Current Electricity-I

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Current Electricity

Electric Current:-
The flow of charge through a conductor is called electric
current, and it is define as the rate of flow of charge.
Let a charge q is flowing through a conductor in t time then
Current I=
The S.I unit of current is Ampere (Amp.) and it is a scalar
If a small charge dq flowing in a small time dt then current
Ohm’s Law
• This law state that if the physical condition of a conductor
remain constant then the current flowing through a conductor
is directly proportional to the potential difference across the
• Let V is the potential and I is the current through the conductor
• Vα I
• V=RI
• Where R is a proportionality constant called resistance of the
conductor, its S.I. unit is ohm (Ω)
• The opposition offered by the conductor in the
path of flow of current is called resistance of
the conductor.

• Factors affecting the resistance of the

• 1- The resistance of the conductor is directly
proportional to the length of the conductor

• R α L ------------- (1)
2-The resistance of the conductor is
inversely proportional to the area of cross
section of the conductor

• Rα ----------------(2)

• Combining equation 1 and 2, we got

• Rα

Where ρ is a new constant called specific
resistance or resistivity of the conductor,
whose value depends on the nature of the

• Specific resistance or resistivity:-

• We know that
• R=
• If the length of the conductor is L=1 m and
area of cross section A=1m2 then

R= ρ

• Hence the specific resistance or resistivity

of the conductor is numerically equal to
the resistance of that conductor whose
length is one meter and area of cross
section is 1 square meter. Its S.I. unit is
Current density
• The current flowing per unit area (area is
normal to the current) is called current
density, and represented by j. The S.I.
unit is A/m2.It is a vector quantity.

• By Ohm’s we know that V= I R and

• Then
If E is the electric field across the conductor then


OR or

σ= 1/ρ is called conductivity of the conductor,

Its S.I unit is Ω-1m-1
Drift Velocity of electrons
• The free electrons in a conductor are in continuous motion,
and suffers collision with the heavy ions, after that the
electron moves with the same speed but in different
direction. In the conductor the electrons moves with the
different velocity but their average velocity is zero. let there
are N free electrons in the conductor then their average
velocity is

• Vav
• so
When an electric field is applied across the
conductor then the free electrons in addition to
their random velocity, start drifting in the opposite
direction of the electric field and suffers collision,
and its velocity becomes zero but due to electric
field again start accelerating and gain maximum
velocity before further collision.

The average velocity gain by the free

electrons in the opposite direction of the
electric field is called drift velocity
Expression for Drift Velocity
• Let a conductor is connected with source of
current, then an electric field E is set up
along the length of the conductor. The free
electron having charge e experience a force
• F= -e E
• Let he mass of the electron is m then
the acceleration of the electron is
• a= -e E / m
The velocity of first electron between two
successive collision is

• Similarly

• --- --- ---

• The average velocity of free electrons

• Vd =(v1+v2+v3---vn)/n
Vd=(u1+u2+u3---un)/n +a( ) /n

• The average thermal velocity of electrons

is zero .hence
• (u1+u2+u3---un)/n =0 then

• Vd=

• Where τ is called average relaxation time

• Putting the value of a we got

• If the potential across the conductor is V

then E=V/l
Relation between current and
drift velocity
• Let a conductor PQ of length l area of cross section A
having number of free electrons per unit volume n. let
the conductor is connected with a source of emf of V
volt, and the electric field across the conductor is E.

• The free electrons moves in the conductor with drift

velocity Vd Total free electron in the conductor = nAl
• The total charge on the free electro in the conductor is
• q = neAl
The time taken by the free electrons to move
from one end to the other end

• t

• The current through the conductor

• I = neAvd
Q- Two wire of same material having
cross-sectional area in the ratio 2:3 and length in
the ratio1:2. They are first connected in series and
then in parallel to a dc source. Find the ratio of drift
speed of electrons in the two wire in the two case.
• Sol. Ax : Ay = 2 : 3 And Lx :Ly = 1:2
• (i) in series combination Current in both
conductor remain same Ix = Iy But I = neAvd
• Then neAxvdx = neAyvdy
When both wire are connected in parallel then
potential difference across both are same

