12 Physics Prelim

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Std 12 Date : 30/01/23

Total Marks : 100 PHYSICS Time : 3hrs
Section A
• Choose correct answer from the given options. [Each carries 1 Mark] [50]

é 1 ù
1. Electric force between electron and proton separated by a distance of 1 mm is, FE = ...... N. ê k = ú
ë 4pe 0 û
(A) – 10–6 ke2 (B) – 106 ke2 (C) – 10–3 k2e (D) – 10–3 ke2
2. Resultant force and resultant torque acting on a electric dipole kept in a uniform electric field are
® ®
F and t then ......
® ® ® ® ® ® ® ®
(A) F = 0; t ¹ 0 (B) F = 0; t = 0 (C) F ¹ 0; t = 0 (D) F ¹ 0; t ¹ 0
3. An infinite line charge produces a field of 9 ´ 104 NC–1 at a distance of 2 cm ...... Cm–1 is the linear
charge density.
(A) 10 ´ 10–6 (B) 1 ´ 10–5
(C) 1 ´ 10–6 (D) None of the given options are correct.
4. Unit of surface charge density (s) is ...... .
(A) (B) (C) (D) Cm
m m3 m
5. Polar molecules are the molecules :
(A) Having a permanent electric dipole moment.
(B) Having zero dipole moment.
(C) Acquire a dipole moment only in the presence of electric field due to displacement of charges.
(D) Acquire a dipole moment only when magnetic field is absent.
6. The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with air as medium is 6 mF. With the introduction of a
dielectric medium, the capacitance becomes 30 mF. The permittivity of the medium is
(e0 = 8.85 ´ 10–12 C2 N–1 m–2)
(A) 1.77 ´ 10–12 C2 N–1 m–2 (B) 0.44 ´ 10–10 C2 N–1 m–2
(C) 5.00 C2 N–1 m–2 (D) 0.44 ´ 10–13 C2 N–1 m–2
7. Two charged spherical conductors of radius R1 and R2 are connected by a wire. Then the ratio of
surface charge densities of the spheres (s1/s2) is .............

R12 R1 R2 æ R1 ö
R 22
(B) R (C) R (D) çè R ÷ø
2 1 2

8. Electric field has increasing value uniformly in X-direction, then equipotential surface associated with
this electric field is ......
(A) parallel to XY plane
(B) parallel to YZ plane
(C) parallel to XZ plane
(D) concentric cylinders of increasing radii around X-axis
9. The dimensional formula of capacitance is ..... . Take Q as the dimension formula of charge.
(A) [M1L2T–2Q–2] (B) [M–1L–2T2Q2] (C) [M1L–2T2Q2] (D) [M1L–2T–2Q–2]

10. ) ...... is used to measure electromotive force (emf) of a cell.
(A) Ammeter (B) Potentiometer (C) Voltmeter (D) Wheatstone bridge
11. ) The device having power ‘P’ and voltage ‘V’. The connecting wires from the power station to the
device has a finite resistance RC. The power dissipated in the connecting wires PC = .......
(A) (B) 2 (C) (D)
V V P P2
12. ) Resistance of conducting wire is ‘R’, it is divided into 10 equal parts. Now, all these parts are
connected in parallel. Effective resistance of the connection is .......
(A) (B) 10 R (C) 100 R (D)
10 100
13. ) Kirchhoff’s junction rule represents ......
(A) conservation of linear momentum.
(B) conservation of energy.
(C) conservation of angular momentum.
(D) conservation of charge.
14. From the following ...... is the formula for Lorentz force.
® é® æ ® ®ö ù ® é® æ ® ®ö ù
(A) F = - q ê E + ç v ´ B ÷ ú (B) F = q ê E + ç B ´ v ÷ ú
ëê è ø ûú ëê è ø ûú
® é® æ ® ®ö ù ® é® æ ® ®ö ù
(C) F = q ê E - ç v ´ B ÷ ú (D) F = q ê E + ç v ´ B ÷ ú
êë è ø úû êë è ø úû

