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Name : ________________________ Date: _______________________

1. My uncle has a new job. He works ________ the evening.

2. We’re going to have a picnic ________ Saturday afternoon. Would you like to come?

3. I’ll be finished my work ________ an hour. Then, I can go home.

4. When is the meeting? Is it ________ 2:00?

5. I like to get up really early, ________ sunrise, when the birds start to sing.

6. Tom’s birthday is next week, ________ January 14.

7. My grandfather was born ________ the 1950s.

8. Will we be ________ time, or will we miss our flight?

9. My family and I like to ski ________ winter.

10. Are there any holidays ________ December?

11. Our school cafeteria opens for lunch ________ noon.

12. What time does your son go to bed ________ night?

13. We moved to this city ________ 2012.

14. Are you going to do anything special ________ your birthday?

15. I’m not going to watch that TV show. It starts ________ midnight!

16. He always gets up ________ seven o’clock in the morning.

17. Our flight to London leaves ________ the second of July.

18. Sharon’s birthday is ________ January.

19. My grandfather was born ________ 1953.

20. I stayed up really late last night. I went to bed ________ midnight.

21. Did you do anything special ________ your birthday?

22. Stewart usually goes cycling ________ the evenings after work.

23. In Canada, it always snows ________ winter.

24. Would you like to join us for dinner ________ Thursday?

25. I like to read stories to my kids ________ bedtime.

26. That store isn’t open ________ Sunday mornings.

27. We sometimes eat our lunch in the cafeteria ________ noon.

28. Hurry up! The train will leave ________ a few minutes.

29. My brother often goes swimming ________ the weekend.

30. Our classes finish at three ________ the afternoon.

31. The Beatles were a popular music band ________ the 1960s.

32. I sometimes get up ________ sunrise and do exercise.

33. What time does he go to work ________ the morning?

34. Do you and your family ever go traveling ________ summer?

35. What time do you go to bed ________ night?

36. Farmers pick cherries _______ summer.

37. Mollie's birthday is _______ Tuesday so we have only two days to prepare a surprise party.

38. _______ Father's Day I will give a nice present to my father.

39. The football match is _______ 8 o'clock. Shall we watch it together?

40. I get up early _______ the morning and have a big breakfast.

41. The bell rings _______ noon and the students have their lunch.

42. Sarah would like to get a nice pink dress _______ her birthday.

43. My father sometimes comes home late _______ night.

44. I will graduate from secondary school _______ 2015.

45. Indonesian celebrate Children's Day _______ the July 23.

46. Mary was born _______ October.

47. Andy was born _______ October 28.

48. The bank isn’t open _______ Sundays.

49. The post office closes _______ 4:00 p.m.

50. I love watching Warkop DKI film _______ Lebaran Day.

Soal 1 Pilihan Ganda
Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat! 6. I grew up .... a big city.
1. Was she .... the party too? a. in
a. in b. on
b. on c. at
c. at
7. Did you learn Spanish .... Mexico?
2. The title is ... top of the page. a. in
a. in b. on
b. on c. at
c. at
8. Does he live .... a house or an apartment?
3. Tony is sleeping .... the sofa. a. in
a. in b. on
b. on c. at
c. at
9. I will text her tonight .... home.
4. We went for a swim ... lake. a. in
a. in b. on
b. on c. at
c. at
10. I always keep the keys ... my bag.
5. We read about that news .... magazine. a. in
a. in b. on
b. on c. at
c. at

Soal 2 Isian

Lengkapi semua kalimat ini dengan in, on atau at!

1. Karl lives ____ Red Street no 549A.

2. Bob is living ____ Blitar.

3. Thomas is ____ my concert.

4. Is Susan ____ the library?

5. The cats are ____ backyard.

6. There are some toys ____ the floor.

7. Theresa is wearing a ring ____ her finger.

8. Surabaya is ____ the River Brantas.

9. There is a clock ____wall.

10. I'm ____ my bike.

Pengertian Preposition of Time dan Preposition of Place

Preposition of time adalah kata depan yang berfungsi untuk menunjukkan waktu, Pengertian
Preposition of Time dan Preposition of Place

Preposition of time adalah kata depan yang berfungsi untuk menunjukkan waktu, sedangkan preposition of
place adalah preposisi yang digunakan untuk merujuk tempat atau ruang di mana sesuatu atau seseorang

Nah, kata yang paling populer digunakan dalam dua jenis preposisi ini adalah in, on, dan juga at. Lihat cara
penggunaannya yang tepat, yuk!

