and malignant phyllodes tumor paragraphs.
(1, 0.5%). The ROM was also assessed for the different cat-
egories and was found to be 16% for the inadequate, 0.7% Impact of ROSE
for benign, 23.3% for atypical, 94.1% for suspicious for ma- ROSE was carried out in 442 (38.5%) samples yielding
lignancy, and 100% for the malignant category. a preliminary diagnosis of inadequate (8, 1.8%), benign
In 705 (61.5%) cases where ROSE was not implement- (316, 71.5%), atypical (23, 5.2%), suspicious for malig-
ed the categories were as follows: inadequate (48, 6.8%), nancy (14, 3.2%), and malignant (81, 18.3%), respectively.

466 Acta Cytologica 2021;65:463–477 Agrawal/Kothari/Tummidi/Sood/

DOI: 10.1159/000518375 Agnihotri/Shah
Table 1. Comparison of FNAB cases distributed across various
cytology categories when evaluated with and without ROSE

Cytology FNAB with FNAB without p value

category ROSE (n = 442), ROSE (n = 705),
n (%) n (%)

Inadequate 8 (1.8) 48 (6.8) <0.001

Benign 306 (69.2) 443 (62.8) 0.027
Atypical 37 (8.4) 53 (7.5) 0.601
Suspicious 7 (1.6) 31 (4.4) 0.010
Malignant 84 (19.0) 130 (18.4) 0.811

a FNAB, fine-needle aspirate biopsy; ROSE, rapid on-site evalu-


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Performance of Breast Cytopathology versus
We evaluated the performance of breast cytopathology
in our cases against histopathology. This was important
to identify the areas that were lagging behind in our breast
pathology services, and also to establish a reproducible
system incorporating ROSE, the IAC Reporting System
and histopathology to monitor and improve various
b components of our services in the future.
We first compared how well cytopathology catego-
rized cases against broad histopathology categories
Fig. 4. Comparison of diagnostic categories assigned by ROSE ver-
sus those assigned by (a) final cytopathology and (b) histopathol-
(Fig. 5). We stratified this by including ROSE in the cyto-
ogy. ROSE, rapid on-site evaluation. pathology workup (Fig. 5a–c). As is evident from the
heatmaps, ROSE reduced the number of outliers’ diagno-
ses substantially and assigned benign and malignant cat-
These preliminary diagnostic categories were compared egories more accurately. Samples that were subjected to
against those assigned by final cytopathology and histo- ROSE showed only 1 benign, 6 atypical, and 1 suspicious
pathology (Fig. 4). The comparison of ROSE categories of malignancy case that had to be reclassified on histopa-
against the final cytopathology categories showed 96.2% thology (Fig. 5a). The single benign case that had to be
concordance. ROSE categories were compared against reclassified on histopathology showed fat necrosis on
the final categories assigned by histopathology (Fig. 4a, ROSE. It was subjected to CNB due to high clinical sus-
b). Benign and malignant conditions showed good levels picion and was found to be a malignant lesion. FNAB
of congruence with histopathology. most likely had sampled the fat necrosis surrounding the
We further evaluated whether performing ROSE im- tumor. Six cases categorized as atypical by ROSE were fi-
proved the final IAC results. For this, we compared the broadenomas on histopathology. The young age of the
frequency with which various IAC categories were as- patients and the marked stromal cellularity had flagged
signed to specimens which had undergone ROSE (442, the mismatch, prompting us to confirm the diagnosis by
38.5%) versus those which had not undergone ROSE histopathology. Three cases with benign, suspicious for
(705, 61.5%) (Table 1). The most significant impact of malignancy, and malignant diagnoses on ROSE, could
ROSE was seen in the reduction of inadequate (p < 0.001) not be confirmed on histopathology due to nonrepresen-
and suspicious for malignancy (p = 0.010) categories. tative samples and lack of patient follow-up.
ROSE enabled better classification of benign lesions (p = In contrast to the above analysis, specimens which did
0.027) but showed little change in the frequency with not undergo ROSE showed a larger number of recatego-
which atypical and malignant specimens were catego- rizations on histopathology. These included 5 inadequate,
rized. 4 benign, 16 atypical, 3 suspicious for malignancy, and 2

