A Geography of Infection: Spatial Processes and Patterns in Epidemics and Pandemics 2nd Edition Matthew R. Smallman-Raynor

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A Geography of Infection: Spatial

Processes and Patterns in Epidemics

and Pandemics 2nd Edition Matthew R.
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A Geography
of Infection
Previous volumes by one or more of the authors exploring the interface between
epidemiology and geography include:

Spatial Autocorrelation (1973)

Elements of Spatial Structure (1975)
Spatial Diffusion: An Historical Geography of Epidemics in an Island Community (1981)
Spatial Processes (1981)
Spread of Measles in Fiji and the Pacific (1985)
Spatial Aspects of Influenza Epidemics (1986)
Atlas of Disease Distributions (1988)
London International Atlas of AIDS (1992)
Measles: An Historical Geography of a Major Human Viral Disease (1993)
Deciphering Global Epidemics (1998)
Island Epidemics (2000)
The Geographical Structure of Epidemics (2000)
World Atlas of Epidemic Diseases (2004)
War Epidemics (2004)
Poliomyelitis: A World Geography (2006)
Infectious Diseases: A Geographical Analysis (2009)
Atlas of Epidemic Britain (2012)
Infectious Disease Control: A Geographical Analysis (2013)
Atlas of Refugees, Displaced Populations, and Epidemic Diseases (2018)
A Geography
of Infection

Matthew Smallman-​Raynor
University of Nottingham

Andrew Cliff
University of Cambridge

Keith Ord
Georgetown University

Peter Haggett
University of Bristol

Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP,
United Kingdom
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2021945595
ISBN 978–​0–​19–​284839–​0
DOI: 10.1093/​med/​9780192848390.001.0001
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In grateful memory of six old friends who, during their busy lives, found time to encourage us to
explore the links between epidemiology and geography:

Dr Norman Bailey (World Health Organization, Geneva)

Professor Torsten Hägerstrand (Lund University)
Dr Edgar Hope-​Simpson (Cirencester GP Practice)
Professor David Kendall FRS (University of Cambridge)
Dr Steve Thacker (US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta)
Dr David Tyrrell FRS (MRC Common Cold Research Unit, Salisbury).

I: A Genealogical Note II: COVID-​19

Books, no less than individuals, may have complex family histories. As we write, COVID-​19 is at our doors in Cambridge, the Chew
The genealogy of A Geography of Infection is no exception. Its im- Valley, Nottingham, and Washington, DC. ‘Lockdown’ in the United
mediate roots lie in an invitation to one of us, then newly retired, Kingdom and the United States has meant hasty revision of earlier
to deliver the first endowed Clarendon Lectures in Geography drafts, and we have had to meet remotely, like so many others, both
and Environmental Studies. Four lectures were duly given in the to write and sign off manuscript and illustrations. COVID-​19 began
University of Oxford’s School of Geography in the Michaelmas Term as an outbreak in Wuhan city in December 2019, spread as a China-​
1999 and subsequently published by Oxford University Press (OUP) wide epidemic in the next 2 months, and became a full-​blown global
in a small book entitled The Geographical Structure of Epidemics pandemic from March 2020. The small geographically localized
(Haggett, 2000). storm moved quickly through the gears to become a global epi-
In a superficial sense, the present volume may be seen as an demiological hurricane that continues to rage.
updated and revised version of that book, but one whose format, Worldwide, up to the end of March 2021, there have been over
page size, and use of colour allows maps with greater clarity 125 million confirmed cases of COVID-​19, including nearly 3 mil-
and effectiveness to be used. The preceding volume was delib- lion deaths, reported to the World Health Organization, affecting
erately confined to a broad discussion of principles, to a non-​ 223 countries and territories. Although vaccine development and
mathematical presentation, and to using only a narrow range of rollout is now proceeding apace, lighting a way out of the pandemic,
infectious diseases, notably those (such as measles) which had COVID-​19 ranks as one of the great epidemiological catastrophes of
played a key role in nineteenth-​and twentieth-​century modelling the last one hundred years. Whatever the final death toll, the need
of disease spread. for spatial separation (‘social distancing’) and lockdown has already
The present book retains much of the organizational structure of triggered the biggest peacetime economic downturn since the Great
the original book and its emphasis on clear graphics. But ad 2021 is Depression of the 1930s.
several orders of magnitude more challenging than ad 2000 and a As this volume goes to press, it remains unclear whether COVID-​
still further generation away from the euphoria of smallpox eradica- 19 will grow to be one of the really large pandemics of infectious
tion in the 1970s. Even before the epoch-​making onslaught of cor- diseases which, from time to time, have swept from continent to
onavirus disease 2019 (COVID-​19), the growing rumbles from new continent around the inhabited world. If it does, then the pages that
diseases (Ebola in West Africa, severe acute respiratory syndrome follow will show it keeps good company. Plague in the fourteenth
in East Asia, and Middle East respiratory syndrome in the Middle to seventeenth centuries, cholera in the nineteenth, influenza in the
East), the mounting resistance of old diseases to standard therapies, first half of the twentieth century, and HIV/​AIDS from the 1980s
and the exponential increases in the speed of disease movement have all shared the capacity to move quickly through the human
were already darkening the skies. As they did so, the epidemio- population, creating a bow-​wave of anxiety and apprehension in ad-
logical world responded, not just in the search for new vaccines but vance of the illnesses and deaths that followed. With each pandemic,
in mathematical modelling of the ways in which epidemic diseases the population has reeled but, given time, it has bounced back from
spread through vulnerable populations. Once a rare sideline, math- every new microbiological onslaught.
ematical modelling of epidemics now finds a place in scores of uni- Although we have an understandable focus on COVID-​19 in this
versity departments around the world. book, we have tried to set it in context by bringing together work on
So, in this new book on the geography of epidemics and pan- a wide range of the great epidemic diseases that have assaulted the
demics, the crew has been increased from one to four, with a far human population over the last five thousand years. Our emphasis
wider range of experience and skills than the original single au- is on deciphering the spatial processes by which infectious diseases
thor. All have collaborated over the years since the accidental move from place to place, and mapping the disease patterns they
meeting between two of its members on a Lake Michigan shore produce. In the first chapter, we define and discuss the various statis-
in 1966 and our first joint volume in 1975. In this volume we have tical models that have been used to study the geographical spread of
followed our usual practice of changing positions within the boat infectious diseases. Subsequent chapters then use multiple examples,
as demands change, so our youngest member has now moved up drawn mainly from the authors’ own work in medical geography
to stroke and our oldest (at 88) acts out a less energetic but vocif- over the last half a century, to illustrate how epidemics and pan-
erous role as cox. demics of these diseases emerge and diffuse in time and space. The
viii Preface

examples we have selected span centuries of time, geographical lo- successive head librarians, notably and currently, Tomas Allen, at
cations from the local to the global, and environments ranging from the library of the World Health Organization; and Donna Stroup, for
the tropical to the Arctic. In organizing the material, we have opted many years based in the Epidemiology Program Office of the United
to do so by geographical scale, beginning with the local and national States Centers for Disease Control. They placed resources at our dis-
in Chapter 2 and then moving, by way of international epidemics in posal to complement the British collections on epidemic history in
Chapter 3, to the great global pandemics of past and present times our own university libraries and medical schools. Likewise, we want
in Chapters 4 and 5. Having spent four chapters explaining how in- to thank Sharon Messenger and Melissa White, then in the library
fectious diseases spread in time and space, we conclude in Chapter 6 and archives of the Royal College of General Practitioners, for pi-
on a positive note by studying ways in which the spread of epidemic loting us through the volumes of material generated by the College’s
diseases can be controlled by isolation, quarantine, and spatially tar- first President, William Pickles, when he was a general practi-
geted vaccination schemes, all crucially informed by adequate sur- tioner in Wensleydale in the first half of the last century. Pickles’s
veillance and infection reporting systems. unique records of infections in a single rural practice are analysed in
Some of the topics we cover have formed the central themes of our Chapter 2. Finally, we also record with gratitude the Wellcome Trust
earlier books, monographs, and atlases. Our aim here has been to and the Leverhulme Trust who, through their grant schemes, have
reassemble and synthesize relevant materials in such a way that they supported our work for many years.
shed fresh light on an age-​old problem. The materials in Chapters 3, The Department of Geography at Cambridge has provided, cru-
4, and 6, in particular, draw freely on two of our previous OUP cially for the kinds of publications we have produced, cartographic
books, Infectious Diseases: Emergence and Re-​Emergence (2009) and help. Philip Stickler, sometime Head of the Cartographic Unit in the
Infectious Disease Control (2013). All our diagrams have been drawn Department, has sustained the authors for a quarter of a century
or redrawn for the present work, with most appearing in colour for with his superb maps, graphs, and diagrams, and he has continued to
the first time. do so in retirement. OUP has now published eight of our books. We
have been especially indebted to Nicola Wilson, currently Editor-​
III: Thanks in-​Chief and Senior Commissioning Editor of Medical Publishing
at OUP who, along with Rachel Goldsworthy, Senior Assistant
A book of this kind, with examples drawn from a 50-​year assem- Commissioning Editor, has overseen the complex task of integrating
blage of case studies, could not have been completed during the illustrations with the text for the current project. The design team
current lockdown without help from many quarters over a long pe- must have wept on more than one occasion with the high image to
riod of time. We mention on the dedication page (v), six who are no text ratio—​a problem not helped by the size of many of the graphics
longer with us. They include a geographer, two mathematicians, and files so that moving them around was, even in this computing day
three practising physicians including one, David Tyrrell, credited and age, like watching paint dry.
with June Almeida, of taking the first picture of a coronavirus. We Manuscript preparation is always an individual affair, and two of
are also grateful to Brian Berry, then at the University of Chicago, for the authors have had a base for several years now at the Bull and
encountering an influenza virus in 1971 that allowed epidemiology Swan in Stamford where, in normal times, we met regularly to ex-
into PH’s research life where it has grown for five decades. In Berry’s change material—​generally monthly which, for a time, was as fre-
own words: quently as the inn changed hands! In these extraordinary times, the
1970 was a very busy year for other reasons. I was appointed a Bull and Swan has gone into suspended animation, but we hope all
member of the Scientific Group on Research in Epidemiology and will be resumed ere long—​there is light at the end of what has been a
Communications Science at the World Health Organization. I handed very long and depressingly dark tunnel.
the baton to Peter Haggett in 1971 when influenza laid me low be- On so many occasions, our joint ventures have given the four of us
fore one important session. I called Peter in Bristol and asked whether the pleasure of writing together and have ensured enduring affection
he could replace me. ‘When?’ ‘Tomorrow.’ ‘Where?’ ‘Geneva.’ Good and companionship between us. But inevitably the demands of four
trooper that he is, he went. (Berry, 2006, p. 140)
different universities on two continents has meant that, for a number
And, as they say, the rest is history. of years, one or another of us would have commitments, personal or
For the authors, this volume is part of a much larger map on academic, which led to someone standing aside for a particular pro-
which we have all been working for two generations. There has been ject. So, it is an especial pleasure on this occasion for us to be back in
a series of epidemic monographs which focus on specific infectious harness together once more.
diseases (notably measles, influenza, and poliomyelitis), on spe- Finally, a note for our families and friends. Those closest to us have
cific epidemiological sources (the United States consular records of inevitably borne the brunt of our obsession with research, with its
disease), and on specific themes (such as island epidemiology and periods of preoccupied expressions and all-​too-​frequent grumpy reac-
the role of conflict in epidemic generation), and there have been tions. We let this book stand as a token of our deep thanks to all of them.
atlases—​on AIDS, displaced populations and disease, and disease Matthew Smallman-Raynor
mapping. Like all scientists, we recognize the truth of Bernard of Andrew Cliff
Chartres’s (d. c.1130) remark, repeated by Isaac Newton in a letter to Keith Ord
Robert Hooke in 1675, that to see further we ‘stand on the shoulders Peter Haggett
of giants’ who have worked on similar themes before us. We have Feast of St Quirinus of Neuss
been particularly blessed by the resources made available to us by 30 April 2021

Abbreviations xi 4. Pandemics, I: Pandemics in History 91

Note on Conventions xiii 4.1 Introduction 91
4.2 Pandemic Plague 94
1. Epidemics as Diffusion Waves 1 4.3 Pandemic Cholera 97
1.1 Introduction 1 4.4 Pandemic Influenza 97
1.2 Building Blocks: Infection, Contagion, Disease 2 4.5 HIV/​AIDS (1981–​) 107
1.3 Nature of Epidemics 9 4.6 Conclusion 110
1.4 Epidemics in the Time Domain 12
5. Pandemics, II: COVID-​19 111
1.5 Epidemics in the Space Domain, I: Mapping 18
5.1 Introduction 111
1.6 Epidemics in the Space Domain, II: Models 21
5.2 Epidemiological Properties of the Virus 111
1.7 Conclusion 32
5.3 Origins and Global Dispersal 115
2. Epidemics in Small Communities 35 5.4 The United Kingdom: A Time–​Space Analysis 118
2.1 Introduction 35 5.5 The United States, I: Urban–​Rural Contrasts 125
2.2 William Pickles of Wensleydale, 1913–​63 36 5.6 The United States, II: Forecasting the Progress
2.3 Edgar Hope-​Simpson and Peter Higgins in of Epidemics 129
Cirencester, 1947–​73: A Study of Influenza 42 5.7 Conclusion 132
2.4 Summary 43
6. Infectious Disease Control 135
2.5 Iceland: Measles in the Twentieth Century 44
6.1 Introduction 135
2.6 Conclusion 61
6.2 The Underpinnings of Disease Control 135
3. Global Origins and Dispersals 63 6.3 Spatial Strategies—​Blocking Spread 136
3.1 Introduction 63 6.4 Vaccines and Vaccination 142
3.2 The First Historic Transition: The Question of
6.5 Towards Eradication 148
Disease Origins 64
6.6 Surveillance 149
3.3 The Fourth Historic Transition: Disease Implications
of Global Change 67 6.7 Conclusion 154

3.4 Newly Emerging Diseases: International

Epidemics 81 Epilogue 155
3.5 Conclusion: Looking Forwards to References and Author Index 157
‘Disease X’ 90 Index 169

AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome HIV human immunodeficiency virus

AHF Argentine haemorrhagic fever IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/​AIDS
CI confidence interval LE leading edge
CP contact probabilities MIF mean information field
CoV coronavirus MMR measles, mumps, and rubella
COVID-​19 coronavirus disease 2019 MERS Middle East respiratory syndrome
DALY disability-​adjusted life year MST minimum spanning tree
ENSO El Niño–​Southern Oscillation MDS multidimensional scaling
EDM epidemic data matrix NHS National Health Service
EPI Expanded Programme on Immunization OIHP Office International d’Hygiène Publique
FE following edge RCGP Royal College of General Practitioners
FMD foot-​and-​mouth disease SARS severe acute respiratory syndrome
GP general practitioner SARS-​CoV-​2 severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
GRO General Register Office SIR susceptible–​infective–​recovered
GOARN Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network TB tuberculosis
GPEI Global Polio Eradication Initiative WHO World Health Organization
HPS hantavirus pulmonary syndrome
Note on Conventions

This book necessarily includes reference to some scores of infectious History of Human Disease (Kiple, 1993) remains a useful starting
diseases. There is neither space nor intention to give a detailed clin- point. A geographical view of major diseases is provided in our
ical view of each. The interested reader is referred to the American World Atlas of Epidemic Diseases (Cliff et al., 2004).
Public Health Association’s Control of Communicable Diseases Note on names of Icelandic medical districts: names of medical dis-
Manual, first published in 1917 and now in its 20th edition (D.L. tricts in Iceland appear as either the stem or the genitive case. As
Heymann, editor), and the International Classification of Diseases examples, Reykjavík, Akureyri, and Ísafjörður refer to places, while
list available at https://​icd.who.int/​browse10/​2019/​en. For readers Reykjavíkur, Akureyrar, and Ísafjarðar refer to the medical districts
interested in the history of each disease, The Cambridge World based on these centres.
Epidemics as Diffusion Waves

CONTENTS was anchored in a study of some 120 years of measles outbreaks in

1.1 Introduction 1 the North Atlantic island of Iceland. Its opening paragraph has an
oddly prescient ring in a year when a large epidemiological ‘boulder’
1.2 Building Blocks: Infection, Contagion, Disease 2
(rather than a pebble) has just splashed so disastrously into the
1.2.1 Infection Dynamics 2 Earth’s human population:
1.2.2 Contagion: Separation and Space 5
A stone is tossed into a pond. The consequent splash forms a large
1.2.3 Disease: Definitions, Data, Burdens 6 wave immediately around the entry point. Within a second, waves
1.3 Nature of Epidemics 9 are starting to move out in a circular pattern across the surface of the
1.3.1 Epidemic Concepts 9 water. Some seconds later, very small ripples are disturbing the weeds
on the far side of the pond.
1.3.2 Epidemic Models 9
Information is tossed into a communication system. An
1.3.3 Types of Epidemics 10 American president is killed by a sniper’s bullet at 12.31 p.m. on
1.3.4 A Simple Stage Model 10 22 November 1963 on a Dallas road. Information is tossed into a
1.3.5 The Magnitude of Epidemic Events 11 communication system. It is beamed out on radio and television
around the world, is passed by word of mouth from one listener to
1.4 Epidemics in the Time Domain 12
the rest of his family, or is told by the garage man to the motorist
1.4.1 The Epidemic Data Matrix 12 stopping for petrol.
1.4.2 The Single Epidemic Wave 13 A virus is tossed into a susceptible population. Passengers ar-
1.4.3 Complex Wave Trains 15 riving at an Icelandic port from Copenhagen in the early summer
of 1907 include a few known to be suffering from measles infec-
1.4.4 Epidemics as Branching Networks 17 tion. One escapes the island’s quarantine procedures, and joins
1.5 Epidemics in the Space Domain, I: Mapping 18 the local population, some of whom are off to the capital city,
1.5.1 Encoding Epidemic Maps 18 Reykjavík, to join the crowds gathering for a visit by the King of
Denmark. The virus is transmitted between some neighbours in
1.5.2 Decoding of Disease Maps 20
the crowd. Within 16 months, an epidemic has spread through
1.6 Epidemics in the Space Domain, II: Models 21 the whole island infecting over 7,000 people and killing 354. (Cliff
1.6.1 An Epidemic Cycle in Space 21 et al., 1981, p. 1)
1.6.2 A Swash–​Backwash Spatial Model 23 Although the stone, the assassination, and the epidemic are, in most
1.6.3 Simulating Waves on Spatial Lattices 27 respects, wholly dissimilar phenomena, one being trivial, the other
1.6.4 Dyadic Models 29 two historic, all share something in common.
1.7 Conclusion 32 The movement through a population—​of water particles in
1.7.1 Book Structure 32
the first case; of worldwide listeners, viewers, and readers in the
second; and of susceptible islanders in the third—​is termed spatial
diffusion. It frequently takes a wave-​like form. Each wave moves
outward through its medium away from single or multiple centres,
each dissipating as it runs out of kinetic energy, or boredom, or
1.1 Introduction
susceptible victims. In the case of the stone, the wave pattern is
Is it ketching? Why, how you talk. Is a harrow ketching? If you don’t simple and circular and can be readily observed and recorded. The
hitch on to one tooth, you’re bound to on another, ain’t you? . . . and it other two need to be pieced together from hard-​won research.
ain’t no slouch of a harrow, nuther. Their waves may follow many branching pathways, move at dif-
Mark Twain [on measles], ferent velocities, and move in an intensely complex pattern. This
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, process is called diffusion waves.
New York: Harpers, 1884.
Another basic commonality is that all three—​the water par-
Exactly 40 years ago, in the spring of 1981, Cambridge University ticles, the information, and the virus—​involve Mark Twain’s harrow,
Press published an obscure monograph entitled Spatial Diffusion. It that touching process we call contagion. The term was first used in
2 A Geography of Infection

