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INTRODUCTION: Hi, I’m Mike from American Income Life Insurance Company. I spoke to you about the
benefits and the Child Safe ID Kits endorsed through the International Union of Police Associations. Is
Mary here? They have me using my laptop to save some time and for quality control. Do you mind if we
sit at your kitchen table near an outlet? They have me running around like crazy, so if it’s OK with you,
I’ll go ahead and give you the quick version. (don’t sit till they do; ask whether to remove shoes)

WARM UP AND RAPPORT (F-O-R-M): Let me go ahead and get started…hey while I get this set up....
(start typing necessary information to get presentation setup and use these sample questions and
others to build rapport—DON’T FORGET ABOUT THE SPOUSE) How long have you lived in the area?
Do you know the neighbors pretty well? Do you have a lot of family in the area? Where do you work?
What do you do for work? (make sure to share something about yourself; continue once rapport is built)

WHY I’M HERE: (For Non-Child Safe don’t mention Child Safe Kit or Two Part Program) Let me tell you
exactly what my job is. First I’m going to deliver your Child Safe Kit and no-cost benefits, and then I’m
going to go over the additional benefits that you’re entitled to if you qualify. It’s a two-part program—the
first part protects your kids when something happens to them, and the second part of the program
protects your kids when something happens to you. My company, American Income, works with over
20,000 different unions, credit unions, and associations handling their additional benefits. Because of
American Income’s relationship with the International Union of Police Associations, you have access to
the same exclusive benefits that groups like police officers and firefighters have had access to for years.
This quick video will give you a quick introduction to the company. CLICK ON PRESENTATION TYPE,

CHILDSAFE ID KIT: Joe and Mary, here’s your no-cost ChildSafe ID Kit. I’m sure you know families
with children, right? (Wait for response) This kit provided by American Income is one of the most
comprehensive on the market and gives the police what they need to help find a missing child. You can
only get these by a visit from someone like me. (if they have children) I have one of these for each of
your children. (Show and explain the Kit) PRESS CONTINUE, SKIP NO COST & THE REFERRAL

Every time you turn on the news you hear about human trafficking, a kidnapping, or a child running away
from home. If something happened to one of the children that you know, wouldn’t you want their parents
to have this kit? (wait for response) Through our partnership as the endorsed company by the
International Union of Police Associations to handle this program, you’ll be able to get this kit out to up to
10 families that have children. Who is the first family we can get these kits to? (shoot for 10)

HEALTH SERVICES DISCOUNT CARD: Joe and Mary, this is the no-cost Health Services Discount
Card. Since group benefits can change or be taken away, this no-cost benefit will help by giving you up
to a 60% discount on (point to all services) vision care, prescription drugs, hearing aids, and chiropractic
services. This brochure has all of the enrollment information including the toll-free number and the
website which will answer any of your questions. I’ll leave this for you…you can check it out after I leave.

AD&D CERTIFICATE: The next no-cost benefit is the Accidental Death and Dismemberment benefit.
[example: $2,000 AD&D] Joe, this is a living benefit that pays you $1,000 for the loss of one hand, one
foot, or sight in one eye; and double that amount, or $2,000 for the loss of any two. Mary, for you, this is
a death benefit that would pay you $2,000 should Joe die accidentally. Now I know that $2,000 isn’t all
the money in the world, but if Joe died, I’m sure you can see how that would help, right? (wait for
response) Now, Mary, go ahead and sign here acknowledging the benefits and that you are the
beneficiary. And Joe, sign here acknowledging the benefit and that Mary is the beneficiary.
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How long is this going to take?
It doesn’t take too long. For me…the shorter the better because I have to see a member every hour on
the hour and they have me running around like crazy. You’re going to love what they set up for you and I
want to make sure you understand everything you’re entitled to...could we use your kitchen table? It will
make things go a lot quicker…

Are you going to try to sell me something?

Let me tell you exactly what my job is to do…my job is to deliver and explain your benefits, answer any
questions you have, and make sure you understand what you are entitled to…you do what you want
with the information. You’re going to love what they set up for you…could we use your kitchen table? It
will make things a lot easier for me…

If this is about insurance, forget about it

ChildSafe: Did you read the information that you received in the confirmation after you signed up for the
kits? Union: Were you at the meeting where they talked about the program? (wait for response) That
explains where some of the confusion might come from. My job is deliver and explain your benefits,
answer any questions you have, and make sure you understand what you are entitled to…you do what
you want with the information. You’re going to love what they set up for you…could we use your kitchen
table? It will make things a lot easier for me…

I just want to sign the information for the free stuff

OK, great…that makes my job really easy. If it’s OK with you, since I’ve come all the way out here and I
want to make sure you don’t miss anything, what I can do is have you sign for the no-cost benefits, and
then give you the quick version of the benefits you’re entitled to, that way you will know what’s been set
up. You do what you want with the information. This will make things a lot easier for me too because
they have me running around like crazy. You’re going to love what they set up for you…if you don’t
mind, let’s use your kitchen table that will make things move a lot quicker.


I’m not comfortable giving out people’s information
I can understand how you feel…as a matter of fact a lot of members have felt that way. It’s difficult to
know which companies you can trust and which you can’t. But, let me ask you, do you think 20,000
groups would choose one insurance company over all of the others to advise their members if they
didn’t trust that company? (wait for response) Of course not! You received a letter and when you
received that letter you returned a card. The people you sponsor into the program will receive a phone
call instead of a letter, and they can choose if this is right for. Let’s give them the option to decide for
their family if this is something that they want…if they are not interested that’s OK but what I have found
is that the members that are sponsored into the program love the program even more because they
normally wouldn’t be able to get it. Now…you said you had a brother? Let’s start with him…

Still not comfortable

OK Joe…I get that you are unsure about sponsoring these people into the program. Let’s do this…let’s
at least get them sponsored in…the sponsorship is tied to my visit with you…and I will call you first
before I call them. I will ask you to just give them a heads up that I will be calling and if any of them don’t
want to be bothered I won’t contact them…no questions asked. Let’s at least give them the chance to
decide for themselves. If it’s OK with you…let’s start with your brother…you said his name was?...

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One more thing I need to do is to put two emergency contacts on here, in the event you were to die
together in a common accident. It would be wise if they were local, over the age of 18, and living outside
your home. Who is your first emergency contact? Your second? (write the names of the emergency
contacts, phone number, city, and relationship on the AD&D certificate which you will leave for them,
or on the back/bottom of the green gift certificate AD&D)

AD&D REFERRALS: Joe and Mary, I need your help. Can you help me with something? (Yes)
American Income gives me 10 Life Insurance Certificates that they let me use for families you introduce
me to. I’m asking you for an introduction. This doesn’t cost you or them anything. Worst case scenario,
they get more insurance and you helped me out. Everyone always gives these to their emergency
contacts since they are closest to them, so aside from them, let’s get this to at least 3 more people you
know. You mentioned… (give examples of people and be assumptive—shoot for 5)

HOMEWORK: Please make sure you give the families you extended the no-cost benefits to a call or a
text, letting them know that I will be getting in contact with them in the next few days. (Fill out homework
sheet and send text that they can forward to families they referred)


LIST OF CONCERNS (use appropriate list of concerns): The reason that this is a two-part program is
that right now, families are dealing with some serious gaps in their coverage. That’s why this was
important enough to send me out here personally to review this with you. The first concern is…