Breast Cytopathology Performance: Acta Cytologica 2021;65:463–477 467

A Single Institute Experience DOI: 10.1159/000518375
a b c

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Fig. 5. Comparison of diagnoses assigned by cytopathology and histopathology. The first 3 heatmaps compare
diagnostic categories assigned by final cytopathology with ROSE (a), without ROSE (b), and overall (c), versus
the diagnostic categories assigned by histopathology. d Compares the predominant histopathology diagnoses
observed in the study versus the diagnostic categories they were assigned by final cytopathology. DCIS, ductal
carcinoma in situ; FA, fibroadenoma; ROSE, rapid on-site evaluation.

malignant cases which had to be recategorized (Fig. 5b). in assessing adequacy on-site minimizing missed and de-
The 16 atypical cases showed lactational atypia (Fig. 6a, layed diagnoses.
b), infarcted fibroadenoma, benign breast changes, and While the above analysis drew comparisons across
fat necrosis on histopathology. The 5 inadequate cases all broad categories of cytopathology and histopathology, we
were malignant, and underscore the importance of ROSE also wanted to assess how specific lesions had fared be-

468 Acta Cytologica 2021;65:463–477 Agrawal/Kothari/Tummidi/Sood/

DOI: 10.1159/000518375 Agnihotri/Shah
a b

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Fig. 6. a, b Lactational change with mild atypia (IAC III)-Mild to moderate nuclear atypia in the ductal epithe-
lial cells with dissociation and milky background (Giemsa, ×400; Papanicolaou, ×400). IAC, International Acad-
emy of Cytology.

tween the 2 techniques: how accurate was cytopathology view was due to inadequate sampling of a deep-seated le-
(both with and without ROSE) in identifying the most sion. Among invasive carcinomas, 187 (82.0%) were cor-
common lesions (Fig. 5d). We found that a large major- rectly categorized as malignant by cytopathology (Fig. 8a,
ity of benign conditions were correctly classified by cyto- b), while the remainder were categorized as atypical 12
pathology, with 96.2% of fibroadenomas and 100% of (5.3%) or suspicious for malignancy 24 (10.5%). Other
acute and granulomatous mastitis identified accurately. less common malignant lesions, like papillary carcinoma
Only 2.7% of fibroadenomas and 9.8% of benign breast (Fig. 8c, d), lobular carcinoma, mucinous carcinoma,
lesions were labeled atypical on cytopathology. Half non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (Fig. 9a, b), metaplastic carci-
(50.0%) of the fibrocystic lesions and papillomas was clas- noma and malignant phyllodes tumor (Fig. 9c, d) were
sified as benign or atypical. Other less common benign labeled as malignant (11, 50.0%), or suspicious for malig-
entities included lipoma, fat necrosis, galactocele, filaria- nancy (7, 31.8%) with 4 (18.2%) being classified as atypi-
sis, benign fibroepithelial polyps, gynecomastia, adenoli- cal (Fig. 5d). The 16 atypical cases that had been typed as
poma, and duct ectasia. These were largely (76.3%) iden- atypical on FNAB had revealed limited cytological fea-
tified correctly by cytopathology (Fig. 5d). tures, which could be confirmed as malignant on histo-
Among breast lesions with indeterminate histopathol- pathology (Fig. 5d).
ogy, low-grade phyllodes tumor was the commonest and The analysis of breast FNAB against histopathology
32 (94.1%) of these were classified as atypical on cytopa- excluding the cases excluded final inadequate and atypi-
thology and 2 (5.9%) as benign fibroadenomas. The re- cal cases (Table 2). We stratified this analysis by 2 sce-
view of these 2 cases showed increased stromal cellularity, narios. First, how well did cytopathology identify the cas-
altered stromal-to-epithelial ratio and plump spindle es that were eventually flagged in situ or malignant by
cells in the background (Fig. 7a–d). Benign phyllodes tu- histopathology, and how did incorporating ROSE affect
mor can be difficult to distinguish from fibroadenoma on this performance. FNAB picked up malignancies with an
cytopathology [10]. Other less common indeterminate overall 86.1% sensitivity and 99.6% specificity, and ex-
entities included atypical or suspicious of malignancy le- cluded malignancies with a NPV of 89.9%. Importantly,
sions (Fig. 5d). Our cohort had very few cases of in situ all of these performance metrics were substantially im-
carcinomas, and 3 (75.0%) of these were flagged as atypi- proved by using ROSE (Table 2). Second, how well did
cal, suspicious of malignancy, or malignant by cytopa- the IAC categories of suspicious for malignancy and ma-
thology, with 1 high grade DCIS being misclassified as a lignant identify in situ and malignant histopathology? As
benign lesion on cytopathology (Fig. 5d), which on re- would be expected, by widening the net with both suspi-