15. Unit of Bohr magneton is .......

(A) Am (B) Cm2 (C) Am–2 (D) Am2
16. Equal currents are passing through two very long and straight parallel wires in the same direction.
They will .......
(A) repel each other (B) attract each other
(C) lean towards each other (D) neither attract nor repel each other
17. Magnetic moment is vector quantity. Then direction of magnetic moment is ......
(A) North to South (B) South to North (C) East to West (D) West to East
18. Meissner effect is observed in ...... substances.
(A) ferromagnetic (B) paramagnetic
(C) superconducting (D) permanent magnetic
19. A short bar magnet placed with its axis at 30° with a uniform external magnetic field of 0.15 T
experiences a torque of magnitude equal to 4.5 ´ 10–2 Nm ...... is the magnitude of magnetic
moment of the magnet.
(A) 0.45 (B) 0.60 (C) 0.36 (D) 0.18
20. Out of the following given loops in which loop, the direction of induced current is from a ® c ® b ?
a a
a a c c
(A) v (B) c v (C) v (D) v
b b b b
21. Which is not the unit of inductance ?
(A) WbA–1 (B) V.s.A–1 (C) H (D) WbsA–1
22. AC generator converts ...... energy into ...... energy.
(A) electrical, mechanical(B) mechanical, electrical(C) light, mechanical (D) electrical, light

23. A peak voltage of an ac supply is 300 V. ...... V is the value of rms voltage.
(A) 423 (B) 212 (C) 173 (D) 269
24. In L-C oscillator, at ...... time, energy in capacitor and energy in inductor are equal.
(A) (B) (C) (D) T
8 4 2
25. When 15 mF capacitor is connected with AC voltage source of 220 V, 50 Hz its capacitive reactance
will be ......
(A) 424 (B) 212 (C) 106 (D) 21.2
26. For LCR series circuit L = 9H, C = 100 mF and R = 10 W, Q-factor of circuit will be ......
(A) 25 (B) 45 (C) 35 (D) 30
27. ...... is u sed for LASIK eye su rgery.
(A) Radio waves (B) Infrared rays (C) Micro waves (D) Ultra violet rays
28. Wh at is Ran ge of Radio Frequ en cy Ban d of FM (Frequ en cy Modu lated Ban d) ?
(A) 500 kHz to 1000 kHz (B) 530 kHz to 1710 kHz
(C) 54 MHz to 890 kHz (D) 88 MHz to 108 MHz
29. Frequ en cies of variou s radiation s are given as
f v ® Visible ligh t, f r ® Rad io waves
f UV ® Ultra Violet waves
Th en wh ich of followin g is tru e ?
(A) f UV < f v < f r (B) f r < f v < f UV (C) f v < f r < f UV (D) f UV < f r < f v

30. A lens of large focal length and large aperture is best suited as an objective of an astronomical
telescope since
(A) A large aperture contributes to the quality and visibility of the images.
(B) A large area of the objective ensures better light gathering power.
(C) A large aperture provides a better resolution.
(D) All of the above
31. ) A spherical mirror gives real image 3 times greater than object. If distance between object and image
is 100 cm, then its focal length is ......
(A) 15 cm (B) 25 cm (C) 37.5 cm (D) –37.5 cm

32. ) Refractive index of water is 4 and that of glass is 3 . What is the refractive index of glass with
3 2
respect to water ?
9 8 1
(A) (B) (C) 2 (D)
8 9 2
33. ) Power of plane mirror is ......
(A) ¥ (B) 2D (C) 0 (D) 4D
34. ) If a size of particle is a and wavelength of light is l, for a < < l scattering is directly proportional
to ...... .
1 1
(A) (B) l4 (C) l2 (D)
l4 l2
35. ) The refractive index of water is . What is the speed of light in water ?
(A) 4 ´ 108 ms–1 (B) 3 ´ 108 ms–1 (C) 2.25 ´ 108 ms–1 (D) 2 ´ 108 ms–1
134) nradial is considered ...... when the source moves away from the observer.
(A) negative (B) positive (C) zero (D) infinite