• hence Vx = Vy But V =I R
• Then Vx = Ix Rx
• Similarly Vy
• then
Two conducting wire X and Y of the same diameter
but of different material are joined in series across
a battery. If the number density of electron in X is
twice that of Y, find the ratio of drift velocity of
electron in the two wire.
• We know Current in both conductor is same
• I = neAvd or vd = I/neA
• As I, e and A are constant then
A potential difference V is applied to a conductor of
length L, diameter D. How are the electric field ,
the drift velocity and resistance R affected, when
(i) V is doubled(ii) L is doubled (iii) D is doubled
Ans.(i) When V is doubled
(a) Electric field E =V/L, E is also doubled
(b) Drift velocity vd is also doubled
(c) Resistance R remain unaffected
(ii) When L is doubled
(a) Electric field E =V/L, E is halved
(b)As Drift velocity vd is halved
(c) As resistance R is also doubled
(iii) When D is doubled
Ohm’s Law from the concept of drift velocity

• Let a conductor of length L having area of

cross section A number of free electrons per
unit volume n and carrying a current I and let
the drift velocity of free electrons is vd , then
• I=neAvd
But Vd=eEτ/m

• Therefore I=neAeEτ/m
• I=ne2AEτ/m
E = V/L

• Then current I= ne2AVτ/mL

If the physical condition of a conductor

remain constant then right hand side of
the above equation will be constant which
is equal to R
• Hence Which is Ohm’s Law
Therefore resistance of the conductor
• R= mL/ ne2Aτ but R=ρL/A
• Hence ρ
• Temperature dependence of resistance of
a conductor :-
• When the temperature of a conductor is
increase then the average relaxation of the
electrons will decrease .hence the
resistance and resistivity of the conductor
will increase. And ρ α 1/τ
Temperature dependence of resistivity
• The resistivity of a conductor increase on increasing its
• ρ = ρo{1+α( T- To)}
• This equation shows that the graph plotted for resistivity
verses temperature is a straight line, but it deviate at very low

Resistivity ρ(µΩm)

Nichrome Semiconductor
Resistivity ρ(10-8Ωm


Resistivity ρ
0.2 1.10

50 100 150 200 400 600
Temperature T(K) Temperature T(K) Temperature T(K)
Non -Ohmic Conductor
• The conductors which does not obey Ohm’s Law
are called non-Ohmic conductors. The
resistance of such conductors is not constant
and are called non-Ohmic resistance
• For non-Ohmic conductors
(i) V-I graph does not pass through the origin
(ii) V-I graph is not linear
(iii) V-I relation depends on the sign of V
(iv) V-I relation is not unique
Example of Non-Ohmic Conductors
1- Metallic conductor –For low current a
metallic conductor obey Ohm’s Law and
the V-I graph is a straight line. But at
higher value of current the conductor get
heated up and the V-I graph not remain
Non -ohmic
linear behaviour

2-P-N junction Diode
• The V-I graph is for P-N
junction diode is not +I


3- Gallium Arsenide
• The V-I graph for
Gallium Arsenide
Semiconductor in
non-linear I(mA)
• OA= Linear
• AB= Non linear
• BC= Negative O V(Volt)
• Superconductivity-
• The phenomenon of
complete loss of
resistivity by metal or
alloys when they are
cooled below a certain 4.2
temperature is called O 2 4 6
superconductivity T(K)
Combination of resistances

• 1-Series combination:-
• When two or more resistances are connected in such a way
that same current passes through each resistor then
combination is called series combination

• let three resistances R1,R2 and R3 are connected in series

with a source of V volt and i is the current flowing in the
resistance, then R1 R2 R3
V1=i R1 i
V2=i R2 i
V3=i R3 V
The total potential V = V1+V2+V3

• or V= i R1+ i R2+ i R3
• If the effective resistance of the combination is R then
• V=i R

• Or R = R1 +R2 +R3
• Hence in series combination the effective resistance is
equal to the sum of individual resistance.
• The effective resistance is more then the individual
Parallel combination:-
Two or more resistance are called in parallel if same
potential act across each resistance.
• Let resistances R1, R2 and R3 are connected in parallel
across a source of V volt
• Let i1, i2 and i3 are the current in R1, R2 and R3 then
i1=V/R1 i2=V/R2 i3=V/R3
and i=i1+i2+i3
If the effective resistance is R R1
then i=V/R therefore i2 R2
V/R=V/R1+V/R2+V/R3 R3 i
1/R=1/R1+1/R2+1/R3 i V
Colour code in carbon resistors
• Carbon resistors

