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Constitutional Values – Democracy, Socialism, Equality

What are Constitutional Values?

The constitution of India is one of the best constitutions in the world. The Indian constitution
is certainly a unique constitution. The constitution of India has certain values which make it
really unique. Most noteworthy, the constitutional values are those values which safeguard
the human rights of every citizen of India. Moreover, these values ensure there should be no
unfairness or injustice towards any citizen of India.

There are many types of constitutional values in India. However, the chief among them are
the values of democracy, socialism, and equality. Above all, these constitutional values are
more important than others. This is because; they are the most effective against the evils of
stratification and marginalisation.

How Democracy Reduces Stratification and Marginalisation?

Democracy refers to a system of government where the citizens exercise power by voting. It
is certainly a very important value among the constitutional values for reducing stratification
and marginalisation. Democracy plays a very significant role in reducing stratification and
marginalisation. This is because democracy enables the political inclusion of oppressed and
marginalised groups.

Indian democracy certainly allows people of all segments of society to participate in the
politics of the nation. The constitutional value of democracy gives the right to every citizen of
India to participate in politics and elections. Most noteworthy, no discrimination takes place
on the basis of caste, creed, religion, gender, class, etc. Consequently, stratification and
marginalisation will reduce due to the participation and election victories of such people.

How Socialism Reduces Stratification and Marginalisation?

Socialism refers to a system characterised by social ownership of the means of production
and workers’ self-management. The very definition of socialism implies the elimination of
discrimination. Under socialism, nationalization of key industries takes place. Furthermore,
the redistribution of wealth occurs under socialism. Also, socialism involves mandatory
public insurance programs. Finally, socialism offers minimum wages, trade union
recognition, and employment protection. Consequently, all these features significantly reduce
the effect of stratification and marginalisation.

Socialism certainly has the greatest goal of common wealth. This is very useful for oppressed
and marginalised groups. Furthermore, in socialism, the government controls many functions
of the society. Therefore, the government provide care and help for old people and disabled
people. Moreover, the government can take appropriate measures to reduce discrimination.
Most noteworthy, socialism reduces disparity in wealth. Also, there is appropriate and
suitable control over the prices in socialism.

How Equality Reduces Stratification and Marginalisation?

Equality refers to the state of being equal in status, rights, or opportunities. It is the state of
affairs in which people of society don’t suffer any discrimination or marginalization.
Furthermore, equality also includes civil rights, property rights, and freedom of speech.
Moreover, equality involves the concept of equal access to certain social services and social

Equality requires the absence or elimination of legal social class and caste bounders.
Furthermore, it also contains the concepts of health equality and economic equality and not
just social equality. Equality believes that everyone is created equal from birth. Hence,
equality significantly reduces the evils of stratification and marginalisation.

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