AFFORDABILITY TIE DOWN: The last concern is affordability. We sit down with people making $7 an
hour and some making $47 an hour. Some are working tons of overtime, and some are laid off. They
wanted this to be affordable for everybody. Joe, let’s imagine your boss comes up to you tomorrow at
work and tells you that because business has been good, the company is going to start paying you for
41 hours instead of 40. Now, with that one hour, are you and Mary going to go buy matching Ferraris?
Start construction on your dream home? (wait for response) Of course not! Now on the flip side, let’s say
your boss comes up to you and tells you that things are a little slow, but instead of laying you or your co-
workers off, they would just send everyone home an hour early on Friday. So, you would be working 39
hours instead of 40. Would you have to get rid of cable? Cancel dentist appointments for the kids? Take
food off the table? (wait for response) Exactly! A one hour adjustment doesn’t really change anything.

is the final no-cost benefit, the Needs Analysis. I’m going to ask you some questions. If there is no need,
it won’t make a recommendation. If there is a need, I will review the recommendations with you. (ask all
of the questions on the member survey but input $0 for Whole Life, Term, and Group Coverage; make
sure to click NON-INFLATION OPTION and click “Continue”)

MANDATORY READ-OFF LETTER: Before I review your areas of concern, I have this Mandatory
Read-Off Letter for you which explains how the enrollment process works. (turn the screen toward the
members or preferably use their letter if possible and have a ‘between you and me’ moment) Joe and
Mary, instead of reading this whole thing, let me just summarize it for you…

What it’s basically saying is that…if…as I’m going through the benefits, you’re nodding your head
(visibly nod your head) thinking, “Wow, these are some great benefits…and I can see why they
approved this and why everyone is doing this,” go ahead and apply today while I’m out here. On the flip
side, if I’m going through the benefits and you’re thinking to yourself, “You know, these really are great
benefits but they don’t fill a need for me and my family right now,” then I’m actually going to ask you
NOT to apply. Either way, yes or no, that decision does have to be made today, during your service
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period, in fairness to all the other people waiting to enroll. They could do it this way because everything
has already been checked, rechecked, and approved by over 20,000 groups that set this up to be a no-
brainer for their members. It’s going to be an easy yes or no. Does that make sense?

Whatever you decide to do, they still want your opinion on this Officer Report Form, which is sort of like
my report card (show the form). So, it’s important that you listen and ask questions. Joe, will you
promise to stop me if you have any questions? Mary? You too? (Make sure they are tied down)


INTRODUCTION TO THE TWO-JOB WORKSHEET: So, let me review your options using an
illustration. Let’s say that at your current jobs (combine total income for the household)…we will call this
Job A. With Job A, you are making $1,050 per week and you get your normal group benefits. Imagine
that tomorrow you go into work and another job opens up. We will call this Job B. With this job you get
the exact same group benefits, you have the same responsibilities, same co-workers and everything.
But with Job B, you’re making $1,020 per week, or about one hour’s wage difference, which, like you
said before, would be pretty much the same. But…that one hour is going to eliminate all your concerns.


FINAL EXPENSE BENEFIT: The first concern has to do with your funeral and final expenses. There’s a
100% chance your family will need this. I’m going to let this video explain. SHOW FOC VIDEO American
Income is going to provide you with $15,000 for this need. The Freedom of Choice Certificate (show
certificates) has been set up to take care of this burden for your family. (explain spouse benefit if
applicable) They are using whole life insurance to fund your Freedom of Choice that way it’s there
when—not if, your family needs it. This helps to protect any existing insurance and savings your family
has. Right now, with your current job, you don’t have this.

INCOME PROTECTION: Obviously, Mary, when Joe dies you’re going to miss him, but after a few
weeks go by, you’ll be missing his paycheck too. So, American Income is going to provide $180,000
when that happens. Mary, this would give you and the children $3,000 for 60 months to replace Joe’s
income. (explain spouse benefit if applicable) This would be reviewed, renewed, and updated every 10
years. Mary, having 5 years of income would be huge at that time, right? (wait for response)

MORTGAGE PROTECTION: (usually funded by ADB, but sometimes Term) Besides their income, the
next thing people want secured for their family is their home. American Income is going to give you
$100,000 of coverage for this. If you were to die during your working years, it’d probably be due to an
accident so to help give you the most value, this is funded by an accidental death benefit. Right now with
your current job, you don’t have that.

CHILDREN’S EDUCATION: (usually funded by ADB, but sometimes Term) The next concern had to do
with your children’s future education. If you died unexpectedly in an accident, American Income is going
to provide $100,000 or $50,000 for each of your 2 children. This money will be set up to give your
children a head start in life. Obviously with your current job, you don’t have that.

CHILD RIDER: Also included is a special $10,000 life insurance plan for all of your children, 18 and
younger, that qualify. When they turn 21 they can convert this to 5 times that amount, or $50,000 of
permanent life insurance with no health questions. Your kids will thank you for having the foresight to get
this set up for them.

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CO-PAY, DEDUCTIBLE, AND LOST WAGES BENEFIT: Add Double A71000 benefit but No
Recouperation Benefit The next benefit helps take care of some income concerns if you are in an
accident or get injured. This benefit will pay you up to $100 every time you go in for a bump, bruise, or a
bee sting—any type of accident or injury. If you are overnight in the hospital it pays you $200 per day
and double that for intensive care, or $400 per day. If you’re in the hospital, what are you not doing?
(Working) If you aren’t working, you’re not making what? (Money) Do bills still come in? (Yes) Exactly;
with this benefit if you were injured on or off the job and you were in the hospital for 5 days, it would pay
you $1,000. With your current job all you get are bills and income loss. On top of that, this benefit will
pay $10,000 for the loss of a hand, a foot, or sight in one eye, and double that, or $20,000 for the loss of
any two. Right now with your current job, you don’t have any of these benefits.

accident, this would catch your family off guard and stop your pension and social security accumulation.
So with this benefit the surviving spouse or the children receive an additional $20,000-$100,000 that
pays out immediately depending on the type of accident. This benefit is set up for both of you- that way
you are both protected. Right now with your current job, you don’t have that.

TERMINAL ILLNESS RIDER: Another important feature of this program is that if you are diagnosed with
a terminal illness such as cancer you can access half of your Freedom of Choice and Income Protection
benefit while you’re alive (half of the whole life and term insurance). The remainder will be paid out to
your family. Joe, you’ll have $97,500, and Mary, you’ll have $34,500 available to you to put your family
in the best financial situation before you die. Right now with your current job, you have $0.

for almost 70 years and has an A+ Financial Rating. Unlike your group benefits which you can lose,
these benefits are permanent and portable. If you leave your job or retire, you keep these. In addition, if
you are on a qualified lay off they will cover the benefits for you for 3 months and if you happen to be
involved in a strike, the benefits are covered for up to 12 months so you don’t lose them.


TWO-JOB OPTION CLOSE: Joe, if you went into work tomorrow and you had a choice between Job A
and Job B, which job would you take? (wait for response) Why would you do that if you’re making more
money over here? (point to their current job and wait for response) That’s what everyone says. They set
this up to be a no-brainer.

