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Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal

Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject


Presented by:

Submitted to:
Kia Mae H. Villanueva
Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034


Tourism and hospitality organizations encompass a wide range of businesses

and institutions dedicated to providing services and experiences to travelers and guests.
This industry is a critical component of the global economy, contributing significantly to
employment, economic growth, and cultural exchange. Key sectors within this industry
include accommodation providers, such as hotels, resorts, and hostels; food and
beverage services, including restaurants, cafes, and bars; transportation services,
ranging from airlines and car rentals to cruise ships; and various entertainment and
leisure activities, such as tour operators, amusement parks, and event management

These organizations are characterized by their focus on customer satisfaction,

service quality, and the creation of memorable experiences. They operate in a highly
competitive and dynamic environment, necessitating constant innovation and adaptation
to changing consumer preferences, technological advancements, and economic
conditions. The success of tourism and hospitality organizations hinges on effective
management practices, strategic marketing, robust operational systems, and a deep
understanding of cultural nuances and sustainability principles.

These organizations play a important role in promoting destinations, preserving

cultural heritage, and fostering international understanding. They often collaborate with
governmental bodies, non-profit organizations, and local communities to enhance the
attractiveness and accessibility of destinations. In an era marked by globalization and
increased mobility, tourism and hospitality organizations are essential in connecting
people, cultures, and places, thereby enriching lives and driving global development.
Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

Tourism Organization
A tourism organization is an entity that operates within the travel and tourism
industry to promote destinations, enhance visitor experiences, and support the
development of tourism-related activities. These organizations can be government
agencies, non-profit organizations, or private companies. They often work on marketing
destinations, providing visitor information, and collaborating with various stakeholders to
boost the local economy through tourism.

Hospitality Organization
A hospitality organization refers to a business or institution that provides services
related to lodging, food and beverage, recreation, and other aspects of guest service
and accommodation. Examples include hotels, restaurants, resorts, and event planning
companies. These organizations focus on delivering exceptional service and
experiences to customers, ensuring their comfort and satisfaction.

National Organization
A national organization operates within a single country and addresses issues,
provides services, or promotes activities on a nationwide scale. These organizations
can be governmental bodies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), professional
associations, or commercial enterprises. They focus on national interests, policies, and
initiatives that impact their specific sector or the population at large.

International Organization
An international organization is an entity that operates across multiple countries,
often with a mission to promote cooperation, address global issues, or provide services
that transcend national borders. These organizations can be intergovernmental, such as
the United Nations or the World Health Organization, or non-governmental, like the
International Red Cross or multinational corporations. They work on various
international matters, including economic development, health, human rights, and
environmental protection.
Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

Department of Tourism DOT


The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), a UN specialized agency
established in 1944 and headquartered in Montreal, Canada, promotes the safe and
orderly development of international civil aviation among its 193 member states. ICAO
develops and adopts international standards and recommended practices (SARPs)
covering aircraft operations, safety, air traffic management, and environmental
protection. It ensures compliance through audits and assessments, enhances aviation
security against threats like terrorism, and works to optimize global air transport
efficiency and capacity. Additionally, ICAO addresses environmental impacts by setting
standards and initiatives such as the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for
International Aviation (CORSIA). Its efforts include the Universal Safety Oversight Audit
Programme (USOAP) for safety compliance, the Global Aviation Security Plan (GASeP)
for security enhancement, and training programs for capacity building, significantly
impacting global aviation standards and benefiting the worldwide community.
Alvin Agnon


World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) is an international organization that represents
the travel and tourism sector globally. It works to promote the sustainable growth of the
travel and tourism industry, advocating for policies that support economic development,
job creation, and environmental sustainability. The WTTC provides research, data, and
strategic insights into the impact of travel and tourism on the global economy, while also
working with governments, industry stakeholders, and international organizations to
address issues and challenges facing the sector.The World Travel & Tourism Council
(WTTC) functions as a global organization representing the travel and tourism sector.
Its main roles include;
Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

Advocacy: WTTC advocates for policies that support the growth and sustainability of the
travel and tourism industry. Research and Data: The organization conducts research
and publishes reports on the economic impact of travel and tourism.Networking: WTTC
provides a platform for leaders from the travel and tourism industry to connect and
collaborate. This includes organizing events, forums, and summits where industry
stakeholders can share best practices and forge partnerships. Overall, the WTTC seeks
to enhance the long-term growth and resilience of the travel and tourism sector while
emphasizing its importance to the global economy and society.

