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Choose one each from Theme and Domain or roll on each table.


1-16 Crowded
17-34 Dilapidated
35-50 Grand
51-66 Labyrinthine
67-83 Unwelcoming
84-00 Waterfront

THEME (with Magical)

1-14 Crowded
15-28 Dilapidated
29-42 Grand
43-56 Labyrinthine
57-72 Magical
73-86 Unwelcoming
87-00 Waterfront


1-14 Academic
15-28 Cultural
29-42 Financial
43-56 Governmental
57-72 Mercantile
73-86 Public Space
87-00 Religious

1-4 A common thing made fanciful
5-8 Evidence of great wealth
9-12 Unnecessary opulence
13-16 Poor people being exploited
17-20 Mansion or palace

1-7 Confronted by guard patrol
8-14 Unwittingly giving offense
15-19 Shamed, insulted or belittled
20-24 Accused of theft
25-27 Caught in a confrontation
28-30 Ordered about by noble or grandee

1-4 Disperate buildings side by side
5-8 More occupants than designed for
9-12 Two different uses in one space
13-16 Asylum
17-20 Hovels or shanties

1-7 Crowd blocks progress
8-14 Pickpockets using crowd as cover
15-19 Accosted by solicitors
20-24 Innocent being trampled
25-27 Mobbed by needy children
28-30 Caught between two warring groups

1-4 A maze of alleyways
5-8 Dead ends and blind alleys
9-12 An unexpected discovery
13-16 Mismatch of architectural styles
17-20 Warren of apartments

1-7 A dead end stops progress
8-14 Cave in or collapse
15-19 Stumble into nefarious activity
20-24 Lured into a trap
25-27 Dangerous ancient ruins revealed
28-30 End up heading the wrong direction

1-4 A low quality version of something
5-8 Criminal hideout
9-12 Piles of trash and rubble
13-16 Ruined building
17-20 A shantytown

1-7 Cutthroats and brigands
8-14 Collapsing building or street
15-19 Vermin or insects
20-24 Entering someone’s territory
25-27 Diseased denizens
28-30 Noxious air

1-4 Hidden lair
5-8 Unmarked store
9-12 Vigilance committee meeting
13-16 Business unique to the locals
17-20 Feature from 21+ results, but clear you’re not welcome

1-7 Lured into a trap
8-14 Confronted by hostile locals
15-19 Performing a cultural taboo
20-24 Mugged or assaulted
25-27 Falsely welcomed
28-30 Victim of a rumor

1-4 Docks
5-8 Warehouse
9-12 Shipwright
13-16 Dry Dock
17-20 Inn

1-7 Infrastructure fails
8-14 Runaway transport
15-19 Volatile cargo
20-24 Blockade or boycott
25-27 Press-ganged or shanghaied
28-30 Drunken sailors

21-28 Library
29-36 Observatory
37-43 University
44-50 Schoolhouse
51-58 Crèche
59-66 Alchemist’s lab
67-72 Scriptorium
73-81 Printing press
82-88 Tutor
89-98 Something unusual or unexpected
99 You transition into a new theme
00 You transition into a new domain

31-33 Student demonstration turns violent
34-36 Way is closed for an exhibition
37-39 Mistaken identity
40-42 Escaped animal, experiment, or other
43-45 Strange explosion

21-28 Playhouse
29-36 Arena
37-43 Menagerie
44-50 Circus
51-58 Coliseum
59-66 Fair
67-72 Concert hall
73-81 Tournament lists
82-88 Coffeehouse
89-98 Something unusual or unexpected
99 You transition into a new theme
00 You transition into a new domain

31-33 Pickpockets abound
34-36 Unruly crowd demonstrating
37-39 Caught in a brawl
40-42 Victim of a scam
43-45 Entertainment becomes a threat

21-28 Moneylender
29-36 Pawnbroker
37-43 Mint
44-50 Gemcutter
51-58 Silver/Goldsmith
59-66 Jeweler
67-72 Perfumer
73-81 Silk maker
82-88 Master vintner
89-98 Something unusual or unexpected
99 You transition into a new theme
00 You transition into a new domain

31-33 Accused of theft
34-36 Confronted by guards
37-39 Caught in a crime occuring
40-42 Way is blocked by noble or grandee
43-45 Peasants protesting

21-28 Town hall
29-36 Guard station
37-43 Jail
44-50 Palace
51-58 Manor House
59-66 Courthouse
67-72 Barracks
73-81 Watchtower
82-88 Treasury
89-98 Something unusual or unexpected
99 You transition into a new theme
00 You transition into a new domain

