Engr. MD Yusuf Miah - Huawei GPON OLT & ONU Configuration & Troubleshooting

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9/9/23, 7:31 PM Engr.

Md Yusuf Miah: Huawei GPON OLT & ONU Configuration & Troubleshooting


Engr. Md Yusuf Miah

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Yusuf's Blog
Sports Diary
Huawei GPON OLT & ONU Configuration & Troubleshooting

About Yúsúf
Résumé of Md. Yúsúf Miah
BDcom GPON OLT & ONU Configuration
& Troubleshooting
Configuration & Troubleshooting
C Data GPON OLT & ONU Configuration
& Troubleshooting
To create user name
Yusuf Miah
OLT> enable
OLT# config
OLT(config)# terminal user name YouTube
User Name(length<6,15>): Yusufmiah
User Password(length<6,15>): Password
Confirm Password(length<6,15>): Password How to install Kali Lin…
User profile name (<=15 Chars) [root]:
User's Leve: 1. Common User 2. Operator 3. Administraror: 3
Permitted Reenter Number (0--4): 1
Adding User Successfully

To delete user name

OLT> enable
OLT# config
OLT (config)# display terminal user all
OLT(config)# undo terminal user name Dhaka Half Marathon …

Checking OLT Uptime

OLT# display sysuptime

To check version
OLT(config)# display version

Checking OLT Board

OLT# display board 0 Dhaka Half Marathon …
Checking OLT Processor and Memory Per Slot
OLT# display mem 0/1

Checking OLT Temperature

OLT# display temperature 0


OLT# display ont info by-sn ABCDEF

Checking ONT logs history & down Issue

OLT# config
OLT(config)# interface gpon 0/1
OLT(config-if-gpon-0/1)# display ont register-info 8 1

Checking ONT Version

OLT# display ont version 0 1 0 4


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9/9/23, 7:31 PM Engr. Md Yusuf Miah: Huawei GPON OLT & ONU Configuration & Troubleshooting
OLT# display ont wan-info 0/1 0 4

Checking ONT Configuration Per-Port

OLT# display current-configuration port 0/1/1

Checking How Many Services Per-ONT

OLT# display service-port port 0/1/0 ont 4

You Can Ping from Your ONT

OLT# config
OLT (config)# interface gpon 0/1
OLT(config-if-gpon-0/1)# ont remote-ping 0 4 ip-address

To Reboot of a ONT
OLT# config
OLT(config)# Interface gpon 0/0
OLT(config-if-gpon-0/0)# Ont reset 1 2

Reset Factory ONT

OLT# config
OLT (config)# Interface gpon 0/0
OLT (config-if-gpon-0/0)# ont factory-setting-restore 0 4

How to release renew ONT as DHCP client

OLT# config
OLT (config)# Interface gpon 0/0
OLT (config-if-gpon-0/0)# ont ipconfig 0 4 dhcp reset

How to find ONT by MAC (Online User PC MAC)

OLT# display location 803F-5DA9-6EC5

Show ONU fiber power

OLT# config
OLT(config)# display ont info 0 all
OLT(config)# Interface gpon 0/0
OLT(config-if-gpon-0/0)# display ont optical-info 6 1
//Single ONU Power
OLT ((config-if-gpon-0/0)# display ont optical-info 6 all
//6 No. Pon er All ONU Power

To check port state(down/up)

OLT# config
OLT(config)# interface gpon 0/1
OLT(config-if-gpon-0/1)# display ont port state 6 59 eth-port all
OLT(config-if-gpon-0/1)# Display ont port state 6 59 eth-port 4
//6=pon port 16=ont id 4=eth port

Show ONT status check OR UP-Time

OLT# config
OLT(config)# interface gpon 0/1
OLT(config-if-gpon-0/1)# display ont info 6 12
OLT(config-if-gpon-0/1)# display ont info 6 all

PON User Check

OLT# config
OLT(config)# display ont info 0 1 10 all


OLT# config
OLT(config)# display ont autofind all
Number :1
F/S/P : 0/1/11
Ont SN : 4857544308B9D230
OLT(config)# display current-configuration port 0/1/11
OLT(config)# interface gpon 0/1
OLT(config-if-gpon-0/1)# ont add 11 52 sn-auth 4857544308B9D230 omci ont-lineprofile-id 372 ont-
srvprofile-id 372 des Test_Description
// 11 no. PON, 52 ONU ID, profile ID 372
OLT(config-if-gpon-0/1)# ont port native-vlan 11 52 eth 1 vlan 2040
// 11 no. PON, 52 ONU ID, VLAN No. 2040
OLT(config-if-gpon-0/1)# ont port native-vlan 11 52 eth 2 vlan 2040

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9/9/23, 7:31 PM Engr. Md Yusuf Miah: Huawei GPON OLT & ONU Configuration & Troubleshooting
OLT(config)# service-port vlan 2040 gpon 0/1/11 ont 52 gemport 5 multi-service user-vlan 2040 tag-
transform translate
OLT(config)# display mac-address port 0/1/11 ont 52
// Find ONU Mac address
OLT(config)# display current-configuration ont 0/1/11 52

ONU Description modify

OLT(config-if-gpon-0/1)# ont modify 14 26 desc ID_68402

ONU MAC modify

OLT(config-if-gpon-0/1)# ont modify 10 27 authtype sn-auth [New MAC]

How to delete onu and remove configuration.

