Class Lecture Spansh Civil War Part of CHPSix PDF

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Spanish civil war (1936_39) • Spanish army had a tradition of interfering in politics
 The two sides were Nationalists and the republicans • There were desire for autonomy in several region
 Nationalists (a loos collation of right wings groups army high Command, the • The weakness of the gov.t of the second Republics(1930_1936)
church , nationalist, the fulange (Fascist party) Fought for Spanish
integration • The assassination of the right wing leader Calvosoteroin 1936
 Republicans : the loose collation of left Socialist include , trader, Unionist, • The main characteristic of the Spanish Civil war
Communist, moderate liberals the conflict war extremely brutal
 The cause of the War  There was widespread foreign intervention
 Deep division in Spanish society  Nationalist : received support from Germany and Italy
 Long period of decline  Republican : aid from USSR and international brigades
 Land owner Vs peasant
 Church Vs Anti-Clericals mov.t
 Conservative Vs Liberals

The effects of the war • France support nonintervention political instability

Tremendous loose of life • Br also support nonintervention
Material loose were great did not want to antagonist with Massolini and Hitler
The church become more power full
Regionalism was suppressed and the state highly centralized
The Motive behind foreign innervation
• Italy to gain more influence in the Mediterranean sea
support friendly fascist and Military glory
Testing ground new weapons
Secure supply of war materials
to stop spread of Communism

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