The WTTC's work in the hospitality industry is geared towards fostering a resilient,
sustainable, and inclusive travel and tourism sector that can contribute to global
economic growth and development.





The organization for economic cooperation and development OECD is an international

association comprising 38nations from EUROPE the AMERICAS and the pacific
regions.It was established to promote the economic welfare of its members and
coordinate efforts to assist developing countries outside its membership.The OECD's
main goal is to help countries formulate economic and social policies with its members
and partners presenting 80% of world trade and investment.
Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

Initially named the Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OECD) in 1948
after world war ll to oversee the marshall plan for Europe's reconstruction,the OECD
expanded to include nations like CANADA and the UNITED STATES in 1960.Members
county are required to commit to economic reforms in line with OECD standards and the
organization monitors economic growth, providing data to enhance prosperity,combat
poverty,and balance economic growth with environmental concerns.

The organization cooperation and development serves various functions aimed at

postering prosperity, equality opportunity,and well-being globally.Here are some of the
key functions of the OECD includes;policy development the OECD works with
governments,policymakers,and citizens to establish, evidence based international
standards and provide solutions to social economic and environmental challenges.It
aims to shape policies that enhance economic performance,create jobs, improve
education,and combat issues like international tax evasion

The organization for economic cooperation and development engages in a wide array of
works across different areas to promote better policies for better lives globally.Some of
key works and initiatives undertaken by the OECD was Educational Systems
Improvement the program for international students assessment (PISA)to evaluate and
compare the performance of education systems globally.By testing 15years old students
in reading mathematics and science.,to help countries improve their education systems
and boost educational outcomes.


Pacific Asia Travel Association (PTPA)

The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) is a well-established organization that has
been operating since 1951. PATA's primary objective is to promote the responsible and
Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

sustainable development of travel and tourism in the Asia Pacific region. It is a

membership-based association that brings together various stakeholders, including
governments, tourism boards, travel agencies, hotels, airlines, and other businesses
related to the travel industry.

PATA plays a crucial role in advocating for the interests of its members and the overall
growth of the travel industry. The association provides a platform for networking,
knowledge-sharing, and collaboration among its members. PATA organizes
conferences, seminars, and workshops where industry professionals can exchange
ideas, discuss industry trends, and explore opportunities for partnership and
cooperation. Through these events, PATA aims to foster innovation, encourage best
practices, and facilitate sustainable tourism development across the Asia Pacific region.

Another key aspect of PATA's work is research and market intelligence. The association
conducts studies and produces insightful reports on various topics related to travel and
tourism. These research initiatives help industry stakeholders stay informed about
market trends, consumer behavior, and emerging destinations. PATA's research
findings and publications are valuable resources for businesses, governments, and
individuals involved in the travel industry, providing them with the necessary information
to make informed decisions and strategies.


Caribbean Tourism Association (CTA)

The Caribbean Tourism Association, also known as the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism
Association (CHTA), aims to distinguish itself as one of the world's leading associations
representing tourism interests. It is known for providing national hotel and tourism
associations and members with exceptional value that generates business and
advances a sustainable and profitable industry. The vision of CHTA is to promote the
Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

Caribbean brand worldwide. The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) is a marketing

and business development entity dedicated to promoting the Caribbean brand globally.
It was established in 1989 through the merger of the Caribbean Tourism Association,
founded in 1951, and the Caribbean Tourism Research and Development Center
founded in 1974. The Caribbean Tourism Association ceased to exist in 1989 when it
merged with the Caribbean Tourism Research and Development Centre to form the
Caribbean Tourism Organization. Its aims included integrating tourism with
development planning, strengthening relations between tourism and development, and
cooperating with the private sector.

