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1. Which of these is a general “best practice” when creating a data warehouse?

2. 2. Which of these CANNOT be used to as “compute engine” in data DataWorks? D.
3. In DataWorks, workflow task can be scheduled as one-off events or as periodic (recurring) events. Different
cycle times are supported. The minimum (shortest) cycle time is

4. You have just started using DataWroks, and you want to set up several new data sources to import data from.
Which part of the DataWorks console should you use to configure these new data sources?

5. Which DataWorks tool can help you discover and organize data sources?

6. ____ Instances in Alibaba Cloud E-MapReduce are compute-only nodes that can be used to solve EMR
clusters in and out on demand.

7. Which of these tools is used to import and export data in DataWorks?

8. The recommended tool for creating and managing MaxCompute projects is____________

9. When using DataWorks, Alibaba Cloud recommends users access the DataWorks console using the ______
web browser

10. Which of these is NOT a built-in widget that you can add to an Alibaba Cloud DataV dashboard?

11. Which billing modes does Machine Learning Platform for AI (PAI) support?

12. You have created a PAI DSW instance and have started developing a new TensorFlow project. Now, you
want to shut the instance down temporarily, while you focus on other taks. Which of these is the best way to
preserve the state of your DSW environment so you can resume work easily?

13. You want to train a machine learning model using data located in MaxCompute tables. Which of these Aliaba
Cloud is best suited to this task?

14. Platform For AI (PAI) _______ is designed for users who already have experience writing their own code,
and want to use open source machine learning tools like TensorFlow or MXNet.

15. When a local excel or CSV file is uploaded to Quick BI for presentation and analysis, the data is stored

16. You have created a Quick BI dashboard which you want to share periodically with people in your
organization. What’s the best way to do this?

17. Which of these is the correct workflow for using Alibaba Cloud Quick BI?

18. E-MapReduce (EMR) allows you to launch “Task nodes” that are used for only computing and do not store
any data. Which Hadoop process is NOT run on Task nodes?

19. One of the key features of DataWorks is the ability to schedule workflows to run according to a schedule.
Which of these statements about DataWorks scheduling capabilities is NOT correct?

20. Which of these is NOT a good reason to choose E-MapReduce (EMR) over MaxCompute?

21. In addition to MaxCompute SQL jobs, MaxCompute can also run______ jobs natively

22. A company is about to start work on a data warehouse project using MaxCompute. There will be thousand of
tables, terabytes of data, and more than 40 users neding access to the project. Which of these options is the
best way to manage this project?

23. To ensure reliability and availability of data, MaxCompute’s storage layer stores multiple copies of each
table. At present, how many copies does MaxCompute keep?
24. You need to upload static data to MaxCompute from your local development environment. What is the
simplest way to do this?

25. One of the biggest challenges enterprises face when starting to utilize machine learning is_____

26. You have a heavily customized Machine Learning workflow running on Hadoop. Which Alibaba Cloud Big
Data service will be the easiest for you to migrate to, requiring the fewest changes to your environment?
27. There are multiple ways to interact with MaxCompute: Dataworks, the “odpscmd” CLI tool, and plugins for
popular IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA, in most cases, which method does Alibaba Cloud recommend?

28. Which of these Alibaba Cloud services does MaxCompute use to encrypt data?

29. Like many Alibaba Cloud products, MaxCompute has a Pay-As-You-Go mode, in which you are charged
only for resources you actually use. Which of these is NOT something MaxCompute charges you for?

30. Before developing DataWorks and MaxCompute, Alibaba used_______ for scale data processing

31. In Dataworks, there is no way to manually re-run failed tasks that are part of scheduled Workflow.
32. Dataworks Workflows are always DAGs (Direct Acyclic Graphs) , and cannot contain loops (for, while) or
conditionals (if, else)
33. Quick BI allows you to use SAP HANA as a data source
34. Alibaba Cloud Platform for AI (PAI) allows users to train and test machine learning models easily using a
drag-and-drop (low code) interface.
35. PAI DSW allows you to install new software packages using Python’s “pip” command
36. PAI allows you to directly use Alibaba Cloud FPGA instances to train machine learning models on FPGA
37. DataV dashboards can display data pulled form third-party HTTP APIs.
38. Alibaba Cloud has two systems for visualizing data: DataV and Quick BI. One of the major differences
between the two is that Quick BI supports using MaxCompute tables as a data source, while DataV does not.
39. DataWorks Data Integrationc an read and write data to traditional database systems, as well as FTP servers or
OSS buckets
40. If you create a User Defined Function (UDF) from the MaxCompute command line, that UDF will not be
visible from the DataWorks console
41. Each Alibaba Cloud account is limited to one DataWorks Workspace per Region
42. When creating a new MaxCompute project from the DataWorks console, it is possible to encrypt the
MaxCompute project
43. Alibaba Cloud E-MapReduce clusters are always hosted in a single Availability Zone, for performance
44. E-MapReduce (EMR) only supports scheduled Auto Scaling, not Auto Scaling based on EMR cluster metrics
45. MaxCompute can directly run ordinary Hadoop MapReduce (MR) jobs, in many cases, this can be done with
no changes to the MapReduce code for the job.
46. MaxCompute stores all data in the form of tables (two dimensionals sets of rows and columns). MaxCompute
users with the appropriate permissions can create, delete, query, and update tables.
47. Alibaba Cloud uses MaxCompute and DataWorks internally for business intelligence and for processing the
petabytes of data generated by Alibaba Group
48. If you delete a node from a workflow in DataWorks, it is gone forever: there is no “Recycle Bin”
49. The owner of a DataWorks Workspace can control which RAM accounts are added to the workspace, and
which permissions are granted to them
50. You have created a DataWorks Workspace (and associated MaxCompute project) to store user data. Some of
the data is sensitive while some is not. In order to isolate the sensitive data from the non-sensitive data, you
will need to create a multiple Alibaba Cloud accounts
51. Which types of tasks can be added to a DataWorks Workflow? (3 correct answer)
52. Which of these are reasonable use cases for a data warehousing solution like Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute? (3
correct answer)
53. Alibaba cloud E-MapReduce’s Auto Scaling feature is helpful in which of these scenarios? (2 correct answer)
54. Alibaba Cloud E-mapReduce (EMR) has an Auto Scaling feature that allows you to add and remove
computing capacity based on EMR cluster metrics like CPU and memory usage. Which of these statements
about Auto Scaling are correct? (2 correct answer)
55. Platform for AI (API) has built-in computer vision tools for tasks such as_______, ________, and _________
(3 correct answer)
56. Algorithms trained in Machine Learning Platform for AI can make us of both______ and _______ hardware
(2 correct answer)
57. You need to import and process data from multiple data sources, then make this data available both as a visual
display that updates in near real time, and via an API that can be incorporated into other applications. Which
two Alibaba Cloud services can you use to do this? (2 correct answer)
58. DataV allows you to restrict access to your published DataV dashboard via______ or ______ (2 correct
59. Which of these are features of Quick BI? (3 correct answer)
60. If some node (task) in a DataWorks Workflow fails to run, an alert can be sent to one or more of the users in
DataWorks Workspace. Which alert methods are supported? (3 correct answer)

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