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A consistency test of the cosmological model at the epoch of recombination using

DESI BAO and Planck measurements

Levon Pogosian,1 Gong-Bo Zhao,2, 3, 4 and Karsten Jedamzik5
Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada V5A 1S6∗
National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, P.R.China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, P.R.China
Institute for Frontiers in Astronomy and Astrophysics,
Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 102206, P.R.China†
Laboratoire de Univers et Particules de Montpellier, UMR5299-CNRS,
Universite de Montpellier, 34095 Montpellier, France‡
arXiv:2405.20306v1 [astro-ph.CO] 30 May 2024

The value of the Hubble constant determined from CMB and BAO measurements is directly
dependent on the sound horizon at the photon-baryon decoupling. There has been significant interest
in the possibility of new physics at the epoch around recombination that could reduce the sound
horizon and increase the inferred value of H0 , thus helping to relieve the Hubble tension. One way to
determine if new physics is required would be to measure H0 from BAO and CMB without assuming
any model for computing the sound horizon. In this study, we use the recently released DESI Year
1 BAO data combined with the CMB acoustic scale θ⋆ and the Planck ΛCDM prior on Ωm h2 to
determine H0 while treating the sound horizon at baryon decoupling rd as a free parameter. We
find H0 = 69.88 ± 0.93 km/s/Mpc, which is ∼ 2σ larger than H0 = 67.44 ± 0.47 km/s/Mpc in the
Planck-best-fit ΛCDM where rd is derived using the standard recombination model. For comparison,
we perform the same analysis using the pre-DESI BAO data with θ⋆ and the same prior on Ωm h2 ,
finding H0 = 67.37 ± 0.96 km/s/Mpc. This difference derives from the notably larger value of the
product rd h measured by DESI. Future BAO data from DESI will help determine if the cosmological
model at the epoch of recombination model requires a modification.

I. INTRODUCTION a shorter comoving distance to the epoch of decoupling

and, thus, a larger H0 .
The Λ Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM) model has been Results from various independent ways of determining
very successful in describing the detailed spectrum of H0 [4] support an interesting trend that measurements
the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies which do not rely on a model of recombination yield val-
and measures of cosmic structure formation with just a ues of H0 in the 69 − 74 km/s/Mpc range [5–9], while
few cosmological parameters. Notwithstanding this suc- estimates that use the standard treatment of recombi-
cess, the value of the Hubble constant derived from the nation give H0 around 67 − 68 km/s/Mpc [10–12]. The
ΛCDM best fit to the Planck CMB data, H0 = 67.4 ± 0.5 trend suggests that there could be a missing ingredient in
km/s/Mpc [1], is lower than that obtained from “di- our current understanding of the universe prior and/or
rect” measurements of the present-day expansion rate, during the epoch of recombination – an ingredient that
most notably the H0 = 73.0 ± 1.0 km/s/Mpc value ob- could affect the value of the sound horizon at the epoch
tained by the Supernovae H0 for the Equation of State of photon-baryon decoupling. This motivates identifying
(SH0ES) collaboration using Cepheid-calibrated super- combinations of cosmological datasets that can test the
novae (SN) [2]. SN-based analyses using alternative cali- validity of the standard model for computing the sound
bration methods [3] also yield higher values of H0 , albeit horizon at decoupling.
at a lower level of tension with CMB. Assuming the post-recombination expansion history is
The value of H0 derived from CMB depends on the described by the flat ΛCDM cosmology, measuring the
comoving sound horizon at photon decoupling, r⋆ , which angular sizes of the acoustic imprints in the distribu-
sets the physical scale for the acoustic features imprinted tion of galaxies at different redshifts allows one to deter-
in the anisotropies. This is closely related to the sound mine the product rd H0 and the current fraction of non-
horizon at the baryon decoupling, rd , that sets the char- relativistic matter, Ωm , without making any assumptions
acteristic scale of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) in about the recombination epoch physics. To break the de-
the distribution of large scale structure. Both CMB and generacy between rd and H0 , further assumptions have
BAO measure the angular size of the acoustic scale at to be made. A number of studies (e.g. [13]), including the
the respective redshifts, and a smaller rd would imply recent analysis of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instru-
ment (DESI) Year 1 data [14], combined the BAO data
with the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) prior on the
baryonic density parameter, Ωb h2 , which was then used
∗ in the standard recombination model to compute rd and
† determine H0 . Although interesting as a consistency test
‡ of some aspects of the ΛCDM model, this approach does

