Eva Smith

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How to get Grade 9

Always evaluate ideas, themes, characters using words from spec:

- Successfully, purposefully, effectively and convincingly

Priestley’s two main messages:

- Criticism of corrupting effects of capitalism as it led to injustice and inequality in society.

- Capitalism widens gap between working class and upper middle class.
- How socialist views which were more appealing to younger generation could bring justice
and equality in society for all issues.

Use Exploratory Language:

- Could, perhaps, may, possibly

Explore the nuances (why the author used these specific) language, structure and phrases.


Mr. Birling: “a lively good-looking girl”

- Premodifier “lively” suggests she is troublesome.

Sheila: “a pretty girl with big dark eyes”

- Adjective “pretty” objectifies Eva and shows only superficial interest in her.

Goole: “she has been pretty, very pretty”

- Intensifier “very” objectifies her and emphasizes on her looks and the importance of this.

Priestley’s choice of women as a victim of the Birling’s greed and exploitation is deliberate as women
evoke emotions as a person’s first attachment is women. Also, it highlights the gender divide, as if
they used a man, they could only capture the class divide.

The fact Priestley starts with Eva’s Death instead of her beginning highlight the high intensity he
starts with for the play. Her death is the first thing that the Birlings are presented with, and they are
told that this girl has died, and it’s all your fault. In terms of The Freitag’s Pyramid, the climax is the
beginning as they are told as soon as the Inspector walks in that Eva is dead. Death is the intense
thing that cannot be reversed, so we as an audience, know that there is no hope for a better life. The
gore of her death also evokes emotions in the audience, and the death of Eva means the punishment
for the Birlings.

The Inspector must prove that at each stage, the Birlings are at fault for the death, but the Birlings
have to prove that they were not responsible. In the end, the Inspector succeeded in conveying his
message that the Birlings were wrong to the younger generation, but not so much to the older

The fact that Eva uses disinfectant to kill herself is symbolic. The disinfectant is symbolic of cleansing
herself of corruption of society and of the violent and painful death. It is also a metaphor of the body
being violated and her getting rid of everything dirty.
‘Priestley uses Eva Smith to present the inescapable nature of poverty within the capitalist society.’

Evaluate this statement.

“A lively good-looking girl” and “a pretty girl with big dark eyes.” Eva is a construct of the working-
class women (and men) who are exploited by the capitalist system. Arguably, Priestley emphasizes
her morality to challenge the prejudice against the working class by the Birling’s and possibly the

Eric: “As if she were an animal, a thing, not a person”

- Eva was treated like an animal (could be picked and thrown at anytime)
- Women were considered as sources of pleasure, not equal
- Eva experienced what she experience because ultimately all she wanted was love

Vocab taken away from example essay:

- Proletariats (collective noun of working class)

- Voicelessness of Eva
- Euphemism
- Encapsulates
- ‘Millions and millions go unheard.’
- Eva’s suffering: First explored monetarily to Mr. Birling and then sexually by Gerald and Eric
- Post war audience.
- Dehumanization
- Adverbial Activity

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