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May 2024 03410280618

Dawn Vocabulary

With Synonyms And


Complete Month
May 2024

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May 2024 03410280618

Word: prospects ‫امکانات‬

Meaning: (Noun) a prediction of the course of a disease

Synonyms: anticipation, calculation, chance, contemplation, expectancy, expectation, forecast, future, hope,

Antonyms: despair

Word: toiling ‫سخت محنت‬

Meaning: (Noun) productive work

Synonyms: application, bullwork, donkeywork, drudgery, effort, elbow grease, exertion, gig

Antonyms: entertainment, fun, pastime

Word: prescribe ‫ہدایت‬

Meaning: (Verb) issue commands or orders for

Synonyms: appoint, assign, choose, command, decide, decree, define, designate, determine, dictate, direct, enjoin,
establish, fix, guide

Antonyms: betray, deceive, delude, fool, trick

Word: tenacity ‫استحکام‬

Meaning: (Noun) persistent determination

Synonyms: application, backbone, balls, chutzpah, clock, courage, determination, doggedness, firmness, grit, guts,
gutsiness, guttiness

Antonyms: indifference, slackness, weakness

Word: surveillance ‫نگرانی‬

Meaning: (Noun) close observation of a person or group

Synonyms: body mike, bug, bugging, care, control, direction, eagle eye, examination, eye, following, inspection,
lookout, peeled eye

Antonyms: indifference, inobservance

Word: contamination ‫ناپاک‬

Meaning: (Noun) a substance that pollutes

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Synonyms: contagion, corruption, decay, defilement, dirtying, disease, epidemic, filth, foulness, impurity, infection,
pestilence, plague

Antonyms: decontamination

Word: curtailment ‫کمی‬

Meaning: (Noun) the reduction of expenditures in order to become financial stable

Synonyms: abbreviation, abstract, brief, compendium, condensation, conspectus, contraction

Antonyms: enlargement, expansion

Word: disable ‫غی فعال‬

Meaning: (Verb) make unable to perform a certain action

Synonyms: attenuate, batter, blunt, bugger, damage, debilitate, ding, disarm, disenable, disqualify, enervate,
enfeeble, exhaust

Antonyms: aid, assist, enable, help, rehabilitate, strengthen

Word: delinquents ‫مجرم‬

Meaning: (Noun) a young offender

Synonyms: behind, blamable, blameworthy, careless, censurable, criminal, culpable, defaultant, defaulting, derelict,
disregardful, faulty

Antonyms: behaving, dutiful, lawabiding, responsible, trustworthy

Word: abysmally ‫بالواسطہ‬

Meaning: (Adjective) so deep as to be unmeasurable

Synonyms: bottomless, boundless, complete, deep, endless, extreme

Antonyms: fathomable, finite, limited, measurable

Word: conducive ‫سازگار‬

Meaning: (Adjective) tending to bring about being partly responsible for

Synonyms: accessory, contributive, contributory, helpful, leading, productive of

Antonyms: adverse, counter, deleterious, hindering, unconducive, unfavorable

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Word: upheaval ‫ہلچل‬

Meaning: (Noun) a violent disturbance

Synonyms: about-face, alteration, blue ruin, cataclysm, catastrophe, clamor, commotion, convulsion, disaster,
disorder, disruption, disturbance

Antonyms: stagnation

Word: repression ‫تشدد‬

Meaning: (Noun) a state of forcible subjugation

Synonyms: exaggerated reaction, fear, fixation, hang-up, idea, id%E9e fixe, insanity, mania, neurosis, obsession,
phobia, preoccupation

Antonyms: freedom, liberation, release

Word: inviolable ‫ناقابل تسخی‬

Meaning: (Adjective) incapable of being transgressed or dishonored

Synonyms: adored, beatified, consecrated, divine, enthroned, exalted, glorified, hallowed, holy, inviolable,

Antonyms: condemned, cursed, damned, disapproved, unholy

Word: outright ‫رصی ح‬

Meaning: (Adjective) without reservation or concealment

Synonyms: absolute, all, arrant, consummate, definite, direct, downright, entire, flat, gross, out-and-out, perfect,

Antonyms: in part, partially

Word: diversity ‫تنوع‬

Meaning: (Noun) the condition or result of being changed

Synonyms: assortment, difference, dissimilarity, distinction, distinctiveness, divergence

Antonyms: homogeneity, sameness, uniformity

Word: implicit ‫کامل‬

Meaning: (Adjective) being without doubt or reserve

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Synonyms: absolute, accurate, certain, complete, constant, constructive, contained, definite, entire, firm, fixed, full,

Antonyms: limited

Word: perception ‫تصور‬

Meaning: (Noun) becoming aware of something via the senses

Synonyms: acumen, apprehending, apprehension, approach, attention, attitude, awareness, big idea, brain wave,
brainchild, conceit

Antonyms: denseness, dullness, ignorance, inability, ineptness, naivete, stupidity

Word: disclosures ‫ انکشافات‬،‫اعالن‬

Meaning: (Noun) the speech act of making something evident

Synonyms: acknowledgment, admission, advertisement, announcement, betrayal, broadcast, confession,

declaration, discovery

Antonyms: concealment, hiding

Word: reiterated ‫دہرانا‬

Meaning: (Verb) to say, state, or perform again

Synonyms: come again, ditto, double-check, echo, ingeminate, iterate, play back, recap, recapitulate, recheck,

Antonyms: de-emphasize, downplay, ignore, play down, shrug off, soften, understate

Word: consolidates ‫مستحکم‬

Meaning: (Verb) make firm or secure strengthen

Synonyms: add to, amalgamate, amass, band, bind, blend, build up, bunch up, cement, centralize, combine,
compact, compound

Antonyms: disband, divide, part, separate, weaken

Word: disruptive ‫تباہ کن‬

Meaning: (Adjective) characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination

Synonyms: confusing, disorderly, distracting, disturbing, obstreperous, off base, rowdy, troublemaking,
troublesome, unruly

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Antonyms: calming, disciplined, quieting, settling, well-behaved

Word: sorely ‫سخت‬

Meaning: (Adverb) to a great degree

Synonyms: hardly, keenly, rancorously, reluctantly, resentfully, slowly, sorely

Antonyms: slightly

Word: premature ‫قبل از وقت‬

Meaning: (Adjective) uncommonly early or before the expected time

Synonyms: abortive, early on, embryonic, forward, green, immature, incomplete, inopportune, overearly, oversoon

Antonyms: overdue

Word: exterminate ‫ختم کرنا‬

Meaning: (Verb) kill en masse kill on a large scale kill many

Synonyms: abate, abolish, annihilate, blot out, blow away, decimate, destroy, eliminate, eradicate, erase, execute,
extinguish, extirpate

Antonyms: create, generate

Word: annihilating ‫تباہ‬

Meaning: (Verb) kill in large numbers

Synonyms: abate, abolish, abrogate, annul, blot out, crush, decimate, demolish, do in, eradicate, erase, expunge,