Now what I have just gone over with you is what the Benefit Software suggests as the basic plan to
handle your concerns. There’s one more option you could choose if you qualify: it’s recommending you
move to a “Preferred” Freedom of Choice benefit of $31,000 to protect your family from inflation
increases. This actually gets you a better rate. It’s only an extra $12 per week to add the inflation
adjustment. Do you want to start with the basic program for an hour’s wage, or $30 per week? Or do
you want to do a little more for your family and get the inflation protection built in for $42 per week?
(wait for response) OK, that’s smart…that’s exactly what I would do. Like I said before, you do need to
qualify for these benefits so I need to ask you a few health questions to see where you’re at…(begin
asking health questions on the back of the QR)

AFTER THE HEALTH QUESTIONS (Q-R CHECKLIST): OK, I’m not the underwriter, but based on what
I’m seeing here it looks like you should be able to qualify for the benefits. (Take out Q-R Checklist and
go right into the Q-R) OK guys, this is the Q-R Checklist which is a mandatory checklist that we review
with all of the members; it explains the enrollment process. The first thing the checklist talks about is the
way the benefits are handled… (complete the Q-R checklist and the rest of the application process)
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For POS: I gave the referrals last time
OK, great…actually those are the families we want to start with. They probably already have coverage
with American Income and they are probably due for their review. For POS referrals, it’s best to say this
proactively… “Let’s start with the families you sponsored in last time because they probably already
have coverage with us…”


Let’s say a member says something like, “You know Jim, if you’re here about insurance, you can just
forget about it I don’t want to hear about it.” This is how I would use this response:

“Well you know, Joe, I understand how you feel. A lot of members have felt that way, but when they
found out about the benefits that have already been implemented for them and the other benefits that
they can possibly be eligible for, they are actually pretty excited about the visit and the time that we
spend. This won’t take long. My job is just to give you some information and to go over everything that
you may be eligible for. You listen to it and you can do exactly what you want. All I need you to do is
listen. Does that make sense?”

The Feel-Felt-Found method can be used in almost every response to a member objection. The
important thing is just explaining that, hey…agreeing with them…not coming up against them, but just
saying, “hey, I understand how you feel” and then kind of relating it to other members as well so we don’t
feel isolated, you know “A lot of members have felt that way”, but then going to the next level is where
the transition is. Explain to the them, “But once they found out” and say whatever it is that you’re trying
to explain to them, and then explaining how excited that they were, or appreciative they were, of what’s
been done for them.

It works wonderful, it’s just an amazing transition of statements that will get you from where you’re at,
which is nowhere, to actually along the road together, with the member, hand in hand.


Response #1
I can understand that. It’s difficult nowadays to make ends meet. Every time it seems we’re just about to
get caught up another bill comes up to put us back in the hole. But when you think about it, over the
years, when anything ever did come up you’ve been able to make whatever adjustments were necessary
to keep food on the table and heat in the winter time for your family. A lot of times families take you for
granted. But you’re the man that gets up everyday, goes to work, and brings the money home to take
care of things and make ends meet. The only thing that could ever prevent this from happening is if all of
a sudden you aren’t here anymore. All of a sudden that income that we all took for granted is cut off
forever. And that is the adjustment that you won’t be here to make and your family couldn’t possibly
make. Sure this $_______/wk is another adjustment to make, but just treat it as if Uncle Sam just
increased your taxes. You’re here and you can make it as you always do to prevent your wife and family
from being faced with an adjustment they couldn’t possibly make.

Money Machine Analogy

Now Joe and Mary, I don’t know about you guys, but whenever I check out of Best Buy and I get
something they always ask me if I want the warranty. I usually decline it, but let’s imagine that you had a
machine in your house that printed out $4,000 a month (legally of course) every month. Would you
spend $20-30 a week on a warranty that would make sure if the machine broke down the $4,000 a
month would keep coming into the home? (Wait for their response) Yea I would too! You might not have
ever thought of it that way, but you are that machine…and this is the warranty (point to benefit package),

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for about 3 cents on the dollar. Basically, the idea is taking your first hour Monday Morning and setting
that aside for your family…and with that hour you get all of these benefits.

Because they wanted this to be affordable for every family that we saw they actually came up with two
options: Option 1, which provides the benefits at about an hour’s wage per week, or $______ a
week…and that comes to $______ a month, or Option 2, which provides the same benefits but with
inflation protection built in. Which option works best for you?

I have a lot of obligations right now and we just added more

Yea, it’s probably going to be pretty tough for a while. But, you know, you are going to continue working
as you always have in the past and eventually you’re going to get that paid off. In the past I’m certain
that you’ve had other major bills that came up. But as long as you kept working, you got those bills paid.
But there’s one thing that can prevent you from paying this bill or any other bills and that is if something
happened to you. That is not just going to be tough, but it will be impossible. Why don’t you take this
program just to guarantee whether you’re here or not that your family will be able to pay these bills?

Holiday Close
Now I know that it’s Christmas time and there are gifts to be bought and it seems always funds are short
this time of year. But Joe this is probably the best present you could get your loved ones. I am sure if
you wrapped the policy up and put it under the tree, you won’t get all the hugs and kisses the toys will
get you. But really…do they even remember what you got them last year…I bet not. This is the most
unselfish gift, the most valuable you can give them…it is something that will not get you all the hoopla,
but as a parent sometimes we have to do what’s best, not what’s popular. Like I said, the wrapped gifts
they won’t remember, with this policy, if something happens, they’ll never forget.


Response #1
(Relax visibly that you are relaxed...i.e. sit back in your chair and say, "That's fine")

No problem. I understand where you’re at. The only thing is though, like I said before; they wanted us to
do this on an enrollment basis…like your letter said.

They figured they could do it this way because they already checked everything out and approved it for
the members. You know the Company is A+ rated, 100% union (only say this if they like unions or are in
a union) and over 20,000 other unions, credit unions, and associations have approved this as well. The
insurance benefits have been checked and rechecked and these are the ones your entitled to and
eligible for. I mean you do what you want, but the main thing is getting in on the benefits...BUT KEEPING
IT COMFORTABLE! Remember it is member owned. So, if it ever becomes uncomfortable for you down
the road, you could always change it later...make sense? Most members are enrolling at the basic level,
is that comfortable or would you want to adjust it a bit?

Response #2
I can understand that… a lot of members feel that way. But we try to explain, as I mentioned before, that
we are only supposed to see each member once each enrollment; and our enrollments run about three
or four years. Now, I know how much you like this program and how much your family needs it so I
wouldn’t want to take anything away from you. I’m sure you didn’t mind the fact that if anything happens
to you, Mary and the kids will get an extra $25,000 or $50,000. If this was offered to you free, I’m sure
you would jump at it. So really, it’s a matter of whether $______ per week is actually comfortable for you.
Do you feel $_____ per week would take food off the table?

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POS I want to think about it
I understand where you’re at. Because you are a policyholder already, you can have someone from our
company visit you whenever you want. So in this case, it’s true that you can have some time to think
about it. Unfortunately, the problem is, that the person that would come out to see you couldn’t be me
since I’m not an agent listed on this policy. They have me running around like crazy and I’m only allowed
to stop by once for a service visit unless I have a relationship with the client. The fact that you’re thinking
about it tells me that you see the value in the program, but maybe we just need to adjust it a little bit? I
don’t want you to have to go through all of this again, so while I’m out here why don’t we get some of the
adjustments made, and then down the road you can call me anytime you want and as long as your
health hasn’t changed we can make further adjustments. Now, did you want to start with the
improvements we talked about or did you want to adjust it a little bit to make it more affordable?

If they still want to think about it…

"Just for the records, do you feel that if something did happen that this program would be helpful for the

“Well, you know they have me running like crazy, like I told you...and people are already calling from
other cities wanting to get involved and we can't seem to get out to them. And you know, as I said, the
program is member owned, so once you’re enrolled this is can do what you want with it. So if
$ per week is comfortable for you right now...go with's yours, you could always change it later.
Make sense?”

What do you think honey?

