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Research Report

Patient’s satisfaction with Rural health center as a health service provider at Fulchari Upazila In
Gaibandha District, Bangladesh

B.S.S Field work

Report writing
The partial fulfillment of the requirement of the degree of bachelor of social science (B.S.S) in
Economics Rajshahi University
Submitted By
Student Id:1812042162
Session :2017-2018
B.S.S (Hons) part-4, 2021
Department of Economics
University of Rajshahi

February, 2023

The present study is conducted to asses the patients satisfaction with the rural health canter as a
health service provider at Fulchari upazila in Gaibandha district. Data were collected through the
use of well structured area. when I collected data I used random sampling method. I took 50
respondent from this area. Data were also collected from interview method using well structured
questionnaire. Bangladesh is a developing country here 75% people are live in rural area.
Bangladesh health structured are not good at all specially rural area health center is also very poor
conditions. The objectives of the study to asses the socio economic condition of respondents, to
asses the rural people satisfaction and the constraints which face rural people. Here, rural areas
health conditions also related with NGO activities. This study also showed result from NGO
activities. The data are analyzed different statistical measure like pie chart, bar diagram, line graph
etc. To find out patient’s satisfaction this study also showed some determinants which influenced
patients satisfaction. This study showed most of the patients were female respondents almost 64%
female respondents are went to rural health center here only 36% male respondents went to rural
health center. All respondents lived in tin sheet house and their sources of drinking in tube well.
According to the objective, this study analyzed the patients satisfaction determinants which is
doctor behavior, spending time, distance from residence and medicine availability. 53.66% people
satisfied from rural health center and 36.58% people are medium satisfied and 9.76% people are
dissatisfied. In this study showed that here no specialist doctors, no nurse, and have no capacity
in bed. Only primary treatment is available in this rural health center.

This is to certify that ‘Lisha Akter' has carried out the research impersonated in the present
dissertation entitled” patients satisfactions with rural health center as a health service provider at
Fulchari upazila in Gaibandha district” under my supervision for the partial fulfillment of the
requirement of field work and report writing in economics at the Rajshahi University.
This is also that this dissertation is an independent work and does not constitute part of any material
submitted for any other degree here or elsewhere.

Dr. Md. Atiqul Islam

Department of Economics
University of Rajshahi
The supervisor of the above entitled Research Work

I, the undersigned, hereby declare that he complete work impersonated in the dissertation entitled
“patients satisfaction with rural health center as a health service provider at Fulchari upazila in
Gaibandha district “ has been carried out under the supervision of Professor Dr. Md. Atiqul Islam,
Department of Economics, University of Rajshahi is an original research work completed by me.
It has been submitted for the partial fulfillment of the course EC 409 Field work and Report
Writing. I further declare that the research paper which impersonated is original and has not been
submitted for any other degree or qualification here or elsewhere.

Signature of candidate
Department of Economics
University of Rajshahi.

At first I would like to express my appreciation and heartfelt obligations to my Almighty that he
can give me the power that I can able to do this work.
I would like to express my appreciation and heartfelt obligations to my beloved mother, father and
al my teachers and friends who always provided all the supports, encouragement, affection and
precious advice when it was necessary.
First of all, I would like to offer my Immense heartiest gratitude and thanks to my worth supervisor.
I have been very fortunate to have my supervision. His fruitful guidance and critical feedback had
been very useful in keeping me on the right track.
I am highly indebted to all respective teachers, Department of Economics, University of Rajshahi
for their advice and encouragement.
I also acknowledge the staff of the computer unit and all other employees of the Department of
Economics for their cordial help and co-operation during this research work.
Finally, I thanks to the fishermen who have given information and helped me for this research.
ABSTRACT …………………………………..……..................................................
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Objective of the study
1.3 Scope of the study
1.4 Rational of the study
1.5 Layout
Literature review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Relevant literature
2.3 Research gap
2.4 conclusion
3.1 introduction
3.2 Study area
3.3 Study population
3.4 Mosamari community clinic
3.5 Study design and sampling procedure
3.6 Methods of data collection
3.7 Tabulation of the data
3.8 Conclusion
Findings and discussion
4.1 Introduction
4.2 socio economic characteristics of respondents
4.2.1 Analysis of data
4.2.2 Distribution of respondents by sample area
4.2.3 Distribution of Respondents by Gender
4.2.4 Distribution of respondents by occupation
4.2.5 Distribution of respondents by attending school and the class level
4.2.6 Distribution of respondents by family size
4.2.7 Distribution of respondents by structure of house and drinking source
4.2.8 Distribution of respondents by types of toilet
4.3.1 Disease suffer presently
4.3.2 Distribution of Respondents first choice
4.3.3 reason to go their preferable place
4.3.4 patient’s satisfaction with its determinants factor
4.4.1 behavior of doctors
4.4.2 Medicine availability
4.4.3 Spending time of doctors with each patient’s
4.4.4 Distance from residence
4.4.5 satisfaction from rural health center
4.5.1 NGO available in the study area
4.5.2 Distribution of facilities by NGOs
4.5.3 Satisfaction from NGO
4.6 Conclusion
Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Overview of the Chapter
5.3 Recommendations
5.4 Limitation of the study and direction of the future Research
Appendix 1: survey Questionnaire for the study
Appendix 2: My Experience in the Research
List of the table
Table:1 Distribution of Respondents by sample area
Table:2 Distribution of respondents by structure of house and drinking source
Table:3 Distribution of respondents by opinion of doctors getting medicine
Table:4 Available NGO in the study area
List of figure
Figure 1 : Distribution of respondents by gender
Figure :2 Distribution of respondents by occupation
Figure:3 Distribution of respondents by attending school and their class level
Figure:4 Distribution of respondents by family size
Figure:5 Distribution of Respondents by types of toilet
Figure :6 Distribution of respondents by presently suffer disease
Figure:7 Distribution of respondents by first choice
Figure:8 Reason to go their preferable place
Figure:9 Behaviour of doctors
Figure :10 Medicine availability
Figure:11 spending time of doctors with each patients
Figure:12 Distance from Residence
Figure:13 satisfaction from rural health center
Figure:14 Distribution of facilities by NGOs
Figure :15 satisfaction from NGO