Antonyms: help, preserve, save

Word: fraudulent ‫دھوکہ دہ‬

Meaning: (Adjective) intended to deceive

Synonyms: counterfeit, crafty, criminal, crooked, deceitful, devious, dishonest, dishonorable, double-dealing,

Antonyms: fair, honest

Word: offences ‫تکلیف‬

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Meaning: (Noun) a feeling of anger caused by being offended

Synonyms: answerability, blameworthiness, contrition, crime, criminality, culpability, delinquency, dereliction,

disgrace, dishonor, error

Antonyms: innocence

Word: opaque ‫مبہم‬

Meaning: (Adjective) not clearly understood or expressed

Synonyms: blurred, cloudy, dark, darkened, dim, dirty, dull, dusky, filmy, foggy, frosty, fuliginous, gloomy, hazy,
impenetrable, lusterless

Antonyms: clear, transparent

Word: promulgated ‫اعالن‬

Meaning: (Verb) put a law into effect by formal declaration

Synonyms: advertise, announce, annunciate, broadcast, call, circulate, communicate, declare

Antonyms: hide, keep secret

Word: induction ‫قیاس‬

Meaning: (Noun) an act that sets in motion some course of events

Synonyms: consecration, draft, entrance, greetings, inaugural, inauguration, installation

Antonyms: abdication, decline, deposition, fall, impeachment, renunciation

Word: drastically ‫سخت‬

Meaning: (Adjective) forceful and extreme and rigorous

Synonyms: desperate, dire, exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, forceful, harsh, immoderate

Antonyms: collected, mild, modest, slight

Word: ought ‫الزم‬

Meaning: (Noun) having no measurable or otherwise determinable value

Synonyms: care, commitment, committal, concern, custody, deadweight, duty, millstone, must, need, obligation,
office, onus

Antonyms: absolve, empty, unload

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Word: effective ‫موثر‬

Meaning: (Adjective) able to accomplish a purpose functioning effectively

Synonyms: able, active, adequate, capable, cogent, compelling, competent, convincing, direct, effectual, efficacious,
efficient, emphatic, energetic, forceful, forcible, impressive

Antonyms: futile, inadequate, ineffective, ineffectual

Word: acquainted ‫واقف‬

Meaning: (Verb) make familiar or acquainted

Synonyms: accustom, advise, apprise, bring out, clue, disclose, divulge, enlighten, familiarize, fill in, get together,
habituate, inform

Antonyms: conceal, deceive, falsify, hide, hold back, mislead, misrepresent, withhold

Word: comprehensive‫جامع‬

Meaning: (Adjective) broad in scope

Synonyms: absolute, all-embracing, all-inclusive, blanket, broad, catholic, compendious, complete, comprising,
containing, discursive

Antonyms: exclusive, incomprehensive, limited, narrow, noncomprehensive, selective

Word: impoverished ‫کنگال‬

Meaning: (Verb) make poor

Synonyms: blackmail, confiscate, deplete, drain, exhaust, extract, fleece, impoverish, leech

Antonyms: fortify, strengthen

Word: adjourned ‫ملتوی‬

Meaning: (Verb) close at the end of a session

Synonyms: curb, defer, delay, discontinue, hold off, hold over, hold up, postpone, prorogue

Antonyms: begin, convene, convoke, encourage, further, keep on, open

Word: fraternity ‫بھائ چارہ‬

Meaning: (Noun) people engaged in a particular occupation

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Synonyms: Greeks, association, camaraderie, circle, clan, club, companionship, company, comradeship, fellowship,
frat, guild, house, kinship

Antonyms: sorority

Word: transparent ‫شفاف‬

Meaning: (Adjective) so thin as to transmit light

Synonyms: cellophane, clear, crystal clear, crystalline, diaphanous, filmy, gauzy, glassy, gossamer, hyaline, limpid,
lucent, lucid, pellucid

Antonyms: cloudy, opaque

Word: inspirational ‫متاثر کن‬

Meaning: (Noun) an acceptable reason for doing something

Synonyms: alibi, apology, defense, excuse, plea, reason

Word: attained ‫تکمیل شدہ‬

Meaning: (Verb) reach a destination, either real or abstract

Synonyms: accede to, accomplish, acquire, arrive, arrive at, bring off, come through, complete, cop, earn, effect,
fulfill, gain, get, grasp

Antonyms: abandon, fail, fall short, give up, lose, surrender

Word: equipped ‫تیار کرنا‬

Meaning: (Verb) provide with abilities or understanding

Synonyms: accouter, adorn, appoint, arm, array, attire, deck, deck out, decorate, dress, endow, feather nest, fit out,
fix up, furnish

Antonyms: break down, disassemble, unready

Word: suspicions ‫مشتبہ‬

Meaning: (Noun) an impression that something might be the case

Synonyms: bad vibes, chariness, conjecture, cynicism, distrust, dubiety, dubiosity, funny feeling, guess, guesswork,
gut feeling, hunch

Antonyms: trust

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Word: verbose‫خود زبائ‬

Meaning: (Adjective) using or containing too many words

Synonyms: bombastic, circumlocutory, diffuse, flowery, fustian, gabby, garrulous, grandiloquent, involved, long-
winded, loquacious

Antonyms: concise, succinct

Word: Regardless ‫قطع نظر‬

Meaning: (Adjective) in spite of everything without regard to drawbacks

Synonyms: behindhand, blind, careless, coarse, crude, deaf, delinquent, derelict, disregarding, heedless, inadvertent

Antonyms: attentive, careful, cautious, concerned, prudent, thoughtful

Word: delegation ‫وفد‬

Meaning: (Noun) authorizing subordinates to make certain decisions

Synonyms: appointment, apportioning, authorization, charge, commissioning, committal, consigning, consignment,

conveyance, conveying

Antonyms: noncommission

Word: turbulence ‫رسکش‬

Meaning: (Adjective) a state of violent disturbance and disorder

Synonyms: ado, agitation, annoyance, backwash, ballyhoo, bedlam, big scene, big stink, brouhaha, bustle, clatter,

Antonyms: calm, calmness, peace, quiet, serenity, stillness, tranquility

Word: exorbitant ‫زیادہ‬

Meaning: (Adjective) greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation

Synonyms: absonant, dear, enormous, exacting, excessive, expensive, extortionate, extreme, high, highway robbery,
immoderate, inordinate

Antonyms: fair, inexpensive, moderate, modest, reasonable, sensible

Word: dodge ‫دغا‬

Meaning: (Verb) a statement that evades the question by cleverness or trickery

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Synonyms: contrivance, device, feint, machination, method, plan, plot, ploy, ruse, scheme

Antonyms: confront, encounter, face, meet

Word: conviction ‫باقاعدگ‬

Meaning: (Noun) an unshakable belief in something without need for proof or evidence

Synonyms: confidence, creed, doctrine, dogma, eye, faith, feeling, judgment call, mind, opinion

Antonyms: disbelief, doubt, uncertainty

Word: petition ‫درخواست‬

Meaning: (Noun) reverent petition to a deity

Synonyms: address, application, entreaty, imploration, imprecation, invocation, memorial