37. ) Unpolarised light is incident on a plane glass surface. What should be the angle of incidence so that
the reflected and refracted rays are perpendicular to each other ?
(A) 58° (B) 57° (C) 56° (D) 59°
38. ) For what distance is ray optics a good approximation when the aperture is 4 mm wide and the
wavelength is 500 nm ?
(A) 18 m (B) 32 m (C) 8 m (D) 6 m
39. ) Which one of the following sentence is false ?
(A) Interference fringes are of equal thickness.
(B) The central diffraction fringe is of maximum intensity.
(C) All bright interference fringes are of equal intensities.
(D) Diffraction fringes are of equal thickness.
40. Speed of electron with wavelength 10–10 m will be ......
(A) 7.25 ´ 106 ms–1 (B) 6.26 ´ 106 ms–1 (C) 5.25 ´ 106 ms–1 (D) 4.24 ´ 106 ms–1
41. a-particle and deuteron moves with speed v and 2v respectively. What will be ratio of de-Broglie
wavelength ?
(A) 1 : 1 (B) 2 :1 (C) 1 : 2 (D) 2 : 1
113) The wavelength of de–Broglie wave associated with a neutron of mass m at absolute temperature T
is given by .......... . (here K is the Boltzman constant)
h h h h
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2mkT mkT 3mkT 2 mkT

43. ) The nucleus of gold is about ...... times heavier than an a-particle.
(A) 10 (B) 50 (C) 100 (D) 200
44. ) What is the shortest wavelength present in the Balmer series of spectral line ?
[Where R is Rydberg constant]
1 2 3 4
(A) (B) (C) (D)
me 4
45. ) The dimensions of is ...... .
8 e 02h 3c
(A) [M–1 L0 T0] (B) [M0 L1 T0] (C) [M0 L–1 T0] (D) [M0 L0 T0]
46. ) The radius of the nucleus of 13 Al is ...... .
(A) R03 (B) R 3 (C) 3R0 (D) R0

47. ) Nuclear force is acting between

(A) only proton-proton (B) only neutron-proton
(C) only neutron-neutron (D) all the nucleons
48. ) 1 mCi = ...... Bq.
(A) ´ 10 -10 (B) 3.7 ´ 1010 (C) 3.7 ´ 104 (D) 3.7 ´ 107
49. In an unbiased p-n junction, holes diffuse from the p-region to n-region because
(A) free electrons in the n-region attract them.
(B) they move across the junction by the potential difference.
(C) hole concentration in p-region is more as compared to n-region.
(D) All the above.
50. If ne = number of free electrons, nh = number of holes then for pure semi conductors
(A) ne = nh2 (B) nh > ne (C) ne = nh (D) ne > nh

Section B
• Write the answer of the following questions. [Each carries 2 Marks] [16]
1. How can you charge a metal sphere positively without touching it ?
2. A silver wire has a resistance of 2.1 W at 27.5 °C and a resistance of 2.7 W at 100 °C. Determine the
temperature coefficient of resistivity of silver.
3. Give uses of cyclotron.

4. In figure, the magnetic needle has magnetic moment 6.7 ´ 10–2 Am2 and moment of inertia Á = 7.5
´ 10–6 kg m2. It performs 10 complete oscillations in 6.70 s. What is the magnitude of the magnetic
field ?


4. ) A short bar magnet placed with its axis at 30° with an external field of 800 G experiences a torque
of 0.016 Nm. The bar magnet is replaced by a solenoid of cross-sectional area 2 ´ 10–4 m2 and 1000
turns, but of the same magnetic moment. Determine the current flowing through the solenoid.
(1 G = 10–4 T)
5. Discuss practical applications of eddy currents.
6. Write ch aracteristics of electrom agn etic waves.

