Week Two Prayer Guide Pentecost 2024

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In the second week of the 50 days of prayer and fasting we will focus on the revival of godly
family life:

Psalms 85:4 “Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?”

Acts 1:8, 14; 2:1-4 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and
you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth.”
Brief Background
Let us begin by asking yourself a few questions:
i. What is God’s will/mind/thoughts/plans/whole counsel for family? What is the testimony
of the LORD Jesus in your immediate family? Does the LORD God have interests in
your immediate and extended family and clan?
ii. How has Satan and evil spirits influenced you in regard to your immediate and extended
family; and clan? What is evidently the work of Satan and evil spirits in your immediate
and extended family; and clan?
iii. How has the Holy Spirit influenced your immediate and extended family; and clan?
iv. What hinders the Holy Spirit to move mightily in your home, extended family and clan?
How have you as family grieved, quenched and lied to the Holy Spirit?

Gen 12:3b; 26:4“and in you (your seed) shall all families of the Earth be blessed.”
1 Tim 5:8 “But if any provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he has
denied the Faith, and is worse than an unbeliever.”

The modern world through the new age movement wants to redefine family but the Bible presents
1. Family as basic unit God ordained in human society and as the lowest level of community at
three levels:
a) nuclear family of a father (male husband) with a wife (female mother) and children (only
male and female)
b) Extended family of several fathers from one great grandfather or grandfather with wives and
c) Clan (bloodline) – several extended families from one ancestor e.g. 3 clan heads of Levi, one
of 12 tribes of Israel; 54 clan heads of Buganda; etc.
2. Family as a whole institution includes
a) Courtship – godly way of how to get a marriage partner.
b) Marriage itself – acceptable joining of two persons male and female into godly union
c) Parenting – godly raising children in either normal (couple) or single parenting. Gen 18:17-
d) godly way of handling the aged or elders amongst family
e) Godly way of handling Widows and widowers.
f) Godly way of handling Orphans and vulnerable (destitute) children
g) Godly way of handling workers in the family
h) Godly worship system with the God of heaven and earth, godly priests (born-again
believers), godly altars, godly sacrifices, and godly covenants.

Due to different life pressures and cares we find family contradictory changing aspects including
polygamy, single parenting, orphans, runaway/absent/missing fathers and mothers (but living
somewhere), guardianship, incest, co-habiting (biblically that is starting marriage and parenting on
sexual immorality), grave sexual perversions – incest, homosexuality, beastiality, ancestral worship,
traditionally religious producing a form of godliness (so spiritual) but denying the power to transform
the soul, etc.

1. Read 1 Tim 5:8; Gen 1:27; 2:18-24; Gal. 5:22-23. Thank God, He is the beginner and giver of
marriage/family. He is a giver of good things. The Godhead expressed Himself to mankind as
a family – Father, Son (Helper), and Holy Spirit (another Helper). He provided us with a
good place/environment where to experience the fruit of the Spirit of God – love, peace, joy,
self-control, etc. Praise God for His concern about how one attends to the immediate and
extended family and clan.
2. Thank God for your current nuclear and extended family and clan in which God’s natural
order is respected – male and female marrying and raising children; orphans,
widows/widowers, and elderly are respected. S.
3. Read Gen. 12:3; 26:4; Gal 3:13-14,16. Thank God for His good plans for family within His
plan for redemption of fallen man. The above scriptures reveal that all families of the earth
shall be blessed through Christ, the seed of Abraham. And tell that blessing of Abraham is the
promised Holy Spirit. For it is written, “Known to God are His works from of old.” He is
4. Read 2 Cor 3:17-18; Heb 2:15. Continue to thank God for the Holy Spirit whom He gives
through faith in the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ to conquer the reign and
break the grip of Satan and evil spirits over your family for ages. As Christ was on cross in
pain he was thinking about your family and how it is going to be easy for the Spirit to gain
access into it. Unfortunately, several of our families are still under the bondage of evil spirits
instead of under the liberty of the Holy Spirit. Note how our families fear the dead and evil
spirits by the way they conduct ungodly rituals from child birth, courtship, marriage,
parenting, death, etc.

