Ets B.inggris-Dadan Supriadi-10221088

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Nama : Dadan Supriadi

Kelas : C4.21

NPM : 10221088


Which one is wrong?

1. Researches in economics, psychology, and marketing can help businesses.
A. Researches
B. economics
C. marketing
D. help


A. Researches

2. The author Susan Glaspell won a Pulitzer Prize in 1931 for hers play, Alison’s House.

A. author

B. won

C. for

D. hers


D. hers
3. Haywood Broun was a read widely newspaper columnist who wrote during the 1920’ and
A. read widely
B. newspaper
C. who wrote
D. during


A. read widely

4. The rock formations in the Valley of Fire in Nevada has been worn into many strange shapes
by the action of wind and water.

A. has

B. worn

C. strange

D. by the action


A. has

5. Because of their color and shape, seahorses blend so well with the seaweed in which they live
that it is almost impossible to see themselves.

A.Because of

B. so well

C. in which
D. themselves


D. themselves

6. Although the social sciences different a great deal from one another, they share a common
interest in human relationships.

A. Although

B. different

C. one another

D. interest in


B. different

7. Herman Melville’s novel Moby-Dick describes the dangers, difficult, and often violent life
aboard a whaling ship.

A. novel

B. dangers

C. violent

D. aboard


C. violent

8. Near equator, the slant of the sun’s rays is never great enough to cause temperatures to fall
below the freezing point.
A. Near equator

B. great enough

C. to fall

D. the freezing point


A. Near equator

9. Stephen Hopkins was a cultural and political leadership in colonial Rhode Island.

A. was

B. cultural

C. leadership

D. in


C. leadership

10. A mouse bird's tail is double as long as its body.

A. tail

B. double

C. long as

D. its body


B. double
11. The Uinta Mountains of northeastern Utah are the only range of mountains in North America
that runs from east and west for its entire length.

A. the only

B. that runs

C. and

D. length


C. and

12. The tools used most often by floral designers are the knives, scissors, and glue gun.

A. The tools

B. most often

C. floral

D. knives


A. The tools

13. Most types of dolphins live at less 25 years, and some species may reach 50 years of age.

A. Most

B. at less

C. some
D. of age


B. at less

14. Isle Royale National Park in Lake Superior can only be reached by the boat.

A. in

B. can

C. be reached

D. the boat


B. can

15. The main divisions of geologic time, called eras, are subdivided to periods.

A. divisions

B. time

C. called

D. to


D. to

16. All root vegetables grow underground, and not all vegetables that grow underground are
A. root

B. grow

C. and

D. that


A. root

17. The process of fermentation takes place only in the absent of oxygen.

A. process

B. takes place

C. only

D. absent


D. absent

18. In about 1920, experimental psychologists have devoted more research to learning than to
any other topic.

A. In

B. psychologists

C. to learning

D. any other


A. In
19. Transfer taxes are imposed on the sell or exchange of stocks and bonds.

A. imposed on

B. sell

C. exchange

D. and


B. sell

20. One of the greatest of mountains climbers, Carl Blaurock was the first to climb all of the
mountains higher than 14,000 feet in the United States.

A. mountains climbers

B. the first

C. all of the

D. feet


A. mountains climbers

21. Biochemists have solved many of the mysteries about photosynthesis, the process which
plants make food.

A. have solved

B. mysteries

C. process which
D. food


C. process which

22. Oceanic islands have been separated from the mainland for too long that they have evolved
distinctive animal populations.
A. from
B. too
C. they have
D. populations


B. too

23. Certain species of penicillin mold are used to ripe cheese.

A. Certain

B. are used

C. ripe

D. cheese


A. Certain
24. Many of the important products obtained from trees, one of the most important is wood
pulp, which is used in paper-making.

A. Many of the

B. obtained

C. the most

D. paper-making


C. the most

25. Not longer are contributions to the advancement of industry made primarily by

A. Not longer

B. are contribution

C. advancement

D. made


A. Not longer

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