Antonyms: refusal, rejection

Word: proceedings ‫کاروائ‬

Meaning: (Noun) the institution of a sequence of steps by which legal judgments are invoked

Synonyms: act, action, adventure, casualty, circumstance, course, deed, exercise, experiment, go down, goings-on,
hap, happening

Antonyms: insignificancy, triviality

Word: occupy ‫قابض‬

Meaning: (Verb) be present in be inside of

Synonyms: absorb, amuse, attend, busy, divert, employ, engage, engross, entertain, fill, hold attention, immerse,
interest, involve, keep busy

Antonyms: leave, quit

Word: disavowal ‫مسید‬

Meaning: (Noun) denial of any connection with or knowledge of

Synonyms: abnegation, abstaining, adjuration, brush-off, cold shoulder, contradiction, controversion, declination,
disallowance, disapproval

Antonyms: acceptance, admission, affirmation, approval

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Word: combustible ‫اشتعال پذیر‬

Meaning: (Noun) capable of igniting and burning

Synonyms: burnable, comburent, combustive, explosive, fiery, firing, flammable, ignitable, incendiary, inflammable,
kindling, volatile

Antonyms: diffusing, noncombustible, nonexplosive

Word: concessions ‫رعایتی‬

Meaning: (Noun) the act of conceding or yielding

Synonyms: acknowledgment, adjustment, admission, allowance, assent, authorization, boon, buyback, compromise,

Antonyms: denial, difference, disputation, fighting, protest, refusal

Word: discontent ‫ب چین‬

Meaning: (Noun) showing or experiencing dissatisfaction or restless longing

Synonyms: depression, discontentment, displeasure, envy, fretfulness, regret, restlessness

Antonyms: contentment, happy, satisfaction

Word: exorbitant ‫زیادہ‬

Meaning: (Adjective) greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation

Synonyms: absonant, dear, enormous, exacting, excessive, expensive, extortionate, extreme, high, highway robbery,
immoderate, inordinate

Antonyms: fair, inexpensive, moderate, modest, reasonable, sensible

Word: dismal ‫ناقص‬

Meaning: (Adjective) causing dejection

Synonyms: afflictive, black, boring, cheerless, cloudy, dark, depressed, depressing, desolate, despondent, dim, dingy,
disagreeable, discouraging

Antonyms: bright, cheerful, happy, light, lively, pleasant, sunny, uplifting

Word: dismantle ‫ختم‬

Meaning: (Verb) take apart into its constituent pieces

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Synonyms: annihilate, bankrupt, bare, break down, break up, decimate, demolish, denudate, denude, deprive,
destroy, disassemble, dismember

Antonyms: assemble, build, construct, erect, put together, raise, set up

Word: eradication ‫تباہ‬

Meaning: (Noun) the complete destruction of every trace of something

Synonyms: abolishment, abrogation, annihilation, annulment, cancellation, destruction, dissolution, elimination,

end, ending

Antonyms: creation, retention

Word: eradicate ‫تباہ‬

Meaning: (Verb) destroy completely, as if down to the roots

Synonyms: abate, abolish, adios, annihilate, ax, blot out, deep six, demolish, deracinate, efface, eighty-six, eliminate

Antonyms: breed, build, create, fix, generate, plant, propagate

Word: sobering ‫پریشان کن‬

Meaning: (Noun) completely lacking in playfulness

Synonyms: abstaining, abstemious, abstinent, ascetic, calm, clear-headed, cold sober, continent, controlled

Antonyms: drunk

Word: comprehend ‫سمجھنا‬

Meaning: (Verb) to become aware of through the senses

Synonyms: appreciate, apprehend, assimilate, capeesh, catch, click, cognize, conceive, dig, discern, envisage,
envision, fathom

Antonyms: misapprehend, misconceive, misinterpret, mistake, misunderstand

Word: prominent ‫معزز‬

Meaning: (Adjective) conspicuous in position or importance

Synonyms: arresting, beetling, bulging, candy, easily seen, embossed, extended, extrusive, eye-catching, flashy,
hanging out, hilly

Antonyms: inconspicuous, obscure

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Word: complacency ‫مروت‬

Meaning: (Noun) the feeling you have when you are satisfied with yourself

Synonyms: abundance, alleviation, amenity, assuagement, cheer, cheerfulness, complacency, contentment,


Antonyms: agony, discomfort, pain

Word: hostile ‫دشمن‬

Meaning: (Adjective ) characterized by enmity or ill will

Synonyms: adverse, alien, allergic, anti, argumentative, bellicose, belligerent, bitchy, bitter, catty, chill, cold,

Antonyms: friendly

Word: ghastly ‫بھیانک شکل‬

Meaning: (Adjective) shockingly repellent inspiring horror

Synonyms: abhorrent, anemic, appalling, ashen, awful, bloodless, cadaverous, corpselike, deathlike, dim, disgusting,

Antonyms: pleasant

Word: unwilling ‫ناخوش‬

Meaning: (Adjective) not disposed or inclined toward

Synonyms: afraid, against, averse, backward, begrudging, compelled, contrary, demurring, disinclined, disobliging,

Antonyms: prepared, ready, willing

Word: emboldened ‫حوصلہ‬

Meaning: (Verb) give encouragement to

Synonyms: activate, arouse, cheer, embolden, encourage, energize, enliven, exalt, excite, fire, gladden, hearten,
impel, incite

Antonyms: deaden, discourage, inhibit, kill

Word: obliterated ‫مٹانا‬

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Meaning: (Verb) remove completely from recognition or memory

Synonyms: annihilate, ax, black out, blot out, blue pencil, bog, cancel, cover, cream, cut, defeat, delete, dial back, do

Antonyms: create

Word: decimated ‫قتل عام‬

Meaning: (Verb) kill one in every ten, as of mutineers in Roman armies

Synonyms: abate, abolish, abrogate, annul, blot out, crush, decimate, demolish, do in, eradicate, erase, expunge,

Antonyms: help, preserve, save

Word: distortion ‫بگاڑ‬

Meaning: (Noun) the mistake of misrepresenting the facts

Synonyms: baloney, bend, bias, buckle, coloring, contortion, crap, crock, crookedness, deformity, exaggeration

Antonyms: accuracy, truth, verity

Word: dismantle ‫ختم کرنا‬

Meaning: (Verb) take apart into its constituent pieces

Synonyms: annihilate, bankrupt, bare, break down, break up, decimate, demolish, denudate, denude, deprive,
destroy, disassemble

Antonyms: assemble, build, construct, erect, put together, raise, set up

Word: envisaged ‫آمن سامن‬

Meaning: (Verb) form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case

Synonyms: brainstorm, cerebrate, conceive, consider, contemplate, deliberate, envisage, envision, figure, imagine