The primary function of the CTO is to promote the Caribbean brand globally through
marketing and business development efforts. The CTO was established in 1989 through
the merger of the Caribbean Tourism Association, founded in 1951, and the Caribbean
Tourism Research and Development Center, founded in 1974. The organization aims to
position the Caribbean as the most desirable, year-round, warm weather destination
and works towards the sustainable development of tourism in the region. Overall, the
Caribbean Tourism Organization plays a crucial role in coordinating and advancing the
tourism industry in the Caribbean, fostering collaboration among member countries, and
promoting the region as a premier tourist destination.

The Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association (CHTA) has been a significant contributor
to the Caribbean hospitality industry for over 50 years. Working closely with 1,000 hotel
and allied members as well as 33 National Hotel Associations, CHTA plays a crucial
role in shaping the future of the Caribbean hospitality sector and supporting its
members in expanding their businesses. The association focuses on enhancing the
tourism experience in the Caribbean, promoting sustainable practices, and fostering
partnerships within the industry.On the other hand, the Caribbean Tourism Organization
(CTO) serves as the region's tourism development agency, with a membership that
includes Dutch, English, French, and Spanish countries and territories, along with
Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

private sector allied members. The CTO's vision is to position the Caribbean as the
most desirable warm-weather destination throughout the year. The organization focuses
on marketing and business development efforts to promote the Caribbean brand
worldwide and drive tourism growth in the region.Both the CHTA and CTO play
essential roles in advancing the tourism industry in the Caribbean, supporting member
businesses, promoting the region as a premier tourist destination, and working towards
sustainable tourism development.
Benies, Renalyn Hernane

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

The purpose of APEC is to establish coordination of national economies for the benefit
of countries in the Asia-Pacific region as a whole. The specific goals are to sustain the
growth and development of capital and technology in keeping with the principles of the
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), and to develop and strengthen the
open multilateral trading system in the interest of Asia-Pacific and all other economies.

Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is an inter governmental forum for 21

member economies in the Pacific Rim that promotes free trade throughout the Asia
Pacific region. Following the success of ASEAN's series of post ministerial conferences
launched in the mid-1980s, APEC started in 1989, in response to the growing
interdependence of Asia Pacific economies and the advent of regional trade blocs in
other parts of the world, it aimed to establish new markets for agricultural products and
raw materials beyond Europe. Headquartered in Singapore, APEC is recognized as one
of the highest level multilateral blocs and oldest forums in the Asia Pacific region, and
exerts significant global influence.
Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, established in 1989, has

become the pre-eminent economic forum in the Asia-Pacific region. Its primary purpose
is to promote sustainable economic growth, trade and investment, and prosperity in the
Asia-Pacific region.

APEC operates as a cooperative, multilateral economic and trade forum. Member

economies participate on the basis of open dialogue and respect for views of all
participants. In APEC, all economies have an equal say and decision-making is reached
by consensus. There are no binding commitments or treaty obligations.


Organization of American States OAS
The Organization of American States (OAS) is a regional organization founded in 1948
to foster solidarity and cooperation among its 35 member states in the Americas.
Headquartered in Washington, D.C., USA, it aims to promote peace, security,
democracy, and economic development in the region. Through various functions,
including promoting democracy, protecting human rights, enhancing security
cooperation, and facilitating economic integration, the OAS works to address key
challenges and advance the collective interests of its member states. Within this
framework, the OAS provides advisory services and training programs to build
institutional capacity and skills among government officials and civil society leaders.
Furthermore, with a focus on tourism as a driver of economic growth, the OAS conducts
travel studies and implements tourism development programs to support sustainable
tourism practices, improve tourism infrastructure, and promote destinations across the
Americas, thus contributing to the overall prosperity and well-being of the region.
Bugante, Savela Alison R.


Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

Roles of nation organization in tourism aims to investigate the effect of environmental

and non-environmental roles of tourism organisations in protecting environmental
natural resources and developing sustainable community livelihoods. National
organizations in tourism typically have several key roles and responsibilities that help to
develop, promote, and manage tourism within their countries. Developing national
tourism policies, strategies, and action plans to guide sustainable tourism development
and growth. This involves long-term planning and setting goals aligned with national
economic and social objectives. Promoting the country as a tourist destination through
various marketing campaigns, both domestically and internationally. This includes
branding, advertising, and participating in tourism fairs and events. Establishing and
enforcing standards for tourism services and facilities to ensure quality, safety, and
sustainability. This includes licensing and certifying tourism operators, accommodations,
and other related services. National tourism organizations aim to enhance the
competitiveness and sustainability of their tourism sectors, ultimately contributing to the
overall economic and social development of their countries. It is the proper agency and
instrument for the execution of the national government's responsibilities for the control,
direction and promotion of tourism.