7. 197
Obtain approximately the ratio of the nuclear radii of the gold isotope 79 Au and the silver isotope
47 Ag .
7. 20 21 22
The three stable isotopes of neon : 10 Ne, 10 Ne
and 10 Ne
have respective abundances of 90.51 %,
0.27 % and 9.22 %. The atomic masses of the three isotopes are 19.99 u, 20.99 u and 21.99 u,
respectively. Obtain the average atomic mass of neon.
8. What is NAND gate ? Write its symbol, truth table, function and Boolean equation.

Section C
• Write the answer of the following questions. [Each carries 3 Marks] [18]
9. Explain method to measure internal resistance of cell by using potentiometer.
9. A resistance of RW draws current from a potentiometer. The potentiometer has a total resistance
R0 W as in figure. A voltage V is supplied to the potentiometer. Derive an expression for the voltage
across R when the sliding contact is in the middle of the potentiometer.


10. In the circuit, the current is to be measured. What is the value of the current if the ammeter as shown
in figure.
(a) If a galvanometer with a resistance RG = 60.00 W
(b) If a galvanometer described in (a) but converted to an ammeter by a shunt resistance rS = 0.02 W.
In the circuit, the current is to be measured. What is the value of the current if the ammeter as shown
in figure.
(a) If a galvanometer with a resistance RG = 60.00 W
(b) If a galvanometer described in (a) but converted to an ammeter by a shunt resistance rS = 0.02 W.
(c) If an ideal ammeter with zero resistance ?


3.00 V
11. Explain polarisation of light by reflection and write the Brewster’s law and get the formula.
12. In Young’s double-slit experiment using monochromatic light of wavelength l, the intensity of light
at a point on the screen where path difference is l, is K units. What is the intensity of light at a point
where path difference is ?
13. Monochromatic light of wavelength 632.8 nm is produced by a helium-neon laser. The power emitted
is 9.42 mW.
(a) Find the energy and momentum of each photon in the light beam,
(b) How many photons per second, on the average, arrive at a target irradiated by this beam ?
(Assume the beam to have uniform cross-section which is less than the target area), and
(c) How fast does a hydrogen atom have to travel in order to have the same momentum as that of
the photon ?
Use the following values if necessary :
(1) c = 3 ´ 108 ms–1, me = 9.1 ´ 10–31 kg
(2) h = 6.63 ´ 10–34Js, mn = mp = 1.67 ´ 10–27 kg
(3) e = 1.6 ´ 10–19 c, kB = 1.38 ´ 10–23 JK–1
13. (a) For what kinetic energy of a neutron will the associated de-Broglie wavelength be 1.40 ´ 10–10m ?
(b) Also find the de-Broglie wavelength of a neutron, in thermal equilibrium with matter, having an

average kinetic energy of æç ö÷ kT at 300 K.

è 2ø
Use the following values if necessary :
(1) c = 3 ´ 108 ms–1, me = 9.1 ´ 10–31 kg
(2) h = 6.63 ´ 10–34Js, mn = mp = 1.67 ´ 10–27 kg
(3) e = 1.6 ´ 10–19 c, kB = 1.38 ´ 10–23 JK–1

14. Give difference between half wave and full wave rectifiers.

Section D
• Write the answer of the following questions. [Each carries 4 Marks] [16]
15. A sinusoidal voltage of peak value 283 V and frequency 50 Hz is applied to a series LCR circuit in
which R = 3 W, L = 25.48 mH and C = 796 mF. Find
(a) the impedance of the circuit;
(b) the phase difference between the voltage across the source and the current;
(c) the power dissipated in the circuit; and
(d) the power factor.