not allow for the possibility of model extensions that pre- tions in the direction perpendicular to the line of sight,
dict smaller values of rd . While such extensions may be
unable to fully resolve the Hubble tension [15], they can β⊥ (z) = DM (z)/rd , (1)
significantly reduce its statistical significance by elevat-
the same feature measured in the direction parallel to
ing the Hubble constant derived from the combination
the line of sight, and the angle-averaged or “isotropic”
of CMB and BAO to H0 ∼ 70 km/s/Mpc. It is, there-
measurement. We explain our method using β⊥ as our
fore, important to find ways to determine rd and H0 from
example, but the same arguments also apply to the other
BAO without assuming a model for computing rd .
two BAO observables. Assuming a flat ΛCDM cosmology
In [16], we proposed treating rd and H0 as indepen-
and ignoring the radiation density2 , which is negligible at
dent parameters and determine their values from BAO
redshifts of interest, β⊥ measured at a given redshift z
combined with a Gaussian prior on the physical matter
can be written as
density parameter Ωm h2 . Such an approach is justified Z z
for two reasons: a) in many extensions of the standard 2998 Mpc dz ′
model that succeed in reducing the sound horizon, while β⊥ (z) = p , (2)
′ 3
0 rd h Ωm (1 + z ) + 1 − Ωm
maintaining a good fit to the CMB spectra, the best-fit
value of Ωm h2 is very close to that of ΛCDM1 ; b) one can where h = H0 /(100km/s/Mpc). From Eq. (2) it is clear
check if the values of H0 and rd derived from BAO with that having BAO measurements at multiple redshifts al-
the Planck prior on Ωm h2 agree with the Planck-best-fit lows one to measure two numbers: rd h and Ωm . The de-
ΛCDM values obtained assuming standard recombina- generacy between rd and h can be broken with a prior on
tion, thus providing a consistency test of the model used any combination of Ωm and h, such as a prior on Ωm h2 .
to compute rd . To derive our constraints on rd and H0 , we use
Other determinations of H0 without using a recom- CosmoMC [28] modified to work with rd as an independent
bination model explored the dependence of the mat- parameter. The cosmological parameters we vary are rd ,
ter power spectrum on the scale set by the horizon H0 and Ωm h2 .
at radiation-matter equality. These included combining We use the recently published DESI Year 1 (DESI
CMB lensing with uncalibrated supernovae (which pro- Y1) BAO data [29], including the BAO distance mea-
vide a measurement of Ωm ) [24], combining the matter surements derived from the DESI Bright Galaxy Sample
power spectrum with a prior on Ωm from supernovae [25], (BGS, 0.1 < z < 0.4) [30], Luminous Red Galaxy Sample
and combining BAO with the CMB and galaxy weak lens- (LRG, 0.4 < z < 1.1) [31], Emission Line Galaxy Sam-
ing data [16]. Another possibility is to combine BAO with ple (ELG, 1.1 < z < 1.6) [32], Quasar Sample (QSO,
the cosmic chronometers data [16, 26]. The uncertainty 0.8 < z < 2.1) [33] and the Lyman-α Forest Sample
in H0 from these measurements is still sufficiently large (Lyα, 1.77 < z < 4.16) [34]. Obtaining measurements
to make them consistent with both Planck and SH0ES of different types and over a broad range of redshifts is
values. important, as the intersection of the degenerate bands
In this paper, we use the DESI Year 1 BAO data [14] in the Ωm -rd H0 plane corresponding to individual BAO
along with the Planck measurement of the CMB acous- data points yields a precise determination of both quan-
tic scale θ⋆ and the Planck prior on Ωm h2 to determine tities.
the values for rd and H0 . We find H0 = 69.88 ± 0.93 The angular size of the CMB acoustic scale,
km/s/Mpc, which is ∼ 2σ larger than the Planck-best-
fit ΛCDM value of 67.44 ± 0.47. For comparison, we also θ⋆ = r⋆ /DM (z⋆ ) , (3)
perform the same analysis using the pre-DESI BAO data,
finding H0 = 67.37 ± 0.96 km/s/Mpc. This difference de- where z⋆ is the redshift of the photon decoupling, can be

rives from the notably larger value of the product rd h “converted” into a perpendicular BAO observable β⊥ as
measured by DESI, 102.33 ± 1.27 Mpc, compared to the ⋆ r⋆
pre-DESI BAO value of rd h = 99.98 ± 1.21 Mpc. β⊥ = . (4)
θ⋆ rd
In what follows, we describe our methods in Section II

before presenting the results in Section III. We derive β⊥ using 100θ⋆ = 1.04104 ± 0.00025, r⋆ =
144.73 ± 0.23 Mpc and rd = 147.45 ± 0.23 Mpc mea-
sured by fitting ΛCDM to the combination of Planck
II. METHODS Hillipop, Lollipop, low-ell TT and CMB lensing. This
gives rd /r⋆ = 1.0188 ± 0.0024. As the uncertainty in
There are three types of BAO observables [27]: the an- rd /r⋆ is an order of magnitude larger than that in θ⋆ ,

gular size of the acoustic feature measured using correla- it dominates the uncertainty in β⊥ , giving

β⊥ = 94.286 ± 0.217 , (5)

1 One notable exception is the class of Early Dark Energy (EDE)

models [17], that require a larger Ωm h2 , which tends to worsen
the agreement with the galaxy weak lensing data [18–23]. 2 Radiation density is included in our numerical analysis.

which we use as our “BAO” data point at z⋆ = 1090.