(Say to the one being asked the question) Well, you must be the one who handles the budget....
remember the main thing is getting in on the insurance benefits but keep it comfortable. Most members
are enrolling at this level, is that comfortable or would you rather start with less?"

An Elongated Hesitation…
Just because you are hesitating so long, I don’t think it’s a good idea you do it at this level. Again, the
important thing is getting in on the benefits but keeping it comfortable. So let’s do this…we will keep
most of the benefits in tact as you really need them, we’ll just adjust the amounts a bit and that will bring
it down to $______ per week…does that make better sense right now?

Walk Out Close

“Folks, I need to grab something out of my car. Why don’t you take a minute and talk about what you
want to do and I’ll be back in a minute. This will give you a chance to talk.” This should work almost
every time in your favor. You see, many times the people feel pressure because you are there and they
feel uncomfortable talking in front of you. Leaving the home to get something or to get your next
appointment so you could call them, will take the pressure off and allow the people to relax and talk.
This should help them to make a decision that will fit their needs.


Response #1
I can understand that; if you had $75,000 or $100,000 of insurance that would seem like a lot of money.
In fact, if we were to stack that much money on this table I don’t know how high that would be. But when
you talk about your income, something we just take for granted, being gone forever, all of a sudden it
doesn’t seem like that much. For example, your income right now is about $40,000 a year and you’ve
been earning that for about the last 5 years. Now that’s about $200,000. How much of that do you have
left? You see if something happened to you 5 years ago, your family right now would be faced with -
what do we sell first or what government line do we stand in? You see it’s very difficult to have enough
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insurance. Your family always needs more but you can only do what you can do. So it’s a matter of
comfortability. Would this $30 a week be comfortable for you or would you rather adjust it?

Goose and the Golden Egg

Joe, if you had a goose that laid golden eggs…would you want to protect the goose that was making the
eggs or would you protect the eggs? (wait for answer) Of course…the goose. When you think about
it…you are the goose and you have been laying golden eggs for your family. As long as you are here,
you will make money…with that money you will provide a home for your family, money to live on, cars,
education for your children, etc. You have all of those things protected…car insurance, homeowners
insurance…you might even have insurance on your cell phone. You probably take yourself for granted
and you don’t think about how valuable you are…but it doesn’t make sense to protect the eggs and not
the goose. You are the goose to the family…that’s why this program is so important. The expert
simulator exposed a clear need for the benefits…the main thing is getting in on the benefits but keeping
it comfortable. Most members go with Option 1 for their family…but if you want to start with something
more affordable…go with Option 2 and get your foot in the door. Which option makes more sense?

I’m insurance poor

Boy, aren’t we all. Health insurance, car insurance, home insurance… we all have plenty of these. In
fact, we wouldn’t be without our car insurance or home insurance because we can perceive something
happening to our car or to our home…and that would be devastating. But when you think about it, the
most important thing is our income, because that is what enabled us to get all these things in the first
place. You can always replace a car or a home as you are still working and paying the bills. But if
something happens to you, your income is gone forever and can never be replaced. Now, frankly, I don’t
like paying insurance premiums either, but let me tell you something, it’s the only way that I know where I
can guarantee that if something happens to me, my family is still going to be taken care of. And I’m sure,
when we think about it, we all want extra money for our families if we’re not here to take care of them. So
it’s pretty much a matter of comfortability, is $____ per week comfortable or should we adjust it a bit?

We have plenty of insurance and my spouse doesn’t need the extra money
Well, that could be true, Joe. Fact is that she may not need it. But, you know, if she doesn’t need it she
can always use the money to take a trip or send the kids to a better college or something like that. I’m
sure you wouldn’t mind that. But you know, extra bills and the uncertainty in life, there’s a chance, just a
chance, that she may need it… and I will guarantee you that the $30,000 she would get if she does need
it will mean a heck of a lot more to her at that time than the $5 means to you guys right now. So, really,
it’s just a matter of comfortability. It’s just $5 a week, is that going to take food off the table or change
your lifestyle any?

I don’t think we need this right now

Well actually you don’t…who does…everything is good now. The problem is when something happens
is when your family will desperately need it…and who knows when that will be. It’s like why buy a fire
extinguisher when your house is not on fire. Well when the fire starts it’s too late to think about buying
one. This is the kind of thing you could only buy when you don’t need it. Believe me what $___ per week
means to you right now is no comparison to what these benefits would mean to your family when the fire
starts. Does that make sense? (after getting an affirmative answer) Yea that is what most of the
members are saying as well...the only thing though is you still have to qualify for it so I need to ask you
some questions.

I have group benefits so I don’t need these

Vasu Agency // Laptop Presentation 2017-12-04 FINAL // Page 22 (Dollar amounts shown vary for different presentations; these are for illustration) // For Training Purposes
I understand where you’re coming from. Actually, you’re right…your group has set up some great
benefits for you guys. A lot of members that I see wish they had benefits as good as yours. The thing is,
though, that you own those group benefits about as much as you own your job. While you might have
group benefits today, it doesn’t mean that you will have them at retirement, next year, or even next
week. You know, it isn’t money that buys these benefits, but it’s your health. If your group benefits
change, become unaffordable, or are taken away, you will be underinsured and you might not qualify for
the benefits because your health has changed, or as you get older these become much more expensive.
It’s better to have the benefits and not need them because later on in life it will allow you to have a more
comfortable retirement and save you a lot of money in the process. If you don’t enroll in the benefits and
you end up needing them, you will be leaving your family in a financial situation they can’t handle. The
most important thing is to get your foot in the door and get started on something comfortable for your
family. They came up with two options that way it will fit with any budget…Option 1 which is the basic
program…or did you want to do a little bit more and go for the inflation option?


The insurance company is just betting I won’t die, it’s all a gamble
I know what you mean, but when you think about it, the real gamble is if you think this way and do not
have a program. Because the gamble is that if you don’t have insurance, you’re putting your family on
the roulette table. If something happens to you, they are the loser. The only sure bet is insurance,
because this way you can be assured that if anything does happen to you, you are guaranteeing that
they are all going to have this to help them carry on. Consider it a gamble, or whatever you want, but
insurance is the only way that I can have money here for my family if I’m not able to be here… that’s the
important thing. So, really, it’s just a matter of whether $_____ per week is comfortable or not.

I would rather just put the money into savings

I can understand that. Most of the members I see like to save. And the reason you want to put money
into savings or investments is because it’s a great way to be able to save for the future so one day you
and your family will be able to do those things that American families are supposed to do. And the only
thing that can prevent that is if something happens to you. So why shouldn’t your family have those
things anyways…those good intentions of yours? That’s why the protection part of the program is being
offered, so that it becomes an either-or situation. If you complete your saving plans you’ll have the
money you want. If something happens to you, your family will have this money. That’s the way you
would want it, right?

I want to talk to my Financial Advisor (or Insurance Person) first

I could understand that…we all need advice in this complicated world. And your financial advisor is
probably a great guy and knows his stuff. But when you think about it, he is in business to make money.
And the way he makes money is through commission… by selling financial products and insurance. So I
guarantee you, if you call him, no matter what this deal is for you, he will have other suggestions…his
suggestions…again he makes a commission. So please remember his opinion will be a bit biased.
When they set this up, over 20,000 unions, credit unions, and associations looked at and chose this
program over any other. And each group has their own financial adviser and/or insurance
representative. And the group’s only job is to protect the members interests…there is no ulterior motive
other than that. So again, your financial guy may be a great guy, but wouldn’t it be better to take the
advice of over 20,000 ‘unbiased financial advisors’ over ‘one biased’?