Read Gen. 35:1-5; Acts 5:3-4; 1Thess 5:19; Eph 4:30 (25-32); 5:1-6:9
Let us begin by asking the following questions:
a. How have you as family grieved, quenched and lied to the Holy Spirit? What hinders the
Holy Spirit to move mightily in your home, extended family and clan? Thus bring repentance
to God (confess and turn away from) for
1. Negligence: that is neglecting to read the Bible, worship and pray together with;
share Christ with; make disciples of; and providing for your family– spouses
(husbands/wives), children/grandchildren, workers and guests, siblings (sisters,
brothers and cousins), parents/guardians, great/grandparents and guardians,
nephews/nieces, orphans, widows/widowers, in-laws, poor/vulnerable/destitute, etc.
1Tim 5:8; Isaiah 58:7
2. Ungodly way of handling courtship, marriage, parenting, children/grand chilren,
workers and guests, siblings (sisters, brothers and cousins), parents/guardians,
great/grandparents and guardians, nephews/nieces, orphans, widows/widowers, in-
laws, poor/vulnerable/destitute, etc.
3. Unforgiveness and spiritual woundedness. Thus causing internal conflicts/strife and
poor communication within the family. And for failure to reconcile and restitute one
another. Mat 5:23-24; 6:12; Mark 11:25-26.
4. Ungodly worship system of other gods both in past and present.
a. Ancestral worship and idolatry which impacts us Africans strongly. Many
seemingly strong believers in Church environment become the weakest when
they visit to ancestral homes. They will perform all sorts of satanic rituals at
the command of family/clan elders.
b. Involvement in any way with the false prophet or occult groups
5. Human wisdom (carnality), sinfulness and being traditionally religious producing a
form of godliness (so spiritual) but denying the power to transform the hearts and
souls in the family. This has not spared any born-again Christian families including
the Pentecostals, Anglicans, Methodists, Lutherans, Baptists, etc.
6. Worldly atmosphere and attitudes e.g. media, entertainment and information highly
consumed by family members without regulation especially the children such as
music, films, social media platforms, etc. E.g. in Gen 19, Lot, the righteous man in
Sodom, lost everything such as position of eldership, sons-in-law, property, wife, and
daughters to the spirit of the land because he had hindered God (the Holy Spirit)
access to them.
7. Sexual immorality such as fornication and adultery and grave perversions such as
incest, homosexuality and beastiality. This has ravaged a lot of Christian homes
weakening the godly foundations terribly. It is silent killer of purpose, fellowship,
finances and Ps11:3-4.
8. Evil covenants of both past and present satanic activities such as innocent bloodshed,
witchcraft and sorcery, theft, sexual immorality and perversions, falsehood and lies,
oppression and mistreating the poor, etc.
9. Falsehood and lies within the family because lying lips is an abomination to the
LORD God. Prov. 12:22

Ask for the Spirit of grace to turn around as a family in each of the matters above.

Read Gen. 35:1-5; Acts 5:3-4; 1Thess 5:19; Eph 4:30 (25-32); 5:1-6:9.
Let us begin by asking the following questions:
a. How have you as family created the right atmosphere for the Holy Spirit? What
attracts the Holy Spirit to move mightily in your home, extended family and clan?
Prayer Direction: What Cultivates the Right Atmosphere in the Family for the Holy
Spirit to Work?
Note and meditate on the things listed below that cultivate atmosphere in the family for
the Holy Spirit to work. Ask God for renewed grace, strength and faith by His indwelling
Spirit to work out these things in this fasting season. Read James 4:6-10; Joel 2:12-17
Plead mercies for the Spirit of God to help you change from your (people’s) ways and
thoughts to His ways and thoughts in each of them.

1. Read 1Tim 5:8; Isaiah 58:7. Obedience by Godly handling of family members –
immediate, extended and clan.
a. Confess your faults to one another this week. Forgive, reconcile and
restitute where possible.
b. Make calls (sms, chats, phones or visits) to both immediate and extended
family members.
c. Make a special visit to one of the eldest member of the family/clan this
week or before the end of fasting season.
2. Gen 1:18-24; 1 Cor 7:1-ff. Obedience again by Godly way of handling courtship,
marriage, parenting, children/grandchildren, workers and guests, siblings (sisters,
brothers and cousins), parents/guardians, great/grandparents and guardians,
nephews/nieces, orphans, widows/widowers, in-laws, poor/vulnerable/destitute,

Prayer Direction: Destroying the ungodly worship system in the family.
Read Jer. 1:10; 51:20-24; Luke 10:19; Mat 6:9-13; Eph 6:10-12; 1 Cor 10:3-5
Note and meditate on the things listed below that cultivate atmosphere in the family for
the Holy Spirit to work. Ask God for renewed grace, strength and faith by His indwelling
Spirit to execute effective warfare in this fasting season.