National Tourism Association (NTO)

National Tourism Association is an organization that represents the interests of the
tourism industry within a specific country. They work to promote tourism, advocate for
policies that support the industry, and provide resources and support for tourism
businesses and professionals. National tourism associations often collaborate with
government agencies, tourism boards, and other relevant stakeholders to help grow and
sustain the tourism sector in their country.The national tourism refers to the role and
responsibilities of a country's government or relevant authority in managing and
promoting tourism at a national level. Overall, the national tourism plays a crucial role in
Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

driving economic growth, job creation, cultural exchange, and sustainable development
through the promotion and management of tourism within a country.
Rowena Daud


Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA)

The Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA), a government
corporation, was created by virtue of Republic Act No. 9593 or the Tourism Act of 2009
on May 12, 2009, replacing the Philippine Tourism Authority (PTA). TIEZA is mandated
to continue the functions previously exercised by PTA under Presidential Declaration
564, unless otherwise inconsistent with the provisions of RA 9593.

TIEZA acts as Department of Tourism’s implementing arm in providing support

infrastructures and facilitating investments in tourism enterprise zones (TEZ)
nationwide. This is carried out through its main functions — infrastructure development;
designation, regulation and supervision of TEZs; management of its existing assets or
facilitation of their privatization; and administration of the collection of the Philippine
Travel Tax.

As the country’s builder of tourism infrastructures, TIEZA brings development to

areas with high cultural, historical, religious, heritage and/or eco-tourism values, helping
shape a deep sense of awareness and pride for the Filipino’s traditions, natural bounties
and uniqueness as a race. Through the designation, regulation and supervision of TEZs
nationwide, private stakeholders are lured to be shared-partners in tourism
development. Their investments will indubitably help create jobs and economic activities
for the local communities. The travel tax collection share of TIEZA fuels the priority
Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

tourism projects, activities and programs which is in sync with the Philippine
Development Plan and the National Tourism Development Plan.

The TIEZA operating properties have served clients from Luzon to Mindanao,
bringing services from hotel management to recreation to specialized sports such as
golf and scuba diving. TIEZA also developed partnerships with the private sector and
with local governments in the management of some of its assets to empower them and
their communities. Proof of its continuing efforts to provide excellence in public service,
TIEZA, through teamwork, achieved the ISO 9001:2008 Management System
Certification of its core processes in travel tax, infrastructure and asset management.
TIEZA pursues continual improvement of its systems, products and services with
innovation and creative business undertakings.

Dizon, Mariel U.


Intramuros administration(IA) is a National Government Agency attached to
the Department of Tourism of the Philippines. Under Presidential Decree No. 1616, IA
is responsible for the orderly restoration and development of Intramuros as a
monument to the Hispanic period of Philippine history.Intramuros served as the seat
of government of the Captaincy General of the Philippines, a component realm of
the Spanish Empire, housing the colony's governor-general from its founding in 1571
until 1865, and the Real Audiencia of Manila until the end of Spanish rule during
the Philippine Revolution of 1898.Intramuros is called as such because it is a Spanish
term which means “within the walls.” The name traces back to the time when
the area was enclosed by massive stone walls started in the late 16th Century during
the Spanish colonial era.
Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

The Intramuros Administration (IA) is to protect and conserve the historical and
cultural value of Intramuros while advancing and guiding urban development within
the area. It also contributes to strengthening the Filipino's national identity, sense of
belonging, and pride.the IA is responsible for the orderly restoration and development
of Intramuros as a monument to the Hispanic period of Philippine history. As such, it
shall ensure that the general appearance of Intramuros shall conform to Philippine-
Spanish architecture of the sixteenth to the nineteenth century. IA envisions
Intramuros as a model urban site of national historical and cultural heritage,
sustaining people and life systems within, and contributing to national cultural and
socio-economic progress.
The Intramuros Administration is responsible for the orderly restoration and
development of Intramuros as a monument to the Hispanic period of history. While it
does not have a direct focus on the hospitality industry, its efforts contribute to
making Intramuros a tourist destination in the capital city, which indirectly impacts the
hospitality industry in the area.Intramuros is home to many historical landmarks and
tourist attractions,such as the iconic forth Santiago,which is a military defense
structure that dates back to the late 16th Century.