Breast Cytopathology Performance: Acta Cytologica 2021;65:463–477 469

A Single Institute Experience DOI: 10.1159/000518375
a b

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c d

Fig. 7. a–d Phyllodes tumor (IAC III)-Large cellular stromal fragments with numerous spindle-shaped nuclei.
Histopathology of the same case revealed cellular stroma with atypia and occasional mitotic figures (Papanico-
laou, ×100, ×200 & ×1,000; H&E, ×200). IAC, International Academy of Cytology.

Table 2. Performance of FNAB in detecting in situ and malignant histopathology, with “inadequate” and “atypical” cytopathology

Malignant cytopathology cases found malignant on Suspicious and malignant cytopathology cases found in situ
histopathology or malignant on histopathology
FNAB with FNAB without all FNAB, FNAB with FNAB without all FNAB,
ROSE, % ROSE, % % ROSE, % ROSE, % %

Sensitivity (95% CI) 92.9 (85.3–97.4) 82.1 (74.8–87.9) 86.1 (80.9–90.3) 98.8 (93.6–100) 99.3 (96.3–100) 99.1 (96.9–99.9)
Specificity (95% CI) 100 (96.7–100) 99.4 (96.8–100) 99.6 (98.1–100) 99.1 (95.1–100) 99.4 (96.8–100) 99.3 (97.5–99.9)
PPV 100 99.2 99.5 98.8 99.3 99.1
NPV 94.9 86.9 89.9 99.1 99.4 99.3
Accuracy 96.9 91.5 93.6 99.0 99.4 99.2
AUC (95% CI) 0.97 (0.93–0.99) 0.91 (0.87–0.94) 0.93 (0.90–0.95) 0.99 (0.96–1.00) 0.99 (0.98–1.00) 0.99 (0.98–1.00)

AUC, area under the curve; CIs, confidence intervals; FNAB, fine-needle aspirate biopsy; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value;
ROSE, rapid on-site evaluation.

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a b

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c d

Fig. 8. a, b Invasive carcinoma of no special type (IAC V): loosely cohesive bizarre ductal epithelial cells with high
N/C ratio, hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli (Toluidine blue, ×400; Papanicolaou, ×400). c, d. Pap-
illary carcinoma (IAC V): cellular smears comprising of jigsaw patterned tissue fragments with crowded epithe-
lial cells having enlarged nuclei and high N/C ratio (Papanicolaou, ×100 & ×400). IAC, International Academy
of Cytology.

cious and malignant cases, the performance of FNAB nant cases in correctly identifying in situ and malignant
went substantially up with 99.1% sensitivity and 99.3% histopathology, we noted a substantial increase in sensi-
specificity. Incorporating suspicious for malignancy cas- tivity (92.4%), specificity (99.4%), and NPV (94.6%). Cas-
es in the comparison, the impact of ROSE was minimal es subjected to ROSE again performed better on all met-
(Table 2). rics; however, the gain was smaller due to the inclusion of
The performance of FNAB against histopathology was atypical and suspicious for malignancy cases in the analy-
also analyzed with atypical cytology cases included (Ta- sis (Table 3).
ble 3). We re-analyzed the above scenarios and found that
cytopathology identified malignancies with an overall Predicting the ROM
80.5% sensitivity and 99.7% specificity, and NPV of A crucial goal of breast cytology and histopathology is
91.7%, and was substantially improved by ROSE (Ta- to recognize malignancy in a timely and accurate fashion:
ble 3). When we expanded the definition and compared the PPV of the IAC categories yielding a diagnosis of in
the performance of suspicious for malignancy and malig- situ or invasive carcinoma in histopathology was calcu-

Breast Cytopathology Performance: Acta Cytologica 2021;65:463–477 471

A Single Institute Experience DOI: 10.1159/000518375
Table 3. Performance of FNAB in detecting in situ and malignant histopathology, with “inadequate” cytopathology removed

