Ayontika Biswas

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I hereby declare that the project work entitled “Abol Tabol as a socio-political
satire”submitted to the Sarojini Naidu College for Women , is a record of an
original work done by me under the guidance of Dr.Mousumi Basu,PG Dept Of
English, Sarojini Naidu College for Women ,and this project work is submitted in
the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
Master’s in English.The results embodied in this thesis have not been submitted
to any other University or Institute for the award of any degree or diploma.
Annexure- V


Name of Department : English

Name of Programme: M.A. in English

This is to certify that the M.A. dissertation entitled

… Abol-Tabol as a socio-political satire………..…

submitted to Sarojini Naidu College for Women, Kolkata, in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of
Arts in English, is a record of original work done by………Ayontika

Biswas………………………….… (Roll. no.…..

9234…………) under my supervision and that the dissertation has not
formed before the basis for the award of any degree / diploma / associate-
ship / fellowship or any other similar titles. The final version of the
dissertation is being submitted for further evaluation.

Signature of the Supervisor:

Signature of the Student

Place: Kolkata

Date:17th aug 2022.

NAME - Ayontika Biswas,


P.G English (4th SEM),9234,









I would like to show my gratitude to my supervisor,Dr. Mousumi Bosu,whose

encouragement, guidance and support throughout has made possible the preparation of this

term paper.


Keywords: Socio-political ,absurdity, governmental rules, children’s literature.

The paper proposes to explore the socio-political satire in selected verses of Sukumar Ray's

"Abol Tabol"(English translation by Sukanta Chaudhari).

I would like to analyse four poems from this perspective .The poems are-

"Hotchpotch"(khichuri), "The rule of Twenty-one",(Ekushe Ain), "Snakes alive" (Baburam

Sapure), "A marriage is Announced"(Satpatro).

I want to analyse the above mentioned four poems from "Abol Tabol" the book meant

primarily for children, through the perspective of an adult and to focus on the aspect of

socio-political satire in them . "Abol Tabol"is a very essential part of Bengali children’s

literature. Children's literature is a branch of literature that helps in the development of the

child’s mind and imagination.. It can take the child away from the drabness of everyday life

to the imaginary dream world. The child's ethical values are also formulated by exposure to

good literature.

This research paper however hopes to throw light on an aspect of "Abol Tabol" which so far

remains little plumbed . I intend to bring to the notice of the readers that the poems can be

read from an adult point of view as a hit at the poet's contemporary society presented under

the guise of the whimsical imagining of a child. The poems in “Abol Tabol” are considered

as nonsensical verse . They open up a nonsensical world of absurdity as well as

entertainment. It is continually balance between sense and nonsense .Ray's technique of

making the impossible things believable gives us intense amusement.


‘Nonsense literature’ primarily depends on linguistic component. The word ‘nonsense’ itself

means lack of ‘sense’ but it also incorporates many more ideas. All those ideas are very

positive . With the word ‘sense’ we associate society, hierarchy, soldiarity, system and

structure etc. The word ‘nonsense’ itself suggests negation of all things sensible .We can

explore the meaning of ‘nonsense’ through these poems of Sukumar Ray .The poet uses the

word ‘nonsense’ to denote ‘anarchy’ in the society.’ Nonsense’ does not only mean lack or

denunciation of sense . These absurdity that ‘Abol Tabol’ deals in actually highlights the

absurdities in social and political fields . Ray through these poems actually challenges the

structure, system, hierarchy of the contemporary society. If we relate” Abol Tabol” to

"Waiting for Godot" ,we can understand the "absurdist" approach . The function of

‘absurdity’ here is to look for meaning in life .The wordplay or riddle has a great role in

these poems. These poems are also ,to some extent, philosophical in thoughts .Therefore,

Nonsense talks about meta-sense. It challenges the very existence but not destroys the

existence .It actually challenges logic. ‘Nonsene’is used as a weapon against

institutionalism , because it throws a challenge against the social norms . In these verses we

find satire, social commentary ,deep philosophical out look ,political commentary , even


If we really probe into this issue of satirization then we can figure out the possibility of

looking at “Abol Tabol” from different perspective. The purpose of my term paper is to

follow these individual and socio-political satiric traits in the above mentioned poems.


“Abol Tabol” is composed by Sukumar Ray during the period from 1915 to 1923.