The Nayong Filipino Foundation (NFF)

The Nayong Filipino Foundation (NFF) is a government-owned and controlled
corporation in the Philippines dedicated to preserving, promoting, and developing
Filipino cultural heritage. Established to safeguard the rich and diverse traditions,
history, and arts of the Philippines, the foundation manages cultural and heritage sites,
conducts research, and supports educational programs aimed at enhancing the
understanding and appreciation of Filipino culture. The NFF plays a critical role in
fostering national pride and cultural awareness among Filipinos and the global
Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

community, ensuring that the legacy of Filipino heritage is maintained and celebrated for
future generations.

The Nayong Filipino Foundation (NFF) serves several key functions aimed at preserving
and promoting Filipino cultural heritage. It safeguards Filipino cultural heritage,
maintaining archives, artifacts, and historical sites. The foundation conducts educational
programs, workshops, and exhibitions to foster national pride and cultural awareness. It
manages cultural heritage sites like the Nayong Pilipino Cultural Park, ensuring their
conservation and proper use. The NFF supports and conducts research on Filipino
history and culture, producing valuable studies and educational materials. Additionally, it
collaborates with communities, government agencies, and international organizations to
support local cultural initiatives and promote Filipino culture globally.

The Nayong Filipino Foundation (NFF) operates through a multifaceted approach to

preserve and promote Filipino cultural heritage. It manages heritage sites such as the
Nayong Pilipino Cultural Park, ensuring their maintenance, restoration, and
development as tourist and educational attractions. The foundation organizes cultural
events, including festivals, exhibitions, and performances, often in partnership with other
organizations and local governments to highlight Filipino culture. It provides educational
outreach by creating curriculum materials, hosting workshops, and offering training
programs to schools and communities. The NFF funds and conducts research projects
related to Filipino history and culture, collaborating with experts to produce publications
and documentaries. Additionally, the foundation works with government agencies, non-
governmental organizations, and international bodies to expand the reach and impact of
its initiatives through partnerships.

Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

Duty free Philippines corporation (DFPC)

TDFS was authorized to establish, operate and maintain duty and tax free stores at all
international airports and seaports, selected hotels, tourist resorts, and commercial or
trading centers throughout the country for a period of twenty-five (25) years.

Duty-free stores are an enticing perk of international travel. These retail businesses sell
merchandise that is exempt from duties and taxes with the understanding they will be
taken out of the country for use. Many popular duty-free items found in airport shops
include liquor, chocolate, and perfume.
As a body corporate, DFPC is tasked to operate the duty-and tax-free merchandising
system in the Philippines aimed to augment the service facilities for tourists and to
generate foreign exchange and revenue for the government as mandated by E.O. No.

Demie julom

United States Travel Data Center (USTDC)

The United States Travel Data Center (USTDC) is an independent, nonprofit research
and educational organization dedicated to enhancing the quality and scope of statistical
data related to travel and tourism in the United States. The organization operates
independently and is funded through a combination of grants and membership fees.

The primary function of the USTDC is to collect, analyze, and disseminate

comprehensive statistical data on travel and tourism. This data aids various
Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

stakeholders, including policymakers, industry professionals, and researchers, in

understanding trends, economic impacts, and other critical aspects of the travel and
tourism sector. By improving the accuracy and depth of tourism data, the USTDC
supports informed decision-making and strategic planning within the industry.

The United States Travel Data Center (USTDC) is an independent, nonprofit research
and educational organization dedicated to enhancing the quality and breadth of
statistical data on travel and tourism. It operates through funding from grants and
membership fees, striving to provide comprehensive and accurate information that
supports the travel industry's growth and development. By focusing on data quality and
range, the USTDC plays a crucial role in informing policy decisions, business strategies,
and academic research related to travel and tourism.
Lastimoso, Daniela A.