Note that the comoving distance DM (z) asymptotes to
a constant value at high redshifts and, for all practical
purposes, is not sensitive to the precise value of z⋆ . The
ratio rd /r⋆ is also largely the same across different ex-
tensions of ΛCDM model3 . Thus, we can use β⊥ ⋆
as a
“model-independent” BAO measurement at z⋆ .
We supplement our BAO dataset with a Gaussian prior
on Ωm h2 based on the ΛCDM value measured by Planck,
Ωm h2 = 0.142 ± 0.001.
In addition, we also perform our analysis using the
BAO data that was available prior to DESI. Our pre-
DESI BAO dataset, denoted as SDSS+ , includes the
Date Release (DR) 16 of the extended Baryon Oscillation
Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS) [12] BAO measurement
from the full-shape auto- and cross-power spectrum of
the eBOSS LRGs and ELGs [36, 37], the BAO measure-
ment from the QSO sample [38], and from the Lyman-α
forest sample [39], combined with the low-z BAO mea-
surements by 6dF [40] and the SDSS DR7 main Galaxy FIG. 1. Marginalized 68% and 95% confidence level CL con-
sample (MGS) [41]. tours for H0 and rd from the SDSS+ and DESI Y1 BAO data,
and the two BAO datasets combined with the CMB acoustic
scale θ⋆ and a prior on Ωm h2 . Shown also are the contours for
III. RESULTS the best fit Planck LCDM model.

Our results are presented in Table I and Figures 1 and

2. In Fig. 1 we compare the constraints on H0 and rd H0 while leaving the mean value effectively the same. Do-
from the SDSS+ and DESI Y1 BAO data by themselves ing so for SDSS+ shifts the mean value to the lower end of
and in combination with the CMB acoustic scale θ⋆ and the 1σ range. This suggests that the DESI Y1 BAO is in a
a prior on Ωm h2 . As explained in Sec. II, BAO data by better consistency with the CMB acoustic scale when one
itself only constrains the product rd h, corresponding a treats rd as a free parameter, as opposed to computing it
band in the rd -H0 plane. One can see that the DESI Y1 using the standard recombination model. The value of H0
band is shifted upwards relative to the SDSS+ band, cor- inferred in this way, 69.88 ± 0.93 km/s/Mpc, is at a ∼ 2σ
responding to a larger value of rd h. As shown in Table I, tension with the Planck-best-fit ΛCDM value, 67.44 ± 47
while SDSS+ BAO gives rd h = 99.98 ± 1.21 Mpc, in ex- km/s/Mpc, based on the standard recombination model.
cellent agreement with the Planck-best-fit ΛCDM value On the other hand, SDSS+ is more consistent with the
of 99.44 ± 0.82 Mpc, DESI Y1 yields rd h = 102.33 ± 1.27 Planck-best-fit ΛCDM model with standard recombina-
Mpc. tion, but in slight tension with the CMB acoustic peaks
Adding the Gaussian prior on Ωm h2 and the CMB if no recombination model assumed.
acoustic scale θ⋆ allows one to constrain both H0 and The differences between the SDSS+ and DESI Y1 BAO
rd , as also shown in Fig. 1. For SDSS+ , this combination data and the possible reasons for them have been dis-
yields H0 = 67.37±0.96 km/s/Mpc, in perfect agreement cussed extensively in [14, 29] and examining them fur-
with the Planck-best-fit value of 67.44 ± 0.47 km/s/Mpc, ther is beyond the scope of this paper. There are notable
while the same combination for DESI Y1 gives a value differences in the BAO extracted from the Luminous Red
that is ∼ 2σ higher, H0 = 69.88 ± 0.93 km/s/Mpc. Galaxy samples in the redshift bins centred at z = 0.5
Further observations can be made from from Table I and z = 0.7. Resolving these differences would likely have
and Fig. 2. Without θ⋆ , combining the BAO data with the to wait until BAO derived from DESI data covering larger
Ωm h2 prior gives similar results for SDSS+ and DESI Y1, volumes is available.
69.4 ± 1.8 and 70.1 ± 1.7 km/s/Mpc, respectively. Adding
the θ⋆ data point to DESI Y1 halves the uncertainty in

