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Sub: conflict resolution Date:1/6/2024

group B
1: Iqra Duraan Diiriye 12: hidaayo saalax muxyadiin
2: Maryama Aadan Xassan 13: salma Ibraahim nuur
3: Ruweyda saalax ciid 14: mulki cabdifitax maxamed
4: maandeeq cabaas 15: ikraan cabdiqadir xuseen
5: faadumo Abdishakur 16: faadumo xassan muxumed
6: Sacdiyo Cabdi axmed 17: farxiyo muuse axmed
7: maslax sayid cali 18: Maxamed cabdulahi jaamac
8: zalmaan zakariye abukar 19: maryamo Maxmed cabdulle
9: salmo cabdulahi maxamud 20: muno farax Maxamed
10: saabirin abdi nuur 21: sumayo cabdiqaadir axmed
11: raxma Maxamed Cabdi 22: Ashwaaq Siciid jimcaale
• Peacebuilding is the long-term process of fostering communication,
Mending relationship, and institution transforming. Everyone impacted
By a destructive war must be active in the peacebuilding process for
good change to endure.
• Ending violence requires changing relationships.
Whatever the conflict between societies, communities, or
Between the static and common people.
• Finding solution and addressing the root causes of conflict
Are essential to ending.
• From a practical standpoint, there are hundred ways to implement
Peacebuilding. It might involve gathering various groups to talk
About the problems or using media and movies to make
People more understanding of other people’s perspectives.
• Peacebuilding takes place either before violent conflict erupts
Or after violent conflict promotes peaceful coexistence
By addressing deep-rooted or structural causes of conflict.
• in short, peacebuilding occurs with the building of peaceful,
Stable communities and societies at the local and national levels.
According to kofi
• Annan, peacebuilding is the various concurrent and integrated
actions undertaken at the end of a conflict to consolidate
And prevent a recurrence of armed confrontation.

John Paul Lederach developed a peace-building framework

based on an understanding of peace-building that centers on
sustainable reconciliation with societies.
History of Peacebuilding
• As world war II ended in the mid- 1940s, international initiatives such
as the establishment of the Bretton woods institutions and the
marshall plan consisted of long-term conflict intervention programs in
Europe through which the united state and it’s illies to rebuild
the continent fallowing world war II destruction.

• Johan Galtung a Norwegian sociologist, created the

term “peacebuilding” in 1975.
Element of peace-building
• The component of peacebuilding might change based on the unique
Requirement and environment of a particular circumstance.
▪ The fallowing are some typical components.
❑ Issue Resolution: this includes actions like resolving
Disagreements, encouraging communication, encouraging
parties to the issue reconcile.
❑ Security sector reform: this includes the reorganization of security
Organization like the military and police as well as initiatives
Like disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration of
❑Institution-building: this refers to the process involved in creating
responsible and democratic institution, such as the legal system
And the police department, which are necessary for a democracy
To operate.
❑Economic and Social development: this includes takes like restoring
The nation’s infrastructure, fostering economic growth and offering
Essential like healthcare and education, and promoting social
And economic stability.
❑Human rights And the rule of law: this covers initiatives like
defending citizen and advancing human rights, to create a legislative
Framework to uphold the rule of law. It is necessary to uphold justice
Accountability and respect for human right.
❑Government and Democracy: this include initiatives like supporting
Democratic procedures like elections and advocating for effective
Government. Encouraging more public engagement, accountability, and
Transparency, as well as fostering confidence between the people and
the government.
❑ Gender mainstreaming: this refers to actions like addressing gender-
based violence, encouraging women to participate in peace-building
Initiatives, and making sure that the needs and viewpoints of both
Men and women are taken into account in all peacebuilding endeavors.
❑ Trauma healing and recognition: this includes actions like
psychiatric assistance, attending to the material and social
requirement of war victims, and encouraging forgiveness.
Importance of Peace Building
➢Resolving the underlying political: economic, social, and cultural
issues that lead to the start and intensification of conflict is the goal
of peacebuilding
➢Encouraging stability and security: by lowering tension, fostering
a more secure atmosphere, and lowering the likelihood of violence,
Peacebuilding can encourage stability and security, it promoting
Human rights, the rule of law and decent government.
➢Promoting economic growth: reconstruction, and the provision of
essential services like healthcare and education are always that
peacebuilding may help advance social and economic development
➢Promoting the rule of law and human rights: peacebuilding may
advance these goals by defending the rights of civilians, encouraging
Accountability and justice, and making sure that the laws are in line
With these principles
➢Promoting women’s involvement in peace-building initiatives,
addressing gender-based violence, and making sure that the needs
and viewpoints of both men and women are taken into account in
all peacebuilding initiatives are some ways the peacebuilding
may enhance ganderequality.
➢ Healing and reconciliation: peacebuilding may support forgiveness
And reconciliation amongst communities as well as aid in the healing
Of the conflict’s deep psychological scars

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