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[This question paper contains 2 printed pages.} Sr.No. of Question Paper : 8901 R4 Your Roll Now Unique Paper Code: 2311402 Name of the Course BA (Honours) History Name of the Paper Modern East Asia ~ II Semester Iv Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 Instructions for Candi pe Hee esata Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper. Attempt any four questions. All questions carry equal marks. Answers may be written either in English or Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper. pat & fag Pin Wye & fet A aw fey ae Pulls eat aren agar fafa | Bg Ue wer Sf wht wet F gia wart 3 Wa ETF BH Te Hoe oT PE Fe eae eT fore, SPT wh Te ea eT ea A ea ue Analysé the internal and external factors responsible for the disintegration of the Tokugawa Shogunate, : - Argan ape Raver @ fe se ae ste me area Re Examine the early reforms introduced by the Meiji government in political, military and economic spheres. Do you regard them as anti- feudal in nature ? eh ween are Tare, Bor wa aufen Tat H foe ay amare YM ae ver AA, Fa ST EACH ET UPA - PRN HAT F 7 7 Discuss the main features of the Meiji Constitution of 1889. How was the position of the Emperor defined in the document ? PTO. 8901 2 1oa9 @ Feet Sart S wae aaererit Vt eter AS ya Teta F are SA Aah at Ba afte frat wer 2? Discuss the causes and effects of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05. 1904-05 @ Fa-WIT BE S ero va weal at ten aS ‘What was the nature of opposition faced by the Meiji oligarchy in the carly part of the Meiji era ? Did it impact the subsequent constitutional development ? Aaah ara @ weirs aH Aga serces a fet were BPA ar eer eT TET ? FAT war ae @ ature fare w att wre Tar ? In the Japanese context, failure of democracy and rise of militarism are two faces of the same coin. Comment. SHUT Haast H aiteaieta a farwetat tar Arras a Gam eH a fas S A eq e feo aaa “The March First Movement was a major turning point in Korean history”. In the light of this statement by Michael J. Seth, examine the nature of the March First Movement. ond wan ardor sitar SB stare A yen wa ats oar Ag aT” HEA TAs F aT water & wenn Fanf wear neater eaeT ear Geer HAGA Write short notes on any two of the following : Prafatta % & feed at oe afars fecafiral fate: (a) Zaibatsu WTR i (0) Anglo-Japanese Alliance (1902) are ~aETT BA (1902) (©) Manchurian Crisis atgftar ae (4) Yangban Society Ura wrt (e) Korea-Japan relations (1876-1910) ‘aifta-sna War (1876-1910) (®) Reforms by Governor-General Admiral Saito arate cere wafer aret ara fee wy UK (4200)

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