The Travel Industry Association of America (TIA)

The Travel Industry Association of America (TIA) is a Washington, DC-based non-profit
organization that represents and advocates for the diverse sectors of the U.S. travel
industry. Established in 1941, TIA's primary goals are to increase public awareness of
the economic impact of travel and to promote both domestic and international travel. By
serving as a unifying voice for various segments, including travel agencies, tour
operators, hospitality businesses, and transportation companies, TIA fosters a cohesive
and robust travel sector.

TIA functions through advocacy, representing the industry's interests at various

government levels, and lobbying for favorable policies and legislation. It conducts
extensive research to provide valuable insights on travel trends, economic impact, and
consumer behavior. TIA also develops marketing campaigns to boost tourism, supports
industry professionals through networking and professional development opportunities,
Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

and works to enhance public understanding of the travel industry's economic and
cultural contributions.

Key works of TIA include high-profile travel promotion campaigns such as "See
America," which encourages exploration of the United States. The organization
publishes economic impact studies that quantify the travel industry's contributions,
organizes educational conferences and events like the annual IPW trade show, and
engages in policy advocacy to influence legislation affecting travel and tourism.
Additionally, TIA produces travel forecasts and trends analyses to help industry
stakeholders plan for future demand, covering factors like economic conditions,
consumer preferences, and technological advancements.
Lobino, Noemi

Travel and Tourism Research association (TTRA)

The Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) is a globally recognized
organization dedicated to advancing the field of travel and tourism research. With a
membership of over 700 professionals from 30 countries, TTRA provides a platform for
collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovation. The association aims to establish
higher standards in research, analysis, and marketing within the travel and tourism
industry. By bringing together experts from academia, government, and the private
sector, TTRA plays a crucial role in driving evidence-based decision-making and
promoting sustainable practices in the industry.
TTRA's mission is to promote the development and dissemination of tourism
research and education worldwide. Through conferences, workshops, and publications,
the association facilitates the exchange of cutting-edge research and best practices
among its members. TTRA also offers valuable networking opportunities for
professionals in the travel and tourism sector, allowing them to connect with industry
leaders, researchers, and policymakers. By fostering collaboration and knowledge
Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

transfer, TTRA contributes to the continuous improvement of the industry's performance

and the well-being of destinations and communities around the world.

As a member of TTRA, individuals and organizations gain access to a wealth of

resources and benefits. These include research publications, industry reports, and
exclusive insights into emerging trends and challenges in travel and tourism. TTRA also
provides opportunities for professional development through workshops, webinars, and
educational programs. By staying connected to TTRA's vibrant community, members
can enhance their research capabilities, expand their networks, and stay at the forefront
of industry advancements. Whether you are a researcher, practitioner, or student in the
field of travel and tourism, TTRA offers a supportive and stimulating environment to
further your career and contribute to the sustainable development of the industry.



The American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA)

The American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA) is the leading global advocate for
travel advisors, the travel industry and the traveling public. Its members represent 80
percent of all travel sold in the United States through the travel agency distribution
channel. Together with hundreds of internationally based members, ASTA’s history of
industry advocacy traces back to its founding in 1931 when it launched with the mission
to facilitate the business of selling travel through effective representation, shared
knowledge and the enhancement of professionalism.

ASTA represents approximately 7,500 travel agencies and supplier travel companies
employing over 90,000 people. Our members are in every U.S. state and Congressional
Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

district and range from large business-focused travel management companies such as
Carlson Wagonlit and BCD Travel to household-name online agencies like Expedia.

ASTA’s over-arching mission is to facilitate the business of selling travel through

effective representation, shared knowledge and the enhancement of professionalism.
We are also the leading advocate for travel advisors and the entire travel agency
community, including suppliers and the traveling public.
From the start, carrying out our mission has meant promoting professionalism and
advocating with legislators and suppliers for our members, our industry and the traveling
public. Because travelers depend on travel advisors and others affiliated with ASTA to
guide them honestly and competently, ASTA members are required to conduct their
business activities in accordance with the ASTA Code of Ethics. This promotes
professionalism in the industry and trust among the general public.