Penggunaan In On At Preposition of Time and Place

Melalui gambar di bawah, kamu bisa memahami bagaimana konsep penerapan in,
on, dan at dengan lebih mudah:

Sesuai gambar di samping, preposisi “in” berlaku

ketika kamu ingin mengungkapkan waktu atau lokasi
secara umum (more general).

Lalu, preposisi “on” berada di posisi kedua setelah “in”,

fungsi dari preposisi “on” adalah untuk menunjukkan
tempat dan waktu yang lebih spesifik.

Nah, kalau kamu ingin membuat sebuah kalimat dengan

waktu atau tempat yang lebih spesifik, maka gunakanlah
preposisi “at”, guys. Ayo kita bahas beragam fungsi dan
contoh kalimatnya!
In Preposition of Time

Dalam preposition of time, kata “in” bisa dipakai untuk menambah keterangan yang berkaitan

 Month (bulan), contohnya in March.

 Year (tahun), seperti in 1996.
 Season (musim), misalnya in summer.
 Part of the day (bagian dari hari), seperti in the morning.
 Centurie (abad), contoh in the 20th century.
 Decade (dekade), misal in the 1990s.
 Mengekspresikan periode waktu. Contohnya in two weeks.
 Long periods (waktu yang lama) kayak in the past/future.

Contoh In Preposition of Time

Perhatikan contoh penggunaan “in” berikut ini:

 I’m going on vacation in March.

(Saya akan berlibur di bulan Maret.)
 The company was founded in 1996.
(Perusahaan ini didirikan pada tahun 1996.)
 Alfi usually goes swimming in summer.
(Alfi biasanya pergi berenang di musim panas.)
 My mom likes to get up early and exercise in the morning.
(Ibuku suka bangun pagi dan berolahraga di pagi hari.)
 Many major advancements in technology occurred in the 20th century.
(Banyak kemajuan besar dalam teknologi terjadi pada abad ke-20.)
 In the 1990s, the internet started becoming widely available.
(Pada 1990-an, internet mulai tersedia secara luas.)
 In the past, people relied on horse-drawn carriages as their primary mode of transportation.
(Dulu, orang mengandalkan kereta kuda sebagai moda transportasi utama mereka.)
 Mr. Jeffry will be able to start working on the project again in two weeks.
(Pak Jeffry akan dapat mulai mengerjakan proyek lagi dalam dua minggu.)
On Preposition of Time
Karena bersifat lebih spesifik, maka kamu dapat mengaplikasikan “on” untuk:

 Days (hari), contohnya on Monday, on the weekend, on the weekday.

 Dates (tanggal), seperti on 6 March.
 Days with part of the day, misalnya on Tuesday morning. Ingat, kalau hanya “Tuesday”, maka gunakan “on”, lalu
apabila hanya “morning”, gunakanlah “in”. Ketika menyebutkan hari ditambah keterangannya, pakailah “on”.
 Feast day (hari perayaan), contohnya kayak on Independence Day, on my birthday, on Christmas day, on New
Year’s Eve.
 Action that is in progress at a specific time (tindakan yang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu), seperti on my way.

Contoh On Preposition of Time

Simak penerapan preposisi “on” dalam kalimat di bawah ini:

 After the long trip, Chris will finally see Poetry on Monday.
(Setelah perjalanan panjang, Chris akhirnya akan melihat Poetry pada hari Senin.)
 Netflix actually can be my best friend on the weekend.
(Netflix sebenarnya bisa menjadi sahabat saya di akhir pekan.)
 Dating on the weekdays is really nice.
(Berkencan di hari kerja memang menyenangkan.)
 I still remember, I graduated on 6 March last year.
(Saya masih ingat, saya lulus pada 6 Maret tahun lalu.)
 Rara can’t wait to meet her parents on Tuesday morning.
(Rara sudah tidak sabar bertemu orangtuanya pada Selasa pagi.)
 I’m going to propose to my girlfriend on Christmas day.
(Saya akan melamar pacar saya pada hari Natal.)
 My bestie and I are going to a Coldplay concert on New Year’s Eve.
(Saya dan saya akan pergi ke konser Coldplay pada malam tahun baru.)
 I hate my boyfriend’s bad habit, he’s still on his way to pick me up.
(Aku benci kebiasaan buruk pacarku, dia masih dalam perjalanan untuk menjemputku.)

At Preposition of Time

Ini beberapa preposition of time yang bisa kamu aplikasikan dengan kata depan “at”:

 Time of the day seperti at 9 o’clock, at 10 p.m.

 Particular time (waktu tertentu), contohnya at noon, at night, at midnight, at dinnertime, at bedtime, at
sunrise, at sunset, at the moment, at present, at the same time.

