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the requirement specifies that the response must be in Vietnamese

How to compare responses

A vs B Response Rating Cheat Sheet
When to strongly prefer one response over the other:

 One response has accuracy issues and the other does not
 One response has major grammatical errors and the other does not
 One response completely responds to the prompt and the other does not

When to weakly prefer one response over the other:

 One response has minor errors that the other does not, in any dimension
 When the errors in one response, when compared to errors in the other response, produce a
significantly different user experience

 For example, a user prompt asking about the inspirations of Monet’s paintings:

 One response may give the correct inspiration but misidentify where Monet lived

 The other may respond with incorrect inspiration but correctly identify where Monet lived

 In this case, the first should be weakly preferred

When to mark one of the two middle (close to neutral) ratings:

 When the difference between the two responses comes down to preference and is subjective
 If the only difference between A and B is based on personal opinion, rather than an objective
metric, choose one of the two neutral ratings.

The 8-point scale

Think of the scale like this:

1. A is so much better than B, and B is almost useless.

2. A is much better than B. B is clearly nowhere near as useful as A.
3. A is slighly better than B.
4. Almost neutral, but I'd choose A.
5. Almost neutral, but I'd choose B.
6. B is slightly better than A
7. B is much better than A. A is clearly nowhere near as useful as B.
8. B is so much better than A, and A is almost useless.
How to write a justification
You will write two types of justifications in this project. The first one is justifying why you chose
Response A over Response B, or vice versa. The second one is justifying how you rate your selected
response (A or B). Here are the guidelines:

1. Always refer to Response A or Response B directly, never as "the selected response" or "the
first/second response" or "the other response".
2. Always be VERY specific. If you choose A over B because B has grammatical errors, point out
where those errors are.
3. Ensure the grammar and reasoning in your justification is logical and clear, and mention as many
details as possible.

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