1.1 Background of the study

Improvement in health sector occurs mostly in the urban areas. Rural areas are deprived of modern
facilities and instruments. Many rural hospitals lack basic instruments like clocks and weight
measuring scales. supply of drugs is also inadequate.
Health system is essential in improving the population’s health status, providing safeguard against
health related financial threat and enhancing the health sector’s responsiveness to patient’s needs
.The constitution of Bangladesh mandates that “it will be a fundamental responsibility of the state
to attain the provisioning of basic necessities of life ,including food, clothing , shelter, education,
medicine( articale 18)’’.
Bangladesh is a poor and densely populated country .80% of the people line in villages with a very
poor health status. Government is now developing its health service infrastructure like medical
university, private medical, rural health center, and community clinic
We know that Bangladesh is a poor developing country. country like ours HRD plays a vital role
in Bangladesh is being branded as an’’ emergency tiger’’, ‘’middle income group country’’,
‘’growing at double digit’’ etc. Some even forecasts that Bangladesh has the potential to become
one of the largest economies. health is a fundamental aspect of poverty eradication and vital to the
process of sustainable development.
Health service delivery is an intimidating challenge for Bangladesh’s health service systems. Many
people face hazardous health conditions because of poverty and backwardness. Bangladesh is
characterized by shortage inappropriate skill and inadequate distribution of its health workforce.
Although the involvement of health workforce in the private sector has increased over the years,
the formal health workforce is mostly concentrated in the urban Ares. The remote area and hard to
reach area are deprived of formal health providers. Bangladesh has made huge progress over the
past four decades in breaking the cycle of poverty and underprovided health through its set of
connection of affordable health care.
Rural health center refers to the community clinic (governmental organization)and other
NGO(non-governmental organization).both are works on rural health is important for
health education, health promotion, and treatment of minor ailments, first aid and identification of
emergency and complicated cases. These community group and NGO focus on accumulating
resources for the people to provide mobilizing health care at the society level. They provide
training, technical support and advocacy for ensure that health service is reaching the most
vulnerable, particularly the deprived. The primary aim of the community clinic is to provide a
package of integrated health and family planning services, the ESP, in a helpful and financially
sustainable way. Service delivery from fixed facilities may lead to disadvantages of longer travel
time, limiting access/usages/coverage especially for poor and women. These community clinic and
NGO are provides primary health and family planning services and also works on pnc and anc.
Bangladesh spends about 13% of budget 2021-2022 on health. out of pocket spending constitutes
about 72.68% of total health people spend more portion of their income on health
care. Their purchasing power parity has been remaining decrease day by investment must
be low rate of savings.

So for developing and improving the status and condition of Bangladesh, improvement of health
sector must be this case, reform in rural health sector is necessary. This study contends
that satisfaction can be increased by developing rural hospitals, providing qualified physicians,
nurses, availability of drugs in reasonable price, increasing more share of government in health
expenditure. This study also assesses that public health delivery facilities in rural areas can help to
improve the condition l people.

1.2 Objectives of the study

This study attempts to provide analysis of public health service status of the rural people in the
context of Fulchari upazila at Uria achieve this aim, the study has three objective:
1.To assess the socio- economic status of rural people under study area.
2.To assess the access, and quality of care provider and service receiver with their satisfaction with
community clinic and NGO.
3.To assess the factors that constraints rural health center from meeting the health care needs of

1.3 Scope of the study

Scope refers to the extent of the area or subject matter that something deals with or to which it is
relevant the opportunity or possibility to do or deal with something. Many research work has been
conducted on health sector in different area. there are many community clinic at different union in
fulchari upazila. Here also have many non- governmental organization in this area. This rural
health center provide health care to the people. But I will only do research on the satisfaction level
of people that they get from the health center

1.4 Rationale of the study

Bangladesh is a developing country with high level of population. But its development doesn’t
spread all region or all sectors. Rural area is not developed so much compared to urban area and
health sector is one of them. In rural areas, health facilities are not available compared to urban
area. poor health and disease are now considered as barriers to economic growth. So health sector
improvement should be challenge for our country. There are shortage of doctors and other
facilities. The objective of development is not simply to produce more goods and services for
materials progress but also to enlarge capabilities of the people to lead productive lives.
The highest death of children and young adults are found in rural areas. specially pregnant mothers
are more affected in rural areas. The impact of health and nutrition can be understood in three
different phases; current working capacity of workers, children’s working capacity particularly
female labor force. better health and nutrition can immediately increase the workers current
For all this reason, study on the effectiveness of rural health center is necessary. In earlier, many
researches were done on it is issues. some of them worked on cost of health sector and type of care
but most attention was given patients satisfaction. In Bangladesh ,works with patients satisfaction
to explain effectiveness is we give most attention on this issue in our study.

1.4 Layout
The layout of the report means as to what the research report should contain. A comprehensive
layout of the research report should comprise preliminary pages, the main text and the end matter.
This report included into five chapters; chapter one comprises an overview of the health sector
status in rural area. It also provides the objectives of the study and also comprised the scope of the
study and rational section.
Chapter two provides a review of the relevant literature to the study, research gap and conclusion
section. This chapter is an important chapter of research work. I have reviewed many literature
relevant to my study and found that most of the researcher found the delivery service and its
percentage but no one said about people’s satisfaction percentage.
Chapter three gives the research methods and procedures specifically looking at the data collection
and analysis procedures used. In chapter four the findings ae presented, interpreted and discussed.
Finally, chapter five outlines the summary and conclusions drawn from the empirical data and
policy implications.
Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
Literature review is an important part of every social research. Generally literature review refers
to previous or unpublished works related to current research. Such as any survey, authors,
quotation, books, articles related to the current research. A little research works has been carried
out in the context of the health care center as a health provider in rural area. This is the literature
review chapter. This is one of the main chapter in research work. This chapter has four section.
here are some related literature about health care service on rural area.

