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1)Differentiate autogamy, geitonogmy and xenogamy.

2)Explain briefly pollination in Vallisneria.
3). Explain briefly pollination in Zostera.
4)List three characters of wind pollinated flowers.
5)Draw a labeled diagram of a typical dicot/monocot embryo.
6) Differentiate albuminous and non – albuminous seeds with an example for each

1. Draw a neat labeled diagram of sectional view of seminiferous tubules. (S)
2. Write the schematic representation of spermatogenesis. (S)
3. Briefly explain the role of three hormones during spermatogenesis. (U)
4. Write the schematic representation of oogenesis
5. Define placenta. Mention the functions of placenta.
6. Mention the events that occur during the menstrual cycle


1)Explain packaging of DNA in prokaryotes.
2)List any three criteria that a molecule has to fulfill to act as a genetic material.
3)Why is DNA molecule a more stable genetic material than RNA? Explain.
4)Explain how Avery, MacLeod and McCarty did determine, the biochemical nature of the
molecule responsible for transforming R – strain into S – strain bacteria.
5)Describe the structure of a transcriptional unit
6)Why tRNA is called an adapter molecule? Draw the structure of the tRNA adapter
molecule.which can bind with initiator codon.
7)Mention the structural genes of Lac-operon and the ezymes produced by each of them

1)Explain Big Bang theory of origin of universe.
2)Draw a labelled diagram of Miller’s experimental set-up.
3)After industrialization in England, it was observed that white winged moth did not survive.
(i) What is the cause?
(ii) What was the change and why it had happened?
(iii) Which organism is known as natural indicator to air pollution?
4)Differentiate homologous and analogous organs with an example for each.
5)Explain Hardy-Weinberg principle with the help of equation
6)Name the different stages of human evolution in sequential order.

1. Mention three critical research areas of biotechnology. (K)
2. What are genetically modified organisms? Mention any four benefits of genetically modified
organisms. (K)
3. Mention six benefits of genetically modified organisms. (K)
4. What is Bt toxin? How does it kill cotton boll worms? (U)
5. Explain the procedure of developing nematode resistant tobacco plant by RNA interference.
6. What is gene therapy? Explain the steps involved in curing ADA deficiency by gene therapy.
7. Mention three applications of PCR as a tool of molecular diagnosis. (K)
8. Briefly explain the steps involved in PCR based molecular diagnosis to detect mutations in
patients. (U)
9. What is biopiracy? Explain it with respect to Basmati rice. (U)
10. Write a note on production of human insulin by genetic engineering. (U)
11. Explain any three benefits of creating transgenic animals.
12. What is biopiracy? Explain it with reference to Basmati Rice. (U)

1)Explain the factors that regulate decomposition.
2)Define food chain. Mention the types of food chain
3)What are ecological pyramids? Mention any two types.
4)Show diagrammatic representation of different trophic levels in an ecosystem.
5) ‘Ecological pyramids have limitations’. Justify with three reasons.


1)List out the three general effects of loss of biodiversity.
2)Briefly explain the three levels of biodiversity.
3)Explain the species-area relationship of biodiversity according to Alexander Von Humboldt.
4)In the formula Log S=Log C- Z log A to find out species-area relationship, what does ‘S’, ‘A’
and ‘Z’ stand for?
5)Describe the “rivet popper” hypothesis
6)Explain any three major causes of biodiversity loss.

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