What I would do, since this seems to be of great need and value to you right now and if something
happened today, your family would be so happy you got it…is to enroll in this…this as far as you know is
the best deal right now…the only one on the table…that way you have it in place for your family. Then, if
you ever find something else you think is better…run it by us first to make sure, and if it is, more power
Vasu Agency // Laptop Presentation 2017-12-04 FINAL // Page 23 (Dollar amounts shown vary for different presentations; these are for illustration) // For Training Purposes

* Common questionnaires missed are Depression/Anxiety (24b), Crohn’s Disease, Diverticulitis, Pancreatitis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (31b) Alcohol, Drug
and Arrest always go together must be manually added on and answer all questions on the High Blood pressure Questionnaire. Errors in these areas may
result in a trial application.
*Applicants applying for Regular Whole Life or Term rates Face should be 20K or lower when applicants have issues with Cancer, Crohn’s, Diabetes, Heart
Issues, Kidney diseases, Marijuana use and Weight.

_____ DRAFT DATES This program is set up on a once a month computerized deduction through your
banking system. Having it done this way gains you this discounted rate. Your program is only $_______ per
month. This can be handled anytime between the _____ and _____ of the month; what date is best for you?
Remember the Draft dates cannot be on the 29, 30, or 31…(use draft date page and insert date on application…draft
date must be within 14 day window)
Draft Date: __________
_____ APPLICATIONS AND ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES Because this is a member owned program, and once it’s
issued it cannot be taken away by American Income or your employer, there is an application process which we
started with the health questions. In addition, this will all be signed electronically, so after we complete the
application, I will send you an email to which you will confirm the accuracy of the information and that you are
agreeing to electronically sign these applications just as if it was your own signature.
to you…go for it. This is a member owned program so you always have the choice of what to do with it
and when…that’s up to you. Does that make sense?

• Bill and Mary, I’ve walked into your home as a stranger. Whether you participate in
additional plans or not, I’m walking out a friend.
• If you give me 1% of your confidence, I’ll earn the other 99%.
• For union members What we really have here is the union Plan for the union man...and
his family.
• For ChildSafe This is a two-part program. The first part protects your kids when
something happens to them, and the second part protects your kids when something
happens to you.
• Only two really bad things happen to us in life that we can’t control. Either we die too soon
or we live too long.
• Now, Bill, if you were taken out prematurely, I know you would not object to having some
extra money for Mary and the children, would you?
• As I said before, if I can’t help you, I’m sure not going to hurt you.
• The only regret you’ll have about this in years ahead is simply that you don’t have more.
• The future belongs to those who prepare for today.
• INCOME...most members feel they’re not going to miss $1 a day, but if they die their
family will sure miss their income.
• FUNERAL BENEFIT...most members feel it is a lot easier coming up with a few dollars a
week now versus having to come up with thousands of dollars later
• You can choose to be concerned about this today OR be forced to be concerned in the
• There is a cost of doing something and a cost of doing nothing…but the cost of doing
nothing is always greater than the cost of doing something.
• It’s better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.
• You don’t buy this program because you’re going to die. You buy this program because
someone else has to go on living.
• If every wife knew what every widow knows, every husband would have more life
• Most people I see want their wife and kids to be able to live in the same home, have the
same friends, and be able to go to the same schools whether they live or die.
• You say, “I don’t need it.” With all respect, I ask you, Could you change the ‘I’ to ‘we’ and
still make that statement?
• Every seventeen minutes someone buys life insurance who will not live to pay the second
• There’s a 1 in 1,685 chance that you’ll file a claim on your car insurance and the odds of
claiming on your homeowners insurance is 1 in 2,766. There’s a 100% chance you’ll use
this program because those are your odds of needing it one day.

Vasu Agency // Laptop Presentation 2017-12-04 FINAL // Page 24 (Dollar amounts shown vary for different presentations; these are for illustration) // For Training Purposes
Regular Preferred Executive Select If you want
or Basic Life Life children
Life included “C”
must be
$1,000 - $31,000 $50,000 - $100,000 - circled
$30,000 -$49,999 $99,999 AND UP “B” is spouse or significant
other must be circled to
add their coverage.

Life paid up @
65 years old

10 year renewable &

convertible term mostly
used for Income

Accidental Death
Benefit. Can be used for
Mortgage, Children’s
Ed., Debt Protection.

Child Rider max 10k

Term to 65 years
Decreasing Term
Mortgage/Debt prot.

20-year convertible
Term- sometimes used
for children’s
education. Monthly cost for primary Monthly cost for spouse
insured. Premium x 12 = ALP insured. Premium x 12 = ALP

• Important to understand that you can use the insurance’s to protect different types of assets. We sell concepts.
A71000- use 200 unit. CNM- Cancer policy C20- Lump sum cancer H34- hospital indemnity. We use We always do
A, B, C.- primary, we mostly use. policy. Typically, not for COVID-19 package but used for Monthly Bank
A&H- spouse, child. 20=100k/10= 50k/5= 25k something we use all illness/acc. Draft especially
for first

CI- critical illness benefit Always mark which ever ones apply to the policy you
we do not really use. are writing.
​All applicants who have the following medical problems will have their application automatically
trialed. ​Do not pick up any money with the application and upload the Eapp as a trial.

Please see page number below for a detailed description of each condition in the auto trial list.

1. Alcohol 24. Hospitalization

2. Arrest 25. Kidney Infections/ Transplant
3. Asthma 26. Lyme’s Disease
4. Autism/Asperger’s 27. Marijuana
5. Back Injury 28. Medications
6. Benign Tumors/Cancer 29. Pain Medications
7. Chari Malformation 30. Peripheral Vascular Disease
8. Chest Pains 31. Pleurisy
9. Children 32. Premature Birth
10. Citizens 33. Pneumonia
11. Crohn’s Disease 34. Rheumatoid Arthritis
12. Declined 35. Power of Attorney
13. Depression/Anxiety 36. Racing/Flying
14. Diabetes 37. Seizures
15. Disabled 38. Senior Modified/Age
16. Driver’s License 39. Severe Sleep Apnea
17. DWI/DUI’s 40. Social Security Number
18. Grave’s Disease 41. Staph Infection Mersa
19. Gender Transition 42. Surgery
20. Heart & Circulatory Issues 43. Ulcerative Colitis
21. Hepatitis 44. Weight
22. Head Starts
23. High Blood Pressure

Other Important Information

* Counteroffer symbols NWLFUW, RWLMUW​,​WLUW, TRUW10Y are auto declines. Do not add to existing
coverage in these situations.

*Applicants receiving social security disability and Medicaid can’t qualify for CNM, A7100, H3400. They
shouldn’t apply for whole life products either.

*If someone isn’t taking prescribed medications always ask if Dr. is aware.