31-33 Citizenry protesting
34-36 Mistaken identity
37-39 Injustice occurring
40-42 Innocents being threatened
43-45 Escaped prisoners

21-28 Guild hall
29-36 Blacksmith
37-43 Tailor
44-50 Tanner
51-58 Weaver
59-66 Carpenter
67-72 Market stalls
73-81 Grand bazaar
82-88 Auction House
89-98 Something unusual or unexpected
99 You transition into a new theme
00 You transition into a new domain

31-33 Caught up in a rival’s sabotage
34-36 Con men and cutpurses
37-39 Accused of theft
40-42 Interrupting a crime in progress
43-45 Forced or tricked into a shop

21-28 Town square
29-36 Fountain
37-43 Park
44-50 Well
51-58 Monument
59-66 Baths
67-72 Meeting house
73-81 Asylum
82-88 Graveyard
89-98 Something unusual or unexpected
99 You transition into a new theme
00 You transition into a new domain

31-33 Exposed to enemies
34-36 Purpose turned against you
37-39 Architecture fails
40-42 Exposed to disease
43-45 Match description of wanted criminal

21-28 Temple
29-36 Shrine
37-43 Mausoleum
44-50 Monastery
51-58 Nunnery
59-66 Cathedral
67-72 Statue
73-81 Memorial
82-88 Reliquary
89-98 Something unusual or unexpected
99 You transition into a new theme
00 You transition into a new domain

31-33 Unrelenting zealot recruiting converts
34-36 Unwittingly violating religious dictate
37-39 Aggressively pressed to tithe
40-42 Crowd ready to stone a heretic
43-45 Mistaken for a great figure


When you enter a city you must decide if you are in pursuit of a specific goal, or if you wish to wander and let adventure find you.

If you are in pursuit of a specific goal, use the Pursue a Goal move.

If you wish to wander and let adventure find you, use the Wander move.

When you choose to seek to achieve a specific goal in a city, give the goal a rank.

● Troublesome goal: 3 progress per area.

● Dangerous goal: 2 progress per area.
● Formidable goal: 1 progress per area.
● Extreme goal: 2 ticks per area.
● Epic goal: 1 tick per area.

Finding a well-known ring that’s been stolen might be Dangerous if it’s distinctive and recently taken. Finding a more pedestrian
looking ring or one for which the trail has gone cold could be Formidable. Finding the ring if it’s been melted down into a nail and
used to build an unknown structure in the city would be Epic.

If you are returning to a previously traversed city, roll both challenge dice. If you are returning for the same objective, take the lowest
value, and clear that number of progress boxes. If you are returning for a different objective, take the highest value, and clear that
number of progress boxes.

Then, Traverse the City to undertake your objective.


When you enter a new district in search of your objective, choose the theme and domain which best represent its nature (Ask the
Oracle if unsure), and roll on the theme/domain feature tables or envision your surroundings for each area you traverse. If you
traverse this area while presenting yourself…

● As charismatic and open: Roll +heart.

● As threatening and imposing: Roll +iron.
● As cautious and calculating: Roll +wits.

On a strong hit, you make excellent headway on your goal. Mark progress and add +1 momentum.

On a weak hit, mark progress and Reveal a Danger.

On a miss, only Reveal a Danger.

When you mark progress, decide if you have travelled far enough to leave the district you are in. If so, choose new theme and
domain cards; if not, re-roll on the same features tables for your next Traverse the City roll. On a miss, you always remain in the
same district.
When you encounter a risky situation within a district, envision the danger or roll on the following table.

Roll Result
1-30 Check the theme card.
31-45 Check the domain card.
46-57 You encounter a hostile denizen.
58-68 You face an environmental or architectural hazard.
69-76 A discovery undermines or complicates your quest.
77-79 You confront a harrowing situation or sensation.
80-82 You face the consequences of an earlier choice or approach.
83-85 The path is blocked or trapped.
86-88 A resource is diminished, broken, or lost.
89-91 You face a perplexing mystery or tough choice.
92-94 You lose your way or are delayed.
95-00 Roll twice more on this table. Both results occur. If they are the same result, make it worse.


Progress Move
When you wish to seize your objective, roll the challenge dice and compare to your progress. Momentum is ignored on this roll.

On a strong hit, you locate your objective and the situation favors you. Choose one.

