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 Explain relationship between the 12-hour and 24-hour clock formats.
 Define the concept of time, including units of time such as seconds, minutes, and hours.
 Convert time from the 12-hour clock to the 24-hour clock and vice versa.
 Solve timeline questions, placing events in chronological order.
 Calculate the duration of time between two given points on a timeline.


 Read and represent time using the 24-hour clock.
 Calculate the duration between two given times.
 Convert between the 12-hour and 24-hour clock formats.
 Demonstrate the ability to apply time concepts to various scenarios, such as daily routines
or scheduling.

 Textbook
 Workbook 4B
 Whiteboard
 Markers and duster
 Worksheet


Understanding the Calendar:
 Students are expected to have a solid understanding of days, weeks, and months.
 They may learn to use a calendar to identify dates, track events, and understand the
concept of a year.
Reading and Measuring Time:
 Students may progress from basic clock reading skills to more advanced concepts, such
as reading time to the nearest minute.
 They may also start using the 24-hour clock system (military time) in addition to the 12-
hour clock.

 Begin with a brief discussion on why understanding time is important in our daily lives.
 Relate time to their previous knowledge of counting and organizing events.
 Introduce basic time concepts: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years.
 Use the board to draw a clock face and discuss the parts (hour hand, minute hand).

Clock Reading:
 Draw a few clock faces on the board with different times. Ask students to read the time
and represent it on the board/copy.

Concept Development:
 Explain the difference between the 12-hour and 24-hour clock.
 Demonstrate converting time from one format to another.

Converting Time:
 Introduce the concept of converting between hours and minutes. For example, discuss
how many minutes are in an hour and vice versa.
 Provide examples on the board and work through them together, encouraging students to
practice conversions.

Elapsed Time:
 Draw a timeline on the board and use it to illustrate elapsed time problems. For instance,
if an event starts at 3:15 PM and ends at 5:30 PM, how much time has passed?

Duration Word Problems:

 Present real-world problems related to time duration. For example, if a movie starts at
6:45 PM and ends at 9:30 PM, how long is the movie? Encourage students to solve these
problems on the board.
Group Activities:
 Divide the class into small groups.
 Distribute scenarios involving events at different times.
 In pairs, students calculate the duration between events.
 Foster discussions on strategies used.
 This encourages collaboration and discussion.

Problem Solving with Time:

 Students might engage in real-world problem-solving activities involving time, such as
planning schedules, calculating travel time, or managing time for different tasks.

Integration with Other Subjects:

 Discuss how understanding time is crucial in subjects like history, science, and even
physical education.
 Highlight examples where time plays a significant role in various subjects

Homework and Practice:

 Assign homework that involves time-related problem-solving. This provides additional
practice and reinforces classroom learning.
Bridge with Previous Chapter:
 Connect the concept of time to the general measurement concepts previously learned.
 Emphasize how understanding time is crucial in various aspects of measurement and
daily life.

Time Freeze Dance:
 Play music and have students dance around. When the music stops, call out a specific
time, and students must freeze in a pose representing the time called. This not only
reinforces the concept of time but also adds an element of fun.
Time Charades:
 Write different time-related activities or scenarios on cards (e.g., brushing teeth at 7:30
AM or having dinner at 6:00 PM). Students take turns picking a card and acting out the
activity while their classmates guess the time.
 Summarize key points.
 Relate time concepts to real-world applications.
 Emphasize the importance of time management

Pg no: 254 Q1 and Q2
Pg no: 264 Q1.2 and 3.



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