15. Obtain an analytical solution for the relation of phase between instantaneous current and voltage
for an LCR series AC circuit.
16. Obtain the relation between incidence angle, emergence angle, prism angle and deviation angle for
refraction through prism.

n 2h 2 e 0
17. Using the formula for the radius of nth orbit rn = derive an expression for the total energy
pm Z e 2
of electron in nth Bohr’s orbit.
18. (a) Determine the electrostatic potential energy of a system consisting of two charges 7 mC and
– 2 mC (and with no external field) placed at (– 9 cm, 0, 0) and (9 cm, 0, 0) respectively.
(b) How much work is required to separate the two charges infinitely away from each other ?

(c) Suppose that the same system of charge is now placed in an external electric field E = A æç ö÷ ;
è r2 ø
A = 9 ´ 105 NC–1 m2 . What would the electrostatic energy of the configuration be ?

Std 12 Date : 30/01/23
Total Marks : 100 PHYSICS Time : 3hrs

Section [ A ] : 1 Mark MCQ

No Ans Chap Sec Que Universal_QueId

1. B Chap 1 S7 65 QP22P11B1211_P1C1S7Q65
2. A Chap 1 S7 68 QP22P11B1211_P1C1S7Q68
3. D Chap 1 S7 64 QP22P11B1211_P1C1S7Q64
4. A Chap 1 S7 60 QP22P11B1211_P1C1S7Q60
5. A Chap 1 S7 32 QP22P11B1211_P1C1S7Q32
6. B Chap 2 S7 38 QP22P11B1211_P1C2S7Q38
7. C Chap 2 S7 42 QP22P11B1211_P1C2S7Q42
8. B Chap 2 S7 46 QP22P11B1211_P1C2S7Q46
9. B Chap 2 S7 57 QP22P11B1211_P1C2S7Q57
10. B Chap 3 S7 126 QP22P11B1211_P1C3S7Q126
11. B Chap 3 S7 125 QP22P11B1211_P1C3S7Q125
12. D Chap 3 S7 124 QP22P11B1211_P1C3S7Q124
13. D Chap 3 S7 117 QP22P11B1211_P1C3S7Q117
14. D Chap 4 S7 73 QP22P11B1211_P1C4S7Q73
15. D Chap 4 S7 67 QP22P11B1211_P1C4S7Q67
16. B Chap 4 S7 47 QP22P11B1211_P1C4S7Q47
17. B Chap 5 S7 1 QP22P11B1211_P1C5S7Q1
18. C Chap 5 S7 33 QP22P11B1211_P1C5S7Q33
19. B Chap 5 S7 35 QP22P11B1211_P1C5S7Q35
20. D Chap 6 S7 55 QP22P11B1211_P1C6S7Q55
21. D Chap 6 S7 56 QP22P11B1211_P1C6S7Q56
22. B Chap 6 S7 68 QP22P11B1211_P1C6S7Q68
23. B Chap 7 S7 76 QP22P11B1211_P1C7S7Q76
24. A Chap 7 S7 73 QP22P11B1211_P1C7S7Q73
25. B Chap 7 S7 69 QP22P11B1211_P1C7S7Q69
26. D Chap 7 S7 68 QP22P11B1211_P1C7S7Q68
27. D Chap 8 S7 58 QP22P11B1211_P1C8S7Q58
28. D Chap 8 S7 53 QP22P11B1211_P1C8S7Q53
29. B Chap 8 S7 50 QP22P11B1211_P1C8S7Q50
30. D Chap 9 S7 81 QP22P11B1211_P2C9S7Q81
31. D Chap 9 S7 114 QP22P11B1211_P2C9S7Q114
32. A Chap 9 S7 132 QP22P11B1211_P2C9S7Q132

