ARC-Backgrounder Checklist

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Research the contextual background references that are mentioned by the

author, but not fully explained. Consider how this contextual reference
information improves text comprehension.
On your
Individual Write the full bibliographic reference for the text by following the Full Harvard
work NTU Harvard Referencing Guide. Reference
(Prep Identify all contextual background references used by the author.
before Highlight all people, places, events, and references to outside
the ARC)
Select up to three contextual references that are mentioned by the A clear
author, but not fully explained. heading for
Research these contextual background references for relevant + paragraph
information about them. Wikipedia can be one source, but look for connection
supporting info from other sources, too. Include source information to the text +
as a full Harvard reference. reference to
In bullet points, include key information you found that is relevant to outside
understanding this contextual background reference in the text. source using
Briefly explain the significance of this contextual background full Harvard
reference to the meaning of the text. reference
Group As you reach one of your contextual background references in the
work text during your group work, explain the information you found
(during about it.
the ARC) Explain how that information improves your understanding of the
text concept and its significance to the author’s points.

Work with group to determine why the author used the contextual
reference background to support points in the text.

Work with group to rank each contextual background reference from Ranking scale
1 (irrelevant) to 5 (very useful to help understand the text) (optional)

Individual What was the biggest challenge of being the Backgrounder? Why?
after the

What advice would you give the next Backgrounder of your group?

Reflecting on each element in checklist above:

A = done without problem
B= done but some issues
Adapted from checklists created by Seburn, T., 2016. Academic reading circles. Createspace Independent perhaps
Publishing not
Platform. done / very difficult
Adapted from checklists created by Seburn, T., 2016. Academic reading circles. Createspace Independent Publishing Platform.

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