Antonyms: forget, ignore

Word: pervasive ‫وسیع‬

Meaning: (Adjective) spreading or spread throughout

Synonyms: common, general, inescapable, omnipresent, permeating, pervading

Antonyms: limited, narrow, restricted, uncomprehensive

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Word: erosion ‫کم‬

Meaning: (Noun) a gradual decline of something

Synonyms: abrasion, attrition, consumption, corrasion, corrosion, decrease, desedimentation, despoliation,

destruction, disintegration

Antonyms: construction, rebuilding, strengthening

Word: suppression ‫جیی‬

Meaning: (Noun) forceful prevention putting down by power or authority

Synonyms: abolishment, abrogation, annihilation, annulment, cancellation, destruction, dissolution, elimination

Antonyms: creation, retention

Word: propensity ‫رغبت‬

Meaning: (Noun) a disposition to behave in a certain way

Synonyms: ability, aptness, bent, bias, capacity, competence, disposition, eyes, flash, inclining, itch, leaning, liability

Antonyms: coldness, disgust, hatred, loathing

Word: infringe ‫توڑنا‬

Meaning: (Verb) advance beyond the usual limit

Synonyms: borrow, breach, break, butt in, chisel in, contravene, crash, crib, disobey, encroach, entrench, impose,
infract, intrude

Antonyms: comply, obey

Word: abstained ‫باز رکھنا‬

Meaning: (Verb) choose not to consume

Synonyms: abjure, abnegate, avoid, cease, constrain, curb, decline, deny oneself, do without, eschew, evade, fast,
forbear, forgo

Antonyms: give in, imbibe, indulge, partake, surrender, use, yield

Word: rekindled ‫روشن‬

Meaning: (Verb) arouse again

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Synonyms: bake, blaze, brand, broil, calcine, cauterize, char, combust, conflagrate, cook, cremate, enkindle, flame,
flare, flash

Antonyms: extinguish, put out, quench, smother, wet

Word: woeful ‫المناک‬

Meaning: (Adjective) affected by or full of grief or woe

Synonyms: afflicted, agonized, anguished, appalling, awful, bad, calamitous, catastrophic, cruel, deplorable,

Antonyms: glad, happy, joyful

Word: desperate ‫مایوس‬

Meaning: (Noun) a person who is frightened and in need of help

Synonyms: atrocious, audacious, bold, careless, crying, dangerous, daring, death-defying, determined, devil-may-
care, foolhardy, frantic

Antonyms: careful, cautious, prudent, rational, secure

Word: proscribed ‫جال وطن‬

Meaning: (Verb) command against

Synonyms: ban, banish, blackball, boycott, censure, damn, denounce, deport, doom, embargo, exclude,
excommunicate, exile, expatriate

Antonyms: allow, permit

Word: vigilance ‫چوکس‬

Meaning: (Noun) the process of paying close and continuous attention

Synonyms: acuity, alertness, attention, attentiveness, caution, circumspection, diligence, lookout, observance,
surveillance, vigil, watch

Antonyms: carelessness, indiscretion, negligence

Word: menace ‫دھمکانا‬

Meaning: (Verb) pose a threat to present a danger to

Synonyms: annoyance, caution, commination, hazard, intimidation, jeopardy, nuisance, peril, pest, plague, risk,
scare, threat, thunder

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Antonyms: assist, help, leave alone

Word: havoc ‫تباہ‬

Meaning: (Verb) violent and needless disturbance

Synonyms: calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe, chaos, confusion, damage, desolation, despoiling, destruction,
devastation, dilapidation, disorder, disruption, loss, mayhem

Antonyms: peace

Word: contraction ‫کم‬

Meaning: (Noun) the process or result of becoming smaller or pressed together

Synonyms: abbreviating, abbreviation, abridging, abridgment, compression, condensation, condensing,

confinement, confining

Antonyms: enlargement, expansion, extension, swelling

Word: persevere ‫لگ رہنا‬

Meaning: (Verb) be persistent, refuse to stop

Synonyms: be determined, be resolved, be stubborn, carry on, continue, die hard, endure, get on, go on, hang in,
hang on

Antonyms: give up, quit

Word: competing ‫مسابقن‬

Meaning: (Verb) compete for something engage in a contest measure oneself against others

Synonyms: attempt, bandy, battle, bid, challenge, clash, collide, contend, contest, cope with, emulate, encounter,
essay, face

Antonyms: compete for something engage in a contest measure oneself against others

Word: dwindling ‫ہوئ ہوئ‬ ‫کم‬

Meaning: (Verb) become smaller or lose substance

Synonyms: abate, bate, become smaller, close, contract, decay, decline, decrease, die away, die down, die out,
diminish, drain

Antonyms: enlarge, expand, extend, grow, increase

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Word: agitation ‫ہلچل‬

Meaning: (Noun) a mental state of extreme emotional disturbance

Synonyms: agitation, campaign, clash, conflict, contest, controversy, crusade, debate, disagreement, dispute, strife

Antonyms: accord, agreement

Word: concessions ‫منظوری‬

Meaning: (Noun) a contract granting the right to operate a subsidiary business

Synonyms: acknowledgment, adjustment, admission, allowance, assent, authorization, boon, buyback, compromise

Antonyms: denial, difference, disputation, fighting, protest, refusal

Word: compulsions ‫زور آوری‬

Meaning: (Noun) using force to cause something

Synonyms: coercion, constraint, demand, drive, driving, duress, duty, engrossment, exigency, force, hang-up,
monkey, necessity, need

Antonyms: coaxing, persuassion

Word: discontent ‫ب چین‬

Meaning: (Noun) showing or experiencing dissatisfaction or restless longing

Synonyms: depression, discontentment, displeasure, envy, fretfulness, regret, restlessness

Antonyms: contentment, happy, satisfaction

Word: intimidating ‫دہشت‬

Meaning: (Verb) to compel or deter by or as if by threats

Synonyms: alarm, appall, awe, badger, bait, bludgeon, bluster, bowl over, browbeat, buffalo, bulldoze, bully, chill,
coerce, compel

Antonyms: comfort, embolden, encourage, reasurre

Word: culpable ‫مجرم‬

Meaning: (Adjective) deserving blame or censure as being wrong or evil or injurious

Synonyms: amiss, answerable, at fault, blamable, blameful, blameworthy, caught, caught red-handed, censurable

Antonyms: blameless, inculpable, innocent, not guilty

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Word: brutalised ‫زیادئ‬

Meaning: (Verb) become brutal or insensitive and unfeeling

Synonyms: adulterate, bestialize, brutalize, corrupt, debauch, declare illegitimate

Antonyms: clean, clear, purify

Word: prejudices ‫تعصب‬

Meaning: (Noun) a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation

Synonyms: ageism, animosity, antipathy, apartheid, aversion, bad opinion, belief, bias, bigotry, chauvinism,

Antonyms: fairness, justness

Word: defamation ‫ہتک‬

Meaning: (Noun) an abusive attack on a persons character or good name

Synonyms: aspersion, backbiting, backstabbing, belittlement, black eye, brickbat, calumny, character assassination,
cheap shot