English for diseases in 1398,1 being derived from two Latin words works. They may have influenced his three-​ volume Geografika
con (with) and tangere (to touch). As we shall see shortly in section (Roller, 2010). Eratosthenes made important contributions to earth
1.3, that touching process can take complex forms. With diseases science (computing the size of our planet) and to mathematics (via
moving between humans, it may be a cough, a kiss, a sexual act, or number theory), as well as establishing the geographical discipline
a contaminated door handle. It may be passed on via such direct itself. Both scholars worked on a broad canvas and we hope they
person-​to-​person transfer or an indirect move involving fleas, mos- would have been sympathetic to the recommendations a half cen-
quitos, lice, or rodents, in a complex choreography of moves. We tury ago to place World Health Organization (WHO) epidemiology
have tried to map a wide range of these moves in our World Atlas of on a broader disciplinary framework (Cassel et al., 1969).
Epidemic Diseases (Cliff et al., 2004), but here we pay particular—​
although by no means exclusive—​attention to what a leading epi-
demiologist of the last century dubbed crowd diseases (Greenwood, 1.2 Building Blocks: Infection, Contagion, Disease
1935). These include many of the common childhood fevers (mea-
sles, rubella, whooping cough, etc.), the great classic plagues of the In this section, we review the three main terms which underlie much
medieval world, and the newer plagues of influenza and the corona- of the analysis of epidemic processes in the rest of this book. We
viruses including the deadly coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-​19). look in turn at infection (section 1.2.1), at contagion (section 1.2.2),
Just a century separates two significant events in the study of epi- and at disease, both its definition and data and the measures of the
demics. In 1889, a St Petersburg mathematician published a brief burdens it imposes (section 1.2.3). Infection, contagion, and disease
study of measles outbreaks in a local girls’ boarding school and are very old words in English and their usage over the centuries has
proposed a simple but elegant model of how the observed pattern twisted and clouded their meaning.
of infection might have been generated (Dietz, 1988). In 1994, the
newly founded Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences at 1.2.1 Infection Dynamics
the University of Cambridge held its first world symposium on epi- Infection comes from the preposition in, the Latin verb inficere, and
demic modelling (Mollison, 1995). Between these two events, and the Old French infeccion, meaning to ‘dip in’, ‘taint’, ‘poison’, ‘spoil’,
even more so in the decades which followed, the literature on epi- or ‘stain’. It was used from the time of Hippocrates in the fourth
demics has exploded from a niche area of applied mathematics to an century bc to describe a disease that was communicated through
industry in which few universities lack a specialist in that field. the agency of air or water. It came into English usage in the late
In the social sciences, the modelling of diffusion processes draws fourteenth century in the sense of both ‘a contaminated condition’
on a range of disciplines. Pioneering work was conducted in eco- and ‘infectious disease’. From 1540, infection was sometimes dis-
nomics by Lösch (1954) in modelling price waves in the United tinguished from contagion (section 1.2.2) in the sense of body-​to-​
States and later by a Bristol University team (Cliff et al., 1975) in body communication.
tracking business cycles in South West England. Rogers (1995)
provides a wide survey of diffusion research throughout the social Infection: definitions and examples
sciences. In biological terms, infection may be defined as ‘the invasion of one
This book focuses on the diffusion of diseases in the form of organism by a smaller (infecting) organism’ (Fine, in Vynnycky and
epidemic waves over a wide spatial range from local cases and out- White, 2010, p. 1). Set in these general terms, infection is a broad,
breaks within general practitioner (GP) practices to pandemics on even ubiquitous phenomenon in nature, with all plants and animals
a global scale. It draws on a large geographical and statistical lit- carrying a cargo of microorganisms on their journey through life.
erature and on our own joint research over the last half century. It Some will be long-​term passengers, some brief and threatening vis-
tries to unravel the ways in which many infectious diseases move itors. Jonathan Swift’s memorable lines remind us that species of
through human populations. However, it is not a medical book plants or animals carry pests of one form or another and these con-
about epidemic diseases nor is it a mathematical manual for dis- tinue all the way up from microbes to whales:
ease modellers. Major works abound for both and are referenced
So, naturalists observe, a flea
at appropriate points in this book. We have had the privilege to Has smaller fleas that on him prey;
work alongside outstanding professionals from both fields (see And these have smaller still to bite ‘em;
‘Preface’), but our main focus here is on the specifics of the quanti- And so proceed ad infinitum.
tative geography of infection. Jonathan Swift, On Poetry: A Rhapsody, 1733.
Such a focus is not new. It stretches back over the millennia to the
Nor is infection necessarily a harmful process. Although this book
physician Hippocrates of Kos (c.460–​370 bc) whose Airs, Waters and
is about the geography of the pathogenic impacts of infection in the
Places provided a start for epidemiological studies. As chief librarian
form of epidemics in human populations, it could be argued that
at Alexandria, Eratosthenes of Kyrene (c.240 bc), the first math-
many infections are neutral. Humans may simply act as hosts or car-
ematical geographer, would have been familiar with Hippocrates’s
riers. Indeed, infections may be helpful to the health of the larger
infected organisms. Research on gut bacteria, for example, shows
them forming an essential part of the digestion process in the human
host (Mosley, 2018).
1 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomew de Glanville De Proprietatibus Rerum (1495) vii. lxiv.
281, ‘Lepra also comith of fader and moder, and so this contagyon passyth in to Infectious agents may be classified in many ways but Table 1.1
the chylde as it were by lawe of herytage’. shows one of the most useful. This arranges, on the left, the six main
1 Epidemics as Diffusion Waves 3

Table 1.1 Some major infectious diseases classified by causative agent

Causative Subdivisions Virus divisions Major human infectious diseases

agents (alphabetical order)
1. Prions Creutzfeldt–​Jakob disease, kuru
2. Viruses 2A. DNA viruses Hepnadaviridae Hepatitis B
Herpesviridae Chickenpox, Epstein–​Barr
Poxviridae Smallpox
2B. RNA viruses Arenaviridae Lassa fever, South American haemorrhagic fever
Bunyaviridae Korean haemorrhagic fever, Rift Valley fever
Coronaviridae COVID-​19, Middle East respiratory syndrome
(MERS), SARS, common cold
Filoviridae Ebola, Marburg disease
Flaviviridae Dengue, yellow fever, hepatitis C
Orthomyxoviridae Influenza
Paramyxoviridae Measles, mumps, parainfluenza
Picornaviridae Poliomyelitis
Retroviridae HIV/​AIDS
Rhabdoviridae Rabies
Togaviridae Rubella
3. Rickettsia Louse-​borne typhus fever, Rocky Mountain
spotted fever
4. Bacteria Bacilli Cholera, plague, diphtheria, typhoid, whooping
cough, Legionnaires’ disease, anthrax
Cocci Scarlet fever, meningitis, gonorrhoea
Spirochaetes Relapsing fever, syphilis, yaws, leptospirosis, Lyme
Mycobacteria Leprosy, tuberculosis
5. Protozoa Malaria, Chagas’ disease, sleeping sickness,
leishmaniasis, cryptosporidiosis
6. Helminths Filariasis, Guinea worm, hookworm, river
blindness, schistosomiasis

Source: Data from Cliff, A.D., Haggett, P., Smallman-​Raynor, M.R. (2004). World Atlas of Epidemic Diseases. London: Arnold.

biological groups from which agents are drawn in size from immeas- infection period begins with a latent period (L) while virus num-
urably small and simple prions through to large visible helminths. bers build up and the first signs of infection begin to be recognized
On the right are examples of the resulting human diseases (using at the end of the latent period. This leads on to a period of full in-
their common names). Evidently, viruses are one of the classes from fection where the child is capable of passing on the virus. Table 1.2
which many human diseases are drawn. gives examples for ten common diseases of the length of the serial
interval (the time between onset of symptoms in an index case and
Infection: the infectious process a secondary case directly infected by the index case) and the ability
The processes that link an infectious disease agent to the human to pass infection that ranges from 2 days for influenza to months or
body are of immense complexity. Here we simply take one example, years for tuberculosis.
the RNA paramyxovirus which causes the common childhood dis- The infection process is depicted as a chain structure in Figure 1.1B.
ease of measles, a disease which still kills 200,000 children world- The average or typical chain length of 14 days for measles is illustrated.
wide each year. This one disease has played a key role in shaping The process of chains interlinking is captured by Mark Twain’s harrow
research on epidemics. So, it is useful to take as our example in metaphor in the chapter head quotation.
Figure 1.1 the collision between the small measles virus (only vis- Figure 1.1C shows a transition in time and scale using Burnet’s
ible under an electron microscope) and the familiar contours of a classic view of a typical epidemic (Burnet and White, 1972). Each
human body. circle here represents an infected person, and the connecting lines
Disease spread at the individual level is shown in Figure 1.1A, indicate transfer from one case to the next. Bright red circles indi-
giving a typical time profile of measles infection in a host individual. cate individuals who fail to infect others and so break the chain.
Note that the horizontal scale is non-​linear with breaks and different Three periods are shown (from left to right), the first when prac-
scales for time duration within each phase of the overall measles host tically the whole population is susceptible; the second at the height
lifespan. This includes some months of maternal antibody protec- of the epidemic; and the third at the close, when most individuals
tion, followed by some childhood years as susceptible (S) until the are immune. The proportions of susceptible (yellow) and immune
child meets another infected person, usually another child. When (blue) individuals are indicated in the rectangles beneath the main
the virus is passed on, primarily via the respiratory tract, the key diagram.
4 A Geography of Infection


Birth Death
Waning Susceptible Latent and
maternal status infective status Recovered and immune status

Virus/antibody abundance
Virus-specific antibody
Virus-specific illness

Time of infection
Secondary bacterial
complications (?)

Months Months/years Days/weeks Years/decades


Latent period Infectious period
–12 –8 +7 +9
i Shortest chain
j 8 days
–12 –8

i Longest chain
j 21 days
–12 –8

i Typical chain
j 14 days
–12 –8

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3


Figure 1.1 The measles infection process at the individual level. (A) Typical time profile of infection in a host individual. Note the time breaks and
different scales for time duration within each phase of the overall life-​span. The circled red letters indicate the different phases: M = mother-​conferred
immunity; S = susceptible to infection; L = latent period of infection; I = infected; R = recovered. (B) The infection process as a chain structure. The
typical chain length of 14 days characteristic of measles is shown. (C) Burnet and White’s (1972) view of a typical epidemic in a community of people,
where each pale red circle represents an infection and the connecting lines indicate transfer from one case to the next. Bright red circles indicate
individuals who fail to infect others. Three periods are shown by the rectangles beneath the main diagram. The first is when practically the whole
population is susceptible; the second is at the height of the epidemic; and the third is at the close when most individuals are immune. The proportions
of susceptible (yellow) and immune (blue) individuals are indicated in the rectangles.
Reproduced from Haggett, P. (2000). The Geographical Structure of Epidemics. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
1 Epidemics as Diffusion Waves 5

Table 1.2 Infection values for some common infectious diseases Human geographers conceive a population as being organized
into interlocking nodal regions at different spatial scales. Following
Disease Serial intervala Herd immunity
(range in days) thresholdb (%)
Haggett et al. (1977), each is analysed in terms of:
Influenza 2–​4 50–​75 1. movements or flows of people, information, and goods
Diphtheria 2–​30 85 2. networks which focus and constrain flows
Poliomyelitis 2–​45 50–​75 3. nodes which grow up at critical points on the network
Pertussis 5–​35 83–​94 4. hierarchies which differentiate nodes into cities, villages,
c hamlets, etc.
Measles 7–​16 83–​94
5. density and potential surfaces which form around the hierarchies
Rubella 7–​28 83–​85
6. diffusion waves which move through (1) to (5) at varying
Mumps 8–​32 75–​86
Smallpox 9–​45 80–​85
Epidemic and pandemic waves are seen here as one class of diffusion
Malaria 20 76–​86
wave (6).
Tuberculosis Months/​years Not well defined
One of the difficulties we face in trying to analyse a nodal regional
The serial interval is defined as the time between onset of symptoms in an index case system is that there is no obvious or single point of entry. Indeed, the
and a secondary case directly infected by the index case. b The herd immunity threshold more integrated the regional system, the harder it is to crack. In the
is defined as 1 − (1/​R0), where R0 is the basic reproduction number for the disease in
question. Sample estimates of R0 for different diseases are given in Table 5.1 in Chapter 5. words of one regional economist: ‘The maze of interdependencies
See Figure 1.1. in reality is indeed formidable . . . Its tale is unending, its circularity
Reproduced with permission from Vynnycky, E., White, R. (2010). An Introduction to unquestionable. Yet its dissection is imperative . . . At some point
Infectious Disease Modelling. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
we must cut into its circumference’ (Isard, 1960, p. 3). We choose
to make that cut with spatial movements as it allows a logical pro-
1.2.2 Contagion: Separation and Space gression towards the ultimate objective of understanding disease
In this subsection, we look at (i) the meaning of contagion, (ii) the diffusion.
scale and spatial structure of host populations, and (iii) the rules The spatial and hierarchical structure of populations (sometimes
which govern the organization and evolution of these populations. termed metapopulations) is attracting increasing interest in the epi-
Here our emphasis is on the host, the human population, rather than demiological literature (Watts et al., 2005). A number of studies
the infection. now rewrite models to build in the geographical structures of the
population at risk (Sattenspiel and Herring, 1998; Sattenspiel, 2009,
Meaning of contagion pp. 125–​34).
Contagion comes from two Latin words, the preposition con meaning
‘together with’ and the verb tangere meaning ‘to touch’. The earliest Change in organization
use in English dates from the fourteenth century, coming from The human population has just reached the 8 billion mark. On cur-
the Old French contagious, meaning ‘contaminating’, ‘corrupting’, rent United Nations forecasts, it is expected to stabilize later this
or more generally ‘communicating’. Usage over the centuries has century and demographers then expect it to begin a long decline.
tended to emphasize the bad sense of touching with an emphasis on Table 1.3 shows the astonishing changes over the last four centuries
its role in contamination. In medical use, there is some transatlantic during which our numbers have multiplied 16-​fold. The table de-
divergence with the English usage retaining the original meaning liberately uses rounded figures since accuracy varies increasingly in
and separating contact diseases from the broader class of infectious earlier centuries.
diseases. American usage tends increasingly to regard ‘infectious’ The rest of Table 1.3 shows the way in which the human popu-
and ‘contagious’ almost interchangeably. Usage of the second word lation has organized itself over the same four centuries. Ceteris pa-
has become rarer, often replaced by the synonym ‘communicable’ ribus, population size will by itself be expected (through increasing
as in the American Public Health Association’s classic Control of size and density) to increase the likelihood of the spread of infec-
Communicable Diseases Manual (Heymann, 2015). tions. But a second element, urbanization, compounds this by
One London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine epidemi- spatially concentrating that host population. Urbanization can be
ologist has recently explored the much wider use of contagious con- measured in many ways but we take a simple measure for which long
cepts in a non-​disease context (Kucharski, 2020). He shows how historical records exist, the probable size of the world’s largest cities.
mathematical ideas common in disease studies can be used to ex- Even today, city size measurement is an art rather than a science,
plain ‘why things spread, and why they stop’. His examples include depending on an investigator’s exact criteria. But, after looking at
rumours moving through social networks in the Trump Presidency various measures, we are confident that the figures given are of the
back to the bursting of the 1720 South Sea bubble. See also Christakis right order of magnitude. They show changes that substantially out-
and Fowler (2013) and Taylor and Eckles (2018). pace the growth of the human population itself.
A third measure relates to transport. In 1492, Columbus crossed
Scale and spatial organization the Atlantic in 36 days while, today, one can travel from Western
In contagion, as opposed to infection, the emphasis is shifted from Europe to North America in less than a day. We have examined the
a concern with the microbial agent towards the human popula- impact of changes in travel times on epidemic disease ‘jumps’ for
tion itself—​its numbers, its location, and its spatial organization. a number of times and locations—​from Fiji in the late nineteenth
6 A Geography of Infection

Table 1.3 Historical changes in the size, concentration, and flux in human populations

Year World population Urbanization Travel

Total (billions) Ratio Largest city Ratio Days Ratio
(millions) (inverse)
2020 8.0 16 37.0 53 <1 50
1975 4.0 8 21.0 30 1–​3 25
1925 2.0 4 7.7 11 3–​5 13
1805 1.0 2 1.7 2 10 5
1600 0.5 1 0.7 1 50 1

Ratios for all indicators based on the year 1600 being set at 1.

century (Cliff and Haggett, 1985) to severe acute respiratory syn- meaning ‘comfort’. In a more general sense, it was used to indicate
drome (SARS) in the twenty-​first century (Cliff, Smallman-​Raynor, lack or want; distress; trouble, misfortune; and disease, sickness
Haggett, et al., 2009). There are many possible ways of measuring (Oxford English Dictionary). Its use in the restricted pathological
such changes but we choose in Table 1.3 a simple one as the time sense of sickness or illness emerged by the start of the fifteenth
taken in days to cross the North Atlantic. Based on a sheaf of con- century.
traction charts drawn for intercontinental transport times, the con- We all have labels for disease. The Bible spoke of plagues and
servative travel time figures show a 50-​fold difference since 1600, scourges, Victorian novelists of early female deaths from maternal
with the switch from sail to steam within sea travel and, then, the mortality, and our grandparents suffered from ‘the screws’. A rich
switch from sea to air as the major discontinuities. Particularly sig- language has existed for centuries for medical conditions but the de-
nificant is that the overall speed of change has been accelerating over velopment of an internationally agreed labelling for disease came
the long historical period so that, in broad terms, half the change has relatively late.
occurred over the past few decades.
We expand upon the themes of population growth, urbanization, Infection impact: Evans’s iceberg
and transportation in our consideration of the disease implications The interactions between an invading agent and a host (the human
of global change in section 3.3 in Chapter 3. body) are complex. Table 1.4 shows Evans’s (1984) ‘iceberg’ concept
of disease in which observable illness forms the upper part of a no-
1.2.3 Disease: Definitions, Data, Burdens tional triangle (stage A) with death its vertex and subclinical illness
We look here at the meaning of disease, the way contact between a (stage B), which is not overtly observable, the base. It has been modi-
disease agent and a host is recorded, and the role of infectious dis- fied to match the disease (measles) shown in Figure 1.1. Assault by a
eases within the overall pattern of mortality and morbidity—​the so-​ particular disease-​causing organism may cause mild symptoms, se-
called burden of disease. vere symptoms, or even death. All three states are above the ‘water-
line’ in the sense that they are felt by the patient.
Meaning and labelling Equally, the microbiological assault may be unnoticed by the
The word disease came into English usage by the fourteenth cen- human victim (below the ‘waterline’ or subclinical) and go either
tury from the two Old French words dis meaning ‘without’ and aise unnoticed or be picked up only in some investigative study. Each

Table 1.4 Iceberg concept of infectious disease as applied to measles

Stage Human response Population response Types of epidemiological data

A. CLINICAL Death of host Outbreaks; epidemics; Death certificates, mortality statistics. Problems of disease
Level of disease Tip of Evans’s ‘iceberg’ pandemic identification when multiple causes of death. MMWR (USA)
needing clinical
Severe illness with classic Hospital admission if Morbidity statistics (if reportable disease). MMWR (USA). Hospital
symptoms facilities available statistics
Illness needing GP attention Probable absence from GP records (including reports from sample of ‘sentinel’ practices)
Absence from work/​school work/​school
B. SUBCLINICAL Mild illness not needing Possible absence from Indication from non-​clinical sources (e.g. absentee records). Inferred
Level of disease not medical attention work/​school rise in related disease record (e.g. pneumonia/​influenza link)
needing clinical
Base of Evans’s iceberg
C. NOT INFECTED No clinical response but sheltering or lockdown Normal range of demographic and economic statistics. Estimates of
behaviour at individual, group, and state levels during ‘at-​risk’ populations. May be measured in special health surveys
severe epidemics and pandemics

MMWR, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

Source: Data from Evans, A.S. (ed.) (1984). Viral Infections of Humans: Epidemiology and Control (second edition). New York: Plenum.
1 Epidemics as Diffusion Waves 7

infectious disease will have a different typical iceberg profile. In In general, the richer the country, the better the disease data but the
poliomyelitis, a large proportion of the invasions are below the relationship is a complex one and there are many examples of small
waterline, with poliovirus only rarely causing the classical symp- countries with excellent records (e.g. Iceland, Fiji) and vice versa.
toms of paralysis. In rabies, severe ‘above the waterline’ effects, often Even where records are maintained, a significant mapping
leading to death, are a usual consequence. problem is the changing infrastructure of local boundary areas. We
discuss in section 2.5.2, in Chapter 2, an 80-​year sequence of maps of
Disease recording the medical districts in a country with outstanding medical records,
The recording of disease is discussed in some detail in section 6.6 in Iceland. Here, the population over this period has been congregating
Chapter 6. Here we note simply that the encounter between a dis- around the major cities (notably the Icelandic capital, Reykjavík)
ease agent and a host may result in the death of the host, in which and leaving the rural areas. This has led to a consequential reloca-
case a mortality record in the form of a death certificate will typic- tion of physicians, so that some old urban areas may be split (as their
ally be generated. This may or may not name a disease depending populations grow) and some old rural areas may be amalgamated
upon its role in causing death among the other contributing causes. (as their populations dwindle). The fishing net by which diseases are
Collection in a morbidity record will depend on hospital admission caught and recorded is rarely stable, posing a continuing puzzle for
and/​or diagnostic ability in general practice. Serious conditions map makers wishing to show local changes over time in a consistent
may be legally reportable in some jurisdictions but not in others. manner.
And, in yet other jurisdictions, a patient may or may not have the
resources to call on clinical help. It is also the case that the routine The burden of infectious disease
reporting of some diseases is supplemented by specific surveillance Mortality
procedures. This is illustrated by occasional screening campaigns
in which surveys of a population reveal the presence of conditions Death is, of course, the ultimate indicator of the importance of a dis-
(e.g. tuberculosis, HIV/​AIDS) which may not have been noted by ease. While death certificates (where they exist) give only a partial
the individual. view of the cause of death, they represent the best evidence we have
An extensive system of disease surveillance and data collection and the WHO goes to great lengths to collect and codify these data
has been developed over the last 175 years, spanning all geograph- at the world level.
ical scales from the local to the global. It is the output from such The first column in Table 1.5 lists the ten leading causes of death
recording systems that enables us to estimate the global burden of worldwide at the turn of the millennium. The table shows that in-
disease. Some idea of the wide range of communicable diseases cur- fectious diseases occupied six of the top ten places as global killers.
rently recognized by medical science can be obtained by turning the Taken together, communicable diseases (which include infectious
pages of a single week’s report by any epidemiological agency. Thus, and parasitic diseases, respiratory infections, maternal and perinatal
Australia’s Communicable Diseases Intelligence, chosen for a random conditions, and nutritional deficiencies) accounted for over 30%
week in the last decade of the twentieth century (that ending on 4 of the 56 million global deaths, a picture which had changed little
April 1994), records over 120 different diseases and agents. The asso- by 2020.
ciated events include a major mumps outbreak in Western Australia,
131 cases of hepatitis C, and an outbreak of Ross River virus infection
in the Northern Territory. Its overseas section records an outbreak Yet other ways of measuring the disease burden are in terms of illness
of Japanese B encephalitis in Sri Lanka and a severe malaria out- (morbidity) rather than death and these are shown in the second two
break on the Trobriand Islands off Papua New Guinea. Meanwhile, columns of Table 1.5. They show a very different pattern from that
influenza A was sweeping through 21 Russian cities and cholera was for deaths: where infectious diseases occur, they are often of a dif-
continuing to invade northern Mozambique. ferent kind and in a different order of priority.
Morbidity can be measured in different ways. We can (i) count
Disease records over time the total number of new cases of a particular disease each year or
Availability of disease data varies greatly over time. There is little during some other interval of time (the disease incidence). Or (ii) we
consistent archival material until the second half of the nineteenth can count the total number of people who continue to suffer with a
century. In the United States, Scandinavia, and Great Britain, legis- particular disease, regardless of when they first contracted the dis-
lation was passed at this time that ensured disease records were kept ease (the disease prevalence). For example, when we state there were
for afflictions considered to be of special risk to national popula- over 1 million new cases of leishmaniasis worldwide in 2000, we are
tions. It is important not to see disease recording over time as pro- describing its annual incidence. But when we state that in 2020 there
gressing ever more accurately. In recent decades, the recording of were 10 million people worldwide permanently disabled by para-
some common diseases has been downgraded as their incidence lytic poliomyelitis, then we are talking about its prevalence.
and their perceived threat has fallen. In some countries, disease re-
cording has moved from statutory reporting of all recognized cases Weighted measures
to one of sampling and surveillance using devices such as ‘sentinel’ Although counting deaths from a particular cause in a particular
medical practices. year might seem a simple and unambiguous way of measuring the
burden of disease, it avoids a central question. Are all deaths equal?
Disease records over space: mapping Although this may depend upon one’s personal viewpoint, the theo-
Countries vary in what they can afford to spend on their medical logical view might be exactly that—​all lives, and therefore all deaths,
services and the priority they give to recording particular diseases. are indeed equal. Let us think about this a little more.
8 A Geography of Infection

