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Process Mapping Template

Process Title: [Title of the process being mapped]

Objective: [Briefly state the goal or purpose of the process]

Process Owner: [Name of the person responsible for overseeing the process]

Process Participants: [List individuals involved in executing the process]

Date: [Date of process mapping]

1. Current State Mapping:

Step 1: Identify the Process Steps

Step Process Step Tools/Software Time Taken

Number Description Inputs Outputs Used (Optional) Notes

Step 2: Visualize the Process Flow

2. Analysis of Current State:

Step 1: Identify Bottlenecks and Waste

Type of Waste Description Location in the Process Impact Potential Improvement

Step 2: Analyze Cycle Time and Lead Time

Metric Calculation Current Value Target Value Improvement Opportunity

Cycle Time

Lead Time

3. Future State Mapping:

Step 1: Propose Process Improvements

Step Number Proposed Improvement Reasoning Impact Tools/Techniques

Step 2: Visualize Future State

[Insert flowchart or diagram illustrating the proposed improvements]

4. Action Plan:

Step 1: Assign Responsibilities

Action Item Responsible Person Due Date Status

Step 2: Implement Changes

[Outline the steps to implement the proposed improvements]

5. Follow-Up and Monitoring:

Step 1: Evaluation Metrics

[Define metrics to track the effectiveness of the process improvements]

Step 2: Review and Adjustment

[Schedule periodic reviews to assess the process performance and make necessary

This template provides a structured framework for mapping out a process, identifying
areas for improvement, and implementing changes using lean methodology principles.

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