1. Right standing with Christ Jesus according to weapons as enlisted in Eph 6:10-19
a. Be truthful in the family in speech, conduct, intentions, etc. (Belt of Truth)
b. Be peaceful and reconciliatory among the family (Gospel of peace as shoes)
c. Doing what is right according to God not human/family/clan opinions as the
family (breastplate of righteousness)
d. Faith - Waiting upon God – risking/applying your lives on the word of God
both written and spoken.
e. Reading, meditating, praying and obeying the word (promises) of God
literally (sword of the Spirit
f. Renewal of mind as a saved family (Helmet of salvation).

2. Breaking strongholds and evil worship systems. Read Jer. 1:10; 51:20-24; Luke
10:19; 1 Cor 10:3-5
a. Attack the ancestral, false prophets and witchcraft/sorcerer satanic altars you know
within and against your immediate and extended family and clan– uproot, pull down
and destroy strongholds
b. Render powerless the satanic priests servicing these altars
c. By the blood the Jesus Christ render the sacrifices on the satanic altar spiritually
weak and powerless.
d. Cancel all the evil covenants made with the family by the new covenant of God in the
blood of Christ Jesus with born-again Christians in the family.

Prayer Direction: Fresh Encounter with the Glorified Jesus.
This Friday 12th April plan a prayer overnight with high expectations for Fresh
Encounter with the Glorified Jesus as the (immediate) nuclear family. Ask God
for fresh encounter with the glorified Jesus. He is the one who baptizes with the Spirit
and fire.
In case you had already planned overnights in the local Church or network of
Churches, go to them together as family with high expectations. God satisfies the
hungry soul. Don’t just sleep in the house this Friday 12th April. It is fresh encounter
night for willing and available families.
1. Read Acts 10:3-4, 24, 44. Cornelius’s family, relatives and friends were baptized in
the Holy Spirit because they waited expectantly. God is not respecter of persons. This
is your season and week too as family.
2. Read Acts 16. The jailer received Christ and his household.

Read Acts 1:18; 2:1-4; 13:1-3; 26:18-22; Deliberately ask God for fresh baptism in the
Spirit and fire of missions as a Christian family.

Read Gen 35:1-7; 1Kings 18:30-31.

Prayer Direction: Reinstituting the Family Prayer Altar

Ask for the Spirit of grace, faith and strength to renew or institute a regular family prayer
altar as a covenant of God at three levels– daily for immediate (nuclear) altar; twice (bi-
annually) a year for extended family altar and once (annually) for clan. For grace to
practice the altar:
1. The Word of God – Bible reading together daily starting with Book of Acts, at
least either a ¼ or ½ or one chapter (5-10 minutes daily) with the nuclear family
members. It depends on the size of the youngest members. Ask each of them
young/old to tell
a. What he/she has heard?
b. Who is God in the scripture?
c. How should we pray?
2. Worshipping in songs together daily as nuclear family. Let each and different
member lead a worship song daily in these fasting season.
3. Praying together in all forms – thanksgiving, repentance, prayers, supplications
and intercessions.
a. Immediate (nuclear) family altar - Begin with daily (20 minutes) family
prayer altar preferably after supper at 8pm – 8:30pm this week. Revive
that covenant of God – the nuclear family altar.
4. Praying as Extended family – twice a year (bi-annually) start conducting an
extended family prayer altar. Whole day with full practice of prayer altar.
NAPACCA and stakeholders will give you coaching on how to do it.
5. Praying as a Clan – once a year (annually) start conducting a clan prayer altar.
Whole day with full practice of prayer altar. Start with the willing vessels.
NAPACCA and stakeholders will give you coaching on how to do it.

Continue earnestly waiting upon God (seeking) for fresh encounter with Jesus as nuclear
family. Ask God deliberately for fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire of missions as a
family – nucleus, extended and clan.

For more details contact:

National Coordination Team for 2024 Prayer and Fasting Season from Passover to
Pr William Nsereko Kinaalwa 0782960153/0740938693 NAPACCA/Adullam
Pr Peter K. Serukera 0774434282/0701434282
Pr Kamala Joseph 0779157394/0756253964 GoNations/WTM
Pr Goodmorning Bisoboka 0704409126/0782009126 Setting Pace for
Ap. Daniel Batambuze 0772984659 NPN/NFPBCU
Ap. Frank Kiwumulo 0772475778 Africa
Ms. Winnie Kansiime 0701684411

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