2.2 Relevant Literature

Farmer (2012) showed this paper offers theories to explain persistent rural health challenges
and describes their application to rural health and research. They also showed the urban rural gap
in Australian health is notorious and its extends beyond the aboriginal gap to include rural white
people also having poorer health. This picture is not homogenous along with health inequality
.There are rural education, income and economic opportunity gaps. they explained regional health
disparities pertain internationally for countries with high income inequality. They said physio-
social stress related to low societal status makes for ill health as studies of health in relation to
occupational status and material standards. There is a clearly a social justice argument that all of a
country’s population should have access to primary, preventive and emergency services. they said
systematic attention to links between accessibility to infrastructural economic and cultural assets
and region health would both illuminate health status. It is a regular research focus and has been
explained by theories of regional economics professional socialism and public sector
managerialism. They explained by this theory is that range costs, inability, to male sufficient
revenue for private providers
M Rahman worked on disease pattern and health seeking behavior in rural Bangladesh.
They try to determine the prevailing disease pattern and health seeking behavior in rural
Bangladesh. They calculated their data and found out people in fever (33.2%), gastrointestinal
diseases (24.9%) and respiratory disease (17.8%). There are no describable differences in the
livelihood of seeking traditional or any kind of care considering socio demographic variables. They
showed occupation of household head as day labor or in agriculture and suffering from
gastrointestinal diseases. They said prevalence of period specific sickness and economic condition
predictably hold on inverse relationship in rural area. They also said treatment choice involves a
myriad of factors related to illness type and severity pre existing lay beliefs about illness, causation
and their perceived efficacy convenience, opportunity cost, service quality etc. They showed five
categories in this treatment and showed para professional category of treatment seeking consist of
consultations with Pallichikitsoks. Rural area have qualified and unqualified doctors. they said one
third (32.1%) of them went to the unqualified doctors and only (57.1%) that means two third went
to the qualified doctor. They concluded that the overall situation of health care system is poor in
developing countries like Bangladesh inadequate access to modern health service.
M.H.Rumi was conducted a study used a quantitative approach ,primarily using the
survey method. they found that the perception of male and female on service quality of UHC varies
significantly .They maenad that SERVQUAL dimensions indicate the service quality ratings of
UHC are below average. It denotes that patients are not satisfied with the existing service quality
system in UHC. they rated on the service quality items was found to be below average foe three
dimension(reliability ,empathy and responsiveness) and above average for two
dimensions(accessibility and tangibles) which indicates rural people are passionate about services
provision. They tested MANOVA and revealed that services quality is different by gender where
female patients are comparatively more optimistic about health care services of UHC then their
male counterparts. They said female patients have fewer expectation from the service providers of
UHC because of their socioeconomic condition. At least they concluded that the satisfaction level
of male and female service receivers varies where female are comparatively more positive than
the males on the UHC health service.
Hamiduzzaman (2021)was conducted a study on barriers to health care access for Bangladeshi
rural elderly women and this concept finally construct of the ‘’the world is not mine’’ This
construct represented four themes focusing on the exclusion from health care, oppressive
socioeconomic condition, marginalization in social relationship and personal characteristics that
lead the women to avoid or delay access to modern healthcare. They said the SDH impact on rural
elderly women’s access to mhs and the world health organization defines SDH in 2000 as the
environment in which a person is born, grow up ,works 10 determinants. They constructed a theme
of ‘’ suppressive social structure revealed the influence of socio economic forces and situation on
the level of educational and financial independence. According to their literature, the biomedical
model of health care in Bangladesh fails to account for the socio economic and cultural condition
and the inequitable distribution of MHS for them. They said the world is not theirs because of the
current healthcare social and individual circumstances that have marginalized then when
S.S Andaleeb (2007) assessed the quality of health services in public and private hospitals by
various influencing factors patients satisfaction in the case play significant role. They showed how
the factors were rated by patients and determine the effects of these factors or patient’s satisfaction
when applied to users of public private and foreign health care service. The service factors were
reliability responsiveness, tangible, communication, empathy, process features cost and
availability. To use these factors they constructed a this case they designed a
questionnaire. their study area was Dhaka medical collage hospital and Mitford hospital.
Frequency distribution were obtain to check for data entry errors and to obtain mean standard
deviation for each three categories of public private and foreign hospitals. They found all three
models were significant as indicated by the F statistics and R values.
A.Seddiky (2014) was conducted a study both qualitative and quantitative research approach
based on primary and secondary data. They said union health center(UHC) and union health and
family welfare centers(UHFWC) are the only means for providing health service to the rural
community but there exist some problems such as lack of man power and infrastructural facility
,unavailability of medicine and doctors in time lack of modern tool and technology, lack of
adequate fund ,lack of awareness of general people about the health service. they said most of the
people are living village so government should established union parishad which helps to promote
health facility in rural area through union health center. Their study examined the process pf
decentralization of rural health services and actual outcome on performance with the help of
common analytical framework. A significant portion of the population of the country remaining
below the poverty line is suffering from high prevalence of disease and health hazards. They lastly
showed that some recommendation to health goal and poverty.
E.K.Darkwa (2015)was conducted a qualitative study of factors influencing retention of
doctors and nurses at rural healthcare facilities. Mainly they were compounded by excessive
absenteeism and low retention among nurses and doctors posted to rural location. They showed
human resource were one of six buildings blocks of health system. They showed a study observing
the existing health work force in Bangladesh in 2006 found that 35% of doctor and 30% of nurses
were in four major cities( Dhaka ,Chittagong, Rajshahi, Khulna) were less than 20% of population
lived(MHFW) document. They also said that, in Bangladesh upazila health centers (UHC) were
designed to provide a wide range of healthcare function and there have more of its may be 25% of
physician and 22% of nurse position at UHC were vacant. At last they recommended some policy
to government and said this challenges in maintaining an adequate health workforce at both urban
and rural settings required a sustained effort in workforce planning development and financing.
Ahmed (2018) analyzed various frugal innovations in health care of different countries in this
article. He wrote that as good health at low cost increasingly becoming a challenge due to rising
cost of health care globally and out of pocket expenditure .so he suggested to use the frugal
innovation into our country. some examples 0f frugal innovations are reproductive health vouchers
program to pregnant. Women to cover transport to aternal care and paternal care and for purposing
medicines. Remedy medical data collection unit India (providers electronics medical records
including images various health parameters as well as audio video conferencing at low bandwidth
for remote health care delivery etc. He also showed another example of frugal innovation of health
care which minimizes cost and achieves more health.
K.M.Zobair was conducted a study of telemedicine healthcare service adoption barriers
in rural Bangladesh. Their article investigated potential barriers to telemedicine adoption incenters
hosted by rural public hospitals in Bangladesh. Example of barriers was that lack of organizational
effectiveness, health staff motivation patient satisfaction and more. They said Bangladesh health
care system was highly polaristic (ahmed 2014) consisting of public private and non
government organizations and healthcare system aided by international donar agencies .they
explained their literature telemedicine established 1999 for improving health sector afterwards its
adopted by public hospitals due to disadvantaged population. they showed different types of
barriers .they said telemedicine is a technological based healthcare system that can contribute to
better health management by integrating ICT, clinics and internet provide teleconsultation between
clinics and patients. At last conclusion was that an active telemedicine action plan and regulation
were suggested to breakdown the adoption barriers and active organizational goals.
Islam and Biswas(2014)wanted to show the achievement of health sector and its challenges facing
in the way of efficiency in Bangladesh. They showed that weak health system are on of the main
barriers in reaching health related goals. But in some cases it has more impressive gains compared
to most of its neighbors in reducing poverty malnutrition ,illiteracy etc. they used secondary data
in this paper. They suggested some factors in health sector. First they showed some challenges that
faced in health sectors like limited public facilities ,unavailability of health work force, lack of
devolution, lack of local level planning ,misuse of resource etc. They showed its findings led to
the further broading of the public sector service measures had been takes to restructure the entire
health system to made it more responsive to the health needs of the population.
Osmani(2017)showed the improvement of health of the population of Bangladesh though there
were still remain serious problems like gender discrimination in health facilities and inequality
along the poor versus non poor and the absence of effective accountability mechanisms through
which the providers of the health care can be held responsible for their action. He showed the
whole picture of health system in six section. In first he described health policy ,policy information
process and the contents of the policy and monitoring of implementation. then he analyzed the
section which includes three parts that are framework of health sector since independence,
availability of health facilities and trends, size pattern of expenditure on health care. He used some
tables which show the percentage of cost share in public system from 1981-2010.He also discussed
nutritional projects of Bangladesh within rural and urban sectors by table. And the last segment he
assessed the inequality of health acre in poor and rich. He concluded that despite impressive gains
being made on the health sector ,the health system of Bangladesh is characterized by many features
that mitigate against the rights based approach to health.

