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Parque Nacional Yasuní

Extension: 1022736 hectares
Year of creation: 1979
Altitudinal Range: 190 - 400
Yasuní, the largest protected area in continental Ecuador, protects impressive biodiversity
in the heart of the Amazonian tropical humid forest and protects part of the territory of the
Waorani nationality. In Yasuní, surprising biodiversity figures have been reported for various
groups of flora and fauna, never before recorded in any protected area.
Here we find hundreds of species of trees, wide rivers that overflow with torrential rains and
large animals such as the jaguar, the anaconda and the harpy eagle.
We also find very small beings, such as the lion or pocket monkey, the smallest primate in
the world, and a great variety of reptiles and amphibians that place this park among the
most biodiverse in the world.
The human side of Yasuní is also full of surprises. The Tagaeri and Taromenane, Indigenous
Peoples in Voluntary Isolation, live within the park. To protect them and the biodiversity of
the Yasuní, the Tagaeri-Taromenane Intangible Zone was created in 1999. The Yasuní
National Park, the Intangible Zone and the adjacent Waorani territory were declared a
Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1989.í

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