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Activity 01

Section 01
Fill in the blanks Using the following terms:
Capital/Creditor/Income/Debtor/Owes/ Credit/ Lose/ Profit/Longer period/

(a) The cash discount is allowed by Creditor to the Debtor .

(b) Profit means excess of Income over Expenditure .
(c) A debtor is a person who owes to others.
(d) In a credit transaction, the buyer is given a credit facility.
(e) The fixed asset is generally held for longer period.
(h) The amount invested by owners into business is called capital.
(j) The net result of an income statement is profit or lose.
Section 02
Give one word or a term used to describe the following:
(a) An exchange of benefit for value transaction
(c) Commodities in which a business deals. Merchandise
(d) Excess of expenditure over income. Lose
(e) Things of value owned by businesses to earn future profits. assets
Section 03
Prepare an Accounting Equation from the following transactions in the
books of Mr. X for January, 2012:
1 Invested Capital in the firm $ 20,000
2 Purchased goods on credit from Das & Co. for $ 2,000
4 Bought plant for cash $ 8,000
8 Purchased goods for cash $ 4,000
12 Sold goods for cash (cost $ 4,000 + Profit $ 2,000) $ 6,000.
18 Paid to Das & Co. in cash $ 1,000
22 Received from B. Banerjee $ 300
25 Paid salary $ 6,000
30 Received interest $ 5,000
31 Paid wages $ 3,000
Date Transaction Assets Liabilities Capital Changes

Jan 1 Invested capital +$20,000 +$20,000 Increase in assets (cash) and capital

Jan 2 Purchased goods on credit +$2,000 +$2,000 Increase in assets (inventory) and liabilities (accounts p

Jan 4 Bought plant for cash +$8,000 -$8,000 Increase in assets (plant) and decrease in assets (cash

Jan 8 Purchased goods for cash +$4,000 -$4,000 Increase in assets (inventory) and decrease in assets (c

Jan 12 Sold goods for cash +$6,000 Increase in assets (cash) by $2,000 (revenue) and decr

Jan 18 Paid to Das & Co. -$1,000 Decrease in liabilities (accounts payable) and decrease

Jan 22 Received from B. Banerjee +$300 +$300 Increase in assets (cash) and increase in capital

Jan 25 Paid salary -$6,000 Decrease in assets (cash) and decrease in capital

Jan 30 Received interest +$5,000 +$5,000 Increase in assets (cash) and increase in capital

Jan 31 Paid wages -$3,000 Decrease in assets (cash) and decrease in capital

Activity 2
Section 01

Subject: Inquiry about marketing position

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the marketing position advertised on Platform the

ad. I have been working in the marketing field for years and have a proven track record of
success in.

I am confident that I have the skills and experience necessary to be successful in this role.

I have attached my resume for your review. I am available for an interview at your earliest

Thank you for your time and consideration.


fatimazohra bouazzaoui
Section 02

Identify some points regarding to personal details, educational

backgrounds, working experiences, and achievements presented in the
short-bio note below.

Prof. Mardiasmo was born in Solo, Central Java, on

May 10, 1958. He completed his doctoral education at
School of Public Policy, University of Birmigham. In
2010, he was elected as Chairman of the Institute of
Indonesia Chartered Accountants (IAI). Furthermore,
in 2012, he was appointed as President Commissioner
of Jasa Raharja. He currently still becomes the
Chairman of IAI.

 Name: Prof. Mardiasmo

 Place, Date of Birth: Solo, Central Java, May 10, 1958
 Occupation: Professor (not mentioned in the short bio, but implied by the title
 Current Position: Chairman of the Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants (IAI)
 Education: Doctoral degree from the School of Public Policy, University of
 Achievement: Elected Chairman of the Institute of Indonesia Chartered
Accountants (IAI) in 2010, appointed President Commissioner of Jasa Raharja in

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