ASTA is the leading global advocate for travel agents, the travel industry and the
traveling public. Expand your world. Go with the pros. ASTA (American Society of
Travel Agents) is the world's largest association of travel professionals. Our members
include travel agents and the companies whose products they sell such as tours,
cruises, hotels, car rentals, etc. We are the leading advocate for travel agents, the travel
industry and the traveling public.

Kurt Molina

Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

Association of Travel Marketing Executives (ATME)

The Association of Travel Marketing Executives (ATME), established in 1980, is a non-
profit, professional association made up of experienced and innovative travel
industry marketers representing all segments including: airlines; hotels and resorts;
cruise lines; tour operators; online travel companies and initiatives. A nonprofit
research and educational organization of individual travel marketing executives. Assist
travel marketing executives toward greater personal achievement, success,
and satisfaction
ATME is a global network of industry marketing professionals committed to
enhancing skills, recognizing excellence, and providing innovative, effective and
provocative marketing ideas and solutions while enhancing the highest standards of
travel leaderships.

The Association of Travel Marketing Executives (ATME) membership is made up

of airlines, hotels, resorts, cruise lines, car rental companies, advertising and public
relations firms, travel marketing professionals, research groups and tourist offices of
domestic and foreign destinations. ATME is a global network of industry marketing
professionals committed to enhancing skills, recognizing excellence, and providing
innovative, effective and provocative marketing ideas and solutions while enhancing the
highest standards of travel leadership.
Ramos, John Romeo L.


Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

Philippines Travel Agencies Association (PTAA)

The Philippines Travel Agencies Association (PTAA) is a non-profit organization that

represents the interests of travel agencies and tour operators in the Philippines. PTAA
aims to promote the growth and development of the local travel and tourism industry by
providing support, advocacy, and educational resources to its members. It was
founded to foster unity in the travel industry and to promote the welfare of its members
and the traveling public.

Providing networking opportunities for members to collaborate and share best practices.
And Advocating for policies and regulations that benefit the travel and tourism
sector.Offering training programs and seminars to enhance the skills and knowledge of
industry professionals.Promoting responsible and sustainable tourism practices among
its members.Organizing travel fairs, exhibitions, and events to showcase travel
destinations and services.

which represents and promotes the interests of travel agencies in the Philippines.
Discover its crucial role in advocating for the welfare and advancement of its members
and supporting the development of travel and tourism in the country.PTAA evolves into
an organization that plays a vital role in tourism economy.It represents the Philippine
travel sector in various international and national associationsFounded through the
union of national associations of outbound travel agencies and inbound tour operators
in 1979.Sits in the tourism council of local government units.Intentionally made to foster
unity in travel industry and promote the welfare of its members.

Sabroso, Lovely H.


The Hotel and Restaurant Association of the Philippines (HRAP) as a non-profit/ non-stock
organization fosters networking and encourages promotion of members’ businesses amongst
Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

themselves and to the rest of the Hospitality Industry. As the umbrella organization of the
Hospitality Industry, HRAP aims to take the lead role as the single voice organization
representing the Philippine private sector in the hotel and restaurant industry. HRAP concerns
itself with all issues affecting the Hotel and Restaurant Industry of the Philippines including but
not limited to Environment, Government Liaison, Ethics, Health, Legislation, Program,
Technology, Finance and Education.
Rowena Daud


Council of Hotel and Restaurant Educators of the Philippines (COHREP)

The Council of Hotel and Restaurant Educators of the Philippines (COHREP) is a

prominent organization dedicated to advancing the standards of hospitality and tourism
education in the Philippines. Established with the mission of fostering excellence in the
field, COHREP serves as a unifying body for educators, industry professionals, and
government agencies involved in hotel and restaurant education. Through its
collaborative efforts, COHREP aims to enhance the quality of education and training,
promote industry best practices, and facilitate knowledge exchange among its

One of the primary objectives of COHREP is to provide a platform for professional

development and capacity-building for educators in the hospitality and tourism sector.
By organizing workshops, seminars, and training programs, COHREP equips its
members with the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to stay abreast of
industry trends and developments. This continuous learning approach ensures that
educators are well-equipped to deliver high-quality education that meets the evolving
demands of the industry, ultimately benefiting students and the broader hospitality

In addition to professional development, COHREP plays a vital role in advocacy and

policy development within the hospitality and tourism education sector. By engaging
Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

with government agencies, industry stakeholders, and academic institutions, COHREP

contributes to the formulation of policies, standards, and guidelines that promote
excellence in education and training. Through its advocacy efforts, COHREP seeks to
influence the direction of the industry, address key challenges, and champion initiatives
that elevate the status of hospitality and tourism education in the Philippines.