Table 1.5 Different definitions of the global disease burden

Criterion I Criterion II Criterion III

Deaths Morbidity (new cases) Permanent and long-​term activity limitation
1 Coronary heart disease (100) 1 Diarrhoea (100) 1 Mood disorders (100)
2 Cerebrovascular disease (64) 2 Malaria (13) 2 Hearing loss (84)
3 ALRI (51) 3 ALRI (10) 3 Schistosomiasis (82)
4 HIV/​AIDS (40) 4 Occupational injuries (6) 4 Lymphatic filariasis (82)
5 COPD (39) 5 Occupational disorders (5) 5 Cretinoids (34)
6 Diarrhoea (30) 6 Trichomoniasis (4) 6 Mental retardation (25)
7 Tuberculosis (25) 7 Mood disorders (3) 7 Schizophrenic disorders (18)
8 Malaria (18) 8 Chlamydial infections (2) 8 Occupational injuries (17)
9 Prematurity (16) 9 Hepatitis B (2) 9 Occupational diseases (14)
10 Measles (12) 10 Gonococcal infection (2) 10 Cataract-​related blindness (13)

Infectious diseases marked in bold. The leading cause in each of the three categories is set to 100 and other causes expressed in relative terms.
Thus, in category I, the annual toll of deaths from tuberculosis (1.8 million) is 25 per cent of the deaths from the leading cause, coronary heart
disease (7.2 million). ALRI, acute lower respiratory infections; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Diarrhoea includes dysentery.
Source: Data from the World Health Organization’s World Health Report, 2000 edition.

We all have to die at some time, and while the death of a child the circulatory system (e.g. coronary heart disease) and a further
might be seen as a tragedy (Christopher Marlowe’s ‘cut is the branch 12 per cent were due to cancers. Together, these three causes ac-
that might have grown full straight’; Doctor Faustus, Act V, scene count for three-​quarters of all deaths. There is a striking contrast in
3), that of someone who is very old and perhaps very sick might causes of death between the developing and the developed worlds.
sometimes be seen as a blessing. In other words, an argument exists In the former, 43 per cent of deaths are due to infectious and para-
that deaths of the young may cut off more potential years of living sitic diseases whereas these shrink to only 1 per cent in the latter.
than deaths of the old. Clearly this is a huge simplification and leaves Diarrhoea in children aged under 5 years accounts for 1.8 billion
many moral questions unanswered. episodes a year (and claims the lives of 3 million children). Acute
Agencies such as the WHO and the United States Centers for lower respiratory conditions (especially in children), sexually
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have been experimenting transmitted diseases, measles, and whooping cough remain major
with statistics which measure years of potential life lost (YPLL). This problems in the developing world.
takes into account the year at which a death occurs. For example, if
we take the ‘life tables’ published by most national population agen- Disease impacts: national level
cies, we can look up life expectancy. In England in 2000, a 20-​year-​ The contrasts outlined at the global level are echoed at the national
old male could expect on average to live for another 55 years (60 level which means that each country is likely to have a different dis-
for a female) whereas an 80-​year-​old male could expect to live on ease profile. Taking historical data for the purposes of illustration,
average for another 7 years. So, under YPLL, the two deaths would Figure 1.2 plots on a logarithmic proportional scale the number of
be weighted differently, the younger death having a weight much deaths and number of cases for the main infectious diseases in the
higher than the older. United States in the mid-​1980s. Only those diseases which caused
The effect of measures of this kind is to change the order of some more than ten deaths or more than 1,000 cases per year are shown.
leading causes of death, giving greater weight to the infectious dis- The largest number of deaths (32,000) was caused by pneumo-
eases (which especially affect children) and to injuries (which espe- coccal bacteria, followed by nosocomial deaths in acute (26,400)
cially affect young people). They also reduce the relative importance and chronic (24,700) care. In terms of morbidity, by far the largest
of heart disease and cancers (which tend to affect the old). With ill- number of cases was generated by the common cold viruses (rhino-
ness and disability, similar arguments may be used, giving special viruses; 125 million) followed by another group of viruses, influenza
weight to diseases which cause a lifetime of disability (so-​called (20 million). The diagram shows only the leading 50 specific infec-
disability-​adjusted life years (DALYs)) rather than a brief illness. An tions, to which COVID-​19 in the 12 months from March 2020 has
introduction to the problem is given in Murray and Lopez’s (1996) been added. Although those not plotted had fewer than ten deaths
The Global Burden of Disease. per year or fewer than 1,000 cases, they include many diseases which
The WHO estimates that some 56 million deaths occurred rank highly on the ‘dread’ factor. For example, amoebic meningo-
worldwide in 2000. Using the WHO’s main disease groups (in- encephalitis was recorded only four times in the United States in
fectious and parasitic diseases; cancers; diseases of the respira- the period studied but each resulted in death; rabies killed all ten of
tory system; perinatal, neonatal, and maternal causes; diseases of those infected; and half of the 100 cases infected with the crypto-
the circulatory system; other and unknown causes), the leading sporidiosis parasite died. The diagonal lines in Figure 1.2 show the
group was infectious and parasitic diseases (such as tuberculosis, case-​fatality rates for the more frequently occurring diseases. Those
diarrhoea, malaria, and AIDS) which accounted for one-​third of which are on or above the 1:10 diagonal include HIV, Legionnaires’
the total. Almost as many (29 per cent) were due to diseases of disease, and meningococcal meningitis.
1 Epidemics as Diffusion Waves 9


100,000 rat
fatal Pneumococcal Bacterial

Disease fatality (deaths)

Acute care
se- 1:1 Chronic care Fungal
Ca Legionella Nosocomial
Meningococcal inv. HIV Staph. aureus Parasitic
0 Viral
HSV 1:1
1,000 Influenza
1:1 00 Rotavirus
0 0,0 00
,00 1:1 0,0
1:1 0
100 1:1 m
1:1 0m
Enteroviral 1:1
(non-polio) Rhinovirus



1 million

10 million

100 million

1 billion
Disease incidence (cases)

Figure 1.2 United States national mortality and morbidity framework for infectious diseases, 1980s. Annual mortality and morbidity from major
infectious and parasitic diseases in the United States in the mid-​1980s. Note that both disease fatality and disease incidence are plotted on logarithmic
scales. The diagonal lines represent the case-​fatality rate so that the most severe diseases are upper left, the mildest lower right. HSV, herpes
simplex virus.
Source: Data from Bennett, J.V., Holmberg, J.D., Rogers, M.K., Solomon, S.L. (1987). ‘Infectious and parasitic diseases.’ In: R.W. Amler and H.B. Dull (eds.), Closing the Gap: The Burden
of Unnecessary Diseases. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 100–​20, supplemented with WHO COVID–​19 data.

and the time and place of occurrence. So, what constitutes an epi-
1.3 Nature of Epidemics
demic does not necessarily depend on large numbers of cases or
deaths. A single case of a communicable disease long absent from
In this section, we focus on epidemics, looking at their definition,
a population, or the first invasion by a disease not previously rec-
measurement, magnitude, and associated demographic impact.
ognized in that area, requires immediate reporting and epidemio-
1.3.1 Epidemic Concepts logical investigation. Two cases of such a disease associated in time
and place are taken to be sufficient evidence of transmission for an
Epidemic epidemic to be declared.
The term epidemic comes from two Greek words, demos meaning Epidemiology, the scientific study of epidemics, has its own ex-
‘people’ and epi meaning ‘upon’ or ‘close to’. It was used around tensive vocabulary. The terms chosen here, from a very long and
500 bc as a title for one major part of the Hippocratic corpus, but growing list, are based on those given in Halloran (1998), Vynnycky
the section concerned was mainly a day-​to-​day account of certain and White (2010), and Heymann (2015), but the language, like epi-
patients and not an application of the word in its modern sense. In demics themselves, continues to grow and diversify.
addition to its wider usage in terms of public attitudes (e.g. Burke’s
‘epidemick of despair’), the word has been used in the English lan- 1.3.2 Epidemic Models
guage in a medical sense since at least 1603 to mean an unusually The modelling of epidemics began in the laboratory with the study
high incidence of a disease. Here, ‘unusually high’ is fixed in time, of mice populations. Mechanical analogues (coloured beads on a
in space, and in the persons afflicted as compared with previous ex- tray) were briefly in vogue, but from the time of P.D. En’ko’s work
perience. The Oxford English Dictionary defines an epidemic as ‘a in 1889 (Dietz, 1988), these were replaced by mathematical models
disease prevalent among a people or community at a special time, which make statements based on increasingly complex equa-
and produced by some special causes generally not present in the tions. Solving such equations has been revolutionized by advances
affected locality’. The parallel term, epizootic, is used to specify a in computing, and mathematical epidemiology is now a well-​
disease present under similar conditions in a non-​human animal established branch of applied mathematics. Bailey (1957, 1975),
community. Anderson and May (1991), Vynnycky and White (2010), and
Epidemicity is thus relative to the usual frequency of disease in Martcheva (2016) are classics in the field, while Sattenspiel (2009)
the same area, among the specified population, at the same season is particularly relevant here since this work stresses the spatial and
of the year. It denotes the occurrence in a community or region geographical aspects of model building. Such models are of two
of cases of an illness (or an outbreak) clearly in excess of expect- basic types: deterministic, which describe what happens on average
ation. The number of cases indicating the presence of an epidemic in a population and do not incorporate the effects of chance; and
will vary according to the infectious agent, the size and type of the stochastic, which make probability statements about the processes
population’s previous experience, or lack of exposure to the disease, being modelled.
10 A Geography of Infection

SIR compartment models 1.3.4 A Simple Stage Model

Most models are made up of boxes between which the population We put forward here a simple description of the main stages through
of interest is divided. The three basic divisions in a closed model are which an infectious disease event may evolve into an epidemic and,
between susceptible (S), infective (I), and recovered (R) segments of a possibly, a pandemic. Only very few events progress through all of
population, the so-​called SIR family. The boxes may be then subdiv- the stages described.
ided by factors of interest such as age, sex, ethnicity, or geographical
location. Stage 1: endemic reservoir
A distinction is drawn between models which are closed (restricted Natural disease reservoirs are commonly a population of animals or
to the SIR segments and subsegments) and those which are open to plant species within which an infectious disease agent may persist
the outside world (adding in births, deaths, in-​migration, and out-​ for the greater part of its life, often not appearing to harm that nat-
migration, etc). Another difference is drawn between models which ural host. Natural reservoirs fall into three broad categories: human
are static in that the parameters used are fixed in value and dynamic (e.g. measles, mumps, and smallpox), animal non-​human (e.g. Ebola
with parameter values which vary over the course of time (e.g. be- virus disease, plague, and rabies), and environmental (e.g. various
tween the growth and decline phases of an epidemic wave). forms of fungal agent). Essentially, reservoirs provide a long-​term
base where an organism can survive in an endemic state and repro-
Contact ratio duce in such manner that it can be transmitted from time to time to
This is defined as a measure of contact sufficient to lead to trans- a susceptible host and invade the human population.
mission of the disease agent if it occurs between an infectious and a
susceptible person. Technically, it is the per capita rate at which two Stage 2: index cases
specific individuals come into effective contact per unit time, and is As we saw in section 1.2.1, the infection process by which an outbreak
commonly denoted by the Greek letter, β. It is also sometimes given begins is immensely complex. An index case is the first documented
other names, such as the transmission coefficient, transmission rate, patient within an outbreak or epidemic. Thus, a 2-​year-​old boy in
or contact parameter. a village in Guinea was established as the source of the large Ebola
virus epidemic in West Africa in 2014 (see section 3.4.3 in Chapter 3).
Reproduction number ‘Patient 0’, a sexually active flight attendant, was implicated in the early
The basic reproduction number or ratio measures the average and rapid spread of the HIV/​AIDS epidemic in the United States (see
number of secondary infectives caused by one infectious person fol- Figure 3.11 in Chapter 3). Other examples include a baby at 40 Broad
lowing their introduction into a totally susceptible population. It is Street, London, implicated in the 1854 cholera outbreak there, while
denoted by R0. There are at least a dozen ways of calculating this Mary Malone (the superspreader ‘Typhoid Mary’) was a cook who
important aspect of epidemic growth (R0 >1) or contraction (R0 <1). infected 47 people in New England in the early 1900s. Even one of the
In general terms, it is given as the ratio between an infection rate (β) authors of this book gained brief notoriety, aged seven, in bringing
and a recovery rate (γ), that is, R0 = β/​γ. R0 is a number rather than scarlet fever to all his older siblings, cousins, and Sunday School class-
a rate since there are no time units in the definition. Estimates of R0 mates in a Somerset village in 1939. Equally, the index cases in some
for sample diseases are given in Table 5.1 in Chapter 5. outbreaks are never found or are wrongly attributed.

Threshold Stage 3: outbreak

An epidemic threshold is the minimum proportion of the popu- A small but unusual cluster of cases defines an outbreak. If one
lation that needs to be susceptible for the infection incidence to child in a preschool class gets diarrhoea, that is an isolated case; if
increase, calculated as 1/​R0. The herd immunity threshold is the pro- eight children get diarrhoea in the same week that is an outbreak
portion of the population which needs to be immune for the infec- and would be investigated by public health authorities to find its
tion incidence to be stable, calculated as 1 − (1/​R0). It is also referred cause and attempt to prevent its further spread. As with so many epi-
to as the critical immunization threshold. To eliminate an infection demiological terms, the label relates to an event that is above some
from an area, the proportion of the population that is immunized normal reference level. As we shall see in Chapter 5, the cluster of se-
must exceed this threshold. Threshold estimates are given for sample vere pneumonia cases among market-​goers in Wuhan, China, pres-
diseases in Table 1.2. aged the start of the COVID-​19 pandemic.

1.3.3 Types of Epidemics Stage 4: epidemic

Epidemics of communicable disease are of two main types. A propa- If ‘small, but unusual’ characterizes an outbreak, then ‘bigger and
gated epidemic is one that results from the chain transmission of spreading’ sums up an epidemic. As noted in section 1.3.1, there is
some infectious agent. This may be directly from person to person no numerical size measure but large in relation to normal levels is
as in a measles outbreak, or indirectly via some intermediate vector again the key. Epidemics represent the second rung on the outbreak
(malaria) or a microparasite. The second type of epidemic is a → epidemic → pandemic ladder, and monitoring the data to try and
common-​vehicle epidemic. This type of epidemic results from the ex- predict the likely outcome is a central concern of most epidemic
posure of a group of people to a common medium (typically water, modellers.
milk, or food) that has been contaminated by a disease-​causing or- One general characteristic that separates an epidemic from an
ganism. Cholera and typhoid provide classic examples of diseases outbreak is the formation of a characteristic wave. Figure 1.3 shows
that are commonly transmitted in this manner. 25-​year time series of reported measles cases (between 1945 and
1 Epidemics as Diffusion Waves 11

United States extent. Global pandemics of such diseases as cholera, COVID-​19,

HIV/​AIDS, influenza, and plague are treated at length in Chapters 4
120 and 5. Here, we note that—​if pandemics deserve an epithet—​then
‘international and out of control’ would serve. The WHO is careful
80 about declaring an epidemic as a pandemic as this has political, legal,
and financial implications.
Stage 6: dual outcome
At the end of each outbreak, epidemic, or pandemic, the biological
United Kingdom
160 clock is generally reset and a disease agent reverts to its natural res-
ervoir. An exception is the smallpox virus which was finally eradi-
120 cated at the end of a long international campaign (see section 6.5 in
Chapter 6).
Number of reported cases (000s)

1.3.5 The Magnitude of Epidemic Events

The first paragraph of Norman Bailey’s classic 1957 edition of The
0 Mathematical Theory of Epidemics reads as follows:
Denmark The fearful toll of human life and happiness exacted through the ages
by widespread disease and pestilence affords a spectacle that is both
12 fascinating and repellent. A recital of the astronomical numbers of cas-
ualties suffered in this way by the human race is almost stupefying in its
8 effect, and makes the consequences of all past wars seem almost trivial
in comparison. Thus in Europe in the 14th century there were some
4 25 million deaths out of a population of perhaps 100 million from the
Black Death alone. In 1520 the Aztecs lost about half their popula-
tion of 3 million from smallpox. The downfall of their empire in 1521
Iceland was due more to smallpox than to Cortes. It has been estimated that
Russia suffered about 25 million cases of typhus in the years from 1918
to 1921 with a death-​rate of approximately 10 per cent. In the world
pandemic of influenza in 1919 the total number of deaths is thought
1 to have been in the region of 20 million over twelve months. Examples
such as these could be multiplied ad nauseam. (Bailey, 1957, p. 1)

Shortly after, Bailey was to leave the groves of Cambridge to take

0 over the headship of the WHO Epidemiological Research Unit in
Geneva and be involved in the new epidemics that the later decades






of the twentieth century would throw at the global population.

Figure 1.3 National measles cycles and host population size, 1945–​ In Table 4.1, in Chapter 4, we list sample pandemic events in his-
70. The graphs plot the monthly count of reported measles cases in tory. This table began life with the optimistic hope that reasonable
each of four countries (United States, United Kingdom, Denmark, and estimates of deaths and death rates caused by each event globally, or
Iceland), arranged in descending order of national population size.
at least in England and Wales, could be straightforwardly compiled.
Note the characteristic cyclicity in all instances, the dramatic reduction
in amplitude for the United States after 1964 (because of vaccination That hope was rapidly dashed; inspection of Table 4.1 shows that,
programmes), and the fact that only Iceland has clear breaks indicating its even for the numbers we have gathered, there is a high frequency
non-​endemicity. with which numbers are ‘estimated’ (est.). There are two compel-
Reproduced from Cliff, A.D., Haggett, P., Ord, J.K., Versey, G.R. (1981). Spatial ling reasons. ‘Largest’ implies the need both for some precision and
Diffusion: An Historical Geography of Epidemics in an Island Community.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Reprinted with permission.
that one can confidently sift out and apply numbers to events, some
of which occurred at distant times or in distant places far removed
from precise medical measurers. As we noted in section 1.2.3, ac-
1970) for four countries, arranged in decreasing order of population curate diagnosis and reliable international records are matters for
size. In the United States, with a 1970 population of 205 million, and the last century at best.
in the United Kingdom (56 million), epidemic peaks occur every 1 or Two examples serve to show how historical estimates permit
2 years. Denmark (5 million) has a more complex pattern, with a ten- these gaps to be filled. For the Black Death in England, one indi-
dency for a 3-​year cycle in the latter half of the period. Iceland (only cator lies in the parish records of incumbents. We know that a ship
0.2 million) stands in contrast to the other countries in that only eight docked at the Dorset port of Melcombe in June 1348 and corres-
waves occurred over the period; several years are without cases. pondence tells that deaths from a new plague were being recorded
in surrounding places within a few weeks. In a study of the adjacent
Stage 5: pandemic county of Somerset, Haggett (2012, pp. 94–​6) calculated the rate of
As outlined in section 4.1, the term pandemic describes a very large replacement for priests serving in each parish. When plotted on a
epidemic that is international, intercontinental, or even global in its time chart, a peak in new appointments soars in 1348–​50 above the
12 A Geography of Infection

Table 1.6 Spectrum of pandemic and epidemic events

Size Time period Location Disease Estimated number Estimated ratio of

of deaths deaths to population
>10 million deaths 2018 Worldwide Disease Xa 90,000,000 1:90
1346–​52 Western Europe Black Death 20,000,000 1:4
Bubonic plague
1918–​19 Worldwide Influenza A >20,000,000 1:25 (India)
>1 million deaths 2020–​? Worldwide COVID-​19 2,759,000

>100,000 deaths 1741 Ireland Famine, typhus, dysentery 300,000 1:6

1098–​99 Palestine (First Crusade) Epidemic diseases, famine 240,000 1:1.25
1781–​2 Europe Influenza >100,000 ?
>10,000 deaths c.1438 Paris Smallpox 50,000 1:4
1870–​71 Paris (siege) Smallpox 75,162 1:29
1870 England & Wales Whooping cough c.36,000 1:650
1875 ( Jan–​June) Fiji Measles and sequelae 30,000 1:4
1801–​03 Haiti (French troops) Yellow fever 22,000 1:1.13
The number of deaths for Disease X (see section 3.5 in Chapter 3) is based on a simulation at Johns Hopkins University using a set of mid-​range estimates. b Cumulative
reported total to 27 March 2021.
Source: Data from Cliff, A.D., Haggett, P., Smallman-​Raynor, M.R. (1998). Deciphering Global Epidemics: Analytical Approaches to the Disease Records of World Cities, 1888–​1912.
The original extensive table gives, for each epidemic cited, a list of sources on which the table is based.