Malignant cytopathology cases found malignant on Suspicious and malignant cytopathology cases found in situ
histopathology or malignant on histopathology
FNAB with FNAB without all FNAB, % FNAB with FNAB without all FNAB,
ROSE, % ROSE, % ROSE, % ROSE, % %

Sensitivity (95% CI) 91.9 (83.9–96.7) 74.4 (66.9–80.9) 80.5 (75.0–85.2) 96.6 (90.3–99.3) 90.2 (84.5–94.3) 92.4 (88.4–95.4)
Specificity (95% CI) 100 (97.4–100) 99.5 (97.3–100) 99.7 (98.4–100) 99.3 (96.1–100) 99.5 (97.2–100) 99.4 (97.9–99.9)
PPV 100 99.2 99.5 98.8 99.3 99.1
NPV 95.2 83.1 87.7 97.9 92.5 94.6
Accuracy 96.9 88.4 91.7 98.2 95.3 96.4
AUC (95% CI) 0.96 (0.93–0.98) 0.87 (0.83–0.90) 0.90 (0.87–0.92) 0.98 (0.95–0.99) 0.95 (0.92–0.97) 0.96 (0.94–0.97)

AUC, area under the curve; CI, confidence intervals; FNAB, fine-needle aspirate biopsy; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value;
ROSE, rapid on-site evaluation.

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a b

c d

Fig. 9. a, b Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (IAC V): dissociated large atypical lymphoid cells on a background of lym-
phoglandular bodies (Giemsa ×40; Papanicolaou, ×400). c, d Malignant phyllodes tumor (IAC V): atypical plump
spindle cells with marked atypia and tumor giant cells (Papanicolaou, ×400). IAC, International Academy of

472 Acta Cytologica 2021;65:463–477 Agrawal/Kothari/Tummidi/Sood/

DOI: 10.1159/000518375 Agnihotri/Shah
Table 4. ROM observed under various cytopathological categories for detecting in situ and malignant histopathology

Cytology category FNAB with ROSE FNAB with ROSE FNAB without ROSE All FNAB
ROSE category Final category
cases (%) ROM (%) cases (%) ROM (%) cases (%) ROM (%) cases (%) ROM (%)

Inadequate 3 (1.3) 0 (0.0) 3 (1.3) 0 (0.0) 22 (5.7) 4 (18.2) 25 (4.1) 4 (16.0)

Benign 117 (51.1) 1 (0.9) 111 (48.5) 1 (0.9) 171 (44.5) 1 (0.6) 282 (46.0) 2 (0.7)
Atypical 23 (10.0) 1 (4.3) 30 (13.1) 2 (6.7) 43 (11.2) 15 (34.9) 73 (11.9) 17 (23.3)
Suspicious 8 (3.5) 7 (87.5) 6 (2.6) 5 (83.3) 28 (7.3) 27 (96.4) 34 (5.5) 32 (94.1)
Malignant 78 (34.1) 78 (100.0) 79 (34.5) 79 (100.0) 120 (31.3) 120 (100.0) 199 (32.5) 199 (100.0)

FNAB, fine-needle aspirate biopsy; ROM, risk of malignancy; ROSE, rapid on-site evaluation. Excluding nondiagnostic and lost to
follow up cases.