Moreover, COHREP serves as a platform for networking, collaboration, and knowledge-

sharing among its members. By fostering a community of educators and industry
professionals, COHREP creates opportunities for collaboration, partnership, and mutual
support. This collaborative environment enables members to share best practices,
innovative teaching methods, and research findings, fostering a culture of continuous
improvement and excellence in hospitality and tourism education.

Overall, the Council of Hotel and Restaurant Educators of the Philippines (COHREP)
plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of hospitality and tourism education in the
Philippines. Through its multifaceted initiatives in professional development, advocacy,
networking, and collaboration, COHREP contributes to the growth and advancement of
the industry, ensuring that education and training programs meet the highest standards
and prepare students for successful careers in the dynamic world of hospitality and



The Association of Administration in Hospitality, Hotel and Restaurant

Management Educational Institution Incorporated provides the venue for skills
development through the conduct of national inter-school skills competitions in
cooperation with the industry to ensure the development of industry-based knowledge
and skills. AAHRMEI is envisioned to be an outstanding organization serving as a
vehicle for all schools offering Hotel and Restaurant Management, Tourism, Food
Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

Technology, Home Economics, Nutrition, and other related programs in the quest for
leadership excellence among academicians and practitioners toward quality education
for all stakeholders.
Donarel Solania


Philippines Association of Convention/Exhibition organization and Supplier,Inc.


The Philippine Association of Convention/Exhibition Organizers and Suppliers Inc.

( PACEOS ) is a group of leading professionals conference, exhibition, and event
organizers, and their business partners, including chamber of commerce government
agencies venue owners, designer and stand contractors, freight forwarders, hotels, and

Established in 1981 , the Philippine Association of Convention/Exhibition Organizers

and Suppliers, Inc. ( PACEOS ) is a non – profit association composed of professional
event/exhibition/convention organizers and their partners in business – venue owners,
booth contractors, freight forwarders, and hotels as well as institutions offering allied
services, such as travel and tour agencies, airlines, printing, and other agencies.

PACEOS is to develop the Philippines as a leading exhibition and convention

destination in Asia. PACEOS works to promote and enhance the growth and
professionalism of the MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, and Exhibitions)
sector in the country. To raise the level of professionalism and operational standards in
the industry through different activities and programs.PACEOS plays a crucial role in
Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034

supporting the development and success of the convention, exhibition, and events
sector in the Philippines by providing resources, advocacy, and opportunities for
industry professionals to thrive.

Solatorio, Cyrhod John.

The Women in Travel, Philippines Chapter

The Women in Travel, Philippines chapter is a part of the Women in Travel organization
that focuses on promoting gender diversity, empowering women, and advocating for
gender equality within the travel sector. The chapter organizes events, conferences,
and initiatives to address the challenges faced by women in the tourism industry and
celebrate their achievements.
One notable event related to the Women in Travel, Philippines chapter is the PATA
International Conference on Women in Travel. This conference brings together around
200 delegates from around the world to discuss women's issues, recognize their
accomplishments, and work towards closing the gender gap in the tourism sector. The
Department of Tourism in the Philippines hosts this conference, emphasizing the
importance of gender diversity and empowerment in the industry.
In addition, the Women in Travel, Philippines chapter regularly inducts new board
officers to support women in various roles within the travel sector. These induction
events bring together members from airlines, related businesses, media, and friends to
highlight the collaborative effort in promoting gender equality and driving progress within
the travel industry. One such event took place at Solaire Resorts and Casino.
These initiatives demonstrate the commitment of the Women in Travel, Philippines
chapter to empower women in the travel industry, address gender disparities, and
create a more inclusive and diverse environment within the tourism sector in the

Aira Mae Valeriano

Km. 2, Bo. 2, General Santos Drive, City of Koronadal
Tel No. :( 083) 228-4034


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