2.3 Research Gap

In view of the above literature review ,it can be said that there are some gaps in the above literature
.Jane Farmer showed the rural health challenges in delivery system to the people, M Rahman
worked on disease pattern and health seeking behavior in rural Bangladesh, Hamiduzzaman
was conducted only elderly women barriers not all people barriers, andaleeb worked only
health influencing factor, A.seddiky was conducted a study about UHC based on primary and
secondary data and also this literature contains only disease pattern, gender discrimination, frugal
innovation and health indicators. Above this literature no researchers did not specify patients
satisfaction .Here also did not specify non governmental organizational health service type and
peoples satisfaction. Here only reviewed elderly women constraints but not clarified all peoples
barriers. So this study is different from the existing studies and could be an important contribute
to the above literature
2.4 Conclusion
Literature review chapter is one of the most important chapter in research work. I have reviewed
many literature and found that most of the researchers find out challenges, disease spattern, gender
discrimination in rural Bangladesh. In this chapter, I have discussed about the importance of
literature review ,relevant literature related to my research work and also find out research gap.
Data and methodology
Research methodology is a systematic way to find out the result of e given problem. It defined as
the study of methods by which knowledge is gain and its aim to give the work plan of the research.
It is very important to select the perfect methodology for data collection from the research problem.
A research conducted based on the specific methodology in social research there are so much
methods such as social survey experimental method. I used social survey method.

3.2Study Area
The selected area was fulchari upazila at gaibandha district of Bangladesh. Fulchari upazila area
306.53 sq km, located in between 25°06' and 25°23' north latitudes and in between 89°34' and
89°46' east longitudes. It is bounded by gaibandha sadar upazila on the north, shaghata and
islampur upazila on the south. Total area of this upazila is char land. Total population 137796
among them male are69816 and female are 67979. This upazila mainly water bodies and its contain
three rivers that are Brahmaputra, old Brahmaputra, and jamuna. Fulchari thana was formed on 25
February 1855 and it was into an upazila in 1984.Literacy rate and educational institution average
literacy 27.7%, male 33.2%, female 22.1%.Here educational institution college 3, secondary
school 8,primary school 69. Main occupation of that area in agriculture 75.15%,non agricultural.
Main crops paddy,wheat,sugarcane,maize,jute,onion,chilli,mustered,penut,vegetable.extint
barly,kaun,sweet potato. Communication facilities pucca road 27.61 km, mud road 163.56
km,railway 5 km ,waterway 59.40 nautical miles. Accesses to electricity all the unions of the
upazila are under rural electrification net work.However 5.01% of the dwelling households have
access to electricity. Sources of drinking water tube well 91,14%,tap 0.28% and others 8.14%.
sanitation 11.70% of dwelling households of the upazila use sanitary latrines and 39.39%.

3.3 Study population

There are 7 union parishades under Fulchari upazila.I selected 2 no Uria union parishad which
population 17,057 according to the population census 2011.Here population density rate 722.2
kilometer per square and annual population change 1.8% according to the population census 2011.In
this population males 8458 and females 8599 here 100% rural people. Because of rural area here
have only one health service center which provide services in this vast amount of population.
3.4 Moshamari community clinic

Moshamari community clinic is e government hospital situated at a village area. Md Jahangir Alam
is a community clinic health facility head informer. This is no bedded system hospital. There is only
one rural doctor and no nurse. There is no sufficient availability of medicine. some common
medicines are provided from the clinic. Everyday about 30/50 patients come in the hospital who are
living most near or more far to the hospital for different normal treatment. There is no bed and no
nurse. Here serve only primary treatment like ANC, PNC, EP, family planning. In this clinic have
only one weight and height machine. Among the admitted patients most of the patients are female.
Here I found clinic some structure measure of this community clinic. I added some Question on this
survey Questions as follows as:

1. Capacity of the hospital : we found this study, this clinic had no bed
2. How many qualified doctors and Nurse have had in the hospital? : Here we found no nurse
no doctors
3. What kind of diseases they offer treatment normally? : we found result here only provided
primary treatment like ANC, PNC, EPI, HE, Family Planning, etc.
4. Is there any availability of medicine in the hospital?: head informer told that here provide
only 30 items
5. Do this basic infrastructure like weight machine?: they said here had only one weight machine
6. Is there any pathological center? They said no
7. How many patients have admitted in the hospital in a month? 800-1000
8. Among the admitted patients how many are male / female? They said maximum were female