‘normal replacement’ rate. On this basis we can roughly estimate 1.4.1 The Epidemic Data Matrix
that a quarter to a third of incumbents (and probably their flocks, Much epidemiological investigation starts with a simple data matrix.
too) lost their lives to an epidemic in this period. Typical are those assembled over decades of practice by a Yorkshire
A second example is the great Fiji measles epidemic in 1875 (Cliff general practitioner, William Pickles, whose work is analysed in de-
and Haggett, 1985). At the time, the archipelago of hundreds of vol- tail in Chapter 2. As illustrated there (see Figure 2.2), Pickles’s data
canic islands and atolls stretching over a sea area the size of France include both hand-​drawn coloured graphs and detailed epidemic
had one medical officer to oversee a native population that was un- data pages assembled by Pickles, his wife, and the practice’s dispenser,
counted but was certainly in excess of 100,000. Here, the loss from from surgery records and daily home visits. Time was made to record
measles was estimated from church records. Western missionaries and chart each day’s record of infectious disease for every village and
from the Methodist Church in England had established a large net- hamlet in the practice. Six diseases (each plotted in a different colour)
work of chapels throughout Fiji with pastors and church leaders were carefully recorded and plotted day by day in the fashion of a
making an annual return of worshippers to the main church. That school register. This simple process of counting diseases, by time and
this dipped by a quarter to a third on average gives a rough estimate by place, has proved to be a cornerstone of epidemiological investi-
of the impact of the epidemic. gation. It stretches back to John Snow’s counts and maps of cholera
Any list of epidemic events has to be taken with a pinch of salt. in the Soho district of London, through to today’s ‘track and trace’ of
It is critically dependent on the various assumptions made and COVID-​19 as used in a myriad of countries. The difference is only
on which any number estimates are based and the time period in one of scale. Pickles’s modest 6 diseases × 8 parishes over 91 days
months or years to which it refers. With this caveat, Table 1.6 gives each quarter year (4,368 cells in all) is replaced by today’s massive ma-
some idea of the mortality, geographical and temporal scope, and trices with millions of space–​time cells. By way of example, the Johns
the size of a tiny sample of the pandemics, epidemics, and local out- Hopkins website in the United States keeps a daily electronic world
breaks of infectious and contagious diseases which have occurred data log for COVID-​19, of which each of the United States’ 50 states
in human history. and over 3,000 counties comprise but a tithe of the areas reporting.

1.4 Epidemics in the Time Domain From chart to matrix

One way of looking at Pickles’s chart is as an epidemic data matrix
The second half of this opening chapter is concerned with the ways (EDM), a cube with disease, time, and space forming its three dimen-
in which the progress of epidemics has been studied, giving special sions (Figure 1.4). The epidemic data on one plane can thus be ana-
weight to those capable of geographical application. We look first at lysed in terms of the other two, either separately, as in this section, or
the analysis of epidemics over the single dimension of time using taken together in a space–​time framework as in sections 1.5 and 1.6.
epidemic matrices (section 1.4.1). We then turn to modelling the The geometry of the page keeps the dimensions to three but
data, first as waves of increasing complexity (sections 1.4.2–​1.4.3) tracking epidemics in reality is conducted in a k-​dimensional
and then as branching networks (section 1.4.4). hypercube. Each disease will be measured in several ways—​cases
1 Epidemics as Diffusion Waves 13

(A) (B)

Time period tT

Vertical 2-D

New cases
time slice 8 1 case

Region n Time period t1 0

1 7 14 21 28
DIM SPAC Var Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
EN E 1 Va
N Region ria

(C) (D) 50

Time period tT

Horizontal 2-D
space slice Carperby West Witton
R. Ur
Region n 2
Time period t1 1
iabl 1
EN E 1 Va ek Aysgarth
N Region ria
Bainbridge Thoralby
LES West Burton
2 miles

Main road Railway River Land over

1 case 1,400 feet

Figure 1.4 An epidemic data matrix (EDM). Three-​dimensional representation of an EDM as a cubic matrix. (A) Vertical time slice and (B) a linked
histogram. (C) EDM with a horizontal space slice and linked map (D). Both show newly diagnosed cases of Sonne dysentery by a country doctor in a
Yorkshire practice in February 1932 (see section 2.2 in Chapter 2). Cases are plotted on the same scale on both the histogram and the map. 2-​D, two
Reproduced from Cliff, A.D., Ord, J.K. (1975). ‘Space-​time modelling with an application to regional forecasting.’ Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 64, 119–​28.
Reprinted with permission. Source: Data from Pickles (1939, chart pp. 24–​5).

diagnosed, strains identified, hospital admissions, deaths, and so on. approach in our own studies of Icelandic measles epidemics (Cliff
Analysis of charts and trends will draw on contextual data—​age, sex, and Haggett, 1983; Cliff et al., 1993). The three upper curves follow
occupation, household size, and so on. Equally, epidemic analysis the S-​shaped curves identified in Hägerstrand’s diffusion work (see
will draw on demographic and economic data to describe the back- following subsections) and are well described by the logistic model.
ground populations through which a disease is spreading. The poten- In Figures 1.5A–C, the cumulative share of the epidemic is plotted
tial EDM grows, especially if dyadic data is added (see section 1.6.4). against time, where b̂ is the rate of build-up. The lower seven waves
plot the number of cases over time and show the mean times (D, H);
1.4.2 The Single Epidemic Wave s, the standard deviations (E, G, I); and b2, a measure of kurtosis or
Much thought was given by early observers to the nature of the curves peakedness (F, J). These measures are discussed further on p. 52.
that might best match histograms like Figure 1.4B. The argument ran The upper left wave is the fastest of the seven, and shows (i) strong
that if we could find a ‘natural’ epidemic curve then this might provide peaking and (ii) is sharply skewed to the left; most cases occur early.
clues to epidemic behaviour and allow some foresight into how a growing Slower moving epidemic waves lie in the right-​hand column. For the
epidemic might shape itself into the future in the remainder of the curve. Icelandic measles epidemic waves examined in section 2.5.4, for ex-
Thus, William Farr (1840) smoothed quarterly data on deaths from ample, the five between 1916 and 1944 were faster and deadlier than
smallpox in England and Wales over the period 1837–​39, suggesting that the nine between 1946 and 1974. The post-​war waves were on average
the pattern might follow the Gaussian normal curve of error. This em- more frequent but half the size and slower moving around the island.
pirical curve-​fitting approach was further developed by Brownlee (1907)
who considered in detail the ‘geometry’ of epidemic curves. Empirical evidence
A separate strand of empirical evidence has come from diffusion
Statistical distributions studies within the social sciences. Swedish human geographer,
One method of curve recognition that we have used in the past Torsten Hägerstrand, in his Innovation Diffusion as a Spatial Process
(Cliff et al., 2000) relates to the various moments of a statistical dis- (1953, 1967a) was concerned with the acceptance by farmers of
tribution. As Figure 1.5 shows, we have followed the Farr–​Brownlee several agricultural innovations in an area of central Sweden. These
14 A Geography of Infection

High-velocity Normal-velocity Low-velocity traced the spread of television ownership in Sweden using informa-
waves (H) waves (N) waves (L) tion obtained from 4,000 Swedish post office districts. His findings
(A) (B) (C) again followed the four-​stage model.
reported cases
number of

The logistic model

The shape of the diffusion profile in time and space has been formally
Time Time Time modelled. We consider first the build-​up in the number of adopters
(D) of an innovation over time t. If the total susceptible population at the
reported cases

start (t = 0) of the process is known, then the cumulative number of

Number of

that total who will have become adopters at t = 1, 2, . . . commonly

follows an S-​shaped curve when plotted against t (Figure 1.5A–C).
The model most commonly fitted to profiles of the form of
Figure 1.5B is either the logistic or the Gompertz distribution. The
(E) (G) (I) logistic model is given by:
reported cases
Number of

( )
pt = 1 + e a − bt (1.1)

( )
(F) (J) yt = k 1 + e a − bt (1.2)
reported cases

Number of

where pt is the proportion of adopters (or infectives in the case of an

epidemic) in the population at t, yt is the number of adopters, and a,
Figure 1.5 Characteristic case distributions for Normal, high, and low b, and k are parameters. The parameter k is usually interpreted as the
velocity epidemic waves. (A–​C) Sinusoidal curves (above) and (D–​J) bell-​ saturation level (everyone has adopted or has become infected), a is
shaped curves below. Individual variants described in text. the intercept, and b is the slope coefficient. Since pt is the proportion
Reproduced from Cliff, A.D., Haggett, P., Smallman-​Raynor, M.R. (1993). Measles: An of the population which has actually adopted by time t, (1 − pt) is the
Historical Geography of a Major Human Viral Disease from Global Expansion to Local
Retreat, 1840–​1990. Oxford: Wiley.
proportion still to adopt; pt (1 − pt) then represents the probability that
a random meeting between two individuals is between an adopter and
a potential adopter, while the parameter b represents the rate at which
innovations ranged from farmers taking up the control of bovine tu- meetings take place (the rate of mixing). Note that b is the same what-
berculosis (through vaccination) to adopting government subsidies ever the distance between the adopter and the potential adopter; that is,
for the improvement of grazing. Here the object was to speed up the equation 1.1 implies spatially homogeneous mixing between adopters
adoption of good practice and mirrored similar practical studies of and potential adopters. This assumption is in conflict with the idea of
innovation on farms in the United States. compartment models discussed in section 1.3.2, so that Cliff and Ord
These studies of the progress of a contagious wave through a (1975) have suggested an extension of the logistic model that allows
population suggested to Hägerstrand and his colleagues a four-​ homogeneous mixing within regions, but less mixing between regions.
stage process for the passage of what he termed ‘innovation waves’
(‘innovationsförloppet’). The primary stage marks the beginning Kendall waves
of the diffusion process. A centre of adoption is established at the The relationship between the input and output components in ex-
origin. There is a strong contrast in the level of adoption between isting wave-​generating models was explored by Cambridge statis-
this centre (high) and remote areas (low) which is reflected in the tician, David Kendall (1957). He demonstrated that if we measure
steep decline of the level of the adoption curve beyond the origin. the magnitude of the input by a diffusion coefficient, β say, and the
The diffusion stage signals the start of the actual spread process. output by a recovery coefficient, γ, then the ratio of the two, γ/​β, de-
There is a powerful centrifugal effect, resulting in the rapid growth of fines a threshold, ρ, in terms of population size. For example, where
acceptance in areas distant from the origin and by a reduction in the γ is 0.5 and β is 0.0001, then ρ would be estimated as 5,000.
strong regional contrasts typical of the primary stage. This results in Figure 1.6A illustrates a sequence of outbreaks in a community
a flattening of the slope of the proportion of adopters curve. In the where the threshold has a constant value and is plotted as a hori-
condensing stage, the relative increase in the numbers adopting an zontal line. Given a constant birth rate, the susceptible population
innovation is equal in all locations, regardless of their distance from increases and forms a diagonal line rising over time. Three examples
the original innovation centre; the acceptance curve moves in a par- of virus introductions are shown. In the first two, the susceptible
allel fashion. The final saturation stage is marked by a slowing and population is smaller than the threshold (S < ρ) and there are a few
eventual cessation of the diffusion process, which produces a further secondary cases but no general epidemic. In the third example of
flattening of the acceptance curve. In this stage, the innovation being virus introduction, the susceptible population has grown well be-
diffused has been adopted throughout the country, so that there is yond the threshold (S > ρ); the primary case is followed by many
very little regional variation. secondaries and a substantial outbreak follows. The effect of the out-
Other Swedish geographers carried out similar studies to test the break is to reduce the susceptible population as shown by the offset
validity of this four-​stage process. For instance, Tornqvist (1967) curve in the diagram.
1 Epidemics as Diffusion Waves 15

waveform evolved towards type II and eventually, on the far edge of

the outbreak, to type I.
A generalization of Gilg’s findings is given in Figure 1.7. This
shows, in panel (A), in an idealized form, the relationship of the
wave shape to the map of the overall outbreak and, in panel (B), the
waveform plotted in a space–​time framework. In both diagrams,
there is an overlap between relative time as measured from the start
of the outbreak and relative space as measured from the geograph-
ical origin of the outbreak; in essence, the energy of the wave be-
comes dissipated as it moves through time and over space.
If we relate the pattern to Kendall’s original arguments in Figure 1.6,
then we must assume that the S/​ρ ratio was itself changing over
space and time. This could occur in three ways, either by a reduction
in the value of S, or by an increase in ρ, or by both acting in combin-
ation. A reduction in the susceptible population is plausible in terms
of both the distribution of poultry farming in England and Wales,
and by the awareness of the outbreak stimulating farmers to take
counter-​measures in the form of both temporary isolation or, where
available, by vaccination. Increases in ρ could theoretically occur ei-
ther from an increase in the recovery coefficient (γ) or a decrease in
the diffusion coefficient (β). The efforts of veterinarians to protect
flocks would have been likely to force a reduced diffusion compe-
tence for the virus.

1.4.3 Complex Wave Trains

Figure 1.6 Kendall model of an epidemic wave in time. Kendall’s In this section, we move from the study of the single wave towards
(1957) model of the relationship between the shape of an epidemic those created by a series of epidemics (cf. Figure 1.3) which we term
wave and the susceptible population/​threshold ratio. (A) Growth of wave trains. Modelling interest in these multiple events is of some
a susceptible population over time showing the effect of infections
introduced at the red arrows. (B) Three typical Kendall waves for the
antiquity. Among the first applications of mathematics to the study of
locations I, II, and III on (A). infectious disease was that of Daniel Bernoulli (1760) when he used a
Reproduced from Haggett, P. (2000). The Geographical Structure of Epidemics. mathematical method to evaluate the effectiveness of the techniques
Oxford: Clarendon Press. of variolation against smallpox. Names in mathematical epidemi-
ology such as En’ko, Hamer, Ross, Soper, Reed, Frost, and Kermack
and McKendrick are linked to the conversion of ideas about disease
Kendall investigated the effect of the S/​ρ ratio on the incidence spread into simple, but precise, mathematical statements. A sum-
and nature of epidemic waves. With a ratio of less than one, a major mary of their work is given in the definitive accounts by Bailey (1975)
outbreak cannot be generated; above one, both the probability of an and Anderson and May (1991). We look at two models that illustrate
outbreak and its shape changes with increasing S/​ρ ratio values. To deterministic and stochastic approaches (see section 1.3.2).
simplify Kendall’s arguments, Figure 1.6B illustrates the waves gen-
erated at positions I, II, and III in Figure 1.6A. In wave I, the sus- Deterministic SIR model
ceptible population is only slightly above the threshold value. If an The simplest form of an epidemic model, the Hamer–​Soper model,
outbreak should occur in this zone, then it will have a low incidence, is shown in Figure 1.8. It was originally developed by Hamer in 1906
and will be symmetrical in shape with only a modest concentration to describe the recurring sequences of measles waves affecting large
of cases in the peak period; as Figure 1.6B shows, a Kendall wave English cities in the late Victorian period and has been greatly modi-
I approximates a Normal curve. In contrast, wave III is generated fied over the last 50 years to incorporate probabilistic, spatial, and
when the susceptible population is well above the threshold value. public health features.
The consequent epidemic wave has a higher incidence, is strongly At any time t, we assume that the total population in a region can
skewed towards the start, and is extremely peaked in shape with be divided into three classes: namely the population at risk or sus-
many cases concentrated into the peak period. Wave II occupies an ceptible population of size St at time t, the infected population of size
intermediate position and is included to emphasize that the chan- I t , and the removed population of size Rt . The removed population
ging waveforms are examples from a continuum. is taken to be composed of people who have had the disease, but
The spatial search for the kinds of waves predicted by the Kendall who can no longer pass it on to others because of recovery, isolation
model has revealed some unexpected results. A geographer, Andrew on the appearance of overt symptoms of the disease, or death. Four
Gilg (1973), analysed the shape of epizootic waves generated by an types of transition, i, are allowed:
outbreak of Newcastle disease (fowlpest) in poultry populations in
England and Wales in 1970–​71. Study of Gilg’s maps suggest that 1. A susceptible being infected by contact with an infective.
Kendall type III waves were characteristic of the central areas near 2. An infective being removed. We assume that infection con-
the start of an outbreak. As the epizootic spread outwards, so the fers life-​long immunity to further attack after recovery, which
16 A Geography of Infection




II 7
III orgin
9 Figure 1.8 The Hamer–​Soper model. Basic elements in the three
15 13 11
13 simplest Hamer–​Soper models of wave generation. (A) Model
elements: S, susceptibles; I, infectives; R, recovereds; μ, births; β, infection
(diffusion) rate; γ, recovery rate. (B) Typical time profiles for the model
with number of infectives shown by the red shading. (C) Trajectory of
Spread vector typical waves in infective–​susceptible space. The basic wave-​generating
13 Time period mechanism is a simple one. The infected element in a population is
augmented by the random mixing of susceptibles with infectives (S × I) at
(B) a rate determined by a diffusion coefficient (β) appropriate to the disease.
Location I The infected element is depleted by recovery of individuals after a time
period at a rate controlled by the recovery coefficient (γ). As Figure 1.8A

shows, the addition of parameters to the model, such as the birth rate (μ),
allows successively more complex models to be generated.
Location II Reproduced from Haggett, P. (2000). The Geographical Structure of Epidemics.
Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Location III
Sp The probability density of the time between any pair of successive
ac transitions is:
r exp ( −rt ) 
Wa Fade
vefr -out (1.3)

Figure 1.7 Changes in the shape of an epidemic wave with distance where:
from the origin of an outbreak. (A) Gilg’s findings on the spread of a
Newcastle disease epizootic in England and Wales. The epizootic started r = ∑ri
in Essex and the contours of spread are in 15-​day steps (i.e. contour i =1 
11 = 165 days after the start). (B) Generalized wave model set in time and r
and the probability that the next transition is of type i is i , i = 1, 2, 3, 4.
space: locations I, II, and III refer to the positions on the map in (A). r
Reproduced from Cliff, A.D., Haggett, P. (1988). Atlas of Disease Distributions: Analytical We assume, in the transitions 1–​4, that the infection rate is pro-
Approaches to Epidemiological Data. Oxford: Wiley. Source: Data from Gilg (1973, portional to the product SI, that the removal rate is proportional to
Figure 6, p.89). I, and that the birth and immigration rates are constant.

Bartlett threshold models

is reasonable for many infectious diseases like measles and
whooping cough. Empirical validation of the mass action models for measles was pro-
vided by the work of statistician Maurice Bartlett (1957). He investi-
3. A susceptible ‘birth’. This can come about either through a
gated the relationship between the periodicity of measles epidemics
child growing up into the critical age range (i.e. reaching about
and population size for a series of urban centres on both sides of the
6 months of age when mother-​conferred immunity wanes), or
Atlantic. His findings for British cities are summarized in Figure 1.9.
through a susceptible entering the population by migration into
The largest cities have an endemic pattern with periodic eruptions
the region from outside.
(type I), whereas cities below a certain size threshold have an epi-
4. An infective entering the I population by migration into the re-
demic pattern with fade-​outs. Bartlett found the size threshold to be
gion from outside. For simplicity, we assume that there is no mi-
of the order of 250,000 inhabitants.
gration out of the region.
The critical community size for measles (the size for which measles
Suppose that transition i occurs at the rate ri (i = 1, 2, 3, 4); that is as likely as not to fade out after a major epidemic until reintroduced
is, in a small time interval (t , t + δt ) the probability of transition from outside) is found for the United States to be about 250,000–​
i occurring is ri δt + o ( δt ) where o ( δt ) means a term of smaller order 300,000 in terms of total population (Bartlett, 1960, p. 37). These fig-
(i.e. considerably smaller) than δt. All events are assumed to be inde- ures agree broadly with the English statistics, provided notifications
pendent and to depend only on the present state of the population. are corrected as far as possible for unreported cases. Subsequent
1 Epidemics as Diffusion Waves 17

(A) research has shown that the threshold for measles, or indeed any other
Mean period between epidemic (weeks) infectious disease, is likely to be somewhat variable with the level in-
Type III fluenced by population densities and vaccination levels. However, the
threshold principle demonstrated by Bartlett remains intact.
If the population size of an area is below the threshold, when the dis-
ease concerned is eventually extinguished, it can only recur by reintro-
threshold duction from other reservoir areas. Thus, the generalized persistence
of disease implies geographical transmission between communities as
shown in Figure 1.10. We can see that in large cities above the size
threshold, like community A, a continuous trickle of cases is reported.
Type II Type I
These provide the reservoir of infection which sparks a major epi-
demic when the susceptible population, S, builds up to a critical level.
0 This build-​up occurs only as children are born, lose their mother-​
1 10 100 1,000 conferred immunity, and escape vaccination or contact with the
Population size of community (000s) disease. Eventually the S population will increase sufficiently for an
epidemic to occur. When this happens, the S population is diminished
and the stock of infectives, I, increases as individuals are transferred by
(B) Type I Epidemic
wave infection from the S to the I population. This generates the character-
Endemic istic D-​shaped relationship over time between the sizes of the S and I
state populations shown on the end plane of the block diagram.

