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We are watching TV in the bedroom

We are not watching TV in the bedroom
We aren´t watching TV in the bedroom
We´re not watching TV in the bedroom

Question yes/no
Are we watching TV in the bedroom?
R/ yes, we are watching TV in the bedroom
R/ no, we are not watching TV in the bedroom

WH- Questions
What are we watching TV?
R/ we are watching a romantic movie

The father is running in the garden

The father ins´t running in the garden
No, he ins´t running in the garden
The father is not running in the garden

Questions yes/no
The father is running in the garden?
R/ yes, it is running in the garden
R/ No, isn´t running in the garden

Wh- Question
Who is running?
R/ The father it is running
You are reading a book in the garden

No, you aren´t reading a book in the garden
You are not reading a book in the garden
You ins´t reading a book in the garden

Questions yes/no
Are you reading a book in the garden?
R/yes, you are reading a book in the garden
R/no, you aren´t reading a book in the garden

WH- Question
Where you are reading a book?
R/ You are reading a book in the garden

He is riding his bike in the garden

He is not riding his bike in the garden
He´s isn´t riding his bike in the garden

Questions yes/no
Is he riding his bike in the garden?
R/yes. He is riding his bike in the garden
R/no, he ins´t riding his bike in the garden

WH- Question
Where is he riding his bike?
R/ he is riding his bike in the garden
Bill is eating a sandwich in the kitchen

Bill is not eating a sandwich in the kitchen
Bill ins´t eating a sandwich in the kitchen
He is not eating in the kitchen

Question yes/no
Is bill eating a sandwich in the kitchen?
R/ yes, he is eating a sandwich in the kitchen
R/no, he ins´t eating a sandwich in the kitchen

WH- Question
Why does bill eating in the kitchen?
R/ because it is easier than going to dinning room

Laura is playing with the dog in the garden

Laura is not playing with de dog in the garden
Laura isn´t playing with de dog in the garden
She is not playing with de dog in the garden

Question yes/no
Laura is playing with the dog?
R/ yes, she is playing with the dog
R/no, she ins´t playing with the dog

WH- Question
What is Laura do?
She is playing with the dog in the garden

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