3.5 Study design and sampling procedure

A sample is a representatives a part of a population that exhibits relevant characteristics of the

population. Here random sampling methods are used for the study. The main respondent were rural
people of mosamari community clinic who came to the above health centers for treatment. All types
of People are involved in this study like male female children etc.50 people who living under uria
union are randomly selected as a sample in my study.
Village name Number of respondent

1.ketkirhat 10
2.katadara 10
3.mosamari 10

4.dariarvita 10

5.kabilpur 10
3.6 Methods of data collection

Data were collected from face to face interview with a well structured questionnaire. There are
various methods of data collection. Such as interview schedule, observation study, rapid rural
appraisal participatory rural appraisal etc. I took interview schedule as a methods of data collection
in my study. Here both qualitative and quantitative questionnaire were there. The data were collected
keeping in mind the three objectives. The questionnaire consist of demographic structure. Social
structure which focused patients satisfaction level from hospital, different related questions for
identifying NGOs activities in the rural area.

3.7 Tabulation of the data

We collect data on the basis of questionnaire may not present the actual view of variables. In such
case we may group our collected data in a precise way to know it at a glance. The summarization of
raw data into a group in a table is called tabulation of the data .In this section I will discuss about
different variable alone with their tabulation and also we present graphically. I used tabulation form
for presenting the data in my study.

Table 1: General information of sample Respondent

Characteristics Categories Frequency Percentage

Sex Male 18 36%
Female 32 64%
Employment Housewife 30 60%
Day labor 20 40%
School attend Attend 23 46%
No attend 27 54%
Education level Illiterate 26 52%
Primary to high school 24 48%
Housing type Tin sheet 50 100%
Present disease Yes 28 56%
No 22 44%
Where first go Public 11 22%
Rural 39 78%
Going to hospital Yes 40 80%
No 10 20%
The tabulation system makes complex task into a very simple and understandable thing for this
reason. I used excel for data entry and analysis. It is most scientific and easy .So I used frequency to
analyze data.

3.8 Conclusion
In this chapter I have discussed data and methodology procedure. And I used interview schedule as
a methods of data collection in my study. This chapter contain 9 section and this is the most important
chapter for research work. It is called the life of research because a research is conducted based on
the specific methodology.
Chapter four
Findings and discussion
4.1 Introduction
Findings and discussion chapter is also one of the main chapter of research work. Its completely
my findings. The aim of my study was to determine the satisfaction of the patients or socio
economic condition and constraints to get Services. Total 50 respondent were interviewed and it
was reported that the socio economic composition of respondents using the survey like age
distribution, education status, housing types ,latrine types occupation, present disease, NGO
service. A detailed analysis is made on these parameters and presented in this section.

4.2 socio-economic Characteristics of Respondents

4.2.1 Analysis of data
This part takes an attempt to provide detailed analysis of the socio-economic characteristics of the
sample respondents. All the respondents are selected from mosamari community clinic and NGOs
services in Gaibandha District. Now we analyze each indicator of socio economic characteristics
by both table and graph.

4.2.2. Distribution of Respondents by Sample area

Table: 4.1 Numbers and percentage of Respondents by sample area
Village Name Frequency Percentage
Ketkirhat 10 20
Mosamari 10 20
Katadara 10 20
Dariarvita 10 20
Kabilpur 10 20

The above table shows that the total number of respondents is 50. The total respondents are
collected data randomly in this area on different point. From these respondents 80% respondents
are going to hospital and 20% are not going to hospital. Among 50 respondents, I was collected
10 in one point and that percentage is 20%.These data based on only one community clinic that is
mosamari community clinic.

4.2.3 Distribution of respondents by Gender

Mainly female patients are visiting to the hospital most. Gender factor plays an important role I
am determining socio-economic characteristics of the respondents. And in rural area, females lead
less standard life than male members. And it affects study in the study result, most of the
respondents most of the respondents are female. In the rural based hospitals, result also. (From In this sight showed that In 2020, male to female ratio in Bangladesh is 102.25 males
per 100 female. In this data also showed that female and male ratio have no significance difference.
Most of the time male partner insist female partner to go community clinic. Above this discussion
we see that every literature and data analysis find out that most of the female are going to
community clinic. From the sample data the above reveals that the female respondents are higher
than male. That is among 50 respondents, there are 32 female respondents and 21 male
respondents. In percentage, 64% female and 36% are male respondents. One reason for higher
female respondents is that the two hospitals are situated in local area. And the female of the local
area are going to the clinic for normal disease like headache, gastric etc. And waiting time in public
hospitals are higher. So male person have not time to spend in the hospital. The above table can
be shown in pie chart also in below.



Male Female

Fig: 4.2 Distribution of Respondents by Gender

4.2.3 Distribution of Respondents by Occupation

Occupation is an important factor to measure a person or society’s life standard. In our study, we
divide the total respondents belong to two occupation. We showed the total respondents distributed
by occupation in the above table. We see that there are two occupation sector of the respondents.
They belong to housewife, and day labor. M Rahman et. al (2011) told that most of the respondents
were housewives and 95.3%.Here we also see that Most of the respondents are housewife that is
30 respondents are housewife which consist of 60% of our majority respondents are female
so housewife belongs to most respondents.20 respondents are day labor that is 40% of total. The
above table can be shown by the pie chart.



Fig: 4.3 Distribution of respondents by occupation

4.2.4 Distribution of respondents by attending school and their class level

Education qualification can increase a person’s life standard and his socio economic status. A
educated person can easily identify his demands. So we can say, a person, overall a society’s socio
economic status depend largely on education. M Hamiduzzaman (2022) told that the majority
of the participants described that they had never attend school. Most of them identified themselves
as illiterate. (archive. showed that the literacy rate in Bangladesh 74% and
the illiteracy rate in Bangladesh 26%.we see that major part of our population are illiterate We
can also see that our analysis, a large part of the respondents have no education. In total of 50
respondents 27 people have no education that is 54% respondents are uneducated. And 23
respondents are educated among the total of 50 respondents. Besides this, the total of 23 educated
respondent, 16 have only education up to Primary level and that percentage is 69.56%. Among 23
Respondents, 7 respondents are studied up to high above this discussion, we can see that
a major part of respondents don’t have educational qualification. Now we can see that the result in
following pie chart:
1st Qtr