*​If an application is an Auto Trial and not uploaded as an auto trial, we will trial all applications taken with the
Auto Trial.
* ​Marijuana users are considered tobacco users. However, the tobacco number #33 needs to be answered
yes to generate a tobacco user rate. Any application with a yes answer to question #35 for marijuana use with
a no answer to question #33 will be cancelled.
Build Charts
Males and Females (Ages 16 and Over) Standard Juveniles
(Ages 0-15)
Avg. Note: If 4' 8" (56") or above,
Height Weight Overweight Chart with Probable Table Ratings may use Males and Females
(Ages 16 and Over) chart
Ft. In. Inches Pounds T-2 T-3 T-4 T-5 T-6 T-8 T-10 T-12
4' 8" 56 87-140 172 179 186 190 195 203 208 212 Age
4' 9" 57 91-145 178 185 192 197 202 211 215 220 Months Inches Pounds
4' 10" 58 94-150 185 192 199 204 209 218 223 228 0 17-22 6-11
4' 11" 59 97-155 191 199 206 211 216 226 231 236 1 18-25 6-12
5' 0" 60 100-161 198 205 213 218 223 233 239 244 2 18-27 8-14
5' 1" 61 104-166 204 212 220 225 231 241 247 252 3 19-28 8-16
5' 2" 62 107-172 211 219 227 233 238 249 255 260 4 19-29 9-18
5' 3" 63 111-177 218 226 235 240 246 257 263 269 5 20-30 10-20
5' 4" 64 114-183 225 234 242 248 254 266 271 277 6 21-31 11-22
5' 5" 65 118-189 232 241 250 256 262 274 280 286 7 21-32 11-24
5' 6" 66 121-195 239 248 258 264 270 282 289 295 8 22-32 12-25
5' 7" 67 125-201 246 256 265 272 278 291 297 304 9 22-33 12-28
5' 8" 68 129-207 254 264 273 280 287 300 306 313 10 23-33 13-28
5' 9" 69 133-213 261 271 282 288 295 309 315 322 11 23-34 15-28
5' 10" 70 136-219 269 279 290 297 304 318 325 332 12 24-34 15-29
5' 11" 71 140-225 277 287 298 305 312 327 334 341 13 24-35 16-30
6' 0" 72 144-232 284 295 306 314 321 336 343 351 14 25-35 16-30
6' 1" 73 148-238 292 304 315 323 330 345 353 361 15 25-36 17-31
6' 2" 74 152-245 300 312 324 332 339 355 363 370 16 26-36 17-32
6' 3" 75 157-252 309 321 333 341 349 365 373 381 17 26-37 18-32
6' 4" 76 161-258 317 329 341 350 358 374 383 391 18 26-37 18-33
6' 5" 77 165-265 325 338 350 359 367 384 393 401 19 27-38 19-33
6' 6" 78 169-272 334 347 360 368 377 394 403 412 20 27-38 19-34
6' 7" 79 174-279 342 356 369 378 387 404 413 422 21 27-38 19-34
6' 8" 80 178-286 351 365 378 387 396 415 424 433 22 28-39 20-34
6' 9" 81 182-293 360 374 388 397 406 425 434 444 23 28-39 20-35

Years Inches Pounds
2 29-42 21-40
Remember to Check Your Flash Sheet for Multiple Impairments 3 30-46 24-47
4 32-48 27-54
• Overweight & High Blood Pressure
• Overweight & Diabetes 5 34-51 30-61
• Overweight & Coronary Artery Disease 6 36-55 34-68
• Or any combinations of above 7 38-57 38-75
8 40-60 42-82
Cash Guidelines
9 42-63 47-98
Do not collect C.W.A. on:
10 44-65 52-112
1. Face amounts of $500,000 and up not including ADB
2. Face amounts of $100,000 and up for any Juveniles under age 18 11 46-67 58-127
12 48-70 65-141
An Oral Specimen is Needed for: 13 50-72 73-155
1. All ages on Non-Tobacco plans up to $249,999
14 52-75 81-166
2. Ages 18-50 for face amounts from $100,000 to $249,999
3. Any Age with no dependents (spouse, fiancé, children) for face amount $25,000 and up 15 54-78 87-179

AG-2512 (R12-18)
Underwriting Flash Sheet L = Life A = Accident H = Health D = Disability X=Auto Decline

CANCER (Any Form of Cancer at Any Age is an Auto Decline for Cancer Policy) L A H D
Cancer – Internal (Breast, Colon, Uterine, etc.) treated within the past 2 years; EXCEPTION – See Lung and Pancreatic Cancers below X X X
Cancer (Metastatic) – Spread to lymph nodes or other parts of the body, treated within the past 10 years X X X
Acute Leukemia diagnosed within 5 years – Chronic untreated Leukemia less than 2 years from diagnosis X X X
Lung Cancer – Last treatment within 5 years or Currently Smokes X X X
Lymphoma (Hodgkin's) treated within the last 2 years X X X
Lymphoma (Non-Hodgkin's) treated within the last 2 years X X X
Pancreatic Cancer – Last treatment within 5 years X X X
Any Diabetes and Overweight T6 and up X X X X
Diabetes and Kidney Disease X X X
Insulin Diabetes (Decline for Accident/Health/Disability, can consider LIFE app) X X X
Insulin Diabetes with Cerebral Vascular Disease (Stroke/TIA), Heart Disease, Peripheral Arterial Disease, not seen a doctor within 2 years, or Overweigtht T6 and up X X X X
HABITS/MISC DRUGS/ALCOHOL/ARREST (Auto Decline if in Jail while Application Being Underwritten) L A H D
Alcohol Treatment (Voluntary) and still drinks, or dry less than 1 year X X X X
Alcohol Treatment (Voluntary) with any history of hard drug use, clean & dry from both less than 5 years X X X X
Arrest – Drug Arrest or any Felony Arrest starting Probation/Parole within the past 5 years X X X X
Arrests (Multiple) – 2 or more Arrests and the last one within 5 years of application X X X X
Combination of Opiate and Benzodiazepine medications X X X X
Drug Use or Drug-Related Arrest within 2 years (other than Marijuana) X X X X
DWI's (Multiple) 2 DWI's within last 5 years and the last within 2 years / 3 or more DWI's & drinking alcohol within past 1 year X X X X
Immigrant not legally residing in the country of application if does not meet Residency Addendum Guidelines X X X X
Marijuana – Current Use with any past history of Voluntary Alcohol Treatment, Hard Drug Use, Drug Arrest or Felony Arrest X X X X
Misdemeanor Arrest with Probation within 1 year X X X X
Angioplasty, Coronary Bypass, Heart Attack or Diagnosis of Angina within the last 6 months or occurring under age 40 X X X
Any combination of Coronary Artery Disease, Cerebral Vascular Disease (TIA/Stroke) or Peripheral Artery Disease X X X X
Congestive Heart Failure within 1 year X X X
Coronary Artery Disease and Heart Valve Replacement X X X
Coronary Artery Bypass – Multiple Heart Surgeries X X X
Defibrillator Implant X X X X
Heart Attacks (Multiple) – 2 Heart Attacks and Smokes, or more than 2 Heart Attacks X X X X
High Blood Pressure with Hospitalization for High Blood Pressure within 1 year X X X X
Peripheral Vascular Disease with Surgery X X X X
Stroke less than 6 months or Multiple Strokes X X X X
Sickle Cell Anemia at less than age 22 X X X X
MISC MEDICAL DISORDERS (Auto Decline if Hospitalized while Application Being Underwritten) L A H D
ADD/ADHD (Attention-Deficit Disorder/Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) at less than age 9 X X X X
Alzheimer's Disease X X X X
Asthma – Hospitalized in Intensive Care within the past 5 years X X X
Asthma – Juvenile – At less than age 3, diagnosed within 1 year, or daily moderate/severe symptoms X X X
Autism at less than age 9 X X X X
Cirrhosis of the Liver – Any type diagnosed within 5 years X X X X
Crohn's Disease or Ulcerative Colitis if Disabling X X X
Cystic Fibrosis X X X
Depression/Mental Disorder – Hospitalized within 6 months or unable to work/Currently Disabled X X X X
Down's Syndrome at greater than age 40 or more than mild degree of mental retardation X X X X
Emphysema/COPD or Chronic Lung Disease/COLD using Home Oxygen X X X
Hepatitis that is currently under treatment or Auto Immune Hepatitis X X X
HIV/AIDS – Including positive test for Antibodies for AIDS virus X X X X
Hydrocephalus at less than age 19 or if diagnosed within last 6 months X X X X
Kidney Dialysis X X X
Kidney Transplant within 1 year or in combination with Diabetes, Heart Disease or Peripheral Artery Disease X X X X
Lupus or SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) – Juvenile – With current symptoms, completion of treatment within 2 years, Kidney or Cerebral Involvement X X X
MS (Multiple Sclerosis) with extreme disability X X X X
Overweight exceeding Build Chart (see back for Build Chart) X X X X
Rheumatoid Arthritis – Severe and/or Disabling (Decline for Accident/Health/Disability, can consider LIFE app) X X X
Scleroderma – CREST syndrome X X X X
Seizure – Newly Diagnosed within last 6 months X X X X
Suicide Attempt – Within 2 years or with Drug and/or Alcohol Abuse X X X X
Transplant Recipient – Both Pancreas and Kidney within 1 year, Pancreas within 2 years, Kidney – see above, All Others, and at less than age 16 X X X
Weight Loss Surgery – Gastric Banding procedure within last 3 months or Gastric Bypass Surgery within 6 months X X X
* ​Any application not previously issued is an auto trial. This includes Incompletes, Declines and Not Taken Outs.
* ​Any applications over $125 Per Month are NOPRD UNTIL ISSUE (Advance/Bonus/Production Credit After