Sukumar Ray (1887-1923) was an Indian laureate poet and writer. He was famous for

his children's literature “Abol Tabol” .Being the son of Upendrakishore Ray

Chowdhury he inherited a rich literary tradition which he passed on to his son Satyajit

Ray. Sukumar Ray wrote for the children’s magazine named “Sandesh” .He was a

pioneer of children's literature .In” Abol Tabol” the poet create a pun-riddled poetry

where we the readers get acquainted with the nonsense world. The poet hides under the

sugar coating of nonsense a very harsh reality . He wants to expose the society by

using puns ,and satiric digs ,mock up on the system of the government and or the rulers

of that time .The fantasy world of “Abol Tabol” is entertaining to the children ,but

thought provoking to the adults.

The English term 'satire' owes its origin to Latin 'satura' ; infact the credit of making

satire a separate genre of literature goes to the Romans.Satire in literature is used

generally to criticize the flaws and corruption in people, society and government for

battlement.There are three major types of satire named after famous Roman

satirists.Horatian satire ,named after Horace,is witty, clever, tolerant with a hight

mocking tone that comments on human nature and it's follies. Juvenalian satire, named

after Juvenal is aggressive,harsh, sarcastic that targets religion, politics, governance etc.

Menippean satire,named after Menippus is attacking and stinging in tone targeting

individual human vices, psychology and ideas.Then there are modern hybridization of

different styles of satire.Sukumar Ray has made use of all these varieties of satire in

different poems of "Abol Tabol".


I want to analyse the above mentioned four poems from "Abol Tabol" through the

perspective of on adult and to focus on the aspect of socio-political satire in them. If we go

through the poem “A marriage is announced” ,we can definitely understand that the poem is

humorously subversive .When we go through a comprehensive study of “Snakes Alive” we

can relate to the political outlook and pun-riddled mockery of the poet .Even in the poem

“Hotchpotch”, the poet communicates the idea that the society is full of masked people and

how hypocrites hide themselves behind the disguise of innocence. Another poem“The rule of

twenty one” (1922),gives detailed examples of bizarre laws including one for the arrest of the

poets. Coincidentally the rebel poet Kazi Nazrul Islam was arrested within a month of the

publication of “Ekushe Ain” Or “The Rule of twentry one”.

A marriage is announced (Satpatro)

Sukumar Ray pokes fun at the conventional criteria for the groom in arranged marriages .It

shows that arranged marriage gives more importance to ancestral lineage than the groom

himself. The groom might be illiterate, poor of health , jobless, of ungainly appearance ,but

he is considered to be a desirable groom in the marriage market if he belongs to a well-

known lineage.

If we make a deeper study of "A marriage is announced" or "Satpatro" we shall find that the

poem falls in the category of social satire. It seems to be replete with apparently innocent

expressions of sarcasm.

We know that" satire" is a powerful tool of a writer. Ray also uses this important instrument

to comment on social situation and social norms. Having the features of a dramatic

monologue the poem "A marriage is announced", presents a speaker who brings detailed

information from a place called Posta about the prospective groom and overwhelms the

father of the marriageable daughter with loads of scoop in a socio-comic way.


" So let me tell you what I can .

Dear Gangaram's a comely youth -

A shade too dark,to tell the truth-"

"His scholarly accreditations?

You must admire the young man's patience.

He tried full nineteen times to get

His Junior School Certificate." ( chaudhuri,sukanta,the select nonsense of sukukumar ray,p-

5,lines between 4-12)

The speaker seems to be very much worried about the wedding of the listener’s daughter

and her future .He is actually presenting himself as a well-wisher . That is why the speaker in

an ironical way points out the flaws of the prospective groom. Here Sukumar Ray comments

on the social practice of judging people by their outer appearance .In this poem Gangaram is

objectified by the speaker by his looks ,his education, his background and habits. Sukumar

Ray uses Menippean satire in most of the lines of the poem.The line 'A shade too dark' points

out the social prejudice against dark complexion.The lines about his educational qualification

are full of irony. While praising Gangaram's perseverance the speaker does not fail to point

out the disastrous failures of Gangaram. This "double -edged" remarks naturally confuse the

responsible father.

"The wolf's for ever at their door.

His brothers are a precious lot,

For one's a freak and one's a sot,


And one assume the noble mission

Of forging notes, and went to Prison."( chaudhuri,sukanta A marriage is announced ,p-

5,lines between14- 20)

The satire in these lines in nearly Juvenalian . They are harshly sarcastic.

Again the following lines are gently mocking in the style of the Horatian satire.

"Poor Gangaram's for ever ailing

With jaundice and a kidney failing.

