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incompletc if it did not include the cause of the disastcr. Cfhe cause was that'
going at a high speed, the ship collided with an iceberg.) fui important part of
unOerstanAing evenS and processes includes learning about cause-effect
Explanations of cause and effecg very often use transitions such as the

Caus e-and -Etfe ct Trans itb ns

because causes results

lead to reasons therefore
bring about effects thus

A Cause-and-Etfect ParagraPh '

Read the paragraph below, and see if you can answer the questions about cause
and effect that follow. Then read the explanation to see how you did.
. Child abuse can lead to serious physical and emotional results. Abused
children may show delays in speech. They are also more likely to become
hyperactive or physically handicapped. Abused children will probably be
more aggFessive themselves in adult life than nonabused children. Sexually
abused girls are more likely to be concemed with sex and to have behavior
problems in schml than nonabused girls. Finally, adults who were abused as
children often suffer from low self-esteern and feelings of isolation.

l. What is the one carie described in this paragraph?

2. What are the two general fficts?



3. What two cause-effect signal words or phrases are used?

T\e disc6sed in this p.r"gr"ptii, child abuse. one effect is the

physical probloms that result from child abusc, such as delays in speech. The
iecond c*cct ie the e$tstisnal problerns that result from chitd dbuse, such as
aggression in adult life and low self-esteem. The two cause-effect signals ue lead
to and results.
The tluee activities that follow will give you a sharper sense of cause-and-
effect relationships.

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