The Hubble tension and attempts to resolve it by mod-
The rd /r⋆ ratio is found to be effectively the same across many
ifying the physics of (or at) recombination motivate find-
extensions of ΛCDM that relieve the Hubble tension by reducing
r⋆ , including additional relativistic degrees of freedom, massive ing ways to determine H0 and the sound horizon at the
neutrinos, primordial magnetic fields, early dark energy and oth- epoch of baryon decoupling rd without relying on a re-
ers. We thank Helena Garcı́a Escudero for confirming this for the combination model or on the SN calibration. We have
models studied in [35]. analyzed the recent BAO data from DESI Year 1 without

Ωm h2 rd h [Mpc] Ωm rd [Mpc] H0 [km/s/Mpc]

Planck LCDM 0.142 ± 0.001 99.44 ± 0.82 0.3126 ± 0.0064 147.44 ± 0.23 67.44 ± 0.47
SDSS+ BAO - 99.98 ± 1.21 0.295 ± 0.016 - -
SDSS+ BAO + Θ⋆ - 99.28 ± 1.08 0.312 ± 0.009 - -
SDSS+ BAO + Ωm h2 Planck prior 100.01 ± 1.21 0.294 ± 0.015 144.1 ± 2.5 69.4 ± 1.8
SDSS+ BAO + Θ⋆ + Ωm h2 Planck prior 99.35 ± 1.07 0.312 ± 0.009 147.5 ± 0.8 67.37 ± 0.96
DESI Y1 BAO - 102.33 ± 1.27 0.290 ± 0.014 - -
DESI Y1 BAO + Θ⋆ - 102.34 ± 1.03 0.290 ± 0.008 - -
DESI Y1 BAO + Ωm h2 Planck prior 102.46 ± 1.25 0.288 ± 0.014 146.2 ± 2.1 70.1 ± 1.7
DESI Y1 BAO + Θ⋆ + Ωm h2 Planck prior 102.3 ± 1.0 0.290 ± 0.008 146.5 ± 0.8 69.88 ± 0.93

TABLE I. The mean parameter values and 68% CL uncertainties derived from the considered combinations of datasets.

FIG. 2. Left panel: constraints on H0 , rd , rd h and Ωm derived from the DESI Y1 BAO data, from DESI Y1 BAO combined
with a prior on Ωm h2 , from DESI Y1 BAO combined with the CMB acoustic scale θ⋆ and a prior on Ωm h2 , and the best fit
Planck LCDM. Right panel: same analysis as in the right panel using the pre-DESI BAO data.

using a model to compute rd . We confirmed that DESI BAO data with a prior on Ωm h2 and not assuming a
Y1 BAO data prefers a larger value of the product rd h recombination model would have an uncertainty that
that is in mild tension with the Planck-best-fit ΛCDM is comparable to the uncertainty in the Planck-best-fit
value and the pre-DESI BAO data. Supplementing the ΛCDM [16]. This will help determine if standard recom-
BAO data with a prior on Ωm h2 allows us to measure bination within ΛCDM is the correct model, or if an
H0 and rd while treating the latter as a free parameter, amended model with a reduced sound horizon will be
without assuming a recombination model. required, with the benefit of relieving the Hubble ten-
Combining DESI Year 1 BAO with the CMB acous- sion.
tic scale θ⋆ as another ”BAO” measurement, and the
ΛCDM Planck prior on Ωm h2 , we find H0 = 69.88 ± 0.93
km/s/Mpc. This is ∼ 2σ away from both the SH0ES ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
and Planck H0 values, while in good agreement with the
values of H0 obtained from supernovae calibrated using We thank John Peacock for a useful discussion and
alternative methods [3]. SDSS+ BAO is more consistent Helena Garcı́a Escudero for checking the values of rd /r⋆
with the Planck LCDM model with standard recombina- in alternative models. We gratefully acknowledge using
tion, but in slight tension with the CMB acoustic scale if GetDist [42]. This research was enabled in part by sup-
no recombination model is assumed. DESI Y1 is less con- port provided by the BC DRI Group and the Digital
sistent with Planck LCDM with standard recombination, Research Alliance of Canada ( L.P. is
but in perfect agreement with the CMB acoustic scale if supported in part by the National Sciences and Engi-
no recombination model is assumed. neering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada. G.B.Z. is
The value of H0 determined from the 5 year DESI supported by the National Key R & D Program of China

(2023YFA1607800, 2023YFA1607803), NSFC grants (No. search grant from the China Manned Space Project with
11925303 and 11890691), a CAS Project for Young Sci- No. CMS-CSST-2021-B01, and by the New Cornerstone
entists in Basic Research (No. YSBR-092), a science re- Science Foundation through the XPLORER prize.

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