● Make another move now (not a progress move), and add +1.
● Take +1 momentum.

On a weak hit, you locate your objective but face an unforeseen hazard or complication. Envision what you find (Ask the Oracle if

On a miss, your objective falls out of reach, you have been misled about the nature of your objective, or you discover that the city
holds unexpected depths. If you continue your travels, clear all but one filled progress and raise the goal’s rank by one (if not already

When you wander through the city seeking adventure but with no set goal, Ask the Oracle for a theme and domain card and roll. If
you travel while presenting yourself…

● As charismatic and open: Roll +heart.

● As threatening and imposing: Roll +iron.
● As cautious and calculating: Roll +wits.

On a strong hit, Find an Opportunity. When you have dealt with it as you see fit, you may stay in this district or move on.

On a weak hit, Reveal a Danger, but you are well prepared for it. Take +1 momentum. When you have dealt with the danger, you
may stay in this district or move on.

On a miss, Reveal a Danger and remain in the district.

When you encounter a helpful situation or feature within a district, roll on the following table. If you are making this move as a result
of a strong hit on Wander, you may pick or envision an opportunity instead of rolling.

Then, choose one:

● Gain insight or prepare: Take +1 momentum.

● Take action now: Make a move (not a progress move) which directly leverages the opportunity. When you do, add +1 and
take +1 momentum on a hit.

Roll Result
1-25 The terrain favors you, or you find a hidden path.
26-45 An aspect of the history or nature of this place is revealed.
46-57 You locate a secure area.
58-68 A clue offers insight into your quest.
69-78 You get the drop on a potential foe.
79-86 This area provides an opportunity to Resupply.
87-90 You locate an interesting or helpful object.
91-94 You are alerted to a potential threat.
95-98 You encounter a denizen who might support you.
99-00 You encounter a denizen in need of help.
District names

Tells what the district does.
● Temple District for a religious district.
● Mayorseat for a governmental district.
● Tumbledown for a dilapidated district.

Flips the district’s purpose on its head.
● Pauper’s Row for a fancy mercantile district.
● The Abbey for a notably raucous cultural district.

Tells what the area is like, but now what it is for.
● The Shallows for a waterfront district.
● Hilltop for any district so situated.
● The Basin for a district in the lowest part of the city.

Abstract / Possessive
A name that gives no information to the uninformed.
● Penman’s Folly for whatever foolish district Penman is associated with.
● Pilskey Narrows for a district that lacks width.
● Houghton for any sort of district at all.

Ties the district into another district.
● North Houghton for the district north of Houghton, whatever it may be.
● Pauper’s Corner for a smaller version of Pauper’s Row.
● Far Shallows for a district like the Shallows, but farther away.
City Map

When entering a new district, trace one or more shapes to show its outline. Label the district with a letter or symbol and create an
index card with the district’s Theme and Domain, as well as name. Leave room for people, places and other details from the district.

Generic dangers
The way is blocked
Set upon by bandits, cutthroats or a pressgang
Mistaken identity
Unwittingly give offense
Run afoul of the cityguard
Beset by a trickery
Someone tries to persuade you
Unruly mob
Benign aspect becomes a threat
Accused of wrongdoing

Inclement weather
Seemingly supernatural occurrence
Other places

● Mill. Wheat, barley and rye were the staples of medieval diet, and most of them are best enjoyed milled.
● Brewery. Brewers and Brewsters would brew beer and other brewed drinks. Brew.
● Grainery. Building a proper grainery is an art form, and doing it wrong has serious consequences, namely Ergotism, which
is a nasty disease.
● Butcher Profession is mostly unchanged. They’d kill animals, make cuts of meat and salt what didn’t sell that day. Meat
was fairly expensive so smaller towns wouldn’t kill animals every day.
● Farmhouses. A great percentage of everybody were farmers.
● barns, housing for animals, storage for feed, or produce.
● Smokehouse a place to dry, smoke or salt food for preservation. May be communal or private depending on the locals.
● Barber. Another unchanged profession.
● Tinker
● Farrier

-Markets (where trades are clustered together)
1. Spice Market
3. Cloth Market
4. Iron Market
5. Food Market

THEME: ENCLAVE like little Italy


Change Domain to Ward, District, or Neighborhood?

Change Theme to…? Type?

Progress on hits. Stumble into little wonders, good ones on strong hit, bad ones on weak hit and miss.

Get rid of opportunities, if you know why you’re there. Would you use this supplement if you didn’t know why you were there?

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