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The nurse understands that empathy is essential to Explaining the boundaries of the
the therapeutic relationship. When a patient makes the 16. A nurse is using the Johari window -Assisting in identifying problems
statement, i am just devastated that my marriage is to identify the degree to which he feels
falling apart,i the nurse can best show empathy through comfortable communicating with 26. A patient being discharged appears angry with the
which of the following responses? others. After completing the exercise, nurse when the nurse attempts to review discharge
- You feel like your world is falling apart right now. the nurse discovers that quadrant 1 has instructions with the patient. The nurse can best assist
the longest list of qualities. This the patient in this stage of the relationship with which of
2. The nurse is working with a patient who has quit indicates which of the following about the following responses?
several jobs and no longer sends financial support to his the nurse? - i can sense you are angry this morning. Tell me how
two children living with their mother. This behavior is in - The nurse is open to others. you feel about being
conflict with the nurse's values concerning responsible
parenting. When discussing family roles with the 17. A nurse is assigned to care for a 27. During a regular home health visit to an elderly
patient, the nurse shows positive regard through which client whose sexual orientation differs client, the nurse observes that the client has feelings of
statement? from the nurse's sexual orientation. hopelessness and despair. The client says, I’m old, and
- How is not working right now affecting you? When should the nurse seek clinical my life has no purpose anymore. But promise me you
supervision? won't tell anyone. How should the nurse respond?
3. Which of the following statements is true of the - When the nurse tries to assist the - I’m sorry, but I can't keep that kind of secret.
component of a therapeutic relationshipóiacceptancei? client to change values
- It is avoiding judgments of the person, no matter 28. What would he the most appropriate action by the
what the behavior is. 18. A nurse notices a patient sitting student nurse when the client asked the student nurse
quietly alone, eyes downcast, and to keep it secret that the client plans to kill a family
4. Which of the following behaviors by the nurse looking sad. The nurse says to the member?
demonstrate positive regard? Select all that apply. patient, You look like something is - The student nurse must tell the client that the
- Calling the client by name bothering you.i Which pattern of student nurse cannot keep that secret and then report
- Spending time with the client knowing did the nurse use to respond it to the instructor and or staff members.
- Responding openly to the patient?
- Considering the client's ideas and preference when - Personal knowing 29. During the working phase of a therapeutic
planning care relationship, which of the following actions by the nurse
19. The nurse assesses fine hand would best help the client to explore problems?
5. The nurse initiating a therapeutic relationship client tremors in a patient with a history of - Encouraging the client to clarity feelings and behavior
should explain the purpose, which is to heavy alcohol use the nurse
- facilitate a positive change. understands that the tremors are a 30. Which of the following occurrences is considered a
direct result of alcohol use, the nurse breach of professional boundaries?
6. Which of the following is the most important skill the using which pattern of knowing, - Having a lengthy social conversation with a patient
nurse must bring to the therapeutic nurseclient according to Carper?
relationship? - Empirical knowing 31. Which of the following statements correctly depict
- Empathy the problem of feeling sympathy toward the client?
20. A nurse openly admits to not being Select all that apply.
7. Which is a standard for establishing a code of conduct able to relate to a patient's experience. - When the nurse' behavior is rooted in sympathy, the
for living? According to Munhall, this will most client finds it heavier to manipulate the nurse's
- Values likely have what influence on the feelings.
therapeutic relationship? - The client is discouraged from exploring his or her
8. A nurse makes the statement in a treatment team - The nurse will avoid imposing any problems, thoughts, and feelings,
meeting, it's not worth it to try to teach this patient how values on the patient. - The client is discouraged from growth.
to make better choices. He has been here many times - The client feels dependent on the nurse.
before and goes back home and does the same thing i 21. The nurse and patient are visiting
The nurse is sharing which of the following? about upcoming sporting events of 32. How can a nurse avoid the possibility of finding the
- Attitude which they both share an interest. This client's behavior unacceptable or distasteful?
form of interaction has the potential to - By being aware of the client's behavior and
9. The client tells the nurse, il don' think you can help threaten the nursepatient relationship background before beginning the relationship; and
me. Every time I talk to you, I am reminded of my by exploring the possibility of a conflict of a colleague.
mother, and I hated her.i The nurse should recognize - avoiding serious work that can help
this as the patient change. 33. A nurse and patient have just completed reviewing
- incongruence the patient's take-home medications.
22. The nurse is mindful of maintaining 'The nurse is exemplifying which role during this
10. When preparing for the first clinical experience with relationships with patients that are intervention?
patients on a forensic unit at a psychiatric hospital, the therapeutic. Certain characteristics of - Teacher
nursing instructor discusses students' beliefs and fears the relationships the nurse will foster
surrounding forensic patients. The primary reason for include: Select all that apply. An adolescent patient has just been found to have
discussing personal beliefs is to - establishing boundaries for both the broken one of the unit rules. The nurse imposes the
- become aware of possible barriers to developing nurse and patient, consequence of losing phone privileges. In this instance,
therapeutic relationships. - maintaining a patient-focus at all the nurse is acting as A) advocate.
times, sharing personal feelings - parent surrogate.
11. A nurse is working with a patient whose background openly with the patient.
is very different from hers. A good question to ask - avoiding concem with whether the 35. Which role of the nurse is most likely to create
herself to assure she can be effective working with this patient likes the nurse. difficulty for the nursenclient relationship if the client
patient would be, confuses physical care with intimacy and sexual
- What experiences do I have with people with similar 23. One of the primary differences interest?
backgrounds? between social and therapeutic - Caregiver
relationships is the
11. The client says to the nurse, i feel really close to you. - type of responsibility involved. 36. Which of the following statements is true about a
You are the only true friend I have. The most nurse's self-disclosure?
therapeutic response the nurse can make is, 24. During the orientation phase of the - The more the nurse discloses, the more the client will
- Since ours is a professional relationship, let's explore nurserpatient relationship, the nurse disclose.
other opportunities in your life for friendship. directs the patient to do which of the
13. A client who had been in a substance abuse - Identify problems to examine
treatment program asks the nurse for a date after the
client is discharged. The nurse talks to the client about
the importance of a therapeutic relationship and its
characteristics. The nurse is using which of the following
- Defining boundaries

14. The nurse fails to assess personal values surrounding

homosexuality before caring for a patient who is openly
gay. The nurse is most at risk for which of the following 25. The nurse has been working with a
when working with this patient? patient with an eating disorder for one
- Holding a prejudice toward this patient week. During the morning treatment
team meeting, the treatment plan is
updated. Which of the following would
be appropriate interventions at this
15. Which one of the following statements about the time in the nurse§patient relationship?
nurse and ethnocentrism is true? Select all that apply.
- Nurses as people may inwardly view their own - Exploring perceptions of reality
culture as superior to others. - Promoting a positive self-concept

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