But still, they're of a noble breed:

The Grand panjandrum's direct seed,

And Lahiri of Banagram

Is cousin now ,to Gangaram .”( chaudhuri,sukanta A marriage is announced ,p-5,lines


The speaker talks of Gangaram’s chronic diseases. By the time the poem is about breed ,

look wise, education wise, health wise, sibling status wise Gangaram is established as the

most rejectable candidate as a groom. The apparent redeeming feature is his filmsy

connection with royalty. His family is linked to "the Grand panjandrum" in Sukanta

Chaudhari's translation .In Sukumar Ray's ‘Satpatro’ Gangaram’s lineage is linked with both

"Kangsoraj "and ‘ Ravana’. In Indian mythology 'Ravana' was the king of the demons and

‘Kangsaraj’was a tyrant.

"So now you've got it cut and dried-


A worthy match for such a bride!" ( chaudhuri,sukanta A marriage is announced ,p-5,lines


In the last two lines the speaker shows hisapparently well meaning but callous mentality. The

way Ray picturizes the groom Gangaram , shows that the speaker is either hearing the false

mask of goodness as a well meaning friend or concocting stories to confuse the father of the

bride.The whole poem is overall a critique on the marriage-market and position of women.

Hotchpotch (Khichuri)

Sukanta Chaudhari's " Hotch-Potch" is a translation of Sukumar Ray's "Khichuri" .This

poem is a political and social satire. We find in the poem an imaginary dream world where

animals and birds hybridize and make omnium-gatherum or "Hotchpotch". Through this

imaginative creation Ray amalgamates some characteristics of different species of animals

and assimilates them in a humorous way.

The poet befuddles the readers by taking them away from the monotonous uninteresting

life into the imaginary dream world .This dream land is furnished with strange creatures or

animals such as,”Porcochard”(Hanshjaru),”Storkoise”(Bokocchop),”Whalephant”(Hatimi),

and so on .

Though this nonsense verse seems absurd and meaningless on the outer level and rouses

simple laughter in children yet the poet actually mocks the ways of the circumscribed

society . In the very first line of this poem the poet grabs the readers' attention by justifying

the absurdity of his idea by expression "defying the grammarians”( Bakaron manina) as if he

doesn't follow the conventional grammar.His imaginary creation like ‘pocochard’,

‘Storkoise’, ‘Whalephant’,’parakizard’ etc do not of either is linguistics or biology. They


reflect the poet’s non-conformity to socio-economic norms. Ray's humorous subversion is

stunningly witty.

In the English translation of the poem ‘Khichuri’ we find such hybridized animals like

‘porcochard’(pochard+porcupine),’storkoise’(stork+tortoise) ,the

‘Whalephant’(whale+elephant), the ‘Parakizard’ (parakeet+lizard),the

‘Liontelope’(lion+antelope).Such whimsical and humorous compounds are definitely

entertaining for children .But to an adult it may appearent. The poet is actually mocking

different aspect of the contemporary society."Hotchpotch's "intricacies seem to amplify its

social and political satiric seriousness. The main intention of this poem is to expose the

shrewd opportunists, who try to benefit from the innocence and simplicity of others.

For instance,

"The very goat began to feel impatient of its state:

It leapt upon a scorpion's back ,and grew incorporate."( chaudhuri,sukanta Hotchpotch,p-

1,lines between 7-8)

Goat is a symbol of stupidity .In Bengali language, a goats intelligence is often compared to

that of foolish person . But Ray purposely joins the goat with the scorpion.Sukumar Ray's

linguistics eccentricities and playing with words absolutely amplifies the sense of humour .

Ray's humorous subversion is reflected in this line _"chagoler Pete chilo na Jani Ki fondi".

Here, we all know a ‘ scorpion’ symbolises evil, pain, destruction, and shrewdness.So, it is

clear that the Goat will be driven by the Scorpion .The poet emphasizes the fact that in the

society simpletons are taken advantage of by those who are shrewd.

"A pochard and a porcupine , defying the grammarians,


Combined to form a porcochard, unmindful of their variance." ."( chaudhuri,sukanta

Hotchpotch,p-1,lines between 1-2)

A 'Porcochard" is totally a whimsical creation, whose absurdity is a marvel to children, but

it bears a deeper from the perspective of an analytical adult mind.. A porcupine ,is an exotic

animal having fork, which is a symbol of strength . It symbolises _power , fearlessness,

strength , vitality .On the other hand a common duck seems unimpressive, and

unremarkable. It symbolises, simplicity ,tenderness and timidity. The poet seems to criticize

the aggressiveness of porcupine like people in society and the excessive timidaus of the

opposite kind. Through the amalgamation of these two animals he intends tostrike a

balance.The sense such balance is stuck by combining stork and tortoise

"Storkoise" (Bokkochop ),here a stork asked to a tortoise by saying _

"A stork upon a tortoise grew,exclaimimg’What a hoot!