Type II 1.4.4 Epidemics as Branching Networks

We noted earlier that in spatial epidemiology, as in physics, phe-
nomena may be viewed differently at different levels of resolution.
At one level of resolution, an epidemic is simply an aggregation
Type III
‘Missing wave’ of infected individuals and its passage is seen as a wave. But at a
higher level of resolution, the same process can be seen as individ-
uals passing infection on in a chain-​like structure (Figure 1.1C).
Figure 1.9 British towns’ thresholds. Bartlett’s findings on city size and In Figure 1.1C, an individual implies a single human being. But,
epidemic recurrence. (A) The impact of population size on the spacing with some loss of generality, the same arguments can be used for
of measles epidemics for 19 English towns. (B) Characteristic epidemic spatial districts (villages, parishes, counties, etc.) as appropriate.
profiles for the three types indicated in (A).
A range of chain models is reviewed by Vynnycky and White (2010,
Reproduced from Cliff, A.D., Haggett, P., Ord, J.K., Versey, G.R. (1981). Spatial
Diffusion: An Historical Geography of Epidemics in an Island Community. pp. 151–​69), while an overview of geographical applications is pro-
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Reprinted with permission. vided by Sattenspiel (2009, pp. 151–​60).

Infectives (I) Trajectory of

epidemics in
) Wave SI space
e (t Susceptibles (S)
Tim A1 Wave
B1 Wave
Transfer of virus by
Wave spatial interaction
A2 between communities Wave
Wave C2
Slow build-up of missing
A3 susceptibles in Wave
endemic phase B3
Wave Wave
A4 C3
Reduction of B4
susceptibles in
epidemic phase
Wave C4


Population large enough (over 250,000) to Population too small to sustain Very small population.
sustain virus and continuous record of virus, but regular Type II Irregular Type III
infection. Type I epidemic waves. epidemic waves. epidemic waves.

Figure 1.10 Conceptual view of the spread of a communicable disease (measles) in communities of different population sizes. Stages in spread
correspond to the Bartlett model.
Reproduced with permission from Cliff, A.D., Haggett, P. (1988). Atlas of Disease Distributions: Analytical Approaches to Epidemiological Data. Oxford: Wiley.
18 A Geography of Infection

The Reed–​Frost model two separate sets of challenges. For the map maker, the task is one of
The Reed–​Frost model is the name usually given to this class of design, of encoding data onto a map (section 1.5.1). For the map user,
models to mark its development by two American epidemiologists the parallel task is one of interpretation, of decoding the map (section
in the 1920s. The approach is based on chain frequencies that are 1.5.2). Both stages of the map cycle are subject to error.
analysed using the binomial distribution—​hence the class name of 1.5.1 Encoding Epidemic Maps
chain binomial models. They were developed to run in parallel ra-
ther than in competition with mass action models. The latter were Maps are one of the key ways for portraying information about how
constructed for use with aggregated data, and can be readily adapted a disease varies across the earth’s surface. An example of an early epi-
to deal with spatial units at the regional, national, and international demic map appears in Figure 6.4 in Chapter 6. Four centuries later we
level. Although the chain binomial was originally developed for the can turn to our laptop and dial up from a Johns Hopkins University
micro-​scale analysis of intra-​family chains of transmission of infec- website a screen map of the latest world distribution of COVID-​
tious diseases, they have been adapted to provide forecasts based on 19 cases, dipping down through the spatial scales from continent to
aggregated data at a regional scale (Bailey, 1975; Cliff et al., 1981). country to cities and subdivisions. Interpretation is enhanced by ‘on-​
The basic model for a single district supposes that it is possible to call’ graphs, statistics, and analytic tools of ever-​increasing speed and
record the state of the system at times t = 1, 2, . . . . Ideally, the time sophistication.
interval between recording points should correspond in length to There is a wealth of beautifully illustrated surveys of sample maps
the serial interval of the disease. This ensures that we do not witness from the archive, of which Koch’s Cartographies of Disease (2005) is a
multiple epidemic cycles in a single time period, provided that each good example. Our World Atlas of Epidemic Diseases (2004) is primarily
infected individual is isolated after the appearance of symptoms. concerned with the existing distribution of 38 infectious diseases, and
The total population in a given recording district at the beginning it includes a sample of many historical reproductions. Here, we limit
of time period t, which we denote by N t, will contain St susceptibles, our attention to maps of the worldwide distribution of diseases.
I t infectives who can transmit the disease to susceptibles, and Rt World mapping
removals. During the t-​th time period, N t may be modified by the
addition of At arrivals (births and/​or immigrants) and the loss of By the very late eighteenth century, the idea of mapping diseases at
Dt departures (deaths and/​or emigrants). Finally, let Xt denote the the global scale seems to have been developing. Leonard Finke (Finke,
number of new cases which occur in time period t. 1792–​95) may have been the first to have written about this notion in
The following accounting identities may then be written down for his Attempt at a General Medical-​Practical Geography. In three vol-
each recording district: umes, this work maps out medical descriptions of the world. It contains
anthropological descriptions of its peoples and their possible diseases.
N t +1 = N t + At − Dt , However, as Finke’s work implies, the actual mapping of disease at the
world scale was costly and needed agreements on both disease defin-
N t = St + It + Rt 
    (1.5) itions and adequate disease data collection. It was the 1840s before such
conditions were in place.
If α t At denotes the number of individuals among the new arrivals
Filling in the world map was to await the critical work of the
who are infectives, while δ t Dt denotes the number of infectives
German physician, August Hirsch, who avoided cartography himself
among the departures, then:
but pioneered the global study of diseases. His two-​volume Handbuch
I t +1 = It + Xt − Rt +1 − Rt  + α t At − δ t Dt  (1.6) der Historisch-​Geographischen Pathologie, the first edition of which
was published between 1859 and 1864, was a monumental attempt
The arrivals term in equation 1.5 is vital in cases where we are to describe the world distribution of disease, drawing upon more
considering a disease that has to be re-​imported into an area after than 10,000 sources. Hirsch had close links with England and dedi-
local fade-​out; these arrivals are the individuals who, if they are in- cated his book to the London Epidemiological Society. Twenty years
fected, can trigger a recurrence of the disease when the number of later, a much revised version was translated by Charles Creighton as
susceptibles is high. Handbook of Geographical and Historical Pathology (Hirsch, 1883–​86)
but again with no maps.
Postscript: chain geometry Clemow’s Geography of Disease (1903) was the first world survey
One aspect of chain models that deserves further exploration is their to include a small number of maps. A physician with experience in
link to graph theory. We explored the applications of graph theory Russia and the Ottoman empires, Clemow set out to record (i) the
to geographical structures in one volume (Haggett and Chorley, recent geographical distribution of a disease in text, tables, and maps
1969) and a series of papers (Cliff and Haggett, 1981; Cliff et al., (only nine in all); and (ii) the factors governing that geographical
1979) several decades ago, but these have only recently seen an av- distribution.
enue opening into epidemiological applications for chain models. It was to be the middle of the twentieth century before the publica-
tion of two pioneering atlases of disease: the Seuchen Atlas and the atlas
of the American Geographical Society.
1.5 Epidemics in the Space Domain, I: Mapping 1. Seuchen Atlas. The Seuchen Atlas (Zeiss, 1942–​45; Anderson, 1947)
was conceived by the German High Command as an adjunct to
The history of epidemiology is closely entwined with maps. John war, enhancing that country’s ability to mount military campaigns
Snow’s famous sketch of cholera deaths in 1854, arranged like coffins in Europe and adjacent areas. Its circulation was confined to mili-
along the streets of London’s crowded Soho, remains iconic. Maps pose tary institutes and to those German university institutes involved in
1 Epidemics as Diffusion Waves 19

training medical students. The scope of the atlas was largely limited A series of 17 world maps were published as supplements to the
to those areas where the German High Command expected to be Society’s quarterly journal, the Geographical Review (May, 1950–​54).
fighting. This was revised at Heidelberg at the end of World War The large foldout sheets included poliomyelitis, cholera, malaria,
II as a bilingual, three-​volume World Atlas of Epidemic Diseases dengue, and yellow fever, as well as a wide variety of tropical diseases.
(Rodenwaldt, 1952–​61) which included 120 maps of disease and The meticulous drafting set new standards in detail and accuracy as
background maps of climate and population. shown in the fragment for the leishmaniasis map in Figure 1.11.
2. American Geographical Society. In 1948, the New York-​ based
American Geographical Society began a programme in medical The American Geographical Society cartographer responsible
geography under the direction of a French surgeon, Jacques May. for the maps (William Briesemeister) developed an innovative

Figure 1.11 Central America: fragment from a global map of the world distribution of a tropical disease. Drawn in 1954 it shows the varying
prevalence (two shades of green) for the American form of leishmaniasis. The circular climatic diagrams plot the seasonal distribution of the disease at
contrasting locations. Original scale: 1:25,000,000.
Reproduced from May, J. (1954). ‘Map of the world distribution of leishmaniasis.’ Geographical Review, 44, 583–​4.
20 A Geography of Infection

(A) Spring 1916 (B) Summer 1916 (C) Autumn 1916

Hesteyrar þistilfjarðar

Bildudals Blonduos
Dala Reydarfjarðar
Fáskrúðsfjarðar Akureyrar
Borgarfjarður Reydarfjarðar
Skipasaga Hafnafjarður Olafsvíkur

Reykjavíkur Eyrarbakka
Reykjavíkur Myrdals

(D) Winter 1916/17 (E) Spring 1917 Districts not reporting

cases in the quarter
Husavíkur Husavíkur
Number of reported cases
Akureyrar Akureyrar


Vestmannaeyja 100 km

Figure 1.12 Measles notifications in Iceland, wave III. Quarterly distribution from spring 1916 to spring 1917, with circles drawn proportional to the
number of cases in each medical district.
Reprinted by permission from Springer Nature, Journal of Geographical Systems, ‘A swash-​backwash model of the single epidemic wave’, 8: 227–​252. A.D. Cliff, P. Haggett, © 2006.

equal-​area projection for the world base map (Briesemeister, 1953),2 The epidemic wave shown in Figure 1.12 was large. There were
adroitly nesting enlarged higher-​resolution insert maps into the va- 4,900 notified cases with 1,600 in the capital alone. The epidemic
cant ocean areas. The reverse of each map sheet provides a dense occurred 8 years after the last wave of measles, indicating that the
thicket of detail on the multiple sources from which the drawings measles virus had died out locally and needed to be reintroduced
had been made. from northwest Europe or North America. The five maps indicate
that the infection started in the western part of the island in the
1.5.2 Decoding of Disease Maps first quarter and reached its peak that summer. Thereafter, cases
The obverse of map making is map analysis. What does a map mean? dwindled through the autumn and winter, with the spring of 1917
What clues, if any, does mapping provide for disease aetiology? marking the last gasps of the epidemic. Measles was not to return
to Iceland for another 11 years by which time the number of unex-
A regional example posed children had grown large enough to sustain another major
We start by considering a typical epidemic map of an area (Iceland) wave (5,300 cases). A more formal analysis of this Iceland map is
that we have used frequently in our earlier studies (Cliff et al., 1981); discussed in the next section.
see Figure 1.12 and section 2.5 in Chapter 2. The epidemic in ques-
tion is that of measles which spread across Iceland in 1916–​17. Themes
Underpinning the distribution is the base map of reporting areas Probability mapping
(63 medical districts) that, given the essentially empty interior of the Comparisons of the spatial distribution of different diseases, at dif-
island, are arranged around the coast. The most populous medical ferent time periods, and in different parts of the world, calls for some
district was the capital (Reykjavík) in the south west making up a common standard. Learmonth (1954) was one of the earliest to make
quarter of the island’s (then) 80,000 population. This dominance is use of standard statistical measures. His maps of changing cholera
reflected in the map where the capital and nearby large towns have prevalence in pre-​partition India between 1921 and 1940 include
to be shown as open circles to allow the many smaller settlements to a histogram of all 212 districts over all 20 years. The distribution
appear as proportional solid orange circles. allowed him to measure the standard deviation of prevalence over
both time and by district to create a nine-​fold cross classification.
In a similar fashion, Michael and Bundy (1997) investigated the
This lenticular equal-​area projection is an oblique Hammer projection, centred
at 45°N, 10°E, and scaled to different proportions with an axis ratio of 1.75 to 1, distribution across Africa for case prevalences of bancroftian filar-
instead of 2 to 1. iasis. Here proportional circles were used to indicate the observed
1 Epidemics as Diffusion Waves 21

raw prevalences in each country. Three bands of shading indicated between the inner, poorer areas of London (with high average YLL)
the probability that these prevalences were significantly different and the affluent suburbs (with lower average YLL) is evident.
from the mean regional value for Africa of 10.3 per cent. For ex- Spatial standardization can also be approached via multidimen-
ample, the darkest shading indicated countries where there was a sional scaling (MDS). Again, this moves away from the conventional
‘high probability’ that a country was significantly higher than the map by substituting for geographical distance some measure of sep-
African mean. aration relevant to the disease under study. For example, infection
Use of such statistical measures for area-​based data depends crit- flow between two areas may be a function of the numbers of people
ically on the nature of the distribution being modelled. More recent moving been two areas rather than raw distance itself. A physical
contributions have proposed more stable and effective measures for model might be to have a set of billiard balls (settlements) connected
probability mapping (Ord and Getis, 1995). by springs whose length is inversely proportional to population flow.
MDS is equivalent to forcing out a flat ‘map’ (in two dimensions)
Regional trends which best represents the separation values between the settlements.
It is frequently useful with geocoded data to establish broad regional An example of MDS appears in section 2.2.2 in Chapter 2, while the
trends as an aid to map interpretation. One of the commonest ways potential of MDS methods in spatial epidemiology is set out in Cliff
of doing so is to fit a generalizing surface of some kind. There are et al. (1995).
many ways of doing this (Haggett and Chorley, 1969; Angulo et al.,
1977; Carrat and Valleron, 1992). Figure 1.13A illustrates one such Regional trends and local anomalies
approach by fitting a quartic kernel estimator to the spatial distribu- If we look at the Dorling map (Figure 1.13B) from a distance, the
tion of acute poliomyelitis notifications in England and Wales in the detail disappears and we see a gradual colour change as the grey
26-​week epidemic period, 14 June–​6 December 1947. Estimation become less marked and red starts to dominate as we move from
was undertaken using a grid cell size of 10 km2 and a bandwidth of south to north. A side benefit of trend recognition is to identify local
144 km. The choice of bandwidth was based on an exploratory exam- anomalies or residuals which may prompt further research ques-
ination of intensity surfaces using different degrees of smoothing tions. For example, on the Dorling map, positive anomalies (an un-
and reflected the desire to capture national trends rather than local healthy Yarmouth within a lower trending East Anglia) or negative
variations in the geographical distribution of poliomyelitis notifi- anomalies (a lower Harrogate within a higher trending Yorkshire)
cations. The surface was based on 8,123 notified cases from 1,471 stand out on Figure 1.13B.
local authority districts of varying order (metropolitan, county, and
municipal boroughs; urban and rural districts). The reported cases
were treated as a spatial point pattern, with the first-​order proper- 1.6 Epidemics in the Space Domain, II: Models
ties of a spatial point process used to describe how case intensity
(defined as the mean number of notifications per unit area) varied In this section we return to the EDM of Figure 1.4 but dissect it
across space. The surface depicts a bipolar distribution of disease along the spatial rather than the temporal plane. We can do this in
activity that broadly follows the (then) underpinning distribu- two ways: (i) by modifying existing time-​series models to add a suit-
tion of the population of England and Wales; there is a primary able spatial component or (ii) inventing models for the kinds of map
‘southern’ focus of high intensity centred on London and the south- data surveyed in section 1.5. We have already written at length on
east and a secondary ‘northern’ focus centred on the adjoining (i) in Cliff et al., (1981, pp. 132–​58) so here we follow the second
counties of Cheshire, Derbyshire, Lancashire, Staffordshire, and the path. A sketch of an evolving epidemic (section 1.6.1) is followed by
West Riding of Yorkshire. Levels of intensity fall with distance from a consideration of an edge model (1.6.2), a simulation model (1.6.3),
these two centres. and two groups of dyadic models (1.6.4).

Base-​map standardization 1.6.1 An Epidemic Cycle in Space

A different approach has been pioneered by Dorling (1995) as il- In section 1.4, we asked whether epidemics in the time dimension
lustrated in Figure 1.13B. This shows a measure of mortality for could be thought of as waves and, if so, did they approximate to any
England and Wales, 1981–​89, based on average years of expected standard shape or model? Here we ask the same question for waves
life lost (YLL). Each of the 4,000 individual wards is drawn as a circle moving across a two-​dimensional map.
with its size proportional to the size of the population and colour Maps of thousands of outbreaks of infectious diseases are now ex-
shaded from dark grey (low YLL) to dark red (high YLL). County tant in the epidemiological literature. We reproduce a broad sample
boundaries are shown. The effect is to enlarge on the map those areas of these in our World Atlas of Epidemic Diseases (Cliff et al., 2004). The
with large populations (e.g. London swells to fetal proportions with many we have interrogated suggests that there may well be a char-
closely packed wards). Conversely, lightly peopled counties such acteristic, even a dominant, pattern and we outline our suggested
as in southwest England have few dots. Creating these maps is a spatial structure of a typical epidemic as a three-​dimensional sketch
mammoth piece of computing equivalent to trying to lay (i) many in Figure 1.14. The model assumes an idealized epidemic wave in
thousands of tiles, (ii) each of different size, but (iii) with common the spatial domain (u, v) with infection being introduced into an
flexibility. The side conditions are (iv) to maintain contiguity with island (green). It suggests that a wave’s evolution over time may go
surrounding wards, and (v) to optimize the resulting pattern so as to through several distinctive spatial morphologies irrespective of the
retain the closest match with the familiar geographic shape. The spa- geographical scale of the event. We show this as five phases: onset,
tial solution that emerges is fascinating. For example, the contrast youth, maturity, decay, and extinction.
22 A Geography of Infection



Average years of life below 90
lost per resident
≥25 7%
20–25 24%
17–20 26%
15–17 16%
< 15 18%
% of all residents in Britain


Figure 1.13 Regional trends and population proportional map. (A) Generalized surface map fitted to poliomyelitis notifications in local authorities in
England and Wales, June–​December 1947. (B) Map of mortality in England and Wales using years of life lost, 1981–​89. See text.
(A) Reprinted from Journal of Historical Geography, Vol. 40, Smallman-​Raynor, M.R., Cliff, A.D., ‘The geographical spread of the 1947 poliomyelitis epidemic in England and
Wales: Spatial wave propagation of an enigmatic epidemiological event’, p. 43, © 2013, with permission from Elsevier. (B) Adapted from Dorling, D. (1995). A New Social Atlas of
Britain. Chichester: Wiley.