* Applicants 18 and over should own their own applications. Spouses are okay to own each other’s policy and
parents may be okay. All others are subject to decline for insurable interest.
* ​Applications with missing questionnaires or information will be trialed.
* ​Habit and arrest history and applicants over 50k are the most likely
candidates for an exam.
*Loss of hearing or eyesight needs an explanation. When and how?
* ​5 Trials worth writing Autism/Asperger’s/Mental Retardation, Multiple Sclerosis, Recent surgeries,
Paralysis and Tachycardia.

Any current or upcoming hospitalization during underwriting​ ​is an automatic trial.

Alcohol​- ​Requires arrest, drug and alcohol questionnaires​. ​Inpatient treatment ​and still drinking.

Arrest​- ​Requires arrest, drug and alcohol questionnaires​. Any ​drug or aggravated ​arrest within ​8
years of the application date or with ​2 drug or aggravated arrests ever and probation within 6
years ​is a trial.

* If applicant has ever been charged with ​Arson, Extortion, Multiple Manslaughter/Murder, Loan
Sharking, Organized Crime, Prostitution history and Sexual Assault on a child they are an
auto decline.

​*​Asthma​- ​The application will be trialed if the applicant was hospitalized due to asthma within ​2
years. Children diagnosed ​within a year of application or if hospitalized ​ever do not write.

​Autism and Asperger’s​- Not insurable before the ​age of 8​. Auto trials after that age.

Back Injury​- ​Applicants that use a ​pain medicine pump, chronic pain ​or that are ​paralyzed ​is an
auto trial. Prescribed anxiety medication taken with prescribed pain medication is an auto decline.

​ ll follow up visits completed, ​and the tumor must not be growing

Benign Tumors​- ​Question 27. A

Cancer​- ​The application will be trialed if the applicant was diagnosed with cancer within ​5 ​years of
the application date. ​10 years for Breast and Colon ​cancer. ​Leukemia or if it ever spread to
lymph nodes ​is a trial. Current ​tobacco ​and ​Lung Cancer ​are a trial. ​Basil or squamous skin
cancer get issued standard​. Face amount should be 20k or less.

Chari Malformation​- ​Within ​4 years ​of the application.

Chest pains​- ​Question 23​. ​A visit to the emergency room or hospitalized within ​2 ​years of the

Children​- Treated for ​depression, anxiety, oppositional defiant disorder premature birth ​are
auto declines​.

Citizens-​ ​Owners of someone else’s policies must be U.S. citizens.

Crohn’s Disease​- ​Question 31b​. ​If surgery has been required, the application should be trialed
or diagnosis prior to age ​18​. Applicants must be okay with ​$5 ​per thousand rating or the
application will be trialed. Diagnosis or hospitalization within ​1 ​year of the application date is a
decline​. ​Face should be 20k or less.
Declined​- ​If an applicant has been declined previously then the application should be trialed.
*​Depression or Anxiety​- ​Question 24b. H ​ ospitalization, disabled from or missed time from work
due to depression or anxiety within ​4 ​years of the application date. ​Also, medication taken with
pain medication is an auto trial. Taking meds and seeing a​ Psychiatrist​. ​Applicants under
18 ​is a decline.

*​Diabetes​-​ ​Diagnosis ​within 6 months ​of the application. If the applicant takes ​1,000 milligrams
OR more of ORAL MEDICATION per day​ (including 500 milligrams 2x per day).​ ​Insulin ​dependent
diabetics will be trialed automatically. They must see a Dr. once a year and if their weight is a table ​3
or higher submit the application as a trial. Hospitalized within 3 years. ​Face amount should be 20k
or less.

Disabled​- ​Ask anyone not working if they are receiving ssi or disability​. If the applicant is currently
disabled due to ​any ​illness, disease or head /brain trauma.

Driver’s License state id​- ​Requires arrest, drug and alcohol questionnaires. ​If the applicants under
age 35 have had a combo of accidents and speeding tickets within ​3 years, ​the application will be
trialed. Also, if ​no driver’s license or state id number ​can be provided the app. will be trialed.

DWI’s​- ​Requires arrest, drug and alcohol questionnaires​. 3 ​or more DWI’s ever is an automatic trial.
2 DWI’s​ and ​currently drinking ​is also a trial. ​2 ​DWI’s within ​5 ​years is an auto trial.

Grave’s Disease​- ​Diagnosed within the ​last year ​is an automatic trial. Also, if the applicant has taken
radioactive medication within ​1 ​year the application is to be trialed.

Gender transition-​ ​Must be completed not in transition stage.

Heart and Circulatory Issues​- ​Question 23​. The application will be trialed if the applicant has
had ​a heart attack, stint, angioplasty, congestive heart failure, tia or stroke ​within ​5 ​years of
the application date or ​2 ​heart issues ever or ​1 ​issue before age ​45​. ​Face amount should be
20k or less. Do not add ADB.

Hepatitis​- Current treatment ​is an auto trial. ​Hepatitis C ​is always a trial.

Head starts​- Asperger’s, Autism, Mental Retardation, Seizures, Diabetes and hospitalization
for asthma ever. Whole life ​must be used instead of child rider in these situations. If there are any
issues on the app, auto trial.

*​High Blood Pressure​- ​Question 23. Answer all questions on hbp questionnaire. ​The application will
be trialed if the applicant has been hospitalized in the last ​2 ​years for blood pressure or ​diagnosed
within 6 months. ​A reading ​of 130/110 or higher ​is a decline

Hospitalization​- ​Hospitalization for an ​illness for 2 days or more within 6 months ​of the app date.

Kidney Transplant​- ​Within ​3 ​years of the application date. ​They can’t drink alcohol.
Kidney Infections etc.​- ​Infections that occur more frequently than ​1 ​time a year. Two or more kidney
issues within 3 years is also a trial.

Lyme’s Disease​- ​If Diagnosed ​within 6 months ​of the application date or ​currently receiving

Marijuana​- ​Requires arrest, drug and alcohol questionnaires. ​If an applicant uses marijuana ​once or
twice ​a week or has a ​felony or drug arrest previously or daily use auto decline. Face amount
should be 20k or less.