 Untuk part of the day yang berkaitan dengan malam hari seperti noon, night, dan midnight, preposisi yang
digunakan harus “at”, bukan “in”, ini merupakan pengecualian dari aturan yang berlaku.
 Saat ingin mengungkapkan keterangan weekend dan Christmas, sebagian English native
speaker terkadang juga menggunakan preposisi “at”, jadinya at the weekend atau at Christmas. Jadi, mau
pakai at atau on, keduanya benar, kok.

Contoh At Preposition of Time

Bagaimana contoh “at” dalam kalimat?

 We’re going to watch Avatar: The Way of The Water at 10 p.m.

(Kita akan menonton Avatar: The Way of The Water pada jam 10 malam.)
 The store closes at midnight.
(Toko tutup pada tengah malam.)

In Preposition of Place
Pada preposition of place, kamu bisa gunakan “in” sebagai kata depan saat berbicara tentang:

 Cities (kota), contohnya in Bandung.

 Countries (negara), seperti in Indonesia.
 Position in a larger area/container (sesuatu yang berada di dalam ruang dengan area luas), misalnya in the
fridge, in the backpack, etc.

Bonus, nih. Selain dalam preposition of time and place, beberapa fungsi lain dari kata “in” adalah:

 Menyatakan suatu hal secara idiomatis dan metaforis. Contohnya, in a good mood, in a bit of a
 Mengungkapkan sesuatu yang kita percaya. Misalnya believe in.
Contoh In Preposition of Place

Lihat beberapa contoh kalimat menggunakan “in” di bawah ini:

 I’m going to visit my grandparents in Malang next month.

(Saya akan mengunjungi kakek-nenek saya di Malang bulan depan.)
 I’ve always wanted to go skiing in Switzerland.
(Saya selalu ingin bermain ski di Swiss.)
 My sister put the leftovers in the fridge so they don’t spoil.
(Adikku menaruh sisa makanan di lemari es agar tidak rusak.)
 She always keeps her phone in my backpack when I go out.
(Dia selalu menyimpan ponselnya di ranselku saat aku keluar.)
 The dog plays ball in the garden.
(Anjing itu bermain bola di taman.)
 I’m in a good mood today, let’s go out and have some fun!
(Saya dalam suasana hati yang baik hari ini, mari kita keluar dan bersenang-senang!)
 I believe in the power of hard work and determination.
(Saya percaya pada kekuatan kerja keras dan tekad.)
On Preposition of Place

Selanjutnya, kamu bisa gunakan “on” ketika hendak mengekspresikan sebuah kalimat dengan
keterangan sebagai berikut:

 Surfaces (permukaan), contohnya on the table.

 Large transportation (kendaraan besar), misalnya on the bus.
 Specific location (lokasi spesifik) seperti on top of the table.
 Location in relation to a larger geographic area (lokasi yang terkait dengan area geografi lebih luas),
contohnya on Main Street.

Contoh On Preposition of Place

Coba untuk berlatih mengaplikasikan preposisi “on” dalam sebuah kalimat, yuk!

 Oh my god! He didn’t give it back to me, he just put the book on the table.
(Ya Tuhan! Dia tidak mengembalikannya kepada saya, dia hanya meletakkan buku itu di atas meja.)
 My wallet was stolen on the bus.
(Dompet saya dicuri di bus.)
 My Mom put a cup of coffee on top of the table.
(Ibuku meletakkan secangkir kopi di atas meja.)
 Rasya told my crush that I live on main street.
(Rasya memberi tahu orang yang saya sukai bahwa saya tinggal di jalan besar.)

At Preposition of Place
Lalu, begini macam-macam fungsi “at” dalam preposition of place:

 Addresses (alamat), contoh at 20 Sudirman Street.

 Events (acara), misal at the party.
 Location where the event takes places (lokasi berlangsungnya sebuah acara), contohnya at the stadium.
 Specific point (titik spesifik), misal at the entrance.
 Location in relation to something else (lokasi yang ada kaitannya dengan hal lain), seperti at the top of the

Contoh At Preposition of Place

Ingin menuangkan “at” ke dalam sebuah kalimat? Coba lihat dulu contoh berikut ini:

 Our office is located at 20 Sudirman Street.

(Kantor kami terletak di Jalan Sudirman 20.)
 I saw Nanda’s boyfriend at the party last night.
(Saya melihat pacar Nanda di pesta tadi malam.)
 The big concert is happening at the stadium this weekend.
(Akan ada konser besar di stadion akhir pekan ini.)
 Let’s meet at the entrance of the building.
(Mari kita bertemu di pintu masuk gedung.)
 I left my keys at the top of the stairs.
(Saya meninggalkan kunci saya di atas tangga.)

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