They are made from mixture of carbon& clay and

moulded in the form of cylinder. Wire leads are
attached to the cylinder and entire resistor is
enclosed in ceramic
or plastic jacket
A resistor has a set of colours rings

• Ring 1-First digit

• Ring 2- Second digit
• Ring 3-Number of zeros 1 2 3 4
• Ring 4- Tolerance
Black = 0 Violet= 7 Tolerance
Brown= 1 Gray = 8
Red = 2 White= 9
Orange= 3
Yellow= 4
Green = 5
Blue = 6
B B ROY Greater Bombay Very Good
• Ring 1(Red) = 2
• Ring 2(Blue) =6
• Ring3 (Green)= 105 1 2 3 4

• Ring 4( Gold) = 5%
Cell, EMF and Internal Resistance
• EMF( Electro motive force):-
• The potential difference between the electrode of a cell
when it is not in use or it does not given any current is
called EMF of the cell (ε).
• OR
• The potential difference between the terminal of a cell in
open circuit is called EMF.
• Internal resistance:-
• The resistance offered by the electrolyte of a cell is
called internal resistance (r).
Factors affecting Internal resistance of a Cell

• 1- Internal resistance is directly

proportional to the concentration of the
• 2-It is directly proportional to the distance
between the two electrodes.
• 3-It is inversely proportional to the area of
electrodes immersed in the electrolyte.
• 4-It increase with the decrease in
temperature of the electrolyte.
Terminal potential difference

• The potential difference between the

terminal of a cell when it is giving current
(in use )is called terminal potential
E r
difference (V).
• V = E –Ir
Relation between emf and terminal potential

• Let a cell of emf E and internal resistance r is

connected with an external resistance R
• then the current in the circuit
• Potential drop across the internal resistance of the
of the is ir
• The terminal potential of the cell is
• V= E – ir also
• V= E- r
Cells in series and in parallel
• Series combination:-let two cells are connected in
series. ε1 , ε2 are the emf’s and r1, r2 are their internal
resistances εeq
ε1 ε2 A C
A i r1 B r2 i C req

• Let V(A),V(B) and V(C) are the potential at points A,B

andC. Then the terminal potential difference between
the terminals of first cell is
• VAB = V(A) – V(B) = ε1 – i r1
• And VBC = V(B) – V(C) = ε2 -i r2
Hence the potential difference between the
terminals A and C of the combined cell

• VAC= V(A) –V(C)=[ V(A) –V(B) ] +[ V(B) – V(C) ]

• VAC = ε1 – i r1 + ε2 - i r2
• = (ε1 + ε2 ) –i (r1 + r2) (1)
• If the combined cells are replaced by a single
cell of emf εeq and internal resistance req such
that the same current flows through this cell then
• VAC = εeq – i req (2)
• Comparing eq. 1 and 2 we get
• Εeq = (ε1 + ε2 ) and
req = (r1 + r2)
Parallel combination
• Let two cells of emf ε1 ,ε2 and internal resistance r1 ,r2
are connected in parallel

B I1

• Let I1 and I2 are the current by the cell ε1 and ε2 then

• I = I1 + I2 ---------------( 1 )
• The potential difference between B and C is
• V= ε1 –I1r1 and V= ε2 – I2r2
By the above equations we get


• Let the effective emf is ε and internal resistance is r

• V= ε –I r
• Comparing the above equations we got

Electrical energy and power
Electrical Energy:-
Let a conductor is connected with a source of V
volt, let R is the resistance and I is the current
flowing through the conductor for t time. Then
charge flowing through the conductor
q= I t
The work done by the source to flow this charge
is =Vit
This work is called electric energy of the electric
As V=iR then W= i2Rt =V2t/R
Electric power
• The energy used per unit time is called
power P=W/t
• P=Vi = i2R =V2/R
• It is the power used by he conductor
having resistance R
• This power is supplied by the source i.e
cell or from the power house
The electric power is transmitted from power
station to home and factories, which may be
hundreds of mile away through transmission
• Let a power P is transmitted to a device through
a line of resistance Rc, then the power dissipated
in the connecting wires Pc=i2R
• but P=Vi then
• Pc= P2 Rc/ V2
• The power loss is inversely proportional to the
V2. hence the power is transmitted at high
voltage to minimize the loss.

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