*​ Medications​- ​Abilify, Alcobuse, Aricept, Campral, Camptosar, Coumadin, Donepazil, Exelon,

Heparin,​ ​Levodopa, Lovenox, Imdur, Interferon, Latuda, Lithium, Daily Marijuana use, Nadolol, Plavix,
Spironolactone, Suboxone,Warfarin and Xarelto. *****

​ ain meds​-Taken for over 1-month Codeine, Fentanyl, Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone,

Meperididne, Methadone, Morphine, Oxycodone, Percocet and Naloxone.

Peripheral Vascular Disease​-If ​surgery ​is required.

Pleurisy- ​If applicant currently has it at the time of the application.

Premature Birth​- Is a Decline Postpone for 6 months if child is less than 6 months old. Trial is there
were any complications after birth. May require 1 year waiting period.

Pneumonia-​ ​Fully recovered submit standard. Currently being treated, trial.

Power of Attorney​- Always Trial. ​Try to obtain needed documentation to make changes.

Racing, flying etc.​- ​Children are ​uninsurable​. Applicant can take exclusion in place of rating.

Rheumatoid Arthritis​- Moderate cases, taking regular injections, or taking several medication to
keep under control. Severe cases or ​unable to work​ ​will be declined.

*Seizures​-​Seizures within the last ​2 ​years of the application are trialed.

Senior Modified and age​- ​Any applicant ​over age 70 on meds or hospitalized ​will be trialed
unless submitted on a ​Senior Modified Whole Life​.

Severe Sleep Apnea​- Currently using CPAP or VPAP machine, weight T2 or higher, and taking
high blood pressure medication. If the machine is not being used,but recommended then trial. ​Face
amount should be 20k or lower.

Social security number​- ​Missing ​ssn ​will be trialed.

Staph Infection MERSA​- ​Hospitalized within ​6 months of application.

Surgery​- ​If surgery will be done during underwriting.

Ulcerative Colitis​- ​Question 31b.​ ​Diagnosis ​within the last year or hospitalization within the last
year ​is an auto trial. Diagnosis prior to ​age 22 ​is an auto trial also.
Weight​-Table 4 ​or higher. ​Or a bmi under 18. ​T​-2 and T-3 ​will always get rated. ​T-10 ​or higher is
auto trial for ​senior graded. Face amount should be 20k or less if they are table 2-3.

Other Disease or Disorders Include:

● Addison’s Disease ● Immune ● Subarachnoid
● Atrial Fib thrombocytopenic purpa Hemorrhage
● Aseptic Meningitis ● Kawasaki Disease ● Tachycardia
● Astrocytoma ● Kidney Dialysis and ● Transposition of the
● Autonomic Neuropathy Disorders Great Vessels
● Arteriovenous ● Leukemia ● Wolf Parkinson’s
Malformation (AVM) ● Leukodystrophy White Syndrome
● Barrett’s Esophagus ● Lupus
● Bipolar ● Lymphoma
● Bilateral Peripheral ● Manic Depression
Disease ● Marfan’s Disease
● Brain injuries/traumas ● Mental Retardation
● Carcinoid Tumors ● Muscular Dystrophy
● Cardiomyopathy ● Multiple Sclerosis
● Cerebral Palsy Chari ● Multiple Myeloma
Malformation ● Myelofibrosis
● Chronic Obstructive ● Myocarditis
Pulmonary Disease ● Nephritis Neuropathy
(COPD) ● Oppositional Defiant
● Chronic Bronchitis Disorder
● Chronic Pain ● Pancreatitis
● Cirrhosis ● Paralysis
● Deep Vein Thrombosis ● Parkinson’s Disease
(DVT) ● Polycythemia Vera
● Dementia ● Polycystic Kidney
● Dysatonomia ● Polycystic Liver
● Encephalitis Disease
● Emphysema ● Pot’s Syndrome
● Erythema Multiforme ● Protein S Deficiency
● Fabrey Disease ● Pulmonary Embolism
● Gastroparesis ● Raynaud’s
● Guillane Barre Syndrome ● Rhabdomyolysis
● Hemophilia ● Sarcoidosis
● Hepatitis C ● Scleroderma
● Histoplasmosis ● Schizophrenia
● Huntington’s Disease ● Spina Bifida
● Hydrocephalus ● Spontaneous
● Hypertrophic Pneumothorax
Always validate when you
think you are done with
page 1&2 to see if there are
any more errors.

Never want to move on to the

Questionnaires (past page 1&2) until
you validate, and no errors are found.
_____ HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE? The enrollment process usually takes anywhere from 2 to 8 weeks.
IF APPROVED You will receive your policies in the mail and a congratulatory letter welcoming you to AIL.
IF DENIED You will receive today’s deposit back and you may write to American Income to request an explanation.

_____WHAT COMES NEXT Obviously with these benefits you are conditionally covered from the moment our
call ends, so the first bank draft happens immediately within 24-48 hours of the application. Your bank may
not reflect the draft for up to 10 days, so please ensure the funds stay in there in order to ensure your
coverage. Your first premium is $________ (explain policy fee if applicable). Items we need to complete the
application process. (1) Driver’s license (2) Doctor’s information (3) Any Meds taken (4) Checkbook or Bank
Information (Routing / Account Numbers)

_____ HEALTH RISKS At some point in everyone’s life they become uninsurable and would be declined for
insurance. This is usually due to either age, health, or habits. Once you are uninsurable you typically can’t get
insurance again. If you are approved, there are three possible outcomes. First, you could be approved standard
due to having minor or no health issues. The second option is that that we can fall somewhere in between perfect
health and the uninsurable line. Because the groups we work with want everyone to be approved, they created a
category called “Special Risk” where the program would be a few dollars more per month. In this category, you
would pay exactly what someone else would pay for the same health profile. Obviously, the closer you are to the
uninsurable line, the more the program would be. Think of this like car insurance—someone with a perfect driving
record wouldn’t pay the same as someone that had a lot of speeding tickets. The third option is the counter offer.
They make this offer for someone that they may not have covered in the past, as a last chance to get covered. If the
program comes back different than what we discussed, I will call you and let you know. If that happened, would the
few extra dollars be a problem for you?

_____ CHECK UP AND FOLLOW UP PHONE CALLS You may receive one or more phone calls asking to review
the questions I have asked to ensure that everything is accurate on your application. In order to approve your policy,
the company may need your help in getting additional records or medical information from your physician. In order to
approve you, the company may send out a medical professional to conduct a physical in the privacy of your home
and at no cost to you. It is important to be prepared to be responsive during the approval process.

_____ VIRTUAL ENROLLMENT CONFIRMATION E-MAIL you will be receiving an email that you will need to “reply
all” with the word “Agree” authorizing your application to be sent to our Home Office. The email sent by the agent,
will also be sent to , , & the agent’s MGA.

benefits to ensure there is no confusion. The summary sheet reflects what they are applying for today. Once they
receive their policies from American Income Life, they should keep them in a place of safe-keeping until their annual
review happens. (Review Specimen Policies)

_____ SERVICE FOLDER & NO-COST BENEFITS (if applicable) will be mailed within approximately 2 weeks.

_____ COMPANY GROWTH Because of our growth, we are currently expanding our operations. If you know anyone
in between positions, fresh out of school, or looking for a better career, please refer that person to your servicing
agent to explore a potential career fit with our company.

_____ MEMBER ASSISTANCE NEEDED (1) Google Review, (2) Contact all families sponsored into the program.

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