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lated and stratified by the application of ROSE (Table 4). ther histopathology examination. An equally important
There was a distinct rise in ROM across IAC categories measure is the false positivity (FP) rate, representing
from inadequate to malignant, and ROSE enhanced this over-diagnosis and mandate careful auditing. Ideally, FP
gradient by minimizing potentially malignant cases in the rates should be <1% [2, 3], with our cases showing no ma-
inadequate (0%), benign (0.9%), and atypical (4.3%) IAC lignant categorization on cytopathology to be benign on
categories. In contrast, the specimens which did not un- histopathology (Fig. 5c).
dergo ROSE showed a significantly higher ROM in inad- There are considerable variations in the literature re-
equate (18.2%) and atypical (34.9%) categories (p < 0.001). garding insufficient/inadequate rates, which can be due
to the inexperience of FNAB operators, the varying mix
Quality Control Outcomes of patients, use of mammographic screening and type of
A key metric in quality control is the false negative lesions (palpable or impalpable) vary from 0.7 to 47% [1,
(FN) rate and is due to operator failure due to poor local- 7, 9]. We noted that 4.9% of the total 1,147 FNAB cases
ization and poor FNAB technique of the sample or inabil- in this study were inadequate and less (1.8%) with ROSE
ity of the pathologist to detect subtle cytopathological fea- (Fig. 4). Furthermore, 4.0% of FNAB that ultimately un-
tures of malignancy. International guidelines recom- derwent histopathology had been deemed inadequate
mend that FN rates should be <5% [2, 3]. Our pathology (Fig. 5c). We found 0.64% (4) cases with inadequate cy-
services performed well on this metric with a 0.71% topathology to be malignant on histopathology, and 3.3%
(2/282) FN rate, with only 2 cases benign by ROSE and/ (38) were suspicious for malignancy out of the total 1,147
or final cytopathology and malignant on histopathology cases. Of the cases which had histopathology, 5.9% had
(Fig. 5c). These 2 cases had revealed fat necrosis from been flagged as suspicious for malignancy (Fig. 5c). Of the
deep-seated breast lumps. A high index of clinical-radio- specimens that underwent ROSE, 3.2% were suspicious
logical suspicion ensured that we confirmed these cases for malignancy (Fig. 4) The ROM for atypical and suspi-
with histopathology. cious of malignancy cases were 23.2% and 94.1%, respec-
However, out of the total 749 cases that were catego- tively (Table 5), and are comparable to those previously
rized as benign on FNAB, only 285 were followed up with reported [2].
a CNB or excision biopsy based on their clinical-radiolog-
ical suspicions. Of these 285 cases, 282 could be con-
firmed as benign on CNB, but 3 cases were indeterminate Discussion
and lost to follow-up. In the remaining 464 cases the
FNAB and clinical-radiological findings were unequivo- Breast lumps are common in women of all ages and
cally diagnostic of benign lesions and were not biopsied breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer in women
and not followed up for potential FN lesions and late de- worldwide. Breast cancer comprises 23% of cancer bur-
velopment of malignancy in the same quadrant of the den worldwide, with 2.1 million new cases and 6,27,000
breast. Hence, the FN rate of 0.71% reported in this study deaths annually [11–14]. FNAB and CNB, along with
represents only those benign lesions that underwent fur- mammography and clinical evaluation, form crucial parts

Breast Cytopathology Performance: Acta Cytologica 2021;65:463–477 473

A Single Institute Experience DOI: 10.1159/000518375
Table 5. A comparison of breast cytopathology performance guided by the IAC Yokohama System across recent studies

Madubogwu Arul et al. Montezuma Wong et al. Kamatar Panwar Present

et al. [37] [15] et al. [7] [9] et al. [17] et al. [4] study

Cases, n 180 523 3,625 3,696 470 225 1,147

Study duration, years 1 1.5 10 2.5 1.5 1 2.3
Inadequate, % 15.5 2.7 5.7 11.0 5.0 1.4 4.9
Benign, % 41.8 67.3 73.3 72.0 71.0 82.6 65.3
Atypical, % 4.5 5.2 13.7 4.3 1.0 5.8 7.8
Suspicious, % 3.6 7.8 1.6 2.2 2.0 1.8 3.3
Malignant, % 34.6 17.0 5.5 10.0 21.0 8.4 18.7
Histopathology follow-up, % 61.0 54.7 21.4 19.9 38.0 48.0 54.4
Cytopathology-histopathology concordance, % – – – – 93.2 93.0 90.2
Sensitivity, % 90.0 93.1 98.2 98.8 94.5 100 99.1
Specificity, % 95.5 99.0 54.7 99.4 98.9 97 99.3
PPV, % 94.7 97.6 68.2 96.4 98.5 – 99.1
NPV, % 91.3 97.0 98.6 97.6 95.7 – 99.3

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Diagnostic accuracy, % 92.9 97.2 68.2 96.2 96.7 93 99.2
Inadequate, % 47.0 25.0 4.8 2.6 0.0 0.0 16.0
Benign, % 8.6 2.1 1.4 1.7 0.4 0.0 0.7
Atypical, % 40.0 18.0 13.0 15.7 66.0 0.0 23.3
Suspicious, % 50.0 95.0 97.0 84.6 83.0 75.0 94.1
Malignant, % 95.0 98.3 100 99.5 99.0 100 100

PPV, positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value; ROM, risk of malignancy.