Antonyms: laudation, puffery

Word: opacity ‫غالظت‬

Meaning: (Noun) incomprehensibility resulting from obscurity of meaning

Synonyms: caliginosity, darkness, dimness, dusk, duskiness, evening, gloom, midnight, murk, murkiness, night,
nightfall, nighttime

Antonyms: day, daylight, daytime

Word: impose ‫عائد‬

Meaning: (Verb) compel to behave in a certain way

Synonyms: appoint, burden, charge, chisel in, command, compel, constrain, decree, demand, dish out, dump on,

Antonyms: cherish, esteem, honor, respect, revere, treasure

Word: transition ‫عبور‬

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Meaning: (Noun) the act of passing from one state or place to the next

Synonyms: alteration, changeover, conversion, development, evolution, flux, growth, metamorphosis, metastasis

Antonyms: sameness, stagnation

Word: deluge ‫سیالب‬

Meaning: (Noun) fill or cover completely, usually with water

Synonyms: Niagara, avalanche, barrage, cataclysm, cataract, deluge, drencher, flux, inundation, overflowing,
overrunning, pour, rush

Antonyms: abatement, drought, lack

Word: willingness ‫ناخوش‬

Meaning: (Noun) cheerful compliance

Synonyms: alertness, avidity, briskness, cheerfulness, dispatch, eagerness, enthusiasm, expedition, fervor, gaiety,
hilarity, joyousness

Antonyms: apathy, aversion, disinclination, dullness, hesitance, indifference, reluctance, reservation, slowness

Word: inconsistency ‫عدم مطابقت‬

Meaning: (Adjective) occurring within a species or involving members of one species

Synonyms: aberration, abnormality, departure, deviation, eccentricity, exception, incongruity, inconsistency,

irregularity, oddity

Antonyms: regularity, same old thing, the norm

Word: rigidity ‫سخن‬

Meaning: (Noun) the physical property of being stiff and resisting bending

Synonyms: acerbity, asperity, astringence, coldness, exactingness, exactness, formality, formalness, gravity,
grimness, hardness, harshness

Antonyms: lenience, permissiveness

Word: detracts ‫ہٹ جانا‬

Meaning: (Verb) take away a part from diminish

Synonyms: backbite, belittle, blister, cheapen, cut rate, decrease, decry, depreciate, derogate, devaluate, diminish,
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Antonyms: add to, enhance, heighten, increase, intensify

Word: impasse ‫تعطل‬

Meaning: (Noun) situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible

Synonyms: Mexican standoff, blind alley, box, cessation, corner, cul-de-sac, dead end, deadlock, dilemma, fix,

Antonyms: good fortune, solution

Word: revised ‫نظر ثائ‬

Meaning: (Verb) the act of rewriting something

Synonyms: alter, amend, blue pencil, change, clean up, compare, cut, debug, develop, dial back, edit, emend, fly
speck, go over, improve

Antonyms: confirm, preserve, retain

Word: attractive ‫پرکشش‬

Meaning: (Adjective) having power to arouse interest

Synonyms: adorable, agreeable, alluring, beaut, beautiful, beckoning, bewitching, captivating, charming, comely,
enchanting, engaging, enthralling

Antonyms: repellant, repulsive, ugly, unappealing, unattractive

Word: possession ‫قبضہ‬

Meaning: (Noun) anything owned or possessed

Synonyms: control, custody, dominion, hold, mastery, occupancy, occupation

Antonyms: forfeit, give away, lose, relinquish, sell, surrender

Word: defamation ‫ہتک‬

Meaning: (Noun) an abusive attack on a persons character or good name

Synonyms: aspersion, backbiting, backstabbing, belittlement, black eye, brickbat, calumny, character assassination,
cheap shot

Antonyms: laudation, puffery

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Word: frustration ‫مایوس‬

Meaning: (Noun) a feeling of annoyance at being hindered or criticized

Synonyms: annoyance, bitter pill, blocking, blow, bummer, chagrin, circumvention, contravention, curbing, defeat,

Antonyms: encouragement

Word: denounced ‫مذمت‬

Meaning: (Verb) give away information about somebody

Synonyms: accuse, adjudicate, arraign, blacklist, blame, boycott, brand, castigate, censure, charge, charge with,
criticize, damn, declaim

Antonyms: commend, compliment, honor, laud, praise

Word: malicious ‫بدنین‬

Meaning: (Adjective) having the nature of or resulting from malice

Synonyms: awful, bad-natured, baleful, beastly, bitchy, bitter, catty, cussed, deleterious, despiteful, detrimental,
envious, evil, evil-minded

Antonyms: benevolent

Word: exploit ‫استحصال‬

Meaning: (Noun) use or manipulate to ones advantage

Synonyms: accomplishment, adventure, attainment, blow, coup, deed, do, effort, enterprise, escapade

Antonyms: treat fairly

Word: myriad ‫ب شمار‬

Meaning: (Noun) a large indefinite number

Synonyms: countless, endless, gobs, heap, immeasurable, incalculable, infinite, loads, mint, multiple, multitudinous,
numberless, oodles

Antonyms: countable, counted, few, finite, limited, numbered

Word: exception ‫رعائیت‬

Meaning: (Noun) a deliberate act of omission

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Synonyms: barring, debarment, disallowment, excepting, exclusion, excusing, expulsion

Antonyms: normalcy, normality

Word: indignation ‫غصہ‬

Meaning: (Adjective) An irrepressible person is lively and energetic and never seems to be depressed.

Synonyms: unstoppable, buoyant, uncontrollable, boisterous

Antonyms: contentment

Word: acquired ‫ بری‬،‫رہائ‬

Meaning: (Verb) gain knowledge or skills

Synonyms: access, achieve, amass, annex, attain, bring in, buy, catch, collect, cop, corral, earn, gain, gather, get,
grab, have, hustle, land

Antonyms: forfeit, give away, lose, relinquish, sell, surrender

Word: exacerbated‫مشتعل‬

Meaning: (Verb) exasperate or irritate

Synonyms: aggravate, annoy, egg on, embitter, enrage, envenom, exasperate, excite, heat up, heighten, hit on, hot

Antonyms: appease, assuage, calm, ease, mitigate, mollify, pacify, placate, soften, soothe

Word: disseminated ‫بکھینا‬

Meaning: (Verb) cause to become widely known

Synonyms: advertise, announce, annunciate, blaze, blazon, broadcast, circulate, declare, diffuse, disject, disperse,
dissipate, proclaim

Antonyms: collect, contain, garner, gather

Word: ominous ‫ناگوار‬

Meaning: (Adjective) threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments

Synonyms: apocalyptic, augural, baleful, baneful, clouded, dangerous, dark, dire, direful, dismal, doomed, doomful,
fateful, fearful, forbidding

Antonyms: auspicious, promising

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Word: regardless ‫قطع نظر‬

Meaning: (Adjective) in spite of everything without regard to drawbacks

Synonyms: behindhand, blind, careless, coarse, crude, deaf, delinquent, derelict, disregarding, heedless, inadvertent

