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Become Immortal

The following ingredients are needed
to cast Become Immortal


This spell is part of the Coven of

Spell Casters

Spell Casters has the following books available:

1) Spell Casters Spellbook
2) Spell Casters Rituals

This spell was added by: User31142

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Become Immortal

Live forever without aging

Focus on the age you are right now.

With your mind set on living a hundred years from now, chant the following:

Planto mihi ago insquequo vicis subsisto

Pronouced plant-oh me-high age-oh ins-kwe-kwo vie-sis sub-sis-toe

(print spell)To make an Immortal a Mortal

This spell can make any divine celestial being mortal.

This is only to be used on rogue angels on Earth.
Any other angels who dont fit the description are off limits.
If you unrightfully take another angels divinity terrible consequences await you.
The Archangel and Seraph Michael will take his flaming sword cut open a portal to
Barathrum and it will suck your soul in when you die which will probably be soon.
For all you worshippers of the devil the unknown is far WORST than hell.

First pour 1-inch measure of water in the jar pt the top on and let it sit in the
window for one or two days. Then charge it with a spell: "Immortalis qui(key)
domesticus in Caelum(Ki-Lum),
Ego destruere(des-tru-air)omni(om-knee)catena(ca-tain-uh)
When the rouge angel gets it or you let him/her know what it is and give it to
him/her. He/She will be compelled to open it and the small cloud will claim their
divinity and the rouge angel inhabiting the person will be powerless to your magic.
The angel will be stuck as a mortal and will have to pay for his/her sins like any
other human being. Bury the jar where the angel doesnt know. If the Angel ever
finds the jar after you closed it up and they made the cloud in the jar again and
reverse the spell you did by saying "Ego ad se vocare quo apertus" and break the
jar on the land where the spell was done he/she can reclaim their powers and
divinity and would bring down heavens heavy fist to kick your butt.
The following ingredients are needed

5 black candells
a picture of the thing you want to bring back
a stone
a jar
a hair
a stick

This spell is part of the Coven of

Spell Casters

This spell was added by: dragonz77

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arange the candells in a circle

place the picture in the middle
dig a hole with the stick
place the stone in it
pour the water into the jar
put the grass and hair in too
shake the jar
pour the liquid into the hole then say:
I liked you I lost you I thought you'd miss me but not for long cos I can
ressereced you so let it be!

The following ingredients are needed
to cast Darksight

Eyes would most likely be pretty useful to cast this spell.

This spell is part of the Coven of

Spell Casters

Spell Casters has the following books available:

1) Spell Casters Spellbook
2) Spell Casters Rituals

This spell was added by: Oberron

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Lets you see things that you wouldn't normally see.


"Shades of darkness, grant me vision in thy realm of Shadow!"

For the duration of this spell the caster is able to see in both natural and
magickal darkness as if under normal light conditions.

Duration: 15 minutes.

own To The World of HAte

The following ingredients are needed
to cast Down To The World of HAte

photo of your victim

This spell is part of the Coven of

Spell Casters

Spell Casters has the following books available:

1) Spell Casters Spellbook
2) Spell Casters Rituals

This spell was added by: Twil

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please contact us immediately.

Down To The World of HAte

the spell: Demon of hatred,come to me,as i summoned you,ful fill my wish,as they
look into ur eyes,let them see,what should no mortal could never see.

this is is kinda hard to master so if you are willing to this you must have a photo
of ur victim and a mirror so that once u put the photo on the mirrior and chant the
spell it may work.
(print spell)

to ressurect the dead

The following ingredients are needed
to cast to ressurect the dead

for the preliminary:

1 altar cloth
pastic/glass jar or container

for the ritual:

an earn with heroglipics and symbols of osiris (god of the dead)
the heart and blood
4 white candles
holy water

This spell is part of the Coven of

Spell Casters

Spell Casters has the following books available:

1) Spell Casters Spellbook
2) Spell Casters Rituals

This spell was added by:

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page is not mediated by the administrators of the website. Please use common sense
when following any directions on this page. Do not injest anything which does not
seem safe. If you suspect the content of this page to be intentionally deceiving
please contact us immediately.

to ressurect the dead

god. i never tought id give anyone this spell. this spell ressurects the dead, but
be warned, they can come back wrong,different, unnatural. and if you perform this
spell when you arent ready, or arent powerful enough, it will kill
forewarned!............ there are two parts to this spell, theres a preliminary. by
patrick hawkes

A living animal sacrifice is required, so 1-2 days before the ritualgo to a forset
near a source of running water, and you can either take an animal (large) with you,
or call out for one when you are there.
Sit near the source of running water with your stuff laid out on the altar cloth in
front of you.chant:

Adoni, Helumnay, Peenay,

Adoni, Helumnay, Peenay,
The gods do command thee
from thy majesty
oh mapulamun,
Adoni, Helumnay, Peenay,
come forward blessed one,
know your calling
come forward oh blessed one.