1. Onset. This is marked by the introduction of an infectious agent reported locally and, with notifiable diseases, passed on up the
(virus, bacterium, etc.) into a new area with a susceptible popu- reporting hierarchy to national and international health agencies.
lation that is open to infection. Typically, this initial invasion oc- 2. Youth. A very active, aggressive, stage marked by the rapid
curs either in one or in a small number of locations. Cases are spread of infection from the original point of introduction to
1 Epidemics as Diffusion Waves 23

(A) Onset (B) Youth (C) Maturity

values for
case density
Rapid spread Widespread
to main population geographical
Density of cases (z)

centre distribution
Imported Original
infection outbreak

Spa (v)
dim sion
ens en
ion dim
(u) tial

(D) Decay (E) Extinction

Geographical contractions
with discontinuous
distribution Last cases
Reducing case reported


Figure 1.14 Hypothetical three-​dimensional model of an epidemic diffusion wave. Schematic reconstruction of stages in the spread of an idealized
epidemic wave. Cases are given in the vertical (z) direction and the spatial extent of the infection is given by the horizontal plane (u, v).
Reprinted by permission from Springer Nature, Journal of Geographical Systems, ‘A swash-​backwash model of the single epidemic wave’, 8: 227–​252. A.D. Cliff, P. Haggett, © 2006.

the main population centres. Historical studies indicate that this marker against which the outputs from quantitative spatial models
may occur through a mix of both local (neighbourhood) diffu- can be checked and refined.
sion and by long-​range (cascade) diffusion following the settle-
ment hierarchy. 1.6.2 A Swash–​Backwash Spatial Model
3. Maturity. In this central stage, the epidemic peaks at its highest The edges of epidemics
intensity with strong clusters of cases widely spread through
the susceptible population. In Figure 1.14C this is shown as af- In a study of measles outbreaks in South West England in the late
fecting the whole island. Here the epidemic is at its maximum 1960s, we inspected the 222 weekly maps from 1967–​70 for the 179
intensity with strong contrasts in infection density between the General Register Office (GRO) recording areas which comprise the
various sub-​areas. In this phase, the map of infection may well six counties of Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Dorset, Gloucestershire,
mirror the urban hierarchy of the island. and Wiltshire (Cliff et al., 1975, pp. 83–​106). In addition to case
4. Decay. This phase is marked by a lengthy period of declining in-
numbers, we identified each area in terms of whether it was (i) re-
tensity with fewer reported cases and a rather chaotic and dis- porting cases for the first time (newly infected), (ii) continuing to
orderly spatial pattern. Typically, the spatial structure tends to be report cases (infected), (iii) not reporting cases (inactive), or (iv)
less coherent than in earlier stages with a scatter of low-​intensity had stopped reporting cases less than 2 weeks ago (fade-​out). An
infected areas whose location may be hard to explain other than outbreak was assumed to have ended when a GRO failed to report
by random or local factors. new cases for three consecutive weeks. As Table 1.7 shows, there was
strong evidence of geographical contagion when we looked at the
5. Extinction phase. This represents the last throws of the epi-
spatial pattern of newly infected areas in a sample period of 1969–​
demic wave with a final scatter of cases. Spatially, such cases
70. Thus, of 416 newly infected areas, 316 were located adjacent to
often tend to be found in the less accessible areas. Extinction
an existing infected area.
may be achieved through natural cessation as the potential
Cliff and Haggett (2006) followed up this study by exploring
cases are protected by herd immunity and/​or by active re-
the stages by which given areas move the through inactive → ac-
duction and elimination measures of the type discussed in
tive → recovered sequence. These terms map directly onto those
Chapter 6.
used in the Hamer–​Soper (S → I → R) models but refer to areas
The sequence in Figure 1.14 is not intended as a sufficient summary or recording units rather than individuals. The method was dem-
of spatial epidemic behaviour. Rather it serves as a visual spatial onstrated by operations on a simplified case of 12 areas × 10 time
24 A Geography of Infection

Table 1.7 Measles in South West England, 1969–​70. Location of newly infected General Register Office
districts with reported measles cases

Distance from existing outbreaka GRO areas outside Location of new Risk ratio
existing outbreaks outbreak areas (B):(A)
Number % Number %
(A) (B)
Contiguous to existing measles-​infected 2,603 52.7 316 76.0 1:8
GRO (= 1 link apart)
Two links 1,749 35.4 83 19.9 1:21
Three links 529 10.7 17 4.1 1:31
Four links 55 1.1 0
Total 4,936 100.0 416 100.0 1:12
Two links = one intervening area between the GROs; three links = two intervening areas between the GROs; four links = three intervening
areas between the GROs.
Reproduced with permission from Cliff, A.D., Haggett, P., Ord, J.K., Bassett, K., Davies, R.B. (1975). Elements of Spatial Structure: A Quantitative
Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

periods EDM (Figure 1.15), with areas coloured in terms of the front is determined by the direction of the approaching wave trains
three SIR classes. with respect to the shoreline. In the backwash (or withdrawal)
In a topological move (analogous to twisting a Rubik’s cube stage the wave retreats down the beach relinquishing the area for-
to align colours), cells are moved in the EDM array so that all the merly occupied but with the direction of retreat determined by the
starting dates for an outbreak or epidemic are aligned from earliest slope of the beach. In epidemiology, the context is clearly different
to latest (Figure 1.15C, left). This diagram arranges all areas in terms but the analogy of a wave occupying and then retreating from an
of their leading edge (LE). This matrix twisting operation is then re- infected area remains useful.
peated (Figure 1.15C, centre) to realign all the following or trailing
edges (FE) of the epidemic in a similar manner. Phase transition in a hypothetical wave
Plotting both LE and FE together (Figure 1.15C, right) yields Assuming that both the sub-​areas and the time periods are discrete,
a phase transition diagram of susceptible (S), infected (I), and re- we use the following notation:
covered (R) areas to show the transitions S → I and I → R between
them. If we scale both axes to the form 0 → 1, they yield integrals A Area covered by an epidemic wave in terms of the number of
with dimensionless numbers that provide a useful summary of the sub-​areas infected, where ai is a sub-​area in the sequence 1, 2, . . . ,
shape of epidemic events. Such numbers apply regardless of the true ai, . . . , A.
size of the event. This integral method has been borrowed from T Duration of an epidemic wave, defined in terms of a number of
Strahler (1952) who used it to describe the distributions of heights discrete time periods, tj, in the sequence 1, 2, . . . , tj, . . . , T.
within a watershed in flood susceptibility studies. N Total cases of a disease recorded in a single epidemic wave meas-
ured over all sub-​areas and all time periods; nij is the number of
The swash–​backwash analogue cases recorded in the cell formed by the i-​th sub-​area and the j-​th
The two edges, LE and FE, can also be used to throw light on the time period of the A × T data matrix.
changing spatial structure of an epidemic wave over time. Figure Note that, whereas this overall wave is continuous (no time periods
1.15D uses the data in the 12 × 10 example in (B) and (C) to plot with zero cases), for individual sub-​areas the record may be discon-
the changing position of the LE cells and FE cells over time. In the tinuous with one or more time periods with zero cases. The overall
early stages, newly infected sub-​areas are being added and in the wave is given by the marginal summation of cases for each time
later stages sub-​areas are subtracted as their local outbreaks come period.
to an end and no further cases are recorded. The shaded areas show
the number of cells added and subtracted, while the heavy line traces Estimation of phase transitions
show the net balance of areas; this is positive in the earlier time pe- The method followed in our simple 12 × 10 example was essentially
riod and negative in the later period. The positions of the two means geometrical and it was used largely for a pedagogic purpose. In prac-
are shown on this graph. The median position between them, λ t say, tice, and when studying large epidemic waves, standard statistical
broadly separates the early-​positive from the later-​negative stages. analysis of the distribution of cases (N), areas (A), and the two edges
Using the results, we define in Figure 1.15E a two-​stage swash–​ (LE and FE) can be substituted to yield the same results more eco-
backwash model of the spatial spread of a single epidemic wave. nomically. The arithmetic mean t of all four characteristics can be
The terms, ‘swash’ and ‘backwash’, are taken from coastal geo- computed as a time-​weighted mean. For example, for cases N, the
morphology (Chorley et al., 1984) where the dynamics of waves equation is:
breaking on a shoreline are described as going through two dis-
1 T
tinctive stages. In the swash (or onset) stage, the wave rushes up tN = ∑tn
N t =1 t 
the beach occupying a larger area of sand; the direction of the wave
1 Epidemics as Diffusion Waves 25

Figure 1.15 Swash–​backwash model: exemplar of hypothetical epidemic spread within a 12 (areas) × 10 (time periods) matrix. (A) Hypothetical
12-​area map. (B) Reported cases by area (a1 . . . a12) and time period (t1 . . . t10). (C) Space–​time data matrix rearranged to order leading edges
by start date (left matrix) and following or trailing edges (centre matrix). In the right-​hand matrix, the leading and following edges are plotted
as a phase-​transition diagram with susceptible (S), infected (I), and recovered (R) integrals. (D) Distribution of leading and following edges by
time, with the average times to infection and recovery of areas given ( t ). λ is the switch-​over point from swash to backwash. (E) Concept of a
swash–​backwash wave.
Reprinted by permission from Springer Nature, Journal of Geographical Systems, ‘A swash-​backwash model of the single epidemic wave’, 8: 227–​252. A.D. Cliff, P. Haggett, © 2006.
26 A Geography of Infection

where nt is the number of cases notified at time t and N = ∑ nt over peak before or after the mean, and kurtosis is a gauge for whether
all t. The first time period, say month, of an epidemic is coded as the distribution clusters more closely or less closely than would be
t = 1. The subsequent months of the epidemic may then be coded expected under the Normal curve. See the discussion of Figure 1.5
serially as t = 2, t = 3, . . ., t = T, where T is the number of monthly for further details.
periods from the beginning to the end of the epidemic (i.e. T = 10 S, I, R integrals
in our example). The time-​weighted means yield not only a useful
measure of central tendency but of the velocity of the wave in terms The means of the two wave edges can be used to generate estimates
of time to infection. Similar measures can be made for areas, leading of the susceptible, infected, and recovered integrals within the phase
edges, and following edges. The values for tN and tA are 4.75 and 5.71 diagram of Figure 1.15C (right). The susceptible areas integral in the
respectively; those for tLE and tFE are plotted in Figure 1.15D. They spatial domain can be measured as:
show that the epidemic wave for cases was faster than that for areas; ( tLE − 1)
this implies a relatively spatially concentrated epidemic. Higher mo- SA = (1.11)
ments about the mean can also be computed to yield valuable meas-
ures of epidemiological behaviour. The r-​th central moment about t while the infected areas integral in the spatial domain is measured as:
for cases may be written as:
I A = − SA (1.12)
1 T T 
mr = ∑ (t − t ) nt .
N t =1  and the recovered areas integral as:
Using equation 1.8, we may then define further measures of
velocity as:    RA = 1 − ( SA + I A ) (1.13)

s = m2 
  (1.9) All three integrals are dimensionless numbers with values in the
range [0, 1]. The parameters of the swash–​backwash model, and
and: their interpretation, are summarized in Table 1.8.
m2 m4
b1 = 33
  and b2 = (1.10) Spatial basic reproduction number
m2 m22 
As discussed in section 1.3.2, in conventional SIR epidemic models,
The quantity s defined in equation 1.9 is the familiar standard de- the basic reproduction number, R0 , is one of the most useful param-
viation of the frequency of cases against time, while b1 and b2 in eters for the mathematical characterization of infectious disease
equation 1.10 are the Pearson measures of skewness and kurtosis processes. Its equivalent in the spatial domain, the spatial reproduc-
respectively. Skewness indicates the tendency of the distribution to tion number, denoted by R0A, is the average number of secondary

Table 1.8 Summary descriptions of the parameters of the swash–​backwash model

Model Equation Description


tLE 1 T For the leading edge, gives the average time of arrival of the epidemic wave across the set of areas, where nt is the number of
tLE = ∑ tnt ,
N t =1
units whose leading edge occurred in epidemic week t and N = ∑ nt . A similar equation can be written for tFE

tFE − tLE Average duration of infectivity. Relatively low (high) values denote infection waves of relatively short (long) duration

VLE tLE Dimensionless velocity ratio in the range [0, 1], measuring the average time from the onset of an outbreak to the first notified
VLE = 1− case of a disease in a given area. Relatively low (high) values denote relatively slow (fast) spreading infection waves. A similar
equation can be written for VFE ; relatively low (high) values denote relatively slow (fast) retreating infection waves

SA =
( tLE − 1) Susceptible integral. Defines the proportion of geographical units in the study area A which are at risk of infection. Relatively
low (high) values denote relatively fast (slow) spreading infection waves

IA tFE Infected integral. Defines the proportion of geographical units in the study area A which are infected with a disease. The
IA = − SA integral forms a measure of the relative rate of spatial advance and retreat of an infection wave. Relatively low (high) values
denote infection waves in which the rate of spatial retreat is relatively fast (slow) compared with the rate of spatial advance

RA RA = 1− ( S A + IA ) Recovered integral. Defines the proportion of geographical units in the study area A which have recovered from infection.
Relatively low (high) values denote relatively slow (fast) retreating infection waves
R0 A 1− S A Spatial basic reproduction number, measures the propensity of an infected geographical unit to spawn other infected units
R0 A = in later time periods. Values of R0 A calibrate the spatial velocity of disease spread, with relatively low (high) values denoting
1 − RA
; relatively slow (fast) spatial propagation
VFE + (1/ T )
R0 A =
1 Epidemics as Diffusion Waves 27

infected geographical units produced from one infected unit in a (A) (B)
virgin area A and is given by: 0.35 50

Cases per district


Share of total in each month

1 − SA 0.30 Reported 30
R0 A = (1.14) cases 20
1 − RA  0.25 Infected 10
0.20 0
Other specifications of R0 A are also possible (Table 1.8). 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
0.15 Time, epidemic months
Regional application
So far, our study of the swash model has been conducted in terms
of a small, idealized epidemic wave and methods have been put
forward to allow its measurement and analysis. But how far do the 0
methods work when applied to actual epidemic waves of infectious 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
diseases? These may be several orders of magnitude larger and con- Time, epidemic months
siderably more complex in their spread. To conduct a more realistic (C) (D)
test, we use outbreaks of the highly contagious human virus disease, 18 20
Newly 15

measles, for our epidemic modelling. The specific example chosen is 16 infected 10
taken from the extensive work we have done on the Icelandic records 14 5

Number of districts
Newly 0 Backwash

(Cliff et al., 1981). We take wave III which we already encountered in 12 terminated –5 stage
district –10
section 1.5.2 (see Figure 1.12, and also section 2.5 where wave III is 10 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
set in the context of the other Icelandic measles waves). 8 Time, epidemic months

Swash edge analysis was conducted for this wave, and the results 6
are given in the series of graphs drawn in Figure 1.16. Wave III im- 4
pacted heavily on Iceland after a long interval without the virus. In 2
a 14-​month period from April 1916, the island experienced almost 0
5,000 recorded measles cases, of which over 100 proved fatal. Figure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1.16 consists of five graphs. Graph (A) shows the monthly time Time, epidemic months
series of both reported cases and the number of districts in which (E)
cases occurred. Inset (B) shows the average of cases per district over SUSCEPTIBLE
time and identifies two surge peaks. Graph (C) plots the number
Cumulative percentage

of newly infected districts and compares it with the trace of newly INFECTIVE
terminated districts each month. Inset (D) is small but critical since 60 RECOVERED
it posts the differences between the two preceding curves which al- PHASE
lows the S and R phases of the wave to be defined. The last graph, 40
Newly infected
(E), shows the cumulative curves for the number of newly infected district (LE)
and newly terminated districts. This is used to define the susceptible Newly terminated
district (FE)
(S), infective (I), and recovered (R) districts as conceived in the early 0
Hamer–​Soper SIR type of models.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Time, epidemic months
1.6.3 Simulating Waves on Spatial Lattices
Figure 1.16 Swash–​backwash model: some wave parameters for
Simulation using numerical rather than mechanical models is well Icelandic measles wave III. The data analysed here refer to the outbreak
developed in epidemiology. Rochester, Minnesota, home of the mapped in Figure 1.12. (A) Monthly time series for the number of cases
Mayo Clinic, was the scene for many experiments with influenza reported and for the number of districts infected. (B) Monthly time series
described in Simulation of Infectious Disease Epidemics (Ackerman of density of reported cases per infected district. (C) Monthly time series
et al., 1984). Simulation has the benefit of allowing experiments to be of the number of districts newly infected (i.e. measles cases first recorded)
and of the number of districts where infection terminated (i.e. measles
conducted without putting real people (or indeed real reputations)
cases last recorded). (D) Differences between the series plotted in (C) used
at risk. Schools, playgroups, and shops may be closed, borders shut, to define swash and backwash stages of the epidemic. (E) Cumulative
vaccinations given or refused, all within the safety of rule changes curves for the number of newly infected and newly terminated districts
built within a traditional SIR model. The Rochester ‘city’ had 1,000 used to define susceptible, infective, and recovered districts.
persons structured into 254 families and five age-​groups with ‘pre- Reprinted by permission from Springer Nature, Journal of Geographical Systems, ‘A swash-​
backwash model of the single epidemic wave’, 8: 227–​252. A.D. Cliff, P. Haggett, © 2006.
school’ given a choice of 30 playgroups. The exponential growth of
computer power means today’s equivalents such as ONCHOSIM,
SCHISTOSIM, or SIMULAIDS can be much more fine grained papers on diffusion in 1952. His initial simulations were done
(Vynnycky and White, 2010, pp. 149–​76). without computer aid, substituting random number tables (an es-
sential constituent) and family members/​students (equally essen-
Geographical work on simulation tial) to produce a limited number of trials by hand. Hägerstrand’s
Geographical work on simulation followed a different route. approach to maps had three steps (Figure 1.17). The best analogy
Torsten Hägerstrand at Lund University published the first of his is weather forecasting—​looking at past weather patterns on maps,
28 A Geography of Infection

(A) Descriptive models

Past maps Present map Future map
(t — 1) (t) (t + 1)

(B) Predictive (or retrodictive) models

Target A
(C) Planning or control models (retarded spread map)

Target B
(accelerated spread map)

Figure 1.17 Map sequences as a predictive device. Descriptive, predictive, and interdictive models of a spatial diffusion process. The creation of
operators (e.g. mean information fields, MIFs) from a sequence allows the forward projection of the map to a future time period.
Reproduced from Haggett, P. (1990). The Geographer’s Art. Oxford: Blackwell.

projecting them forward to the present, and then on further to es- regional cases, from the spread of ghetto housing in American cities
timate likely future weather maps. At step 1, Hägerstrand assumed to the early settlement of Polynesian islands.
that, if a map shows numerical data, then there must be a spread op-
erator which converts the first number field in map t − 1 (the past) Deriving a mean information field
into the second map (the present) at time t. From an accurate obser- Values for any spatial operator may be calculated in two different
vation of a sequence of maps, we may be able to identify the change ways. An external operator may be deduced from existing know-
mechanism and summarize our findings in terms of a descriptive ledge of the spread process. Thus, Hägerstrand knew that adop-
model (Figure 1.17A). What we are doing is searching for the oper- tion by one Swedish farmer of a particular innovation depended
ator which appears—​in terms of our model—​to convert early maps on seeing its beneficial effects on a neighbour’s farm rather than on
of the past into later maps of the past and then into the present. government advertising. So any operator was likely to be both local
The second step looks to the future. If we can find such an op- in reach and to drop off in an exponential way from the location of
erator, and if we can assume some continuity in this process (the the adopting farmer. His 5 km × 5 km mean information field (MIF)
heroic assumption that lies behind so much forecasting), then we therefore had its highest contact probabilities (CP) = 0.443 over the
can sketch a future map at time t + 1 (a predictive or retrodictive map; central cell, falling exponentially away towards the four most distant
Figure 1.17B). The error bands associated with each ‘contour’ will corner cells each with very low values (CP = 0.009).
be given by the width of the lines on the map; the further forward in An internal operator uses sets of maps over time in the estimation
time, the wider these bands are likely to be. process (best-​fit values have been computed by regression, linear
But planners and decision-​makers may want to alter the fu- programming, and maximum entropy methods). A study by Tinline
ture, say, to accelerate or stop a diffusion wave. So our third step (1972) of foot-​and-​mouth disease (FMD) among a population of
asks: what will happen in the future, if we intervene in some speci- cattle herds in northwest England produced operators that had an
fied way? Models that try to accommodate this third order of com- asymmetric pattern of CP values, reflecting the role of wind (coming
plexity are termed interdictive models (Figure 1.17C). dominantly from the west-​southwest direction) in the spread of the
Articulation of Hägerstrand’s models was achieved through FMD virus.
Monte Carlo simulation of spatial processes, that is, by providing
a well-​defined copy or mimic of an observed historical sequence Rules of the Hägerstrand model
and projecting this into the future. In the years following its publi- Hägerstrand’s model was stochastic and was based upon the fol-
cation in 1953, his model was adapted and applied to a wide range of lowing rules (the language of which can readily be adapted to
1 Epidemics as Diffusion Waves 29