46% 2nd Qtr


Fig: 4.4 Number and percentage of respondents by attending school and class
4.2.5 Distribution of respondents by family size
Determinants of socio economic status also depend on family size. Because in a large family
especially in rural area, family members can’t get all opportunity which are more available in a
small family. They have less availability in education, nutrition, health service access in large
family. In the above table, there are large parts of respondents who have large family size. We can
see that only 20% respondents have a family size up to 10.70% respondents have a family size
between 4-6. And 10% have large family that is more than 7 members. We can present it by
following diagram;



1 TO 3 4 TO 6 7 TO 10

Fig : 4.5 Distribution of Respondents by family size

4.2.6 Distribution of Respondents by structure of house and drinking source
Structure of house plays an important role in determining socio-economic status of the
respondents. In collection of data, we can see that most of the house structure only one type that
is tin sheet. In the sample data, we can see that in total of respondents 100% people lived in tin
sheeted house. There is also an option of brick and smooth mud. But No respondents use bricks
and smooth mud house. Another important determinants of socio economic status in a source of
drinking water. In our survey, we notice that majority respondents get supply water or pure
drinking water. Here have only one option to drink water that is Tube well. Now we can see the
result found from the survey in a table.
Table: 4.6 distribution of respondents by structure of house and drinking source
Types of house percentage Drinking source percentage
Tin sheet 100 Tube well 100
others 0 others 0
total 100 total 100

Above this table we can see that 100% respondents use tube well and 100% people use tin sheet
housing. But no respondents use pond water for drinking purpose and no respondents use bricks
house. (https;// groundwater fed irrigation and drinking water, in this study
showed that in Bangladesh approximately 97% of all drinking water supplies comes from ground
water via hand operated tube wells. Our analysis also showed that.

4.2.7 Distribution of Respondents by types of toilet

Types of toilet are also important factor of determining socio economic status of the respondents.
In this modern era, is it astonished that we found Hanging latrines used by the respondents.
( latrine types observed in Bangladesh context showed that Bangladeshi latrine
types are divided into five types. All had a single pit and most common type comprised of a slab
with water seal and offset pit. This pit depth only three to four this context also showed
some diagram here maximum people use sanitary latrine and its percentage was 45%. In our
analysis we also see that here 60% people use sanitary latrine. That means day by day people
concern about their sanitation. They try to use sanitary latrine for increasing awareness about
healthy life. In the below diagram we can see that only 60% respondents use sanitary latrine. But
40% respondents still use Hanging latrine. This portion is a major part in this era where all sectors
are going to be 40% obviously is also a matter of concern. Now we see this by bar
Sanitery Hanging


Fig: 4.7 Distribution of respondents by types of toilet

4.3.1 Disease suffer presently

The people who visited hospitals are suffered from very common disease. The disease are very
normal and common, so percentage of disease cure are very high these hospitals and also
mentioned that as people get cured form these service. The study result showed that they are mainly
go there only for primary treatment. They are suffered from fever, pain, headache, gastric, leg and
hand break etc. We can see that 56% people are suffered from various disease and 44% people
are not suffered from any disease. This analysis also show that by pie chart.

44% Diseased

56% Non diseased

Fig: 4.8 Distribution of responded by presently suffer disease

of in the literature review we see that M Rahman (2011) said that when he asked about history
her or family member illness during the preceding 15 days.51.3% of the respondents gave positive
response. In our analysis we also see that here 56% people suffer disease presently that means our
study is relevant.

4.3.2 Distribution of respondents by first choice

Their disease are so common so that they don’t need to visit specialist doctor. When they are sick
firstly they prefer rural doctor or nearby public hospital or go pharmacy. There are various reason
behind it. In the literature review M. A. Seddiky (2014) said that the poor and marginalized
people are the primary beneficiaries of the community clinic. Most of them illiterate and live hand
to mouth. Some rural people believe in the charismatic power of the kabiraz instead of modern
medicine. From the sample data we see that same condition, here 16% respondents first go public
hospital.60% respondents first go rural doctors and 24% of respondents go to pharmacy doctor.
There is no respondents who are go to first a specialist. As their disease are not more serious, so
they trust rural doctor and pharmacy doctor. And they also mentioned that these Common diseases
are cured them, they thought there is no need to go private clinic or specialist. This analysis we
can see by following line graph.




0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%


Fig: 4.9 Distribution of respondents by first choice

4.3.3 Reason to go their preferable place
Those whom first go rural doctor or pharmacy doctor there have different reason behind it like less
distance get medicine without any travel cost, unawareness etc. Those whom first go public
hospital there have also different reasons like less distance, get free medicine, get low visit, etc. In
the below diagram, we can see that 60% people who have personal preference to go public or rural
doctor.30% respondent who are not interest to go private hospital or public hospital because of
more distance.10% respondents who are also go to rural doctor because of unawareness. This
analysis. We show by following graph.









Personal preference More distance Unawareness


Fig: 4.10 Distribution of respondents by reason to go

4.4 Patients satisfaction with its determinant factors

4.4.1 Behavior of doctor
Behavior of doctors is an important indicator of patients satisfaction In our study time, we found
different opinions of respondents in this case.( how does
physician behavior affect patients decisions making? In this context said that physician were not
carefully reviewing the pre visit questionnaires and also they did not reviewed the patient
problems. That’s why patients are dissatisfied. From the sample we see that here total respondents
41. 46.34% people said that behavior of the doctor is good.51.22% people said that doctors
behavior is medium and 2.44% people said doctors behavior is bad. Now this value we put this
into bar diagram.
Fig: 4.11 Distribution respondents by opinion of behaviour of doctor

4.4.2 Medicine availability

Availability of medicine is also important indicator of patients satisfaction. In community clinic
less medicine items are given to the patients. From the literature reviewed , M.A. Seddiky told that their literature, the community clinic provides only some common type of
treatment and medicine which is insufficient. In our study we also see that The community clinic
in our study also provide medicine. In this hospital, all items of medicine are not available. They
only provide primary disease medicine like fever, pain etc. For this reason some people get all
medicine and some people get less medicine, and many get less medicine. Now we can see by a
following table
4.13. Distribution of respondents by opinion of doctors getting medicine
Availability of medicine Frequency Percentage
All 6 14.63%
Half or less than half 34 82.93%
No 1 2.44%
Total 41 100%

From the sample data, the study result shows that in total 41 respondents. 14.63% get all
medicine,82.93% of them get half or less than half medicine and 2.44% don’t get any medicine
bacause of unavailability of medicine. Now we can see that by a pie chart
Fig: 4.12 Distribution of respondents by opinion of doctors getting medicine
4.4.3 Spending time of doctors with each patients
Patients satisfaction also depends on doctors spending present that doctors spends more
time to each patients and treat them attentively, patients satisfaction increases. From the study, we
can see that 34.15% people said that doctors give fast time.64.85% people said that doctors treats
the patients attentively and spend the time that is actually need to treat them fast. This result can
be shown pie chart.