OLT# config
OLT(config)# undo service-port 815 –> deleting it first after that u can delete at gpon interface
OLT(config)# interface gpon 0/1
OLT(config-if-gpon-0/1)# ont delete 2 100
OLT(config-if-gpon-0/1)# quit


Create dba profile

OLT> enable
OLT# config
OLT(config)# dba-profile add profile-id 100 profile-name “Any name” name type4 max 10000
// here 100 is your profile id
Create service profile
OLT# config
OLT(config)# ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id 100 profile-name “Any name”
// here 100 is your profile id
OLT(config-gpon-srvprofile-100)# ont-port pots 4 eth 4
// 4 ports RJ11 port 4=eth ports
OLT(config-gpon-srvprofile-100)# multicast-forward untag ………..*****
OLT(config)# port vlan eth 1 2816 ………..*****
OLT(config)# commit

Create line profile

OLT# config
OLT(config)# ont-line profile gpon profile-id 100 profile name “Any name”
OLT(config-gpon-srvprofile-100)# tcont 1dba-profile-id 100
// 100=dba profile
OLT(config-gpon-srvprofile-100)# gem add 1 eth tcont 4
// gem 1 tcont=4
OLT(config-gpon-srvprofile-100)# gem mapping 126 0 vlan 2816
// gem=126 & 0=mapping index
OLT(config-gpon-srvprofile-100)# commit

OLT# display ont-lineprofile gpon all –> Profile-ID Profile-name Binding times
OLT# config
OLT(config)# undo ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 100
OLT(config)# quit

OLT# config
OLT(config)# undo ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id 100
OLT(config)# quit

To check & delete dba profile

OLT# config
OLT(config)# display dba-profile all
OLT(config)# dba-profile ? dile dba profile add/delete/modify korbe dekha jabe

How to delete service port/service profile/ line profile

OLT# config
OLT(config)# display current-configuration port 0/0/6 // Find for ONU Service port
OLT(config)# undo service port 500
OLT(config)# interface gpon 0/0
OLT(config-if-gpon-0/0)# display ont info 6 16
OLT(config-if-gpon-0/0)# quit
OLT(config)# undo ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 500
OLT(config)# undo ont-srvprofile gpon prfile-id 500

To check traffice
OLT# config

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9/9/23, 7:31 PM Engr. Md Yusuf Miah: Huawei GPON OLT & ONU Configuration & Troubleshooting
OLT(config)# Interface gpon0/0
OLT(config-if-gpon-0/0)# Display ont traffice 6 0

Show all VLAN

OLT(config)# Display vlan all

PON er All ONU description

OLT (config)# display ont info 0 0 1 all
// 0/0 Interfacer er 1 no pon er all ONU MAC & description

To check the ONUstate

OLT# config
OLT(config)# Display mac-address vlan 500
// VLAN Find from Winbox Active Connection
OLT(config)# display mac-address port 0/0/8
// 8 no. PON er All MAC-Address
OLT(config)# display mac-address port 0/0/9 ont 29
// 8 no. PON er 29 ONU All MAC-Address

ONT Delete command

OLT# config
OLT(config)# display current-configuration port 0/0/6
OLT(config)# Undo service-port 500
OLT(config)# Interface 0/0
OLT(config-if-gpon-0/0)# Ont delete 6 16

To Check specific ONT’s Configuration

OLT# config
OLT(config)# display current-configuration ont 0/0/1 5

To Check all MAC under a ONT

OLT# config
OLT(config)# display mac-address port 0/0/1 ont 5

Show Plug in New onu

OLT> Enable
OLT# config
OLT(config)# display ont auto find all

Show all ONU status

OLT(config)# display service-port all

Show all ONU description

OLT# config
OLT(config)# display ont info 0 all
OLT(config-if-gpon-0/1)# display ont info 11 3
OLT(config-if-gpon-0/1)# display ont info 11 all

Show configuration
OLT(config)# display current-configuration
// All Configuration
OLT(config)# display current-configuration port 0/0/1
// 1 PON current Configuration
OLT(config)# display current-configuration ont 0/0/1 3
//verifying show run from that port with command
OLT# display ont-srvprofile gpon all
// All Service Profile

OLT(config)# display service-port port 0/0/6 ont 113 //Find Service Port


Yusuf's Blog

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