A very handsome storkoise ,now , we jointly constitute." .( chaudhuri,sukanta Hotchpotch,p-

1,lines between 3-4)

A stork flies in the sky and sees many things from above and forms a bird's eye view of

things.But a tortoise is too down to earth and sticks to the ground with no inquisitiveness and

imagination.The poet comments on the excess of either and suggests a beneficial

mixture.Similarly in 'parakizard' the poet criticizes the quarrel of different sects over food

habbit , whether to go vegetarian or non vegetarian. The hybrid of elegant and whale

comments on the joining of hands of powerful people of the society where the status of the

poor remains unchanged. On the other hand the hybridization of the predator lion and the

hunted antetore critiques the fake alliance between the strong and weak on the basis of

temporary convenience.

The Rule Of Twenty One (Ekushe Ain )

The renowned expert of children's literature Sukumar Ray has used in his poem "Ekushe Ain"

(Sukanta Chaudhuri’s The Rule Of Twenty One ), colloquial language of Bengal ,puns, and

good natured satire on the political and social circumstances. It is said in the poem that

bizarre act has been imposed in the land.This insensible new law has made a hell of people’s

life.It is mentioned in the poem that whoever composes poems is put behind the law. In the

same month of the publication of ‘Ekushe Ain’ the rebel poet Kazi Nazrul Islam was actually

arrested for his magazine “Jugabani ",and "Dhumketu" The law of the British to oppress and

suppress the subjects of India is lampooned in Ray's poem “Ekushe Ain” in 1922. The

absurdity of the crime and punishment is food for laughter for children. But the poet here is

actually draws our attention to the socio-political condition of the land,torn by internal

conflict, sectarianism, brutal tortureon people by the police in the name of maintaining law

and order Sukumar Ray has portrayed the picture of traumatized society through the poem

“Ekushe Ain” Or “The Rule Of Twenty One”.. According to Indian mythology Lord Shiva is

omniscient and just. He cannot put up with inequity, unfairness or injustice. But in the land of

his worshippers everything is in topsy turvy.In Sukanta Chaudhuri’s translation the hints go

like this:

"In Lord Shiva's native land

The laws are hard to understand.

If you trip and come a cropper,

You're collared by the nearest copper,

The magistrate upon you seize


And fine you twenty-one rupees." .( chaudhuri,sukanta The Rule Of Twenty One,p-18,lines

between 1-6)

Here in these lines the poet is describing the hollowness of strict governance, to Lord Shiva.

Ray's poem claims that ,laws and rules or"Ain kanun" have become ‘ dangerous’ or

‘Sorboneshe’ The time of composition of the poem is was the time of British imperialism in

India .The Indian kings are shown as mere the puppets in the hands of the British ruler. The

common people can only save their lives by giving taxes and fines.

"You also need a special lease

Till six o'clock to cough or sneeze,

And those who sneeze without permission

Are thrashed in gentle admonition,

And twenty one compelling doses

Of snuff rammed up their streaming noses." .( chaudhuri,sukanta The Rule Of Twenty One,p-

18,lines between 7-12)

The very ludicrousness of the crimes and punishments accendents the major sharp

criticism.The act of sneezing needs permission of the ruler, otherwise the culprits nose is

stuffed with snuff. Growing beard is a crime that can be forgiven by payment of extremely

high rule of tax.The punishment for composing verses is ironically most prosaic like getting

the multiplication chert by heart or working on the book of accounts. Whatever be the case

everything leads to plight of common people and fillingup of the British coffer.

Snakes Alive (Baburam Sapure)

The poem by Ray “Baburam Sapure” , written in 1921,relates the strange saga of a man who

wants to demonstrate his courage by beating up snakes that do not move ,bite or run ,and is

feed on milk and bread .The poem seems to poke fun at the spinelessness of the followers of

the non-violent movement in India’s struggle for freedom . The man ask for a serpent of

Baburam the snake charmer..He is looking for a snake which is described elaboratly in this


"They mustn't have claws.

Or nails,or jaws.

Not run nor fight.

