English in Action

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Activity 1: Complete


……… ………

Proper Name Proper Name

Country Country

Food Food

Department Department

Past Participle Past Participle

Brand Brand

Animal Animal

Language Language

Currency Currency

Parts of speech Parts of speech

Activity 2: Find words or expression related to Education

Marco-polo LOKO-H 66996607

Activity 3: Your last word is first word

TEAM A I am in one of the TEAMS.

TEAM B TEAMS A and B are counting on you and I.

TEAM A I’ll give another sentence and you start with the last word I SAY

TEAM B SAY your last word then, I am ready to FOLLOW.

TEAM A FOLLOW my lead and say something GOOD.

TEAM B GOOD answers give you more CONFIDENCE.

Activity 4: Your last word is first word

Find the place to which these sets of words are related to

1- trolley, aisle, counter, baskets, products

2- gallery, paintings, visitors, art, spot, historical objects
3- field, fans, lawn, referee, games, teams
4- shelves, items, shopkeeper, buyers
5- leisure centre, museum, market, stadium, shopping centre,
6- sellers, packages, products, shelves, open space
7- preaching, mass, followers, chapters, law
8- grass, coal pot, wood fire, lake, old building
9- game, players, machines, playground, guides, tickets
10- water, seats, towels, sunshade, pool
11- rooms, old blocks, paintings, servers, expensive objects

Activity 5: QUICK QUIZ ( verbs, synonyms, opposits, …)

- ………………………………
- ………………………………

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Activity 1: ABC

Activity 2: Numbers

123456789 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Activity 3: Tongue twisters

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?

If you understand, say understand. If you don’t understand, say don’t understand. But if you
understand and say that you understand, how will I understand that you don’t understand.

If you write a copy, you have the right to copyright the copy you write.

I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish. But if you wish the witch wishes,
I won’t wish to wish the wish you wish to wish.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible

English Is Hard But Can Be understood Through Tough Thorough Thought, Though

Activity 4 : Singing in a karoke

Count, count, count with me. Preposition, it’s your ambition

Count with me from One to twenty. To tell me, tell me, tell me
Exactly my position

Activity 5 : TOPICS

1 Introduce yourself as a student: Names, date of birth, address, hobbies, profession (school,
level in English, year of study, department)

2 Indicate the way going from …………………… to …………………..

3 Introduce a company : name, address, services

4 Compare two companies, two products or two services. Which is better, and why? Which one
gets disadvantages, and why?

5 What is your field ? Why should a learner opt for it?

Marco-polo LOKO-H 66996607


Activity 1 : Searching words in dictionary

Activity 2 : Spelling words and figures

Activity 3 : Find the words or the numbers

Activity 4 : ROLEPLAYING

Hi, may I take your order ? Hi, may I take your order ?
Yes, I’d like a hamburger, French fries and a Yes, I’d like two cheese burgers.
coke. Anything else ?
Anything else ? Yes, two large cokes, please..
No, thank you. That’s it. OK. For here or to go ?
OK. For here or to go ? To go, please.
For here, please.

Activity 5 : Riddles

What goes up and down stairs without moving?

Give it food and it will live; give it water and it will die
The one who uses it doesn’t see it. What is it?
I am a letter and I am an animal. What am I?
What goes around the world and stays in a corner?
The more there is, the less you see.
Take off my skin, I won't cry, but you will. What am I?
What can go up and come down without moving?
You answer me, although I never ask you questions. What am I?
What do you fill with empty hands?
I am a letter and I contain a lot of salt. What am I?
What goes up and never comes down?
What has to be broken before it can be used?

Marco-polo LOKO-H 66996607


Activity 1 : Write the words based on the spelling

Activity 2 : Listen to the audio files and writes the sentences

Activity 3 : Write the words based on the spelling

Activity 4 : Fill the gaps

Activity 5 : Listen and provide information in the table

Name of the activity

Who can participate to the club


What day does the activity club


When in a day does the activity

club hold?

What should people bring next


How much do people pay to

participate in the activity club?

What is the phone number one can


PIGIER ENGLISH CLUB is a program organized by the Pigier Benin to match the new
English Learning Methods. It allows our learners to practice their Speaking, reading and
listening skills through activities such as: Words Games, Riddles, Songs, Poems, Tongue
Twister, Speech, Story Telling and Sketch. It also helps them to foster Cross-cultural and
Global understanding through English Language.

Marco-polo LOKO-H 66996607

Marco-polo LOKO-H 66996607

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