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33. C Chap 9 S7 141 QP22P11B1211_P2C9S7Q141
34. A Chap 9 S7 165 QP22P11B1211_P2C9S7Q165
35. C Chap 10 S7 135 QP22P11B1211_P2C10S7Q135
36. B Chap 10 S7 134 QP22P11B1211_P2C10S7Q134
37. B Chap 10 S7 130 QP22P11B1211_P2C10S7Q130
38. B Chap 10 S7 126 QP22P11B1211_P2C10S7Q126
39. D Chap 10 S7 143 QP22P11B1211_P2C10S7Q143
40. A Chap 11 S7 72 QP22P11B1211_P2C11S7Q72
41. A Chap 11 S7 98 QP22P11B1211_P2C11S7Q98
42. C Chap 11 S7 113 QP22P11B1211_P2C11S7Q113
43. B Chap 12 S7 102 QP22P11B1211_P2C12S7Q102
44. D Chap 12 S7 105 QP22P11B1211_P2C12S7Q105
45. C Chap 12 S7 122 QP22P11B1211_P2C12S7Q122
46. C Chap 13 S7 171 QP22P11B1211_P2C13S7Q171
47. D Chap 13 S7 172 QP22P11B1211_P2C13S7Q172
48. D Chap 13 S7 168 QP22P11B1211_P2C13S7Q168
49. C Chap 14 S12 2 QP22P11B1211_P2C14S12Q2
50. C Chap 14 S12 6 QP22P11B1211_P2C14S12Q6

Section [ B ] : 2 Marks Questions

No Ans Chap Sec Que Universal_QueId

1. - Chap 1 S2 1 QP22P11B1211_P1C1S2Q1
2. - Chap 3 S3 7 QP22P11B1211_P1C3S3Q7
3. - Chap 4 S1 17 QP22P11B1211_P1C4S1Q17
4. - Chap 5 S2 1 QP22P11B1211_P1C5S2Q1
4. - Chap 5 S2 2.3 QP22P11B1211_P1C5S2Q2.3
5. - Chap 6 S1 18 QP22P11B1211_P1C6S1Q18
6. - Chap 8 S1 11 QP22P11B1211_P1C8S1Q11
7. - Chap 13 S3 11 QP22P11B1211_P2C13S3Q11
7. - Chap 13 S3 2 QP22P11B1211_P2C13S3Q2
8. - Chap 14 S1 50 QP22P11B1211_P2C14S1Q50

Section [ C ] : 3 Marks Questions

No Ans Chap Sec Que Universal_QueId

9. - Chap 3 S1 53 QP22P11B1211_P1C3S1Q53
9. - Chap 3 S2 10 QP22P11B1211_P1C3S2Q10
10. - Chap 4 S2 13 QP22P11B1211_P1C4S2Q13
11. - Chap 10 S1 48 QP22P11B1211_P2C10S1Q48

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12. - Chap 10 S3 5 QP22P11B1211_P2C10S3Q5
13. - Chap 11 S3 4 QP22P11B1211_P2C11S3Q4
13. - Chap 11 S3 17 QP22P11B1211_P2C11S3Q17
14. - Chap 14 S1 35 QP22P11B1211_P2C14S1Q35

Section [ D ] : 4 Marks Questions

No Ans Chap Sec Que Universal_QueId

15. - Chap 7 S2 8 QP22P11B1211_P1C7S2Q8
15. - Chap 7 S1 15 QP22P11B1211_P1C7S1Q15
16. - Chap 9 S1 44 QP22P11B1211_P2C9S1Q44
17. - Chap 12 S1 18 QP22P11B1211_P2C12S1Q18
18. - Chap 2 S2 5 QP22P11B1211_P1C2S2Q5

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Std 12 Date : 30/01/23
Total Marks : 100 PHYSICS Time : 3hrs
Section A
• Choose correct answer from the given options. [Each carries 1 Mark] [50]






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 Ans : (C)

 Ans : (C)

Section B
• Write the answer of the following questions. [Each carries 2 Marks] [16]

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Section C
• Write the answer of the following questions. [Each carries 3 Marks] [18]

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Section D
• Write the answer of the following questions. [Each carries 4 Marks] [16]

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