Nor ever bite :" ( chaudhuri,sukanta Snakes Alive,p-14,lines between 5-8)

Probably the speaker is addressing the spinelessness of the non-violent nationalists.As,

people endure all the injustice of the British Government without rancour and fighting it is

easy for the rulers to govern such subjects. The common people are compared to the snakes

who are expected by the rulers not to move, fight ,bite or run .Even they do not make

demand for their basic needs. They do not have a voice to complain either, as the poet says:

"To lunge or hiss

Would be most remiss.

I'd keep them fed

On milk and bread." (chaudhuri,sukanta Snakes Alive,p-14,lines between 9-12)


If the snakes (common people) can live without fuss ,only then they can be fed by the

authority. The irony is very much clear throughout .

The last 4 lines of the poem " Snakes alive" are very much significant. The pathetic political

and social scenario of the contemporary society is picturized by the poet in a very skillful

way. The brutal mentality of the government is exposed in the last two lines of the poem,

"If you get me a pair

Of serpents so rare,

With my cudgel bold

I'd soon knock them cold". chaudhuri,sukanta Snakes Alive,p-14,lines between 13-16)

It is too easy for the rulers to baton down such docile snakes(people of India) into

submission. He was making fun at the spinelessness of Gandhian movement. The poem is a

very good instance of suavely ironical Horatian satiric style that enables the poet to criticize

humorously the non-violent ideology of India’s struggle for freedom from the British rule.

Conclusion : This research paper hopes to throw light on this area of socio-political which

so far remains unplumbed. I intend to bring to the notice of the readers that the poems can be

read as a hit at the poet's contemporary society presented under the guise of the whimsical

imagining of a child.

• "Aesthetics of Nonsense in Abol Tabol by" Deepanjali Sharma explores the

interpretation of "Rasa" and the definition of "nonsense" .

• "Finding sense behind Nonsense in Select poems of Sukumar Ray "by Rima

Chakrabarty illustrates and defines the term "Nonsense ".


• Poushali Bhadury ,"Fantastic beasts and how to sketch them : The fabulous bestiary

of Sukumar Ray "(11-38).This paper analyses the imaginary beast . According to her

the poet's own exploration of hybridity is often characterized through his imaginary


So far as I have read the critical works on "Abol Tabol ".I have found that none of

them has focused particularly on the socio-political satiric aspect of some of the poems in

the book .Though some scholars have pointed out the element of mockery in them but none

of them has worked on the socio-political aspects. Though Poushali Bhaduri has pointed out

"a problematic hybridity "(p-18), which, to some extent ,correlates to the social and political

background, yet she has not elaborated on how Ray pokes fun at the authority. So, I hope,

that my perspective of analysing the poems may add some unique facts to the poems.

Works cited

1.Primary Text : Abol Tabol by Sukumar Ray , Hindusthan Art Engraving Co primary

Limited 24, Dr.Kartik Bose Street ,Kol-700009.

2.Secondary text :The Select Nonsense of Sukumar Ray

Sukanta (tr) Chaudhuri and sukumAr rAy

Chaudhuri, Sukanta (tr); sukumAr rAy; Satyajit Ray (intro);

The Select Nonsense of Sukumar Ray (Abol tAbol and ha-ja-ba-ra-la)

Oxford University Press, 1987, 62 pages

ISBN 019563039.

3.Bhadury, Poushali. “Fantastic Beasts and How to Sketch Them: The Fabulous Bestiary of

Sukumar Ray.” South Asian Review, vol. 34, No. 1,pp.11-38. Academia.


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4.Ray, Sukumar . Abol Tabo : The Nonsense World Of Sukumar Ray. Translated by


Chaterji. India: Puffin classics, 2008.

5.CHATTARJI, SAMPURNA. 2004. Wordygurdyboom!(Abol Tabol).

The Nonsense World of Sukumar Ray. Gurugram: Penguin

Random House India.


6.CHAUDHURI, SUKANTA. 1987. The Select Nonsense of Sukumar

Ray. New Delhi: OUP.

7. Mukherjee,Ashmita,2021,'To Laugh or not to laugh : An Analysis of Humour in Sukumar

Ray's Abol Tabol" (1-14).

8. Bhadury,Poushali,2013,"Fantastic beasts and how to sketch them :The fabulous bestiary of

Sukumar Ray ",South Asian Review 34(1) ,11-38

9. Chakraborty,Rima,2016,"Finding Sense Behind Nonsense in Select poems of Sukumar


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