Antonyms: attentive, careful, cautious, concerned, prudent, thoughtful

Word: descend ‫آنا‬

Meaning: (Verb) do something that one considers to be below ones dignity

Synonyms: alight, cascade, cataract, cave in, coast, collapse, crash, crouch, decline, deplane, detrain, dip, disembark,

Antonyms: ascend, go up, increase, rise

Word: intensified ‫شدید‬

Meaning: (Verb) make more intense, stronger, or more marked

Synonyms: accent, accentuate, add fuel, add to, aggrandize, aggravate, augment, beef up, boost, brighten, build up,

Antonyms: abate, lessen

Word: tenuous ‫سخت‬

Meaning: (Adjective) having little substance or significance

Synonyms: aerial, airy, attenuate, attenuated, delicate, doubtful, dubious, ethereal, fine, flimsy, gossamer,

Antonyms: healthy, strong, substantial

Word: ambush ‫گھات لگا کر‬

Meaning: (Noun) the act of concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surprise

Synonyms: ambuscade, ambushment, camouflage, concealment, deception, hiding

Antonyms: resist, retreat, surrender

Word: ineptitude ‫نااہل‬

Meaning: (Noun) having no qualities that would render it valuable or useful

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Synonyms: amateurishness, artlessness, boorishness, coarseness, crudeness, gawkiness

Antonyms: coordination, grace

Word: deplorable ‫افسوسناک‬

Meaning: (Adjective) bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure

Synonyms: afflictive, awful, blameworthy, bummer, calamitous, dire, dirty, disastrous, disgraceful, dishonorable,

Antonyms: acceptable, agreeable, cheerful, happy, pleasing

Word: treasury ‫خزانہ‬

Meaning: (Noun) the funds of a government or institution or individual

Synonyms: Fort Knox, archive, bank, bursar, bursary, cache, chest, coffer, damper, depository

Antonyms: dispersal, distribution

Word: compelled ‫مجبور‬

Meaning: (Verb) force or compel somebody to do something

Synonyms: bulldoze, coerce, constrain, crack down, dragoon, drive, enforce, exact, hustle

Antonyms: block, check, deter, impede, obstruct

Word: inexplicable ‫قابل‬

Meaning: (Adjective) incapable of being explained or accounted for

Synonyms: baffling, enigmatic, incomprehensible, indecipherable, indescribable, inexplainable, inscrutable, insoluble

Antonyms: explainable, understandable

Word: miserable ‫انتہائ دکھ‬

Meaning: (Adjective) very unhappy full of misery

Synonyms: afflicted, agonized, ailing, anguished, brokenhearted, crestfallen, dejected, depressed, desolate,

Antonyms: happy

Word: promoted ‫فروغ‬

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Meaning: (Verb) be changed for a superior chess or checker piece

Synonyms: advance, advertise, advocate, aid, assist, avail, back, ballyhoo, befriend, benefit, bolster, boost, build up,
champion, contribute

Antonyms: impede, obstruct

Word: sterling ‫شاندار‬

Meaning: (Adjective) highest in quality

Synonyms: admirable, admired, appreciable, august, big, big league, big name, big time, commendable, decent,
deserving, esteemed

Antonyms: dishonorable, disliked, disregarded, disreputable, disrespected, scorned, unworthy

Word: dominating ‫حاوی‬

Meaning: (Verb) be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance

Synonyms: boss, command, control, detract from, dictate, direct, domineer, eclipse, handle, head, influence, lead,

Antonyms: follow, submit, surrender, yield

Word: savagery ‫خونخواری‬

Meaning: (Noun) a brutal barbarous savage act

Synonyms: abomination, barbarity, brutality, crime, enormity, evil, horror

Antonyms: good deed

Word: critical ‫نازک‬

Meaning: (Adjective) characterized by careful evaluation and judgment

Synonyms: analytical, belittling, biting, calumniatory, captious, carping, caviling, cavillous, censorious, censuring,

Antonyms: accepting, approving, complimentary, praising

Word: formidable ‫خوفناک‬

Meaning: (Adjective) extremely impressive in strength or excellence

Synonyms: appalling, awful, dangerous, daunting, dire, dismaying, dreadful, fearful, fierce, frightful, horrific,
impregnable, intimidating
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Antonyms: comforting, easy

Word: transition ‫منتقل‬

Meaning: (Noun) the act of passing from one state or place to the next

Synonyms: alteration, changeover, conversion, development, evolution, flux, growth, metamorphosis, metastasis,

Antonyms: sameness, stagnation

Word: sufficient ‫موثر‬

Meaning: (Adjective) of a quantity that can fulfill a need or requirement but without being abundant

Synonyms: acceptable, adequate, agreeable, all right, ample, aplenty, appreciate, bellyful, comfortable,
commensurable, commensurate, common, competent, copious

Antonyms: inadequate, insufficient

Word: ineptitude ‫نااہل‬

Meaning: (Noun) having no qualities that would render it valuable or useful

Synonyms: amateurishness, artlessness, boorishness, coarseness, crudeness, gawkiness, gracelessness, greenness

Antonyms: coordination, grace

Word: complications ‫پیچیدہ‬

Meaning: (Noun) a situation or condition that is complex or confused

Synonyms: aggravation, complexity, confusion, development, difficulty, dilemma, drawback, embarrassment,


Antonyms: answer, solution

Word: disseminate ‫پھیلنا‬

Meaning: (Verb) cause to become widely known

Synonyms: advertise, announce, annunciate, blaze, blazon, broadcast, circulate, declare, diffuse, disject, disperse,

Antonyms: collect, contain, garner, gather

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Word: Defamation ‫ہتک‬

Meaning: (Noun) an abusive attack on a persons character or good name

Synonyms: aspersion, backbiting, backstabbing, belittlement, black eye, brickbat, calumny, character assassination,
cheap shot

Antonyms: laudation, puffery

Word: devising ‫ایجاد‬

Meaning: (Verb) arrange by systematic planning and united effort

Synonyms: ad lib, arrange, blueprint, brainstorm, cast, chart, cogitate, concoct, construct, contrive, cook up, craft,
create, design, discover

Antonyms: disorganize, not plan

Word: expediency ‫مصلحت‬

Meaning: (Noun) the quality of being suited to the end in view

Synonyms: advantage, advantageousness, advisability, appositeness, aptness, benefit, convenience, desirability,


Antonyms: impracticality

Word: dissenting ‫اختالف‬

Meaning: (Verb) express opposition through action or words

Synonyms: bone, clinker, conflict, contention, denial, difference, disaccord, disapproval, discord, dissension,

Antonyms: accord, agreement, compliance, concurrence

Word: perception ‫تصور‬

Meaning: (Noun) becoming aware of something via the senses

Synonyms: acumen, apprehending, apprehension, approach, attention, attitude, awareness, big idea, brain wave,

Antonyms: denseness, dullness, ignorance, inability, ineptness, naivete, stupidity