of the “triple test” for diagnosing breast lumps [9]. FNAB inconvenience of patients from having to revisit. Overall,
is sensitive and specific for diagnosing both benign and ROSE was significantly helpful in ruling out malignant
malignant breast lesions [9, 10]. It can also reliably pick lesions, but showed no significant improvement in ruling
up radiologically detectable nonpalpable lesions, and can in malignancy (Table 1). This reflects the spectrum of
achieve sensitivities of up to 90–95% [1, 8, 15–17]. But breast cases which are predominantly benign with a
FNAB has its limitations and CNB is required to confirm smaller proportion of malignancies. It also reflects a ten-
lesions, such as carcinoma in situ, calcifications, and pro- dency to err on the side of caution in our cytology report-
liferative tumors [18–20]. However, CNB is not only ing. Despite its better performance, a few cases did show
more invasive but also remains prohibitively expensive a mismatch between ROSE and the final cytopathology
and inaccessible in low-resource countries, like India [10, and/or histopathology diagnosis. These were predomi-
21–23]. FNAB and CNB can complement each other de- nantly atypical and suspicious lesions, including 10 cases
pending on the type of resources available at a health-care of low-grade/benign phyllodes tumor which required re-
facility, the economic constraints, the nature of a lesion, assignment at final reporting. Another 6 cases suspicious
the skill of the operator sampling the lesion, and the skill for malignancy at ROSE were eventually found malignant
of the pathologist examining the specimens [24, 25]. by final cytopathology and histopathology.
The introduction of ROSE and the IAC Yokohama Breast cytopathology at our center showed overall
System for Reporting Breast FNAB Cytopathology have high sensitivity (86.1%) and specificity (99.6%) at diag-
structured and significantly improved the utility of FNAB nosing malignancies. Including ROSE in the workup,
[1]. We studied the impact of these protocols in our breast substantially enhanced the sensitivity (92.9%) and speci-
FNAB reporting and observed distinct improvements. ficity (100%) of cytopathology (Table 2). Expanding the
ROSE substantially improved the final diagnoses (Fig. 4) net by including both suspicious for malignancy and ma-
and reduced the discordance between cytopathology and lignant cases raised the sensitivity (99.1%) of FNAB fur-
histopathology (Fig. 5). ROSE significantly reduced inad- ther, with a specificity of 99.3%. However, with the inclu-
equate sampling and the suspicious for malignancy cat- sion of suspicious for malignancy cases, ROSE contrib-
egory (Table 1). ROSE reduced the financial burden and uted negligible improvement in picking up malignant

474 Acta Cytologica 2021;65:463–477 Agrawal/Kothari/Tummidi/Sood/

DOI: 10.1159/000518375 Agnihotri/Shah
cases. This indicates that ROSE helps weed out suspicious If a malignant FNAB diagnosis is in accordance with
and ambiguous cases early in the workflow (Table 2). clinical-radiological findings in the triple test, and mate-
The IAC Yokohama System also helps monitor the rial is available in the cell block for prognostic markers,
ROM in patients classified under different IAC catego- neoadjuvant chemotherapy and surgery can be com-
ries, enabling the pathologist to better flag the cases that menced [3, 28]. If the FNAB diagnosis does not correlate
would need further histopathology confirmation, and with the clinical and imaging findings, then CNB or sim-
also offer more robust recommendations to the treating ple excision becomes mandatory [2, 23]. When lymph
surgeons [1]. We found the ROM increase along a gradi- nodes are palpable or suspicious on ultrasound, FNAB is
ent from inadequate to malignant IAC categories (Ta- recommended to stage the patient [2, 29, 30].
ble 4). However, without ROSE, the ROM among inade- We compared our findings with other studies and
quate cases jumped to 18.2%, while with ROSE it was found largely similar and a few divergent trends (Ta-
zero. Furthermore, ROSE shifted the ROM gradient ble 5). Several studies have reported similar rates of in-
sharply toward the suspicious for malignancy and malig- adequate samples (1.4–5.7%) as reported in our study
nant end of the IAC spectrum, which otherwise spilled (overall 4.9%; 1.8% with ROSE) (Table 5) [4, 7, 15, 17,
onto the atypical and inadequate categories without 31–33]. However, a few studies had recorded much high-