Table 1.9 Spatial structure of Monte Carlo simulation of diffusion waves

Type of model Spatial operator (MIF) floating grid Source of spatial process values Geographical area, elements, source
Diffusion waves: model Values determined from examination of Central Sweden farms
001 014 017 014 001
determined from external exponential distance decay functions Innovations
evidence 014 030 055 030 014 Source: Hägerstrand (1953)
017 055 443 055 017
014 030 055 030 014
001 014 017 014 001
Symmetric operator (numbers × 103)
Diffusion waves: internal Asymmetric MIF operators determined Examination of disease records and Cheshire Plain farms
evidence from pattern of spread data prevailing wind vectors. Statistical fits FMD
Source: Tinline (1972)
Individual vectors used to Each day’s movement determined Examination of wind/​wave direction, South Pacific Ocean voyages
build up probability maps by combination of wind and wave strength, frequency. Length of voyage Inter-​island migrations
of a diffusion field probabilities which vary by season distributions Source: Levison et al. (1973)

cover epidemics such that an adopter = ‘infective’ and a potential Here Pm is the probability that an adopter would contact an indi-
adopter = ‘susceptible’): vidual in the m-​th cell of the MIF. A second random number from a
rectangular distribution on [l, nm] was drawn to locate the receiver
1. The input numbers and spatial locations of potential adopters in
in the cell. If the receiver was a potential adopter, he immediately be-
the model were the actual configurations at the start of the diffu-
came an adopter by rule (3); if the receiver was an existing adopter,
sion process.
the message was lost; if the receiver was identical with the carrier,
2. The study area was divided up by a lattice composed of 5 km × 5
a new address was sampled. To take into account the reduction in
km squares.
interpersonal communication likely to be caused by physical fea-
3. A potential adopter was assumed to adopt the innovation when tures such as rivers and forests, two simplified types of barrier were
contacted by an adopter. introduced into the model plane, namely zero-​and half-​contact bar-
4. In each iteration of the model, every adopter was allowed to con- riers. When an address crossed a half-​contact barrier, the telling was
tact one other person, either an adopter or a potential adopter. cancelled with probability 0.5. However, two half-​contact barriers
The probability, pi, that an adopter would contact an individual in combination were considered equal to one zero-​contact barrier.
located in the i-​th cell of the study lattice was determined by the Using this model, Hägerstrand performed a series of computer runs
probabilities in the MIF as described previously. to simulate the spatial pattern of acceptance of a subsidy for the im-
The MIF can be conceived of as a floating grid. Each cell in the MIF provement of pasture on small farms in the Asby district of central
was a 5 km × 5 km square to match the cell size in the study area lat- Sweden (Figure 1.18).
tice; outside the floating grid, pi = 0 (Table 1.9, row 1). These prob-
1.6.4 Dyadic Models
abilities were estimated from an analysis of migration and telephone
traffic data. The floating grid was placed over each existing adopter So far in our treatment of both temporal and spatial modelling we
in turn, so that the adopter was located in the central cell of the MIF. have concentrated on analysis of the EDM introduced in section
What Table 1.9 tells us is that an adopter located in the centre of 1.4.1. Here we consider studies that go beyond the primal matrix to
the central cell of the MIF has approximately a 44 per cent chance analyse its dual, the dyadic matrix (dyad coming from the Greek for
of contacting someone within (about) 0–​2.5 km of themselves, and ‘pair’ or ‘two’). We look at two examples: (i) lag correlation models,
that this contact probability decays over space to 1 per cent at a dis- and (iii) spatial interaction models.
tance of about 14 km (along diagonals) from the adopter, and to zero
Lag correlation models
beyond 14–​18 km. Since the probability is taken as zero beyond 18
km, it is clear that the MIF is exponentially bounded. Consider the map of the English county of Cornwall illustrated in
The location of each adopter’s contact was determined in two Figure 1.19. It shows in part (A) the pattern of the 27 areas (GROs)
steps. First, a random number, r, 0 ≤ r ≤ 1, from a rectangular distri- which provide weekly information on notifiable diseases. The primal
bution, located the cell i according to the rule: EDM is therefore a cube made up of diseases along one axis and time
(weeks) and areas (GROs) along the others. The spread of an epidemic
i −1 i
involves movements of infectives across spatial boundaries as well as
∑ Qm < r ≤ ∑ Qm
   (1.15) within them. If we label the GRO areas as N, then the duals are N2 if
m =1 m =1 
the link data are directional and (N2 − N)/​2 if the links are symmetric.
where Qm, the probability of a contact in cell m with population
nm, is: Varying contact patterns
Figure 1.19B and Table 1.10 show the contiguity between each
Pmnm area and the immediately adjoining areas. The map is now reduced
Qm = 25
to a graph with an associated contact matrix (1, 0) based on con-
∑P n m m
tiguity (1). Matrix algebra can be used to determine the number
m =1 
30 A Geography of Infection

1930 Generation 1
1 1 (A)
2 1 1 2 1 1
3 1 1 1 3 1 1
4 6 1 1 1 4 6 1 1 2
5 2 1 5 2 1
6 2 5 6 2 2
7 1 1 1 3 7 2 2 1 6
8 1 1 2 2 8 2 1 1 1
9 1 1 9 1 2
10 1 10 2 L L
11 3 11 A
12 12 W
1931 Generation 3 O
A B C D E F G H I J K L MN A B C D E F G H I J K L MN Plymouth

1 1 2
2 1 2 2 2 4 1 1
3 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 3 2
4 11 4 3 1 1 1 4 1 9 3 2 4
5 1 3 1 2 5 2 1 2 2 1
6 1 4 1 7 6 1 4 1 4 3 2 18 6
7 4 5 6 7 5 1 7 1 4 3 1 10 20
8 2 9 9 5 1 1 1 8 1 3 9 5 3 1 1 1
9 1 3 8 6 9 1 2 5
10 3 11 10 3 1 (B) 26 23 15
11 7 1 11 9 22
12 12
8 16
1932 Generation 5 25 12
1 1 2 1 17
2 4 1 2 3 2 9 1 2 5 10 2 3 2 27 19
3 5 8 4 1 1 1 6 3 1 4 7 2 6 5 2 1 2 14 11
4 3 14 4 1 1 4 1 2 4 4 1 1 14 3 10 1 1 2 8 9 5
5 10 25 50
5 1 3 1 1 3 5 6 3 2 3 2 1 1 Estimated 1970 population (000s)
6 2 9 5 9 4 3 1 6 2 11 3 10 9 5 5 3 1 1
7 1 6 9 10 10 7 2 2 1 7 1 6 9 10 5 16
8 1 4 24 14 6 3 1 3 8 1 9 18 17 8 6 2 3
9 7 10 14 7 9 1 5 8 1 Figure 1.19 Cornwall: conversion of primal matrix to dyadic form.
10 4 15 5 10 4 7 1 (A) General Register Office (GRO) areas in Cornwall. (B) Areas reduced to
11 2 8 6 11 1 1 2 a graph based on contiguity between GRO areas. Pecked lines show links
12 12 2 to adjacent Devon GRO areas.
Reproduced from Cliff, A.D., Ord, J.K. (1975). ‘Space-​time modelling with an application
1–4 5–9 ≥10 to regional forecasting.’ Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 64, 119–​28.
Reprinted with permission.
Figure 1.18 Central Sweden: historical and simulated spatial diffusion
patterns for an improved pasture subsidy, 1930–​32. The observed
distributions of adopters appear in the left-​hand column of maps; the
corresponding simulated distributions from the Monte Carlo model are
factor, plausible since it reflected school journeys for what was
mapped in the right-​hand column. mainly a disease of children. GRO population size came in second
Reproduced with permission from Hägerstrand, T. (1967). ‘On Monte Carlo simulation place, reflecting the urban–​rural hierarchy.
of diffusion.’ In: W.L. Garrison and D.F. Marble (eds.), Quantitative Geography (Volume The Cornwall study was part of a much wider project (Cliff
1). Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Studies in Geography, 13, 1–​33. Reprinted
by permission, Northwestern University Press.
et al., 1975) looking at measles records over the whole of South
West England for the same 222-​week period. Here we were dealing
with a geographically much larger six-​county area, a little larger
of links or steps between areas. More importantly, the areas may than Massachusetts, and with over 2.7 million population in
be connected up in different ways (rather like plugging in cables 1970. Statistical analysis of the primal matrix (222 weeks × 179
in a telephone connection board) to allow different spatial spread areas = 39,738 cells) was first performed using spectral analysis to
patterns to be explored. For example, if an epidemic wave were to determine temporal patterns. More rewarding results were gener-
move in a hierarchic fashion infecting the larger centres first, then ated from interrogating the associated dual matrix (222 weeks ×
this could be tested. 31,506 dyads = 6,994,332 cells). Figure 1.20 shows the result achieved
Haggett (1976) explored measles cases over a 222-​week period by lag correlation analysis. At first glance, the diagram seems to
against graphs representing seven different spread hypotheses (some be like a Himalayan mountain range seen from the south, low
6,216 cells in all). Each GRO area was recorded as reporting cases plains and foothills rising to majestic towering peaks in the back-
(black, B) or clear (white, W). A standard BW spatial autocorrel- ground. Here, time is measured in a conventional metric along the
ation test (the Moran test; Cliff and Ord, 1973) was used to measure horizontal axis in weeks, going in 222 steps from January 1967 to
the strength of spatial clustering on each of the seven graphs for January 1971. Space is measured in dyadic terms as a contagion
each week. A hybrid model for epidemic spread was proposed based factor, the nearness of one GRO to another. This can be measured
on the findings. Journey to work links proved the most significant in several ways but here we chose the simplest, the shortest number
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color shall be competent witnesses.”[199]
In its day and since, this legislation has been roundly denounced.
Those in control of Federal politics saw in it a peaceful settlement of
great questions which threatened their supremacy, and bitterly and
unreservedly reprobated it, stirring up public opinion in that section,
which yet flushed with its conquest, was unwilling to permit any
interference with its great mission of “putting the bottom rail on top.”
The conquerors had preserved the Union and abolished slavery.
Those were two immense achievements, even if ruthlessly attained.
As terrible as was the price which the South paid for the abolition
of slavery, it was not too great, taking all things into consideration;
and the manner of the abolition was such, also, that in time it must
have given rise to as it did eventually produce, that mutual respect
between the sections which had not before existed.
While Emancipation, being confiscation of property without due
process of law, can never be legally justified, and only can be
excused as a war measure, yet, if the Southern people, white and
black, could only be made to see conditions as they are now in the
South and to realize that posterity does fairly demand some
consideration from those who bring it into being, one hundred years
will not have passed before it will have been incontrovertibly
demonstrated that Emancipation was more beneficial to the South
than to the North. This statement is made with a full appreciation of
the fact that the War, Emancipation and Reconstruction so reduced
the South and checked its industrial development, that thirty years
were required from the inception of the War to bring that section
again up to the position it had reached in 1860, in point of wealth and
War and Emancipation can therefore be excused, but
Reconstruction will ever remain an ineffaceable stain upon the
conquerors. Yet, as an emetic sometimes produces good which
nothing else can bring about, so Reconstruction may in time be
shown to have been not without its good.
Just what might have been the effects of the attempt made by the
Southern States to readjust the Negroes to the changed conditions
of 1865 must now always remain a matter of surmise; for the
differentiations of color, race and condition, which they attempted
then to establish, were ruthlessly swept out of existence by military
control and universal suffrage followed by the Civil Rights Bill.
But before considering that era of frantic sentimentality concerning
the African people in the United States, the period of Congressional
Reconstruction, a little more light should be thrown upon the struggle
made by the surviving soldiery of the Confederacy, led by Wade
Hampton of South Carolina and others less well remembered, as
Wright of Georgia, to support the policy of Seward and President
Johnson. Not unnaturally in so doing attention will be concentrated to
a very great degree upon the Scape Goat, The Hot Bed of
Secession, The Prostrate State, although it was from without, if upon
her borders, the record was preserved by one of her sons, an almost
forgotten soldier and scholar of the Old South, in his tireless, patriotic
and absolutely sincere and highly intelligent effort to mentally avert
the overthrow of the remnants of Southern civilization, threatened in
the advance of the black horde of freedmen marching to plunder,
under the leadership of Sumner, Stevens and Wilson and the half
averted countenance of Grant.
This description by a Southern man may seem possibly too
comprehensive and severe, until we read the declaration of that
American Negro most generally esteemed in the North in his day, the
leader of the Negro race in America:
“I felt that the Reconstruction policy, so far as it related to my race
was in a large measure on a false foundation, was artificial and
forced. In many cases it seemed to me that the ignorance of my race
was being used as a tool with which to help white men into office and
that there was an element in the North which wanted to punish the
Southern white men by forcing the Negro into positions over the
heads of Southern whites.”[200]
How can the characterization be doubted when we remember
Senator Wilson’s speech in Charleston and the fact that with such a
record as he had and such a field to choose from, he was made
Grant’s running mate, the Aaron for that Moses.
The Southerner who preserved this record of the aspirations of the
Old South was so identified with the political thought of the great
State of North Carolina, that, like Andrew Jackson, whom he knew
and asserted to be a South Carolinian, he also, though such, was
thought to be a North Carolinian. But Daniel Harvey Hill was, on July
12, 1821, born in South Carolina, at Hill’s Iron Works, an iron
manufacturing establishment founded in the New Acquisition (later
York District), by his grandfather, prior to the Revolutionary War,
where cannon were forged for the American army. A graduate of
West Point and a distinguished veteran of the Mexican War, in which
he rose to the brevet of Major, he resigned from the United States
army to embrace the highest avocation a man may follow and
became in 1849 a professor of mathematics at Washington College,
Lexington, “the Athens” of Virginia, and later, was put in control of
the Military Institute of North Carolina; whence he entered the
Confederate Army, served through the war with distinction, rising to
the rank of lieutenant general, and issuing from Charlotte, May,
1866, the first number of the monthly magazine, The Land We Love,
published by him from that place until April, 1869, through which he
voiced the aspirations, hopes and resolves, in the main, of the
disbanded forces of the Confederacy, probably, at that date
constituting seventy per cent or more of the white manhood of the
South. If the magazine was modeled upon an English rather than an
American type, it was the more representative of the South Atlantic
States at that time. If forty per cent or more of its contents bore upon
the recent war, considering the times and the conditions of the
section upon which it was dependent for support, that was most
In it can be found not infrequent contributions from that Georgian
said by Professor Trent to have been the one poet the War produced
from the South; also some papers from that novelist of South
Carolina whom Lewisohn has mentioned in his article on South
Carolina, in The Nation in 1922; and one from that Northern adopted
son of South Carolina, to whom the State owes the great institution,
Clemson College, for the aims of which General Hill strove so hard in
his opening article on “Education.” Space will not admit of more than
three extracts; the discussion by General Hill of education; an
allusion to E. G. Lee’s “Maximilian and His Empire,” and a still briefer
allusion to and endorsement of Wade Hampton and his policy
concerning the freedmen. The first is the most important. After
discussing the number of presidents from the South, including
Lincoln and Johnson, eleven out of the seventeen, up to that time
elected, coming from the South and an even greater proportion of
secretaries of state and attorney generals, General Hill indicates,
that when business ability was desired, as in the offices of secretary
of the treasury and postmaster general, the situation was at once
reversed, and thus proceeds:
“The facts and figures above have been given in warning, not in
boastfulness. The pride which we might have felt in the glories of the
past is rebuked by the thought that they were purchased at the
expense of the material prosperity of the country; for men of wealth
and talents did not combine their fortunes, their energies and their
intellects to develop the immense resources of the land of their
nativity. What factories did they erect? What mines did they dig? What
foundries did they establish? What machine shops did they build?
What ships did they put afloat? Their minds and their hearts were
engrossed in the struggle for national position and national honors.
The yearning desire was for political supremacy and never for
domestic thrift and economy. Hence we became dependent upon the
North for everything from a lucifer match to a columbiad, from a pin to
a railroad engine. A state of war found us without the machinery to
make a single percussion cap for a soldier’s rifle, or a single button for
his jacket. The system of labor which erected a class covetous of
political distinction has been forever abolished; but the system of
education based upon it is still unchanged and unmodified.... The old
method of instruction was never wise; it is now worse than folly—’tis
absolute madness. Is not attention to our fields and firesides of
infinitely more importance to us than attention to national affairs? Is
not a practical acquaintance with the ax, the plane, the saw, the anvil,
the loom, the plow and the mattock vastly more useful to an
impoverished people, than familiarity with the laws of nations and the
science of government?... All unconscious of it though most of us may
be, a kind providence is working in the right way for the land we love.
As a people we specially needed two things. We needed the cutting
off the temptation to seek political supremacy, in order that our
common school, academic and collegiate training should be directed
to practical ends.... The state of probation, pupilage, vassalage, or
whatever it may be called in which we have been placed by the
dominant party in Congress is we believe intended by the Giver of
every good and perfect gift to give us higher and nobler ideas of
education and the duties of educated men.... Again we needed to
have manual labor made honorable. And here a kind Providence has
brought good out of evil.... God is now honoring manual labor with us,
as he has never done with any other nation. It is the high born, the
cultivated, the intelligent, the brave, the generous, who are now
constrained to work with their own hands. Labor is thus associated in
our minds with all that is honorable in birth, refined in manners, bright
in intellect, manly in character and magnanimous in soul.... Now that
labor has been dignified and cherished we want it to be recognized in
our schools and colleges.... The peasant who would confine the
teachings of his son to Machiavelli’s Discourse ‘On the Prince’ or
Fenelon’s ‘instruction to his royal pupils,’ would be no more ignoring
his rank and station than are our teachers ignoring the condition of the
country. Is the law of nations important to us who constitute nor state,
nor colony, nor territory? Is the science of mind useful to us just now,
when our highest duty is to mind our own business? Will logic help us
in our reasoning whether we are in or out of the Union? Will the
flowers of rhetoric plant any roses in our burnt districts?... We want on
the contrary a comprehensive plan of instruction, which will embrace
the useful rather than the profound, the practical rather than the
theoretic; a system which will take up the ignorant in his degredation,
enlighten his mind, cultivate his heart, and fit him for the solemn duties
of an immortal being; a system which will come to the poor in his
poverty and instruct him in the best method of procuring food, raiment
and the necessaries of life; a system which will give happiness to the
many, and not aggrandizement to the few, a system which will foster
and develop mechanical ingenuity and relieve labor of its burden;
which will entwine its laurel wreath around the brow of honest industry
and frown with contempt upon the idle and worthless.”[201]
Is it surprising that a man who thus exhorted the South in that day
and hour should have been condemned by both Sumner of
Massachusetts and Pollard of Virginia?
For three years, the worst in the history of the South, he kept his
magazine before the people of South with a circulation of 12,000
copies and agents in every Southern State and in addition in New
York, Pennsylvania, Illinois and California. He never gave up the
fight and in the year of his death saw his dream come true, but he
did not get that support his cause would have entitled him to
particularly expect from the then leading port of the South Atlantic.
For even a devoted citizen of Charleston must admit, that
Charleston, by such evidences as exist, was rather cold to this voice
of the South. For a few months Burke and Boinest were the agents
in that city, then no names appear as representatives in the greatest
city of the South, with the exception of New Orleans; while, at little
places in South Carolina, Mayesville, Edgefield, Society Hill and
Kingstree, the agents held on to the end, faithful unto death. But in
Charleston, within one month from the suspension of The Land We
Love, a new Southern magazine was launched, The XIX Century,
edited by F. G. DeFontaine, distinctly lighter, and, as events
indicated, with less lasting power.
Returning to General Hill’s magazine, if manual and industrial
training was a hobby and if his criticism of the former political training
and lack of industrial enterprise was too sweeping; yet in his
columns was afforded space for the most interesting illustration of
what that political training could flower into, which can be found
anywhere in the printed page in the United States. This is a
sweeping statement itself; but if the highest type of cultivated
diplomat, thoroughly conversant with the haute politique will read
and ponder “Maximilian and His Empire” contributed by Gen. E. G.
Lee, Feb. 1867, he would be curious to know who this Gen. E. G.
Lee was and what were his opportunities for gathering the political
knowledge which appears most interestingly spread with something
of the assurance of a political seer, as time has shown.
E. G. Lee was a Virginian, only a brigadier. Born at Leeland, May
25, 1835, a graduate of William and Mary College, he served under
Stonewall Jackson in the Valley campaign. Forced by ill health to
withdraw from military service between 1863 and 1864, he was, in
the latter part of the last mentioned year, sent to Canada on secret
service for the Confederate Government, just about the time at which
Blair approached the officials of the Confederacy, according to Alex.
H. Stephens, Vice President of the Confederacy, aiming to bring
“a secret military convention between the belligerents with a view of
preventing the establishment of a French Empire in Mexico by the
joint operation of the Federal and Confederate armies in maintenance
of the Monroe Doctrine. In this way (writes Mr. Stephens) Mr. Blair
thought, as Mr. Davis stated to me, a fraternization would take place
between the two armies and peace be ultimately obtained by a
restoration of the Union without the subjugation of the Southern
In his Lincoln, Mr. Stephenson says:
“While the amendment (abolishing slavery) was taking its way
through Congress, a shrewd old politician who thought he knew the
world better than most men, that Montgomery Blair, Senior, who was
father to the Postmaster General, had been trying on his own
responsibility to open negotiations between Washington and
Richmond. His visionary ideas, which were wholly without the results
he intended have no place here. And yet this fanciful episode had a
significance of its own. Had it not occurred, the Confederate
Government probably would not have appointed commissioners
charged with the hopeless task of approaching the Federal
Government for the purpose of negotiating peace between ‘the two
Just what was really happening in the world of politics in these
dying days of the Confederacy may possibly never be known with
any degree of exactness. The play of politics, not only in the United
States; but around the world was quick and varied but very obscure.
Mr. Stephenson, the most interesting and thoughtful observer of
Lincoln’s career attaches very slight importance to Blair’s
negotiations with the Confederacy; but more to the prior negotiations
of Gilmore and Jacquess, even going so far as to assert, on the
authority of Nicolay and Hay, that Davis had said in his interview with
“You have already emancipated nearly two millions of our slaves;
and if you will take care of them, you may emancipate the rest. I had a
few when the war began. I was of some use to them; they never were
of any to me.”[203]
Nicolay and Hay do assert that Jacquess asserted that Davis so
stated; but they also give Davis’s account of the incident which he
published in his “Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government.” In
this we find no such assertion by Davis and on the contrary the
“Mr. Gilmore addressed me and in a few minutes conveyed the
information that the two gentlemen had come to Richmond impressed
with the idea that the Confederate Government would accept a peace
on the basis of a reconstruction of the Union, the abolition of slavery
and the grant of an amnesty to the people of the States as repentant
criminals.... The impudence of the remarks could only be extenuated
because of the ignorance displayed and the profuse avowal of the
kindest motives and intentions.”[204]
From this Mr. Davis proceeds to discuss the appointment of
commissioners to Canada about the middle of 1864, their failure and
the mission of Mr. Blair in December. Gen. E. G. Lee’s name is not
among the commissioners, as stated, nor is there any reference to
his mission in The Rise and Fall. But his article in The Land We
Love[205] appearing in 1867 shows a knowledge and understanding
of politics enveloping “Maximilian and His Empire,” viewed from the
standpoint of the Confederate States, Louis Napoleon, and Wm. H.
Seward, most interesting. This forgotten and youthful Virginian
graduate of the oldest college in the United States, in the discussion
of a matter in which he does not mention himself, must have had
sources of information, which he does not reveal. His admiration for
an opponent, Seward, is unrestrained. His contempt for Louis
Napoleon is expressed with a refinement that imparts to it a greater
force; and altogether as he passes from the stage an
unreconstructed “Rebel,” dying even before Virginia shook off the
grip of the blacks, he carries with him to the grave some history,
which if more fully revealed might have added interest to Blair’s
mission. At all events, if General Hill asked—
“Is not attention to our fields and firesides of infinitely more
importance to us than attention to national affairs?”[206]
he yielded space and advanced to the front page of his magazine
one best fitted to illustrate—“Audi alteram partem.”
A little later in an editorial praising Generals Hampton and Wright,
Hill says:
“So far as we have been able to ascertain every Southern
newspaper edited by a Confederate soldier, has followed the lead of
these distinguished officers. The prominent idea held out by Generals
Hampton and Wright, is that the freedman is to be trained to feel that
he is a Southern man, identified with the South in its interests, its trials
and its suffering. He is to be taught to feel that he is no alien upon the
soil, but that this is his country and his home.”[207]
In the elections of 1868, however, Congressional Reconstruction
was overwhelmingly triumphant throughout the South and, with a
fringe of whites, a black pall was thrown over the region.
So determined were the ruling political leaders of that day, to
enforce their will upon a crushed and impoverished people, that in
South Carolina in 1870, to enforce the provisions of legislation for
social equality, these alien law makers did not hesitate to abrogate
the elementary rule of the criminal law, which provides that the
accused shall be deemed innocent until proven guilty, and so shaped
the legislation, of the Civil Rights Act, that any one accused of
violating its strict and far reaching provisions, on failure to prove his
innocence of the charge, became liable to a fine of one thousand
dollars and also imprisonment in the State penitentiary for five years
at hard labor, which was increased to six years upon failure to pay
the fine. Any one aiding or abetting in the infraction of the law was
liable to a term of three years in the State penitentiary, with the loss
of the right to vote or hold office.[208]
Now, it was while men’s minds in South Carolina were intensely
agitated by the immense sweep of this act, that the whites of one of
the religious denominations of this State found presented for their
consideration, what was deemed by many of the various
denominations as the entering wedge for the removal of distinctions
between the races in the establishment of religious equality.
With regard to equality between men, it has been declared that
there are at least four clearly distinguished connotations attached to
the word, and a great variety of shades in each. These four
connotations of equality are:
“1. Social equality, the tests of which are that we can invite each
other to meet our friends in our homes without any thought of
condescension or patronage and that our sons and daughters may
freely intermarry....
2. Political equality, which is confined to the common possession of
a vote....
3. Religious equality, which consists in common access to religious
privileges on the fulfilment of the conditions prescribed by the church
or the religious bodies.
4. Equality before the law, where the law courts are open to all alike
for the protection of person and property.”[209]