Word: duplicity ‫دوغال پن‬

Meaning: (Noun) acting in bad faith deception by

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Synonyms: Judas kiss, artifice, chicanery, cunning, deceit, dirty dealing, dirty pool, dirty trick, dirty work, dishonesty,

Antonyms: honesty, loyalty, straightforwardness

Word: adherence‫استقالل‬

Meaning: (Noun) faithful support for a religion or cause or political party

Synonyms: adherence, ardor, constancy, dedication, deference, devotion, duty, faithfulness, fealty, fidelity, homage

Antonyms: betrayal, disloyalty, disobedience, enmity, sedition, treachery, treason

Word: condoned ‫اغماض‬

Meaning: (Verb) excuse, overlook, or make allowances for be lenient with

Synonyms: disregard, excuse, forget, forgive, ignore, let pass, okay, overlook, pardon, pass over, remit, wink at

Antonyms: censure, condemn, denounce, forbid, prevent

Word: outrageous ‫اشتعال انگی‬

Meaning: (Adjective) greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation

Synonyms: abandoned, abominable, atrocious, barbaric, beastly, brazen, contemptible, contumelious, corrupt,

Antonyms: acceptable, good

Word: prescribed ‫معینہ‬

Meaning: (Verb) issue commands or orders for

Synonyms: appoint, assign, choose, command, decide, decree, define, designate, determine, dictate, direct, enjoin,

Antonyms: betray, deceive, delude, fool, trick

Word: surging ‫بڑھن ہوئ‬

Meaning: (Noun) a sudden or abrupt strong increase

Synonyms: billow, breaker, deluge, efflux, flood, flow, growth, gush, intensification

Antonyms: trough

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Word: amplified ‫بڑا‬

Meaning: (Verb) increase the volume of

Synonyms: add, augment, beef up, boost, build up, deepen, develop, elaborate, enlarge, exaggerate, expand,

Antonyms: abridge, compress, condense, contract, decrease, diminish, lessen, reduce, shorten, turn down

Word: mysterious ‫پرارسار‬

Meaning: (Adjective) of an obscure nature

Synonyms: abstruse, alchemistic, arcane, astrological, baffling, cabalistic, concealed, covert, cryptic, curious, dark,
difficult, enigmatic

Antonyms: straightforward

Word: repressive ‫جابرانہ‬

Meaning: (Adjective) restrictive of action

Synonyms: backbreaking, bitch, black, bleak, brutal, burdensome, confining, cruel, demanding, depressing,

Antonyms: free, humane

Word: dissemination ‫ترسیل‬

Meaning: (Noun) the act of dispersing or diffusing something

Synonyms: broadcasting, circulation, diffusion, dissipation, promulgation, propagation

Antonyms: secret

Word: laudable ‫قابل تعریف‬

Meaning: (Adjective) worthy of high praise

Synonyms: commendable, creditable, deserving, estimable, excellent, gnarly, keen, mean, meritable, meritorious

Antonyms: blameworthy, shameful

Word: approved ‫منظور‬

Meaning: (Verb) judge to be right or commendable think well of

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Synonyms: accept, acclaim, admire, applaud, appreciate, approbate, commend, cope, countenance, esteem, face it,
favor, handle, like

Antonyms: disapprove, disrespect

Word: endless ‫المتناہ‬

Meaning: (Adjective) having no known beginning and presumably no end

Synonyms: amaranthine, boundless, ceaseless, constant, continual, continuous, countless, deathless, enduring,
eternal, everlasting, illimitable, immeasurable, immortal

Antonyms: ending, finishing, finite, limited

Word: exceptionally ‫استثنائ‬

Meaning: (Adjective) surpassing what is common or usual or expected

Synonyms: aberrant, abnormal, anomalous, atypical, deviant, distinct, extraordinary, inconsistent, infrequent,
notable, noteworthy, odd

Antonyms: common, conventional, everyday, normal, regular, typical, unexceptional, usual

Word: extermination ‫بربادی‬

Meaning: (Verb) the act of exterminating

Synonyms: annihilation, blitz, blood, blood bath, bloodshed, butchering, butchery, crime, croaking, extermination,
gore, havoc

Antonyms: being, birth, existence, life, living, nascency

Word: outrage‫زیادئ‬

Meaning: (Verb) violate the sacred character of a place or language

Synonyms: abuse, affront, atrocity, barbarism, damage, desecration, enormity, evildoing, harm, hurt, indignity,
inhumanity, injury, insult

Antonyms: appeasement, compliment, flattery, pleasantry

Word: erase ‫ختم کرنا‬

Meaning: (Verb) remove from memory or existence

Synonyms: abolish, annul, black out, blank, blot, blue pencil, cancel, cross out, cut, cut out, dele, delete, disannul,
dispatch, efface,

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Antonyms: add, insert, put in, restore

Word: vigilant ‫چوکس‬

Meaning: (Verb) carefully observant or attentive on the lookout for possible danger

Synonyms: acute, agog, alert, anxious, attentive, aware, cautious, circumspect, guarded, keen, looking for, looking
to, observant, on alert

Antonyms: careless, inattentive, negligent

Word: comprehensive‫جامع‬

Meaning: (Adjective) including all or everything

Synonyms: absolute, all-embracing, all-inclusive, blanket, broad, catholic, compendious, complete, comprising,
containing, discursive

Antonyms: exclusive, incomprehensive, limited, narrow, noncomprehensive, selective

Word: reiterate ‫دہرانا‬

Meaning: (Verb) to say, state, or perform again

Synonyms: come again, ditto, double-check, echo, ingeminate, iterate, play back, recap, recapitulate, recheck

Antonyms: de-emphasize, downplay, ignore, play down, shrug off, soften, understate

Word: described ‫بیان‬

Meaning: (Verb,) to give an account or representation of in words

Synonyms: call, characterize, chronicle, communicate, construe, convey image, define, delineate, depict, detail,
distinguish, draw, elucidate, epitomize, exemplify

Antonyms: confuse, mix up

Word: profligacy ‫عیاس‬

Meaning: (Noun) dissolute indulgence in sensual pleasure

Synonyms: atrocity, decadence, degeneration, degradation, depravity, evil, immorality, impurity, infamy, iniquity

Antonyms: morality, virtue

Word: harmony ‫ہم اہنگ‬

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Meaning: (Noun) agreement of opinions

Synonyms: accord, affinity, amicability, amity, compatibility, concord, conformity, consensus, consistency,
cooperation, correspondence

Antonyms: disagreement

Word: prohibit ‫ممنوع‬

Meaning: (Verb) command against

Synonyms: ban, block, bottle up, box in, constrain, cool, cork, debar, ding, disallow, enjoin, forbid, forfend, freeze,

Antonyms: authorize, permit

Word: imperilled‫خطرہ‬

Meaning: (Verb) pose a threat to present a danger to

Synonyms: chance it, compromise, endanger, expose, hazard, jeopard, jeopardize, jeopardy, menace, peril, risk

Antonyms: enhance, protect, save, support

Word: impunity‫بریت‬

Meaning: (Noun) exemption from punishment or loss

Synonyms: dispensation, exception, exemption, immunity, liberty, license, nonliability

