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1. This application form comprises 4 pages including this cover page. Please ensure that all
pages are submitted.
2. The application completed in all aspects must be sent in the original and Hard copy with all
necessary documents. Incomplete application may be declared invalid.

3. The filled in Application Form along with enclosures should be emailed to only.
4. Please complete the application form for all relevant information. Incomplete application may
not be considered.
5. All information provided in the Application Form will be kept strictly confidential.

6. All information must be provided within the application form itself. Additional information
wherever specifically asked for in the application form may be provided as enclosures.
7. If you have any question regarding this application process, please contact us at

8. Please make sure you fill out the application with correct information. In case of any
discrepancy or false information, Barbeque Nation has the right to reject the candidature of
the applicant with immediate effect.

9. All information provided in the application form will be kept strictly confidential. You give us
permission to share the information with an agency appointed by Barbeque Nation for the
purpose of verifying the given information.

10.This application form entitles you only to apply for a BARBEQUE NATION FRANCHISE
PROGRAM and it does not assure you of granting franchise.

11.Submit any necessary annexure in support of data filled in application form for all relevant
information as applicable.

12.No Payment is to be made with the application form. Once application approved from the
company then first-time registration fee of Rs.2,65,500.00. to be deposit in the account.
This is a refundable amount in case of incompletion of franchise.

13.Please note company will not accept directly any type of cash/DD/cheque, please make
online transaction only through RTGS/NEFT/IMPS deposit in account.
Application for Additional Information APPLICATION NO
In addition to requesting additional information, this application is used for purchasing a new franchise, an
additional franchise, or the purchase and transfer of an existing store. The filing of this form does not obligate
the applicant to purchase or the franchisor to sell a franchise or location.
Complete in full and do not use abbreviations. Please print clearly or type.


Date Where did you hear about the Barbeque Nation franchise?
Name First/Given Last/Surname Citizen of Country Permanent Resident of Country

Date of Birth Tax ID/Pan Number* Aadhar Number*

Gender □ Male □ Female
Other names you are known by Are you of legal age? □ Yes □ No
Have you ever been Have you ever been associated Has a judgment been filed against you
convicted of a felony (If yes, you will need to provide
directly or indirectly or have you been involved
or its equivalent? in any litigation proceeding the following for each proceeding: names of
with terrorist activities? within the last 5 years? the parties involved, date filed, court where
Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ filed and nature of the proceeding.)

Telephone (Home) Area code / country & city code (Fax) Area code / country & city code (Mobile) Area code / country & city code

Residence Address
City State/Province Zip/Postal Code
Country Email address

SPOUSE PERSONAL INFORMATION (Use a Separate Application for Partners)

Spouse’s Name Citizen of Country Permanent Resident of Country

Date of Birth Tax ID/Social Security Number* Gender □ Male □ Female

Other names known by Are you of legal age? □ Yes □ No
Have you ever been Have you ever been
Has a judgment been filed against you (If yes, you will need to
convicted of a felony associateddirectly or indirectly
or its equivalent? or have you been involved provide
with terrorist activities?
in any litigation proceeding the following for each proceeding:
Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ within the last 5 years? names ofthe parties involved, date
Yes □ No □ filed, court where filed and nature of
the proceeding.)

Highest Education Achieved Schools Attended City State Country Years Grade or Degree Attained
□ College Degree or higher
□ Some College
□ High School □ GED
□ Didn’t Complete High School

BUSINESS INFORMATION (Complete All Questions)

Select Your Business Experience Level
□ Self Employed □ Employed by □ Restaurant Management
No. Years Nature of Business □ Other Business Management
□ Restaurant Non Management
Title Describe Position □ No Business Experience
May we contact you at work? Yes□ No□
List all restaurant & food service businesses in
City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country which you have an ownership interest:

Telephone (Bus.) Telephone (Alt.)

Area code / country & city code Area code / country & city code

Income from current occupation /year Individual Liquid Assets (Cash, Stocks, etc.) a)
Income from other sources /year Individual Fixed Assets (Home, Car, etc.) b)
Please explain other income Individual Total Assets (a + b) c)
Personal Bank(s) /Branch Address Individual Liabilities (Mortgages, Loans, etc.) d)
Your Individual Total Net Worth (c - d) e)
Excluding any financing listed below

Would this business be your sole income source? Yes □ No □Is

there other financing not included in (e) above? Yes □ No □If
yes, how much financing is available?
Type of Currency
REFERENCES (Excluding Relatives)
Name Address Telephone (area/country & city code)

PARTNERS (All partners need to fill out a separate application and if listed, must be named on any Franchise Agreement executed in connection with this application unless we allow otherwise. )

Will you have partner (s)? □Yes □ No If not, you may skip this section. Otherwise, please complete all relevant sections below:
First Last Middle Initial % Ownership
Partner’s Name □ Active □ Silent □ Male □ Female

Partner’s Name □ Active □ Silent □ Male □ Female

Partner’s Name □ Active □ Silent □ Male □ Female
Partner’s Name □ Active □ Silent □ Male □ Female

If qualified, when will you How involved will you be in?
In which country would you like to open your Barbeque Nation restaurant?
Invest in a franchise? Operating the restaurant?
□ Now
□ Within 1 months □ 0% Not involved at all (If different from your country of residence)

□ 3 months to 6 months □ 50% Somewhat involved

□ 1 year □100% Completely involved Estimated training date should you choose to invest:

List any hobbies, community activities, special interests, or other pertinent information:

Are you related by blood, marriage or otherwise to any officer, director, employee, or franchisee of Barbeque Nation? Yes □ No □
Relation’s First Name Relation’s Last Name Relationship

Are you or your employer providing products, goods or services to Barbeque Nation or franchisees of Barbeque Nation? Yes □ No □
Will you devote your full time to this business? Yes □ No □
What are your reasons for wanting to startup your own business?

Would you be willing to relocate for a restaurant opportunity? Yes □ No □

In which three general geographic areas are you most interested?

Have you ever applied for a Barbeque Nation franchise? If so, where and when? Yes □ No □
Where did you find out about this franchise opportunity?

Personal Reference (other than employers or relatives) First Name:

Personal reference Last Name:

Personal reference Occupation: Personal reference Telephone

Date Applicant’s Signature (required)

Date Spouse’s Signature (required)

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