The South Carolina law of 1865 gave to all the Negroes the right
to sue and be sued, and to receive protection under the law in their
persons and property, and therefore apparently the law courts were
opened to all alike; but whether the Negroes thereby obtained a right
to trial by a jury of their peers is a question.
As to those members of the colored race possessing seven-
eighths or more of Caucasian blood, as far as law could make them,
they were white.
Reconstruction attempted to extend to all of the colored race what
had been extended to this portion; and now a portion were applying
for religious equality.
The question was whether there was any distinction between
religious and social equality?
That depends upon the estimate of each individual as to what “The
Church” is.
If it is in truth and fact a divine institution, then the necessity of
subjecting it to those regulations which experience has proven most
expedient, for the proper adjustment of civil relations, is not very
clearly apparent.
If it is not a divine institution, then it is a social organization, no
matter how high the plane upon which it is operated, and religious
equality brings in its train social equality.
The attempt of British divines, face to face with the color question
in South Africa, to readjust the religious views of the fifties, directed
at people mainly outside their own doors and to justify the refusal to
extend religious equality to the blacks in the Dominions, on the
professed ground that there is not complete spiritual equality among
men and that the final award for the use cannot be made a basis for
the adjustment of earthly relations, moves somewhat limpingly, and,
in lucidity, falls far below the utterance of that profound Negro, who
has so clearly set forth the rights of his race in America, in the
following declaration:
“The Negro has a God ordained right to protest against his
exclusion from means of self support. He has equal right to protest
when deprived of legal and civil justice, or when the opportunity of
knowledge or sober living is denied him. He has no just cause of
complaint, however, when excluded from social intercourse with the
white race, for the obvious reason that mankind does not mingle on
terms of social equality—a fact as true of black men as of white. Nor is
Negro exclusion from membership in white churches a trespass on
Negro rights, for after all, a church is neither more nor less than a
social family.”[210]
Of the Negro who made this sane well balanced pronouncement it
is fitting that a white South Carolinian should have something to say,
although he has been absolutely ignored by the most cultivated
members of his race.
As we shall later note DuBois, who today comes nearer being
recognized as the leading Negro of America than any who can be
mentioned, has claimed that:
“the greatest stigma on the white South is ... that when it saw the
reform movement growing and even in some cases triumphing, and a
larger and larger number of black voters learning to vote for honesty
and ability, it still preferred a Reign of Terror to a campaign of
education, and disfranchised Negroes instead of punishing
In 1874 in South Carolina, Judge John T. Green, a Republican,
was a candidate for governor against D. H. Chamberlain. Green was
a South Carolina Unionist, a lawyer of ability against whom it was
impossible to find anything to hang a charge on. Chamberlain was
the most brilliant of all the carpet-baggers and after he defeated
Green and became governor of South Carolina he did turn to a great
extent against the rottening thieves who had raised him to that
position. His opposition to black Whipper most dramatically
expressed, flashed all over the United States, when that Northern
born Negro was a candidate for judicial honors, in the piquant phrase
—“The civilization of the Puritan and the Cavalier is in danger”—
made this Union soldier from Massachusetts almost a type of the
fighting reformer, and there was need of such, although, as DuBois
“—it is certainly highly instructive to remember that the mark of the
thief which dragged its slime across nearly every great Northern State
and almost up to the presidential chair could not certainly in those
cases be charged against the vote of black men.”[212]
But when Chamberlain found, two years later, that in spite of his
attack on those of his supporters of whom he was certainly entitled
to declare that they were worse than he was, he nevertheless could
not be the leader of what was best, he went back to the rotten
element where, as the best of whites and blacks claimed in 1874, he
always could be found when it suited his purpose; for the great
mental gifts of the man made him prefer to reign in hell than serve in
heaven. The fight against him was in 1874 led by Comptroller
General Dunn, a Republican from Massachusetts. The candidates
named by the Independent Republicans were Judge Green, a white
South Carolinian, and Martin R. Delany, a Negro from the North, for
governor and lieutenant governor. Allusion has been made to Delany
before. He was born in Charleston, Virginia, in 1812, the child of a
free Negro mother by a slave father. He was the recipient of an
education which enabled him to support himself and achieve some
distinction. He had resided in Pittsburgh for some time; had been in
partnership with Fred Douglass; had founded the first colored total
abstinence society; had moved to Canada and from there led a party
of black explorers through a part of Africa, for which he had been
noticed by the Royal Geographical Society of Britain about the year
1859; and, returning to America, had served in the Northern army
with a commission.
By General J. B. Kershaw of South Carolina, who with Wade
Hampton and General McGowan all supported the nominees, his
absolute honesty was testified to.
Every effort was made by the bulk of the whites to support this
attempt of the most honest of the Negroes and Republican whites to
put honest men in office, Hampton going so far as to declare in the
public prints over his signature:
“I look upon it as the imperative duty of every good citizen whatever
may have been his own previous predilection to sustain heartily the
action of that convention (of the whites); for our only hope is in unity.
The delegates to that convention set a noble example of patriotism
when they sacrificed all political aspirations, all personal
consideration, and all former prejudice for the single purpose and in
the sole hope of redeeming the State.”[213]
Most of the notorious Negro leaders supported Chamberlain, R. B.
Elliott being made chairman of Chamberlain’s Executive Committee;
but a great number under Congressman R. H. Cain, Ransier and
others, less notorious than Elliott and Whipper and not as gifted,
stood staunchly for honest government. Cain went so far as to state
that Green, who lacked very little of selection in the Republican
convention which nominated Chamberlain, could have easily
obtained the few votes necessary for such, as they had been offered
his supporters at a comparatively small price; but that he and his
friends had refused to purchase them. He also called to the attention
of an audience of some thousands in Charleston that the white judge
he had voted for as mayor in 1865 was presiding over a meeting
supporting this effort of black Republicans to secure good
government. But the most striking fact that the meeting developed
was the entrance into politics of the profoundest thinker the Negro
race has ever produced, William Hannibal Thomas, author a quarter
of a century later of that remarkable book—“The American Negro—
What He Was, What He Is, and What He May Become.” Thomas
had just reached his 31st year. At the close of the War between the
States, while the harpies black and white in 1865 were winging their
way Southward, a wounded United States soldier, he was lying in a
hospital, with his right arm amputated above the elbow, having
volunteered at the outset and rising to the rank of sergeant. Upon his
discharge, after five months treatment, for three years he was a
student of theology, going to Georgia in 1871 to teach. He moved to
Newberry, South Carolina, in 1873 and was admitted to the bar in
January, 1874. As a delegate from Newberry he supported the
movement for reform. During the absence of the committee on
credentials, he was invited to address the convention. It was
“He made a stirring address in which the Bond Ring was effectually
shown up. It was time that a stop should be put to crime and fraud in
the State. It was time that the country should understand that the
citizens of the South demanded peace and good government. It was a
fallacy to say that in this movement, the Republicans of the State were
abandoning their party principles. The plain truth was that the people
in their might intended to rise and shake off the shackles of slavery
and political bondage. The colored people had given evidence of their
earnestness by asking their white fellow citizens to join them in this
effort. Intelligence and respectability must rule in the future and the
colored race must see to it that they were educated up to the
standard. By harmonizing it was not meant that either race should
give up its party principles. It meant only that both the majority and the
minority should have fair representation in the government and there
could be no permanent peace and prosperity until this was
established. Ninety-nine years ago the American people had rebelled
against the British Government because they were taxed without
representation. How could they expect a large minority to submit to
this now? Our white friends must help us heartily. They must not
approach us with gloves on. They must convince us that they are in
earnest and will join us in the effort to reform the government and
purify the State. I believe they are in earnest in their professions this
time and it remains for us to receive their proffered help in the same
spirit in which it is tendered. Beyond a doubt in four or six years the
white race will be in a majority in this State. It is bound to come to this
and if we show now that we are willing to share the government with
them, we will get the same from them when the white majority shall
have reached and passed the colored vote. It is common sense to do
this nothing more. He heartily urged upon his race the necessity of
working for Reform. He said he had been in the Union army in the late
war but he for one was ready to shake hands across the bloody
chasm and forget the past and unite with the Conservatives in
securing wealth and prosperity for the State.”[214]
This utterance seems to have won for him a position upon the
committee on platform of five white and six colored members, one of
the latter Cain, a congressman; yet Thomas was selected to submit
it to the convention. Except in minor particulars it was the same as
that which the convention nominating Chamberlain had framed, a not
unreasonable platform for a Negro to support in 1874 in South
Carolina, although scarcely acceptable in all its planks to the whites.
In a total vote cast of 149,221, Judge Green was defeated by a
majority against him of 11,585. Yet the strength of the vote cast
against him was not without its effect upon the brilliant Chamberlain,
who, from that time, shed his former skin and became a reformer.
How far a question which just about this time arose in the
Episcopal Church may have affected political conditions is not to be
asserted positively; but that it did affect the minds of whites and
blacks can hardly be doubted, for, to not a few it was, above all, a
religious question. And a religious question, to not a few, calls for
In the year 1875 there was presented in the Diocesan Convention
of the Protestant Episcopal Church of South Carolina the application
of a colored congregation for admission into union with the
Convention, which application was referred to a committee to be
appointed by the bishop to examine into and report upon in the
following year.
In the minds of many men in the Southern States the admission of
Negro delegates involved consequences which might be far reaching
and this was very plainly presented in one of the two reports
presented in 1876. This report opposing admission presented the
matter in these words in part:
“The members of this congregation with very few exceptions are
mulattoes, many of whom were free before the war and were known
as a peculiar class in our community, owning slaves themselves and
generally avoiding intercourse with those who were entirely black.
Some of this class had established with their former masters and
among our white people generally reputations for integrity and
civility.... The females of this class sometimes held relations with white
men which they seemed to consider and respect, very much like, if not
truly marriage. The results of such associations are numerous in our
streets. It is this class in which miscegenation is seen and which
tempts to miscegenation. If miscegenation should be encouraged
among us, then this class should be cherished and advanced.”[215]
The mover of this report might have gone further. He might have
shown the evidences of interests in the record office, upon the part
of white men by deed and will from time to time, in the recognition, to
some extent, of the claims on paternity. How powerful this appeal
could become to some is evidenced most strikingly in a will made as
far back as 1814,[216] and the value, therefore, of this presentation at
the Convention lay in the fact that it turned attention full upon that
phase of this question which Southern white men are most apt to
The imagination of the average Southern white man does become
intensely excited over any intimation of that form of intercourse
between the races which is most distasteful and repugnant to the
whites, but from which there is the least likelihood of miscegenation
to any perceptible degree. The imagination of the Southern white
man is not, however, keenly alive to the steady, continuous progress,
almost inevitably resulting from the presence side by side in one
section of great numbers of the two races. Yet if miscegenation is a
danger, it is not less so while proceeding in the way in which it is
most insidious and least shocking to the whites.
To the educated moral mulatto this determined opposition by those
who sought or were willing to accept joint political action, must have
created distrust. When to that, violence grew sufficiently to bring
from Jefferson Davis denunciation, it is not surprising that a man of
the brilliancy and political astuteness of Chamberlain should have
made himself an immense power in South Carolina and drawn to
himself a following which it took every effort of the whites to
Indeed, without Wade Hampton, it could not have been effected. In
a convention of 1876, of 165 members, the leader of the Straightout
faction could not gather more than 42 votes.[217] But in August of the
same year when Hampton[218] threw the weight of his personality in
its favor, by 82 to 65, the policy was adopted. It is an interesting fact
that while the colored men W. J. Whipper and R. B. Elliott, Cardozo,
Gleaves and H. E. Haynes are all mentioned, the name of W. H.
Thomas appears in no history of Reconstruction that the writer has
Cardozo, the Treasurer, was warmly championed by Chamberlain,
who declared of this colored official:
“Let me tell you that if I knew that your suffrages would sink me so
deep that no bubble would rise to tell where I went down, I would
stand by F. L. Cardozo.”[219]
Chamberlain knew and R. B. Elliott, the brainiest of all his colored
opponents, knew that it was useless to try to array Negroes against
such a friend of the colored brother as that; and Smalls,
Chamberlain’s friend, a good natured, bold mulatto, defeated Swails
for the chairmanship, by a vote which indicated what was to be
thrown for Chamberlain as the gubernatorial nominee. Elliott
therefore made terms and was named for attorney general.
Yet during the exciting days of 1876 when both houses of
representatives were meeting, it was W. H. Thomas upon whom the
Republicans depended for brain work. He was made a member of
the committee on credentials and, as chairman, reported in favor of
the seating of the Republican contestants carrying the majority of the
committee with him, although opposed by T. E. Miller, an octaroon or
quadroon of considerable intelligence, who asked for fifteen minutes
to reply to Thomas.
Miller later stated that he had refused to sign the report, because
he thought that the Democratic contestees ought to have been
heard. When he was beaten, he declared he had changed his mind,
stating that it was their own fault, if they were not present, and
announcing he was ready to sign the report. It was reported that
Thomas had, upon this second utterance, made an inflammatory
speech; but no part of it was published by the paper so declaring,
which, upon the next day’s report, announced that in the midst of the
stormy session, Thomas offered a prayer.[220]
Thomas was on the committee of Ways and Means and the
Judiciary, and, until the collapse of the Republicans, seems to have
been the individual most relied upon by the Speaker for all the
serious work of the session.
Contemporaneously with the overthrow of the Negro governments
of South Carolina and Louisiana, the report opposing admission of
colored delegates to the Diocesan Convention was sustained.
In 1879 the question came up again in a shape harder to resist
and resting upon the example of the diocese of Virginia. The law-
making power of South Carolina had, however, meanwhile enacted a
statute making it—
“Unlawful for any white man to intermarry with any Negro, mulatto,
Indian or mestizo; or for any white woman to intermarry with any other
than a white man.”[221]
Accordingly the lay delegates firmly opposed any union whatever,
whether of clerical or lay members, with regard to the two races in
the South.
Now if it is borne in mind that not only Calhoun, whose influence
upon political thought in South Carolina had for many years been all
pervasive; but also the profoundest student who has ever studied
America, de Tocqueville, had condemned “all intermediate
measures” and declared that unless the whites remained isolated
from the colored race in the South, there must come either
miscegenation or extirpation, at no time could the forecast of the
future of that section have been as gloomy as that which appeared in
the Census figures of 1880.
The white population of Louisiana, which even the war and its
losses had only dropped a thousand or two below the colored, had
increased by an addition of 92,189; but, in the same time, with
Reconstruction, the colored had been swelled 119,445, giving a
colored majority of something approximating 30,000. In Mississippi,
where the ante bellum Negro majority of 84,000 had, by 1870, been
reduced to 62,000, it had now risen to 206,090. But in South
Carolina, with a smaller area and white population, the Negro
majority had risen to 212,000. In the five Southern States, South
Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, the gain of
the white population of only one, Alabama, had been greater than
that of the blacks. Under such conditions discussion of that which
was upon the minds of all was almost unavoidable, especially as
Southern thought, freed from the shackles in which slavery had
bound it, was free to move in whatever direction it saw fit and, from
the pen of George W. Cable of New Orleans, there appeared “The
Grandissimes,” published in 1880 and “Madam Delphine,” in 1881, of
which the color question constitutes what might be called the motif.
The literary excellence of these works won the author a place in
art and they were followed by other works of merit; but so strongly
was the writer finally impressed with that which had first moved him
to write, that in 1885 he dropped for a time the garb of fiction and
voiced his belief in the necessity of a recognition of what he deemed
a great wrong, through a brochure entitled “The Freedman’s Case in
Equity.” To Cable, the portion of the race which was represented by
the mulattoes and the quadroons made the strongest appeal; but he
was not alone in the critical attitude he assumed toward the South. In
the work of Judge Albion W. Tourgee, a Northern soldier, who had
staked his all on Reconstruction, with criticism, was voiced, in “A
Fool’s Errand” by “One of the Fools,” something very much like
despair. Later brooding, however, drew from this author a more
critical and decidedly pretentious study, entitled “An Appeal to
Caesar,” a study of the Census of 1880, from which, with some
reason, he prophesied a speedy Africanization of the South, and in
which he called upon the inhabitants of that section to bring forth
fruits meet for repentance while there was still time.
Certainly there was basis for the claim. At no time had the rate of
increase of the blacks been so high as the Census disclosed in
South Carolina, Mississippi and Louisiana in 1880. Yet the first
named set herself resolutely against any relaxation of the rule of rigid
separation of the races, and in 1888 brought to a conclusion the
discussion concerning the admission of clerical delegates to the
Protestant Episcopal Convention, by a resolution reciting the
“absolute necessity for the separation of the races in the
diocese,”[222] effected upon a basis, putting all subsequent decisions
within the control of the lay delegates.[223]
In the years in which it had been maintained in the South Negro
supremacy had done more to destroy the belief of the bulk of the
Northern public, as to the capacity of the race to assume the full
duties of citizenship, than any argument of whites could have
achieved. The following extracts from a letter of George W. Curtis at
this date is interesting. Referring to conditions in the fifties, he writes:
“I was mobbed in Philadelphia and the halter was made ready for
me and I was only protected by the entire police force merely because
I spoke against slavery.”[224]
With freedom of discussion assured, he now, in December, 1888,
“I am very much obliged by your letter of Nov., I do not think the
feeling of this part of the country is precisely understood in your part. It
is in a word this, that admitting the force of all that is said about Negro
supremacy, the colored vote ought not to be suppressed and the
advantages based upon it retained. Of course I do not say it should be
suppressed. I am assuming that there is great reason in the remark
that under the same conditions the people in the Northern States
would do likewise, and I ask whether, under that assumption, the
people of those States ought to expect to retain what they are not
entitled to? It is unreasonable to ask acquiescence in the suppression
of legal votes, which makes the white vote in Mississippi count more
than the white vote in Massachusetts or New York. An educational test
would be of no avail in a community where color is the disqualification
according to Mr. Grady and Mr. Watterson. I shall be very glad to hear
from you and I should like to know the reply to the statement, that it is
not fair to suppress the vote and retain the advantages based upon
The reply of the individual to whom this letter was addressed may
well be omitted, in the light of what follows.
In 1889 two publications appeared from Southern sources most
powerfully portraying the advantages of freedom of discussion and
the inestimable value of that which Mr. Curtis had described as “the
fundamental condition of human progress,”—“the right of the
individual to express his opinion on any and every subject.” The first

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