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Recreational drugs, more commonly referred simply as drugs,

are natural or chemical substances that al-ter peoples normal
state of mind while producing an intoxicating feeling.
Since drugs hit areas of the brain that are critical to judgment,
decision-making, memory and behaviour control, they can be
very dangerous and undermine the users physical and mental
balance, producing disruptive effects on his/her health and
Some types of drugs are more dangerous than others because
they cause addiction in the user. Although the initial decision to
take drugs is usually voluntary, as time passes it becomes more
and more difficult to control the need to use the drug, and such a
desire ends up being more important than normal things such as
family or work.


USA, have a very high rate of people addicted to al-cohol use.

The reasons for alcohol abuse often lie in the users private life:
many people, especially young, drink alcohol because it is a way
to overcome ones insecurities and foster social relations. Alcohol
interferes with the way brain normally works, and alcohol abuse
has harmful consequences on the us-s health. And alcohol, as it
happens with different types of drugs, can become an addiction.
Like drug consumption, alcohol addiction is a problem for the
users health and for the social consequences of his/ her
behaviour when under the intoxicating effects of the substance.

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