As soon as the animal is in front of you, stab it until it is dead, (avoiding the
heart). Then say:

accept ourhumble gratitude

for your offering
in death you give life,
may you find wings to the kingdom.

cut out the heart of the animal with as much blood as you can.

THE MAIN RITUAL: (the heart must be on top of the grave)

This ritual should be performed at the dead persons grave site, at midnight
exactly.Be warned, osiris will test you to see if you are worthy.Performed with 5
people, the most powerful witch facing the grave stone, the other four people
holding lit candles on each side of the midnight, the most powerful witch
begins. ( ALL FOUR CANDLES MUST BE LIT) she pours the blood into the earn, and

keeper of the gate,
master of all fate,
hear us!

The witch dabs her finger into the blood and does a line going down her forehead,
and one on each cheek facing inwards. then continues:

Before time and after,

before knowing and nothing.

The witch then pours all the blood from the earn onto the grave.Then shouts:

Accept our offering,

know our prayer,
here lies the...( person role/ job)..... of the people,
let her/ him cross over,
let him/ her cross over,
release him/ her
osiris release her/ him!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The witch then waits.

to ressurect the dead

The following ingredients are needed
to cast to ressurect the dead
for the preliminary:

1 altar cloth
pastic/glass jar or container

for the ritual:

an earn with heroglipics and symbols of osiris (god of the dead)
the heart and blood
4 white candles
holy water

This spell is part of the Coven of

Spell Casters

Spell Casters has the following books available:

1) Spell Casters Spellbook
2) Spell Casters Rituals

This spell was added by:

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page is not mediated by the administrators of the website. Please use common sense
when following any directions on this page. Do not injest anything which does not
seem safe. If you suspect the content of this page to be intentionally deceiving
please contact us immediately.

to ressurect the dead

god. i never tought id give anyone this spell. this spell ressurects the dead, but
be warned, they can come back wrong,different, unnatural. and if you perform this
spell when you arent ready, or arent powerful enough, it will kill
forewarned!............ there are two parts to this spell, theres a preliminary. by
patrick hawkes

A living animal sacrifice is required, so 1-2 days before the ritualgo to a forset
near a source of running water, and you can either take an animal (large) with you,
or call out for one when you are there.
Sit near the source of running water with your stuff laid out on the altar cloth in
front of you.chant:

Adoni, Helumnay, Peenay,

Adoni, Helumnay, Peenay,
The gods do command thee
from thy majesty
oh mapulamun,
Adoni, Helumnay, Peenay,
come forward blessed one,
know your calling
come forward oh blessed one.

As soon as the animal is in front of you, stab it until it is dead, (avoiding the
heart). Then say:

accept ourhumble gratitude

for your offering
in death you give life,
may you find wings to the kingdom.

cut out the heart of the animal with as much blood as you can.

THE MAIN RITUAL: (the heart must be on top of the grave)

This ritual should be performed at the dead persons grave site, at midnight
exactly.Be warned, osiris will test you to see if you are worthy.Performed with 5
people, the most powerful witch facing the grave stone, the other four people
holding lit candles on each side of the midnight, the most powerful witch
begins. ( ALL FOUR CANDLES MUST BE LIT) she pours the blood into the earn, and

keeper of the gate,
master of all fate,
hear us!

The witch dabs her finger into the blood and does a line going down her forehead,
and one on each cheek facing inwards. then continues:

Before time and after,

before knowing and nothing.

The witch then pours all the blood from the earn onto the grave.Then shouts:

Accept our offering,

know our prayer,
here lies the...( person role/ job)..... of the people,
let her/ him cross over,
let him/ her cross over,
release him/ her
osiris release her/ him!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The witch then waits.

