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5 Qualities of a Healthy Worship Team

1) Edification is a priority
The Bible is very clear about the power of our words. The easiest way to determine a person’s
humility is by what comes out of their mouth. Are your team members talking poorly about other
people or are they finding the gold in everyone around them?
We all have shortcomings on and off the stage, but a healthy team and environment brings out the
best in everyone.
“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the
occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” Ephesians 4:29
2) People are quick to serve in all areas
If a person can serve well off the stage then they can serve well on the stage.
It’s usually a red flag to leaders at our church when someone joins the church and quickly tries to get
on the worship team. We all get it, it’s a fun position and you probably wouldn’t be reading this if you
didn’t love worship in some capacity. However, we need to be intentional about placing greater
importance on serving others than playing music, being noticed, and having a good time.
The best additions to a team are people who are willing to help in the less glamorous areas such as
setting up chairs, running errands, or cleaning the building.
3) Feedback is given and taken well
If a team member is secure in who God has created them to be they won’t take it personally when a
leader corrects them. There’s no room for egos on the stage. Worship is about bringing your best
and being willing to submit to leadership.
At the same time, it’s important that leaders are not afraid to give feedback, deliver it in a loving way
and take responsibility to be a good example above all else. Doing these things will create a long-
lasting positive impact rather than a quick fix to a song. Some people get hurt no matter how you say
something, but how they respond to constructive criticism is not your burden to carry if you are
doing it in love.
4) Everyone on the worship team practices
From a practical standpoint, everyone on your team should be putting in time outside of Sundays.
(That includes leaders memorizing lyrics and not relying on confidence monitors)
Simply put, your team should be consistently improving. If your team is still at the same level over the
past 3 years there’s a problem. Either people aren’t practicing at home or the leaders aren’t leading
by example.
Worship Online makes all of this incredibly easy with countless resources for many of the top songs.
There shouldn’t be any excuse to not be prepared
5) Worship at home comes before the platform
We all want a pastor who actually walks out what they preach on stage, right? In the same way…a
worship team member should reflect what they are doing on stage off stage.
It’s plain and simple: You shouldn’t be on stage leading a congregation if you don’t know how to
worship God in your personal time.
It’s the personal relationship outside of church that natures the affection and passion for God that we
need to lead well. Everyone on stage is a worship leader, not just the singers.
In all of this, perfection isn’t the goal of a team, but rather building a passionate heart and love for
our Father. Out of that place comes a natural desire to be excellent because He is excellent. If your
whole team is putting God before everything, it’s impossible for it to not affect the rest of the church.

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