HSB Assignment

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1. Describe what happens during:

a. Mechanical digestion : Mechanical digestion is the physical breakdown of

food, including chewing in the mouth and mixing in the stomach and

intestines, aided by muscular contractions to prepare food for

chemical digestion.

b. Chemical digestion : Chemical digestion breaks down food into smaller

molecules through enzymes and acids. Proteins break down into amino

acids, carbohydrates into sugars, and fats into fatty acids and

glycerol for absorption.

2. Why are teeth important in the digestive process?

Teeth are important because they physically break down food into smaller

pieces, increasing surface area for enzyme action. This aids in efficient

chemical digestion, facilitating the absorption of nutrients in the digestive


3. Joyann is 3 years old. State the types of teeth in her mouth and the functions of each.
Joyann,, has milk/baby teeth: these consist of : incisors cut food, canines tear,

molars grind. They aid in initial digestion by breaking down food into smaller pieces

for swallowing and digestion.

4. Matthew develops a cavity in one of his tooth.Outline how a cavity is formed and

suggest two things he should do to prevent cavities from forming in his other


A cavity forms when bacteria in the mouth combine with food particles and saliva,

creating plaque, a sticky film on teeth. This plaque produces acids as it metabolizes

sugars and carbohydrates from food, leading to the erosion of tooth enamel.

Eventually, this erosion results in the formation of a cavity, a small hole in the

tooth. To prevent cavities from forming in his other teeth, Matthew should

maintain good oral hygiene by brushing his teeth at least twice daily with fluoride

toothpaste and flossing once a day to remove plaque and food debris. Additionally,

he should follow a healthy diet, limiting sugary and acidic foods and beverages that

contribute to plaque buildup and enamel erosion, while consuming a balanced diet

rich in fruits, vegetables, and dairy products to support oral health.

5. What are enzymes ?

Enzymes are biological molecules that act as catalysts, speeding up chemical

reactions in living organisms without being changed themselves

6. Name the enzymes that does the following:

a) Breakdown of starch: The breakdown of starch into simpler sugars like

maltose involves the action of an enzyme called amylase. Amylase is found in

saliva and in the pancreas in humans, and it catalyzes the hydrolysis of

starch into maltose.

b) Breakdown of hydrogen peroxide:The breakdown of hydrogen peroxide iis

facilitated by an enzyme called catalase. Catalase is found in cells,

particularly in the liver, and it catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen

peroxide into water and oxygen gas, preventing the accumulation of toxic

levels of hydrogen peroxide within cells.

7. Explain the effect of temperature on enzyme activity . Include a graph

At low temperatures, enzymes are inactive. Increasing temperature boosts enzyme

activity by promoting collisions with substrates, enhancing binding. Optimal

temperature (e.g., 37°C in humans) maximizes enzyme efficiency. Beyond this,

enzymes denature (40-50°C), losing shape and function, reducing activity.

8.Other than the effect of temperature on enzyme activity. Give 3 other properties of


Enzymes, beyond temperature sensitivity, exhibit pH sensitivity, with an optimal

pH for function. They display substrate specificity, binding particular molecules

due to active site complementarity. Enzyme activity is regulated through various

mechanisms to finely tune cellular processes..

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