Fig: 4.13 Distribution of respondents by opinion of doctors time spending

4.4.4 Distance from residence
Distance from hospital is another indicator of patients satisfaction. In our study, we take two one
community clinic. The patients who visited the hospitals give different opinions about distance of
Hospital of hospitals from residence. From the below diagram we can see that 24.39% people said
that hospital are situated near to their residence. 34.15% people said that the hospitals are not more
far from the residence location.41.46% respondents said that hospitals are more far from the
residence. This analysis can be shown by the bar diagram.

Fig: 4.13 Distribution by opinion of distance of hospital

4.4.5 Satisfaction from rural health center
As rural health center provide various types of services, some of the respondents are satisfied,
some of the medium satisfied, and some of the dissatisfied. Health satisfaction depend on some
determinant factors. There are strong relationship between patient satisfaction and a variety of
explanatory factors, among which service quality has been prominent. From the literature reviewed
A.S. Andaleep et. al(2007)told that health service depends on quality of the hospitals which is
affected by various influencing factor. They also tried to show most of the patients are satisfied.
From our study, the below diagram, the study result shows that majority of the patients said that
they are satisfied. We see that 22 respondents that means 53.66% respondents among 41
respondents said that they are satisfied from the rural health service.36.58% respondents said that
they are medium satisfied from the hospital service.9.76% respondents said that they are
dissatisfied from the rural health center service. Now these study result can be shown in a bar
Fig: 4.14 Distribution of respondents by opinion of satisfaction

4.5.1 NGO available in the study area

In Bangladesh, there are many NGO’S worked in the rural area. some example of NGOs are
BRACK,ASHA,GRAMEEN BANK,SKS,SHOWHARDO etc. These NGOs are playing a viral
role in improving the life standard of rural people. Besides this, they work for increasing health
awareness of rural people and also their education. In our study time, respondents are asked which
NGOs are working in the study area. They give same answer. Now we see the result in the
following table
Table: 4.15. Available NGO in the study area
NGOs Frequency Percentage
Total 50 100%

From the sample data, we see that 100% respondents said that all the NGOS are available in this
study area. Here have a reason, NGOs are more emphasis on rural area to provide best Service in
this areas people. They provide various types of services like family planning, malnutrition, child
nutrition, education related etc.
4.5.2 Distribution of facilities by NGOs
NGOs provide various facilities to the rural People. The facilities are mostly child nutrition, family
planning, education, health awareness , and other facilities. Respondents give various opinion that
provided by different NGOs. Like SKS emphasis on rural peoples life standard and child nutrition.
we see that Majority of the respondent that means 60% respondents said that SHOWHARDO and
SKS gives child nutrition and maternity care. This service also called by pusti in this study area.
BRACK give only family planning service and 20% people are take this service among 100%
people. Here 20% Respondents said that they are serviced by health awareness from this NGOs.
This analysis we can present by a bar diagram.

Fig: 4.16 Distribution of facilities by NGOs

4.5.3 Satisfaction from NGOs

From this study area, who are take services majority of the people are not satisfied. Some of them
are satisfied from NGOs activities. Factors also related with patients satisfaction that is provides
facilities. From this sample, most of the people are dissatisfied from NGOs activities.78% people
are dissatisfied among 100% respondents. And only 22% people are satisfied among 100%
respondents. This analysis can be shown by a pie chart.
Fig: 4.16 satisfaction from NGOs

4.6 Conclusion
This is the most important chapter in research work. In this chapter firstly I can try to see that about
socioeconomic conditions of the respondents and the end of the chapter I analyzed the patients
satisfaction from rural health center. most of the patients were satisfied some are dissatisfied.
Chapter Five
Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Introduction
This is the conclusions chapter of our report writing. This is one of the main chapter.From our
findings and discussion chapter, we see that socio economic condition of the respondent and
satisfaction with relative determinant in fulchari upazila. The aim of the study is to asses the
patients satisfaction from community clinic and non governmental organizations. Many of the
problem found in other governmental health service appeared here,shortages of drugs and
consumables, insufficient skills in some staff are not available when needed. At present community
clinics are Playing at most a limited role in public service sector.

5.2 Overview of the chapter

In chapter one, I was discussed the background of the study, importance of rural people in
economic activity, Present conditions of rural health center and also discussed, effective these
health centers to turn rural people in human resource .Here also included objectives of the study,
scope of the study and layout of the study.
In second chapter, difference reviews of study are discussed which are similar to our study
objectives. We mainly focus on reviews which are worked on patients satisfaction and also focused
on rural health center condition and their service. In this case some reviews show which factor
influence the patient’s satisfaction like cost of treatment of public hospital, treatment time, role of
NGO, medicine availability, innovation medicine related Technology, medical infrastructure etc.
There is shortage no doctor and no nurse and no emergency equipment. Here study suggests that
the rural health center need to reform and need to policy to improve service.
In third chapter, I discussed about the data and methodology. There are eight section in this chapter.
We discussed about the area of the study, sample size methods of data collection, sampling
procedure, and also have little information about community clinic.
In chapter four, I showed the findings and discussion chapter. The study findings are presented,
interpreted and discussed. And lastly I discussed respondents satisfaction and their analysis.
Because of insignificant value of regression model I just skip this interpretations and discussion.
Here I also included a conclusion term
In chapter five, presentation and the conclusions drawn from the empirical data and policy
recommendations. An I can draw a conclusion term that the socio-economic conditions of the
respondents in Fulchari upazila.
5.3 Recommendations
• Medicine availability in public hospital should be increased so that large number of people
can get the required medicine from this rural hospital
• Location design should allocate according to patient need so that all people can get easily
• Number of doctors and nurse should be increased waiting time, should be decreased and
patients can find specialist doctors also
• Number of bed should be increased.
• Service should be more available
• Instruments and lab should maintain appropriately
• Health awareness should be increased in rural people so that they can keep their own and
family health in conditions.
• Old care service should be increased and focus on its Special term
• In providing public health service, NGO can play a important role. NGOs should be
involved in this sector more so that they can give advice of nutrition and family planning.