Antonyms: liability, responsibility

Word: prosecuting ‫جاری‬

Meaning: (Verb) carry out or participate in an activity be involved in

Synonyms: arraign, bring suit, contest, do, have up, indict, law, litigate, prefer charges, pull up, put away, seek
redress, sue

Antonyms: defend, pardon

Word: rampage ‫بگڑنا‬

Meaning: (Noun) violently angry and destructive behavior

Synonyms: binge, blowup, boiling point, conniption fit, destruction, disturbance, ferment, fling, frenzy, fury, mad,
orgy, rage, ruckus, splurge

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Antonyms: stillness

Word: disgusting ‫مکروہ‬

Meaning: (Noun) strong feelings of dislike

Synonyms: abhorrence, abomination, antipathy, aversion, detestation, dislike, distaste, hatefulness, hatred,
loathing, nausea, nauseation

Antonyms: delight, liking

Word: intensifying ‫سنگی‬

Meaning: (Verb) make more intense, stronger, or more marked

Synonyms: accent, accentuate, add fuel, add to, aggrandize, aggravate, augment, beef up, boost, brighten, build up,

Antonyms: abate, lessen

Word: disseminated ‫بکھینا‬

Meaning: (Verb) cause to become widely known

Synonyms: advertise, announce, annunciate, blaze, blazon, broadcast, circulate, declare, diffuse, disject, disperse,
dissipate, proclaim

Antonyms: collect, contain, garner, gather

Word: aggressive ‫جارحانہ‬

Meaning: (Adjective) having or showing determination and energetic pursuit of your ends

Synonyms: advancing, antipathetic, assailing, attacking, barbaric, bellicose, combative, contentious, destructive,
disruptive, disturbing

Antonyms: calm, easygoing, mild, passive, peaceful

Word: expedited ‫پھرئ‬،‫جلدی‬

Meaning: (Verb) speed up the progress of facilitate

Synonyms: accelerate, advance, assist, dispatch, facilitate, fast track, forward, grease wheels, hand-carry, hand-walk,
handle personally, hasten

Antonyms: bog down, delay, halt, hinder, slow, stop

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Word: fractious ‫جھگڑالو‬

Meaning: (Adjective) unpredictably difficult in operation likely to be troublesome

Synonyms: awkward, bitchy, captious, crabby, cross, disorderly, fretful, froward, huffy, indocile, indomitable,
intractable, irritable,

Antonyms: amiable, good-humored

Word: credentials ‫اسناد‬

Meaning: (Noun) a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts

Synonyms: above board, acceptable, authentic, colorable, conceivable, convincing, credential, credible, creditable,
fiduciary, imaginable

Antonyms: doubtful, farfetched, questionable, unbelievable, unconvincing

Word: settled ‫ےط شدہ‬

Meaning: (Verb) make final put the last touches on put into final form

Synonyms: achieve, adjudicate, adjust, appoint, arrange, choose, cinch, clean up, clear, clear up, clinch, complete,
concert, conclude

Antonyms: prolong

Word: disorders ‫امراض‬

Meaning: (Noun) a disturbance of the peace or of public order

Synonyms: ataxia, clutter, confusion, derangement, disarrangement, disarray, discombobulation, disorderliness,


Antonyms: order, regularity, tidiness, arrangement

Word: oversight ‫نگرائ‬

Meaning: (Noun) a mistake resulting from inattention

Synonyms: blank, blunder, boot, carelessness, chasm, default, delinquency, dereliction

Antonyms: minions

Word: sustained ‫قائم‬

Meaning: (Verb) be the physical support of carry the weight of

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Synonyms: aid, approve, assist, back, bankroll, bear, befriend, bolster, brace, buck up, buoy, buttress, carry, comfort,

Antonyms: discontinue, halt, stop

Word: precluding ‫باز رکھنا‬

Meaning: (Verb) keep from happening or arising make impossible

Synonyms: avert, cease, check, debar, deter, discontinue, exclude, forestall, forfend, hinder, impede, interrupt,
make impossible

Antonyms: be unready

Word: elusive ‫دھوکہ دینا‬

Meaning: (Adjective) skillful at eluding capture

Synonyms: ambiguous, baffling, cagey, deceitful, deceptive, elusory, equivocal, evanescent, fallacious, fleeting,
fraudulent, fugacious

Antonyms: actual, easy to grasp, tangible, within reach

Word: engulfed ‫نگلنا‬

Meaning: (Verb) flow over or cover completely

Synonyms: absorb, bury, consume, deluge, drown, encompass, engross

Antonyms: dig out

Word: perilous ‫خطرناک‬

Meaning: (Adjective) fraught with danger

Synonyms: chancy, delicate, dicey, dynamite, exposed, hairy, hazardous, hot, hot potato, insecure

Antonyms: safe, secure

Word: devastation ‫تباہ‬

Meaning: (Noun) an event that results in total destruction

Synonyms: confusion, defoliation, demolition, depredation, desolation, havoc, loss

Antonyms: building, construction, creation

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Word: revenue ‫آمدن‬

Meaning: (Noun) the entire amount of income before any deductions are made

Synonyms: acquirement, annuity, bottom line, cash flow, comings in, credit, cush, dividend, earnings, emolument,
fruits, fund

Antonyms: expenditure, outgoings

Word: stagnated ‫ٹھہراؤ‬

Meaning: (Verb) cease to flow stand without moving

Synonyms: constipate, decay, decline, fester, hibernate, idle, languish, lie fallow, not move, putrefy, rot, rust, stall,

Antonyms: boom, rise

Word: compulsions ‫زور آوری‬

Meaning: (Noun) using force to cause something

Synonyms: coercion, constraint, demand, drive, driving, duress, duty, engrossment, exigency, force, hang-up,
monkey, necessity, need

Antonyms: coaxing, persuassion

Word: abundantly ‫پوری طرح‬

Meaning: (Adverb) in an abundant manner

Synonyms: abundantly, acceptably, appropriately, capably, competently, copiously, decently, enough, fairly well,
fittingly, modestly

Antonyms: inadequately, insufficiently, unequally, unsatisfactorily, unsuitably

Word: desecration ‫ناپاک‬

Meaning: (Noun) blasphemous behavior the act of depriving something of its sacred character

Synonyms: abuse, blasphemy, debasement, defilement, impiety, irreverence, profanation, sacrilege

Antonyms: consecration, honor, praise, sanctification

Word: fabricated ‫جعل‬

Meaning: (Verb) make up something artificial or untrue

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Synonyms: assemble, brainstorm, build, cobble up, compose, concoct, construct, contrive, cook up, create, devise,
dream up, erect

Antonyms: break, demolish, destroy, ruin

Word: anarchy ‫تعطل‬

Meaning: (Noun) a state of lawlessness and disorder

Synonyms: chaos, confusion, disorder, disorganization, disregard, hostility, mob rule, nihilism

Antonyms: law and order, lawfulness, order, organization, rule

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