Call through Light

The following ingredients are needed
to cast Call through Light

Light & magic

This spell is part of the Coven of

Spell Casters

Spell Casters has the following books available:

1) Spell Casters Spellbook
2) Spell Casters Rituals

This spell was added by: Superspike90

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please contact us immediately.
Call through Light

Talk to friends through the power of light.

Your friend should be prepared to so arrange it.

First, turn on your light. Then, look into the light and picture the person you
want to speak to and talk mentaly with them your friend should be able to hear you
and they do the same.

Cupids Delight
The following ingredients are needed
to cast Cupids Delight

Boiling Water
Sharp Knife

This spell is part of the Coven of

Spell Casters

Spell Casters has the following books available:

1) Spell Casters Spellbook
2) Spell Casters Rituals

This spell was added by: Turner4ever

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page is not mediated by the administrators of the website. Please use common sense
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please contact us immediately.

Cupids Delight

Bring Your True Soul Mate Into Your Life Whether Or Not You Have Seen Them Before.

Fill your bowl up with the boiling water exactly 1 hour before you go to sleep and
slowly chant these words as you chop the lemon up - "Thow Who Is Out There, Come
Into My Life, Run Through My Soul And Out Of This Knife. Become Thy Lemon I Hold In
My Hand, Come To Me Tonight, From The Promised Land" - Then Pour The Lemon juice
into the boiling hot water and enhale deeply 5 times. When you go to sleep you
should have a dream of your soulmate whether you already know them or not.

Make Someone Love You

The following ingredients are needed
to cast Make Someone Love You

your voice

This spell is part of the Coven of

Spell Casters

Spell Casters has the following books available:

1) Spell Casters Spellbook
2) Spell Casters Rituals

This spell was added by: nicki1928

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page is not mediated by the administrators of the website. Please use common sense
when following any directions on this page. Do not injest anything which does not
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please contact us immediately.

Make Someone Love You

This spell will only work if you love them

To complete this spell you will you will need to sing a part of your favorite love
song. It can even be the shortest part. After you are done, think of your love as
much as you can. Think about why you love him. Then think about why you want
him/her to love you. Chant the following:

Love me! Love me! Love me!

Note: If you stay silent for a while after or fake cry, it will tempt the gods and
power even more.

Dragon + Dragon
The following ingredients are needed
to cast Dragon + Dragon

1. Any kind of candle

2. Pen/pencil
3. Paper

This spell is part of the Coven of

Dragon Magick

Dragon Magick has the following books available:

1) Dragon Magick Spellbook
2) Dragon Magick Rituals

This spell was added by: firewizard

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page is not mediated by the administrators of the website. Please use common sense
when following any directions on this page. Do not injest anything which does not
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please contact us immediately.
Dragon + Dragon

This spell is for you to meet that perfect mate your heart was looking for

1st your gonna tare the paper into little tabs, big enough for you to write
something good on.
2nd your gonna write somethings of what you are looking for in a person.
3rd light the candle
4th put the tabs of paper in seperatly
5th at the end write the gender, age, etc.
6th say this spell:
Ancient Dragons above, Elders and others of love. Cupid shine your arrow upon me
while the fire burns through the sea. Find my mate, later I will appretiate. Love,
Courage, and more than I need. Me and my mate will succeed, Always in our hearts,
my beloved dragon so shall our love be.

Changing identity spell

The following ingredients are needed
to cast Changing identity spell

You don't need potions or other things.

This spell is part of the Coven of

Spell Casters

Spell Casters has the following books available:

1) Spell Casters Spellbook
2) Spell Casters Rituals

This spell was added by: NessPrincess

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page is not mediated by the administrators of the website. Please use common sense
when following any directions on this page. Do not injest anything which does not
seem safe. If you suspect the content of this page to be intentionally deceiving
please contact us immediately.

Changing identity spell

You do not want to be recognised from the people surrounding you.Use this spell to
change your identity.

All you have to do to change your identity is to imagine your own look that you
wan't to show the people.Only the members of your family will see you the way you
realy are.
You say theese words:
"I call upon the ancient powers
in this hour to give us new look.
Hide us/me all and let be call
in wrong hands i must not fall


temporarily go faster using this spell... effects last from when u cast it till you

put your hands over the charm,concentrate your energy and say...

"make me as fast as the wind

i want to taste the air
i want to see everything go by me as a blur
as i run faster each step"

when you want to run, have the charm with you and start off... you shouldnt stop
gaining speed running in a straight line but beware if your body starts heating

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