5.4 Limitation of the study and Direction of Future researchers

Every research work this work has some limitation. The first limitation is that it covers only a
small part of area, Five villages at Fulchari upazila of Gaibandha district. Future researcher should
also be conducted a large area to find out exact scenario of that area. Data were collected for only
50 Respondents. Future researcher should collected more data so that they can show exact
relationship with its relative determinants. This work has been conducted for achieving only three
objectives and there were time limitation of this work. Future researcher may also be extended
time. They should use proper time to get exact information’s. In this study here have many
information gap on the survey questions. Future researcher may also be concerned about proper
questionnaire. In this study, here we skipped regression analysis because of insignificant value.
Future research must concern about data collection and questionnaire so that they can run
regression. Future researcher should exclude these limitations and it should be conducted on large
area, a large number respondents should be covered to collected data from them, number of
objective should be increased, proper questionnaire must need to analysis.

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Appendix 1: Questionnaire
Survey Questionnaire for the Study
Patient’s satisfaction with rural health center as a health service
provider at Fulchari upazila in Gaibandha District

1.General Information
Respondent serial number
Name of the respondent

2.Demographic Information
a. Number of family member in HH?
b. how many children do you have?

3.Employment Related Information

a. Housewife
b. Day labor
c. Self employed
d. Others

4.Education Related Information

a. Have you ever attended school? Yes/No
If yes, then what was the level of education you have completed? (code:1=class1,2=class two etc.)
5.Housing &Utilities Related Information
1.Types of Housing
a. Brick
b. Tin Sheet
C. Smooth Mud
d. Wood
e. Others
2.Types of Toilet
a. Sanitary Latrine
b. Hanging Latrine
3.Sorces of Drinking Water
a. Tube Well
b. Pond
c. Others
4.Fuel of Cooking
a. Wood
B. Animal Waste
c. Straw
d. Gas
e. Electricity

6.Health & Disease related Information

1.what disease do you suffer presently?
2. If you became sick, then where did you go first?
a. Public hospital
b. Rural doctors
c. Retailed medicine seller
d. Private clinic
3. Whatever the answer, what is the reason behind it?
a. Personal preference
b. More distance
c. Unawareness

7.Health service & patients satisfaction

No Patients satisfaction related indicators Response option

1 How much time a doctor spends for each patient treatment? 1=fast

2 Does patients get all the medicine that the doctor prescribes? 1=all
2=half or less than half

3 How far is the health center from the residence? 1=nearly

2=not more far
3=more far
4 What types of vehicles do you use in this journey? 1=van
5 Behavior of doctors & staff 1=good
6 Do you find the specialist that u find for your disease? 1=yes

7 Do you satisfy from the services? 1=satisfied

2=medium satisfied
8.Health facilities from others organization
1.what kinds of NGO are available in the study area?
a. BRAC b. Grameen Bank c. ASHA
2.What kind of facilities NGOs provide to the people?
A. Family planning
b. Child nutrition Related
c. Education Related
e. others
3.NGOs bring any change in their life standard? Yes/No
4.does he/she satisfy from NGOs activities? Yes/No

Questionnaire for hospital register:

Rural health center & their activities
1.capacity of the hospital: 10 or less/more than 10 bedded system
2.How many qualified doctors and nurse have had in the hospital?
3.what kind of diseases they offer treatment normally?
4.Is there availability of medicine in the hospital?
5. Do this basic infrastructure like height/weight machine exist in the hospital?
6. Is there any pathological center? many patients have admitted in the hospital in a month?
8.Among the admitted patients how many are male/female/child approximately?
Appendix 2: My experience in the research
While my experience as an undergraduate have been diverse, Research has unquestionably been
the most important and rewarding component of my education. Research has proven to be a
fantastic supplement to my Research work. Allowing me to strengthen my conceptual
understanding of the material taught and leading to an improvement in my academic performance.

This was the first Research work in my study life. I was very scared in the beginning. I didn’t know
what to do. Under the supervision of my respected honorable teacher. I was able to overcome my
research fears. He guided me very sincerely. I went home 1st October with his direction and best
wishes. I had gotten only 4 days to collect data. I selected five villages and 50 respondents for
my Research work. The first two days, I Couldn’t do anything. So I was so afraid that I would not
be able to finish the job in time. By the grace of Almighty, I was able to complete the work the
allotted me.
It was a great experience I started to I started to collect data from 5th October. that was there
wonderful day. On the 5th October after breakfast I went out for data collection with my father
through bike. At first we go to Ketkirhat village. My first respondent was my auntie. she is a
wonderful woman and housewife. She was very happy to see me and my father. she asked
everyone around to help with information. Respondent give me all information without hesitation.
From there I took 10 respondent.
After data collection I went to the neighborhood off moshamari community clinic from there. I
took 10 respondents from around the clinic. as soon as I left they arranged s chair for me. these
people. Among these people Someone came and objected to the clinic after finished my work.
There I and my father were offered breakfast and after breakfast we moved on to Katadara village.
There are many problems have to be faced during data collection. At that point female and male
did not want to give any information. Make respondent were disagreed to give any information
about this question. One of them literally asked me to leave the house. Then I Convinced them to
give me information. Then I went and explained them correctly and get 10 respondents. One male
Respondents said you bought a diabetic machine in here. In this community clinic here no diabetic
machine that’s why we can not test diabetic free of cost. In this place there is one offering tea and
From there I moved on to Dariarvita village. From this area I took 10 respondent also. Some of
my acquaintances were there and they started talking about my marriage about future plans. Many
offered lunch but it was time consuming so I went back home that day.
On the 6 the October, I went to my village Kabilpur. Here also I took 10 respondent. There I have
lunch and meet relatives. Everyone has cooperated by giving me information.
Picture of my data collection : on the 10th October, I moved Rajshahi and I finished the rest
of the work with data entry as directed by my esteemed teacher.

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