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Archery (Panahan) Bella : Do you like watching football, Ben?

Athlete (Atlet) Benny : Yes, sure. It is my favorite sport
Arena (Gelanggang, tempat pertandingan) Bella : What is your favorite team?
Badminton (Bulu tangkis) Benny : Ajax from Netherlands is my favorite
Ball (Bola) team.
Basketball (Bola basket) Bella : Oh, that is a soccer team. I meant
Bowling (Boling) American football, Ben.
Boxing (Tinju) Benny : Oh, I see. American football is the one
Champion (Juara) with oval-shaped ball, right?
Coach (Pelatih) Bella : Yes, Ben. Are you familiar with that
Diving (Menyelam) sport?
Equestrian (Menunggang kuda) Benny : I am not familiar with American
Fencing (Anggar) football, Bella. So I don’t have any favorite team
Field (Lapangan)
Football (Sepak bola)
Golf (Golf)
Hockey (Hoki)
Ice skate (Ski di lapangan es)
Javelin (Lempar lembing)
Race (Balapan)
Rock climbing (Panjat tebing)
Run (Lari)
Soccer (Sepak bola)
Softball (Kasti)
Stadium (Stadion)
Swim (Renang)
Table tennis (Tenis meja)
Team (Tim, regu)
Tennis (Tenis)
Volley (Voli)
Weightlifting (Angkat beban)
World Cup (Kejuaraan Dunia)
Wrestling (Gulat)

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