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ROSE (Table 4). This underscores the advantage of com- er rates of inadequate samples (11.0–15.5%) [9, 34, 35].
bining ROSE and the IAC Yokohama System for moni- The IAC Reporting System recommends that operators
toring and predicting the ROM. should aim for an inadequate sample rate of <5.0%,
The major performance metrics were FN rate (0.71%), which should be even lower if ROSE is implemented [3,
FP rate (0.0%), inadequate rate (4.9%), and suspicious for 7, 9, 35, 36]. The proportion of benign cases (65.3%) in
malignancy rate (3.3%), and showed further improve- our cohort was also similar to that observed in various
ments in each of these parameters with ROSE. FNAB is studies (41.8–82.6%) (Table 5) [3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 37]. Among
preferred to CNB partly because of financial and resource benign cases, fibroadenomas comprised 58.1% of total
constraints. FNAB is less reliable in the small number of cases, which was similar to that noted by previous stud-
patients with deep-seated breast lumps surrounded by ex- ies, 48.8–67.7% [38–40]. Follow-up histopathology was
cessive fatty tissue, which are at risk of delayed and missed not required for most benign cases, especially if the pa-
diagnoses, and after thorough clinical-radiological evalu- tient was negative on clinical-radiological evaluation for
ation should be offered FNAB by an experienced operator >6–12 months [3, 41]. The proportion of atypical (7.8%)
under ultrasound-guidance or immediate CNB [26]. and suspicious (3.3%) cases in our study were similar to
A majority of our patients, including those financially that observed in other studies [4, 7, 9, 15, 17, 37], except
constrained, often travel several miles to access pathology a few studies where such cases were recorded in higher
services. Even the few cases that get diagnosed as inade- proportions, 10.4–13.7% atypical cases and 9.3–11.0%
quate or inconclusive, are missed opportunities because suspicious for malignancy cases [4, 34, 42, 43]. The pro-
most of these patients fail to return for follow-up until portion of malignant lesions varied across studies, pos-
much later when the disease has advanced and/or has be- sibly reflecting the type of patients being cared for by the
come unmanageable. Such missed opportunities high- respective centers (Table 5). The overall performance of
light the importance of ROSE, regular monitoring of IAC cytopathology in accurately diagnosing in situ and ma-
ROM rates, and early ultrasound-guided FNAB where lignant breast lesions in our study was similar [4, 9,15,
CNB is unaffordable. 17] to better [7, 37] than that observed in contemporary
Moving forward, harnessing long-term follow-up data studies (Table 5).
will be a goal at our center to bring out the true FN rates
in our patients and further strengthen our services. Be-
sides the above challenges that are unique to low-resource Conclusion
countries, we also noticed the need to improve supervi-
sion and training of less experienced pathologists. Low- Our study shows that incorporating the IAC Yokoha-
grade phyllodes tumors are difficult to diagnose on cyto- ma System for Reporting Breast FNAB Cytopathology
pathology, and all suspect cases should be reviewed and with ROSE can improve early and accurate diagnosis of
confirmed by an experienced pathologist [10, 27]. Such breast lesions, prevent missed diagnoses, and provide re-
measures along with inclusion of ROSE can prevent de- liable estimates of ROM in a given patient population.
layed and missed diagnoses. This is especially important for low- and middle-income

Breast Cytopathology Performance: Acta Cytologica 2021;65:463–477 475

A Single Institute Experience DOI: 10.1159/000518375
countries where CNB is an expensive option. Our results Funding Sources
also demonstrate that these protocols can help create a
This study received no funding from any source.
standardized and reproducible system for monitoring
and auditing of breast pathology services, which can help
identify the areas that need strengthening and improve
Author Contributions
the training being delivered at pathology centers.
N.A. and K.K. conceptualized and designed the study, per-
formed literature search, and carried out the clinical study. S.T.
Statement of Ethics carried out data collection, clinical study, preliminary data analy-
sis, and wrote the manuscript. P.S. carried out formal data analysis,
Written informed consent was taken from all patients for the visualization, study design, and wrote the manuscript. M.A. and
procedure of fine-needle aspiration biopsy. The retrospective anal- V.S. assisted in study design and literature search. All the authors
ysis was undertaken after approval from the Institutional Ethics contributed to the final review and editing of the manuscript.
Committee on human research (EC/OA -150/2019).

Data Availability Statement

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Conflict of Interest Statement
All data generated or analyzed during this study are included
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. in this article. Further inquiries can be directed to the correspond-
ing author.

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